950 research outputs found

    BeppoSAX observations of XTE J1946+274

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    We report on the BeppoSAX monitoring of a giant outburst of the transient X-ray pulsar XTE J1946+274 in 1998. The source was detected with a flux of ~ 4 x 10^(-9) erg cm^(-2) s^(-1) (in 0.1 - 120 keV range). The broadband spectrum, typical for accreting pulsars, is well described by a cutoff power law with a cyclotron resonance scattering feature (CRSF) at ~ 38 keV. This value is consistent with earlier reports based on the observations with Suzaku at factor of ten lower luminosity, which implies that the feature is formed close to the neutron star surface rather than in the accretion column. Pulsations with P ~ 15.82 s were observed up to ~ 70 keV. The pulse profile strongly depends on energy and is characterised by a "soft" and a "hard" peaks shifted by half period, which suggests a strong phase dependence of the spectrum, and that two components with roughly orthogonal beam patterns are responsible for the observed pulse shape. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the CRSF, despite its relatively high energy, is only detected in the spectrum of the soft peak of the pulse profile. Along with the absence of correlation of the line energy with luminosity, this could be explained in the framework of the recently proposed "reflection" model for CRSF formation. However more detailed modelling of both line and continuum formation are required to confirm this interpretation

    Spatial-temporal redistribution of point defects in three-layer stressed nanoheterosystems within the framework of self-assembled deformation-diffusion model

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    The model of spatial-temporal distribution of point defects in a three-layer stressed nanoheterosystem GaAs/Inx_xGa1x_{1 - x}As/GaAs considering the self-assembled deformation-diffusion interaction is constructed. Within the framework of this model, the profile of spatial-temporal distribution of vacancies (interstitial atoms) in the stressed nanoheterosystem GaAs/Inx_xGa1x_{1 - x}As/GaAs is calculated. It is shown that in the case of a stationary state (t>5τd(2)t > 5\tau _d^{(2)}), the concentration of vacancies in the inhomogeneously compressed interlayer is smaller relative to the initial average value Nd0(2)N_{d0}^{(2)} by 16%Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    The hard X-ray emission of X Per

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    We present an analysis of the spectral properties of the peculiar X-ray pulsar X Per based on INTEGRAL observations. We show that the source exhibits an unusually hard spectrum and is confidently detected by ISGRI up to more than 100 keV. We find that two distinct components may be identified in the broadband 4-200 keV spectrum of the source. We interpret these components as the result of thermal and bulk Comptonization in the vicinity of the neutron star and describe them with several semi-phenomenological models. The previously reported absorption feature at ~30 keV is not required in the proposed scenario and therefore its physical interpretation must be taken with caution. We also investigated the timing properties of the source in the framework of existing torque theory, concluding that the observed phenomenology can be consistently explained if the magnetic field of the neutron star is ~10^14 G.Comment: Published as a letter in A&A; 4 pages, 2 figure

    Effects of Gravitational Lensing in the Double Pulsar System J0737-3039

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    We investigate the effects of gravitational lensing in the binary pulsar system J0737-3039. Current measurement of the orbital inclination allows the millisecond pulsar (A) to pass very close (at R_{min}=4000 km) in projection to the companion pulsar (B), with R_{min} comparable to the Einstein radius (2600 km). For this separation at the conjunction, lensing causes small (about 10%) magnification of the pulsar A signal on a timescale of several seconds, and displaces the pulsar image on the sky plane by about 1200 km. More importantly, lensing introduces a correction (of several microsec) to the conventional Shapiro delay formula used in pulsar timing analysis, and gives rise to a geometric time delay together with the delays associated with the pulsar spin period. These lensing effects can influence the determination of the system parameters by both timing and scintillation studies. Given the current uncertainty in the orbital inclination, more extreme manifestations of lensing (e.g. magnification by a factor of several) are possible. We compare our predictions with the existing observations and discuss the possibility of detecting gravitational lensing signatures in the system. The anomalously high point in A's lightcurve close to superior conjunction might be caused by gravitational lensing.Comment: Minor changes. ApJ Letters, in pres

    BeppoSAX observations of GRO J1744-28: Cyclotron line detection and the softening of the burst spectra

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. We present an analysis of BeppoSAX observations of the unique transient bursting X-ray pulsar GRO J1744-28. The observations took place in 1997 March during the decay phase of the outburst. We find that the persistent broad-band X-ray continuum of the source is consistent with a cutoff power law typical for the accreting pulsars. We also detect the fluorescence iron line at 6.7 keV and an absorption feature at ~4.5 keV, which we interpret as a cyclotron line. The corresponding magnetic field strength in the line-forming region is ~3.7(1 + z) × 1011 G. Neither line is detected in the spectra of the bursts. However, an additional soft thermal component with kT ~ 2 keV was required to describe the burst spectrum. We briefly discuss the nature of this component and argue that among other possibilities it might be connected with thermonuclear flashes at the neutron star surface which accompany the accretion-powered bursts in the source

    Психологический отбор в игровых видах спорта на примере баскетбола

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    For the first time, an integrated approach based on the assessment of the technical and tactical skills of basketball players in combination with the psychological selection was used for selectionthe candidates for the Ukrainian cadet team. From the 144 athletes, who participated in the Ukrainian Championship, 36 players were selected based on the level of technical and tactical skills. According to the results of the psychological tests main characteristics of basketball players were defended and recommendations for coaches were given. As a result, 18 players, who were selected using psychological methods, had better technical and tactical mastery. They took part in the training process for preparation for the main competitions of the year (European Championship).Вперше застосовано комплексний підхід на основі оцінки техніко-тактичної мастерності баскетболістів в поєднанні з психологічним відбором кандидатів у кадетську збірну команду України для проведення навчально-тренувальних зборів. Зі 144 спортсменів, які брали участь у чемпіонаті України, відібрано 36 гравців по результатам визначення рівня техніко-тактичної майстерності. За підсумками проведених досліджень по вивченню психологічних характеристик баскетболістів відібрано 18 гравців для проведення навчально-тренувального процесу по підготовці до головних змагань року (чемпіонату Європи).Впервые был применен комплексный подход на основе оценки технико-тактического мастерства баскетболистов в сочетании с психологическим отбором кандидатов в кадетскую сборную Украины для проведения учебно-тренировочных сборов. Из 144 спортсменов, которые участвовали в чемпионате Украины, отобрано 36 игроков по результатам определения уровня технико-тактического мастерства. По итогам проведенных исследований по изучению психологических характеристик баскетболистов отобрано 18 игроков для проведения учебно-тренировочного процесса по подготовке к главным соревнованиям года (чемпионату Европы)

    The educational standards of the third generation and teaching educational discipline "Concepts of modern natural science"

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    В данной работе рассматриваются место и роль вспомогательных учебных дисциплин в современной концепции образования. Рассказывается об особенностях преподавания учебной дисциплины «Концепции современного естествознания».This paper discusses the place and role of auxiliary educational disciplines in modern concepts of education. Talks about the teaching of the discipline "Concepts of modern natural science"

    On implementation of polymeric watering at oil deposits of Ukraine

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    The article considers the opportunity of polymer watering introduction in the Bugruvativske oil field. The analysis reports on an influence of temperature, water composition and mechanical degradation over the thickening ability of the polymer solution are given. The optimum polymer in solution and the amount of fringe polymer solution for effective displacement of residual oil was selected

    Photometric AGN reverberation mapping - an efficient tool for BLR sizes, black hole masses and host-subtracted AGN luminosities

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    Photometric reverberation mapping employs a wide bandpass to measure the AGN continuum variations and a suitable band, usually a narrow band (NB), to trace the echo of an emission line in the broad line region (BLR). The narrow band catches both the emission line and the underlying continuum, and one needs to extract the pure emission line light curve. We performed a test on two local AGNs, PG0003+199 (=Mrk335) and Ark120, observing well-sampled broad- (B, V) and narrow-band light curves with the robotic 15cm telescope VYSOS-6 on Cerro Armazones, Chile. In PG0003+199, H_alpha dominates the flux in the NB by 85%, allowing us to measure the time lag of H_alpha against B without the need to correct for the continuum contribution. In Ark120, H_beta contributes only 50% to the flux in the NB. The cross correlation of the B and NB light curves shows two distinct peaks of similar strength, one at lag zero from the autocorrelated continuum and one from the emission line at tau_cent = 47.5 +/- 3.4 days. We constructed a synthetic H_beta light curve, by subtracting a scaled V light curve, which traces the continuum, from the NB light curve. The cross correlation of this synthetic H_beta light curve with the B light curve shows only one major peak at tau_cent = 48.0 +/- 3.3 days, while the peak from the autocorrelated continuum at lag zero is absent. We conclude that, as long as the emission line contributes at least 50% to the bandpass, the pure emission line light curve can be reconstructed from photometric monitoring data so that the time lag can be measured. For both objects the lags we find are consistent with spectroscopic reverberation results. While the dense sampling (median 2 days) enables us to determine tau_cent with small (10%) formal errors, we caution that gaps in the light curves may lead to much larger systematic uncertainties. (Abstract shortened, see the manuscript.)Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic