2,157 research outputs found

    Neural Networks with Recurrent Generative Feedback

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    Neural networks are vulnerable to input perturbations such as additive noise and adversarial attacks. In contrast, human perception is much more robust to such perturbations. The Bayesian brain hypothesis states that human brains use an internal generative model to update the posterior beliefs of the sensory input. This mechanism can be interpreted as a form of self-consistency between the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation of an internal generative model and the external environment. Inspired by such hypothesis, we enforce self-consistency in neural networks by incorporating generative recurrent feedback. We instantiate this design on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The proposed framework, termed Convolutional Neural Networks with Feedback (CNN-F), introduces a generative feedback with latent variables to existing CNN architectures, where consistent predictions are made through alternating MAP inference under a Bayesian framework. In the experiments, CNN-F shows considerably improved adversarial robustness over conventional feedforward CNNs on standard benchmarks.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Neural Networks with Recurrent Generative Feedback

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    Neural networks are vulnerable to input perturbations such as additive noise and adversarial attacks. In contrast, human perception is much more robust to such perturbations. The Bayesian brain hypothesis states that human brains use an internal generative model to update the posterior beliefs of the sensory input. This mechanism can be interpreted as a form of self-consistency between the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation of an internal generative model and the external environment. Inspired by such hypothesis, we enforce self-consistency in neural networks by incorporating generative recurrent feedback. We instantiate this design on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The proposed framework, termed Convolutional Neural Networks with Feedback (CNN-F), introduces a generative feedback with latent variables to existing CNN architectures, where consistent predictions are made through alternating MAP inference under a Bayesian framework. In the experiments, CNN-F shows considerably improved adversarial robustness over conventional feedforward CNNs on standard benchmarks

    Adaptation of leaf morphology of the Eurycoma longifolia Jack to different site conditions in the province of Thua Thien Hue, Central Vietnam

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    Leaf area and stomata are important parameters in studies of taxonomic classification since both parameters might reflect the plant adaptation mechanisms to different environmental conditions. This study analyzed Eurycoma longifolia Jack leaf traits in different ecological regions (moisture zone: A Luoi, Bach Ma, Nam Dong; dry zone: Phong Dien) and leaves of seedlings in the nursery. The study used scanners and Images to measure leaf area; imagej and the AxioVision SE64 softwares were used to evaluate stomatal density by separating the lower cuticle through a clear nail polish impression. Our results showed that the leaf area of mature trees from the dry zone is smaller (355.7 and 484.1 cm2/leaf), however, the stomata density is higher than that of the humid area (284.4 and 137.9 stomata/mm2). Under the same nursery conditions, the seedlings' leaf area was similar while seedlings' stomatal density, originated from the dry zone, was lower. Results indicate that the stomatal density changes as an adaptation to changing habitat conditions. This study gives indicates that E. longifolia is a tree species with high adaptability given the leaf morphology changes under a changing climate. Therefore, this tree species should be a priority for planting in order to increase biodiversity in different ecological regions.Đặc điểm diện tích lá và mật độ khí khổng là những thông số quan trọng trong các nghiên cứu phân loại học nhằm phản ánh cơ chế thích nghi của thực vật với điều kiện sống. Vì thế nghiên cứu này đã tiến hành phân tích các đặc điểm của lá cây Bách bệnh (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) từ các vùng khác nhau (A Lưới, Bạch Mã, Nam Đông: vùng ẩm và Phong Điền: vùng khô) và lá cây con của chúng ở vườn ươm. Nghiên cứu đã sử dụng máy quét và ImageJ để đo diện tích lá và phần mềm AxioVision SE64 và ImageJ để đánh giá mật độ khí khổng thông qua tách lớp biểu bì phía dưới lá qua lớp sơn mỏng Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, diện tích lá của cây trưởng thành từ vùng khô nhỏ hơn (355.7 and 484.1 cm2/leaf) nhưng mật độ khí khổng lại lớn hơn so với vùng ẩm (284.4 and 137.9 stomata/mm2). Tuy nhiên, cùng điều kiện sống ở vườn ươm, diện tích lá của cây con tương tự nhau trong khi mật độ khí khổng của cây con có nguồn gốc từ vùng khô lại thấp hơn. Kết quả này chỉ ra rằng sự thay đổi của mật độ khí khổng như là một sự thích nghi với thay đổi của điều kiện môi trường sống. Từ đó nghiên cứu này cho thấy cây Bách bệnh là một loài cây gỗ với khả năng thích nghi cao nhờ sự thay đổi về đặc điểm hình thái lá khi thay đổi khí hậu cho nên loài cây này nên được ưu tiên trong việc gây trồng nhằm tăng cường tính đa dạng cho các vùng sinh thái khác nhau

    Ethnic Minority Children’s Active Commuting to School and Association with Physical Activity and Pedestrian Safety Behaviors

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    Background: Children\u27s active commuting to school, i.e. walking or cycling to school, was associated with greater moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, although studies among ethnic minorities are sparse. Objectives: Among a low-income, ethnic minority sample of fourth grade students from eight public schools, we examined (1) correlates of active commuting to school and (2) the relationship between active commuting to school and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of baseline measurements from a sample of participants (n=149) aged 9-12 years from a walk to school intervention study in Houston, Texas. The primary outcome was the weekly rate of active commuting to school. Daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, measured by accelerometers, was a secondary outcome. Child self-efficacy (alpha=0.75), parent self-efficacy (alpha=0.88), and parent outcome expectations (alpha=0.78) were independent variables. Participant characteristics (age, gender, race/ethnicity, distance from home to school, acculturation, and BMI percentile) were independent sociodemographic variables. We used mixed-model regression analyses to account for clustering by school and a stepwise procedure with backward elimination of non-significant interactions and covariates to identify significant moderators and predictors. School-level observations of student pedestrians were assessed and compared using chi-square tests of independence. Results: Among our sample, which was 61.7% Latino, the overall rate of active commuting to school was 43%. In the mixed model for active commuting to school, parent self-efficacy (std. beta = 0.18, p=0.018) and age (std. beta = 0.18, p=0.018) were positively related. Latino students had lower rates of active commuting to school than non-Latinos ( 16.5%, p=0.040). Distance from home to school was inversely related to active commuting to school (std. beta = 0.29, p\u3c0.001). In the mixed model for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, active commuting to school was positively associated (std. beta = 0.31, p \u3c0.001). Among the Latino subsample, child acculturation was negatively associated with active commuting to school (std. beta = -0.23, p=0.01). With regard to school-level pedestrian safety observations, 37% of students stopped at the curb and 2.6% looked left-right-left before crossing the street. Conclusion: Although still below national goals, the rate of active commuting was relatively high, while the rate of some pedestrian safety behaviors was low among this low-income, ethnic minority population. Programs and policies to encourage safe active commuting to school are warranted and should consider the influence of parents, acculturation, and ethnicity

    Targeting the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Current Knowledge and Future Challenges

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor is overexpressed in up to 60% of ovarian epithelial malignancies. EGFR regulates complex cellular events due to the large number of ligands, dimerization partners, and diverse signaling pathways engaged. In ovarian cancer, EGFR activation is associated with increased malignant tumor phenotype and poorer patient outcome. However, unlike some other EGFR-positive solid tumors, treatment of ovarian tumors with anti-EGFR agents has induced minimal response. While the amount of information regarding EGFR-mediated signaling is considerable, current data provides little insight for the lack of efficacy of anti-EGFR agents in ovarian cancer. More comprehensive, systematic, and well-defined approaches are needed to dissect the roles that EGFR plays in the complex signaling processes in ovarian cancer as well as to identify biomarkers that can accurately predict sensitivity toward EGFR-targeted therapeutic agents. This new knowledge could facilitate the development of rational combinatorial therapies to sensitize tumor cells toward EGFR-targeted therapies

    Optically driving the radiative Auger transition

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    In a radiative Auger process, optical decay is accompanied by simultaneous excitation of other carriers. The radiative Auger process gives rise to weak red-shifted satellite peaks in the optical emission spectrum. These satellite peaks have been observed over a large spectral range: in the X-ray emission of atoms; close to visible frequencies on donors in semiconductors and quantum emitters; and at infrared frequencies as shake-up lines in two-dimensional systems. So far, all the work on the radiative Auger process has focussed on detecting the spontaneous emission. However, the fact that the radiative Auger process leads to photon emission suggests that the transition can also be optically excited. In such an inverted radiative Auger process, excitation would correspond to simultaneous photon absorption and electronic de-excitation. Here, we demonstrate optical driving of the radiative Auger transition on a trion in a semiconductor quantum dot. The radiative Auger and the fundamental transition together form a Λ\Lambda-system. On driving both transitions of this Λ\Lambda-system simultaneously, we observe a reduction of the fluorescence signal by up to 70%70\%. Our results demonstrate a type of optically addressable transition connecting few-body Coulomb interactions to quantum optics. The results open up the possibility of carrying out THz spectroscopy on single quantum emitters with all the benefits of optics: coherent laser sources, efficient and fast single-photon detectors. In analogy to optical control of an electron spin, the Λ\Lambda-system between the radiative Auger and the fundamental transitions allows optical control of the emitters' orbital degree of freedom.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Lack of Global Dosage Compensation in Schistosoma mansoni, a Female-Heterogametic Parasite

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    Many species have morphologically and genetically differentiated sex chromosomes, such as the XY pair of mammals. Y chromosomes are often highly degenerated and carry few functional genes, so that XY males have only one copy of most X-linked genes (whereas females have two). As a result, chromosome-wide mechanisms of dosage compensation, such as the mammalian X-inactivation, often evolve to reestablish expression balance. A similar phenomenon is expected in female-heterogametic species, where ZW females should suffer from imbalances due to W-chromosome degeneration. However, no global dosage compensation mechanisms have been detected in the two independent ZW systems that have been studied systematically (birds and silkworm), leading to the suggestion that lack of global dosage compensation may be a general feature of female-heterogametic species. However, analyses of other independently evolved ZW systems are required to test if this is the case. In this study, we use published genomic and expression data to test for the presence of global dosage compensation in Schistosoma mansoni, a trematode parasite that causes schistosomiasis in humans. We find that Z-linked expression is reduced relative to autosomal expression in females but not males, consistent with incomplete or localized dosage compensation. This gives further support to the theory that female-heterogametic species may not require global mechanisms of dosage compensation