2,040 research outputs found

    Process analytics with OptoFluidic Force Induction (OF2i). A BRAVE new way in online particle characterization

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    Određivanje jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće vapnenaca

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    The most used parameter in rock engineering practice is the Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS). It is often estimated on the field or trough Index-to-strength conversion factors proposed by various researchers for a specific rock type. The research presented in the paper involved field estimation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength using Schmidt rebound hammer and Point Load laboratory testing on limestone rock samples. The results of the estimated UCS were compared to the Uniaxial Compression Strength laboratory testing results on limestone specimens taken from the same location, in order to compare corresponding UCS of limestone rocks. These results can contribute to better estimation of the local design parameters, when direct determination of the UCS in the laboratory is not possible, rather than adopting the values from around the world case studies.Najčešće korišten parametar u stijenskom inženjerstvu je jednoosna tlačna čvrstoća (UCS). Često se procjenjuje na terenu ili pomoću korelacija s indeksom čvrstoće u točki predloženih od strane različitih istraživača za određen tip stijene. Istraživanja prikazana u radu uključuju terenska ispitivanja jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće Schmidtovim čekićem i laboratorijskog ispitivanja indeksa čvrstoće opterećenjem u točki na uzorcima vapnenačkih stijena. Rezultati procijenjenih UCSa uspoređeni su s laboratorijskim ispitivanjem jednoosne tlačne čvrstoće na uzorcima vapnenaca, uzetih sa iste lokacije, kako bi se usporedili rezultati za odgovarajući UCS vapnenačkih stijena. Ovi rezultati mogu pridonijeti boljoj procjeni lokalnih projektnih parametara kada određivanje točne vrijednosti UCS u laboratoriju nije moguće, no ne i usvajanju vrijednosti dobivenih analizom slučajeva iz ostatka svijeta

    A Generic Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Exposome Method for the Determination of Xenoestrogens in Biological Matrices.

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    We are constantly exposed to a variety of environmental contaminants and hormones, including those mimicking endogenous estrogens. These highly heterogeneous molecules are collectively referred to as xenoestrogens and hold the potential to affect and alter the delicate hormonal balance of the human body. To monitor exposure and investigate potential health implications, comprehensive analytical methods covering all major xenoestrogen classes are needed but not available to date. Herein, we describe a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous determination of multiple classes of endogenous as well as exogenous estrogens in human urine, serum, and breast milk to enable proper exposure and risk assessment. In total, 75 analytes were included, whereof a majority was successfully in-house validated in the three matrices. Extraction recoveries of validated analytes ranged from 71% to 110% and limits of quantification from 0.015 to 5 μg/L, 0.03 to 14 μg/L, and 0.03 to 4.6 μg/L in urine, serum, and breast milk, respectively. The applicability of the novel method was demonstrated in proof-of-principle experiments by analyzing urine from Austrian individuals and breast milk from Austrian and Nigerian individuals. Thereby, we proved the methods' feasibility to identify and quantify different classes of xenoestrogens simultaneously. The results illustrate the general importance of multiclass exposure assessment in the context of the exposome paradigm. Specifically, they highlight the need for estimating total estrogenic burden rather than single analyte or chemical class measurements and its potential impact in endocrine disruption and hormone related diseases including cancers

    Fungal Melanin Biosynthesis Pathway as Source for Fungal Toxins

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    Contamination of food and feed with toxin-producing fungi is a major threat in agriculture and for human health. The filamentous fungus Alternaria alternata is one of the most widespread postharvest contaminants and a weak plant pathogen. It produces a large variety of secondary metabolites with alternariol and its derivatives as characteristic mycotoxin. Other important phyto- and mycotoxins are perylene quinones (PQs), some of which have anticancer properties. Here, we discovered that the PQ altertoxin (ATX) biosynthesis shares most enzymes with the 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (1,8-DHN) melanin pathway. However, melanin was formed in aerial hyphae and spores, and ATXs were synthesized in substrate hyphae. This spatial separation is achieved through the promiscuity of a polyketide synthase, presumably producing a pentaketide (T4HN), a hexaketide (AT4HN), and a heptaketide (YWA1) as products. T4HN directly enters the altertoxin and DHN melanin pathway, whereas AT4HN and YWA1 can be converted only in aerial hyphae, which probably leads to a higher T4HN concentration, favoring 1,8-DHN melanin formation. Whereas the production of ATXs was strictly dependent on the CmrA transcription factor, melanin could still be produced in the absence of CmrA to some extent. This suggests that different cues regulate melanin and toxin formation. Since DHN melanin is produced by many fungi, PQs or related compounds may be produced in many more fungi than so far assumed. IMPORTANCE: Mycotoxins are a major threat for human health. Food safety control relies on the identification of the toxins or the detection of the expression of the respective genes. The latter method, however, relies on the knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway and the key genes. Alternaria alternata is a major food contaminant and produces many different mycotoxins with altertoxins and other perylene quinones as prominent examples. Here, we discovered that the biosynthetic pathway for altertoxins shares most of the enzymes with the dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) melanin pathway. Because the DHN melanin pathway is widespread among fungi, the production of mycotoxins of the perylene quinone class could be more widespread than so far anticipated

    Alternaria toxins as casein kinase 2 inhibitors and possible consequences for estrogenicity: a hybrid in silico/in vitro study

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    Emerging mycotoxins produced by Alternaria spp. were previously reported to exert cytotoxic, genotoxic, but also estrogenic effects in human cells. The involved mechanisms are very complex and not fully elucidated yet. Thus, we followed an in silico target fishing approach to extend knowledge on the possible biological targets underlying the activity of alternariol, taken as the signature compound of Alternaria toxins. Combining ligand-based screening and structure-based modeling, the ubiquitous casein kinase 2 (CK2) was identified as a potential target for the compound. This result was validated in a cell-free in vitro CK2 activity assay, where alternariol inhibited CK2 with an IC50 of 707 nM. As CK2 was recently discussed to influence estrogen receptor (ER) transcription and DNA-binding affinity, we assessed a potential impact on the mRNA levels of ERα or ERβ by qRT-PCR and on nuclear localization of the receptors by confocal microscopy, using estrogen-sensitive Ishikawa cells as a model. While AOH did not affect the transcription of ERα or ERβ, an increase in nuclear localization of ERα after incubation with 10 µM AOH was observed. However, this effect might be due to ER binding affinity and therefore estrogenicity of AOH. Furthermore, in silico docking simulation revealed not only AOH, but also a number of other Alternaria toxins as potential inhibitors of CK2, including alternariol monomethyl ether and the perylene quinone derivative altertoxin II (ATX-II). These findings were representatively confirmed in vitro for the perylene quinone derivative altertoxin II, which was found to inhibit the kinase with an IC50 of 5.1 µM. Taken together, we propose CK2 inhibition as an additional mechanism to consider in future studies for alternariol and several other Alternaria toxins

    Persistence of the antagonistic effects of a natural mixture of Alternaria mycotoxins on the estrogen-like activity of human feces after anaerobic incubation

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    Several Alternaria mycotoxins are believed to act as endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs), since they are reported to bind estrogen receptors in several experimental models. After ingestion of contaminated food commodities, the mycotoxins reach the intestine, where they come into direct contact with food constituents as well as the gut microbiota. Thus, the aim of the present work was to evaluate the modulatory potential of a complex extract of cultured Alternaria fungi (CE; containing eleven chemically characterized compounds) on the estrogenic signaling cascade of mammalian cells before and after anaerobic incubation with fecal slurries, in order to simulate an in vivo-like condition in the gut. Assessing alkaline phosphatase expression in Ishikawa cells as a measure for estrogenicity, we found the CE to partially quench the intrinsic estrogenic properties of fecal slurries and fecal waters, even after 3 h of fecal incubation. Investigation of the mechanisms underlying the effects observed carried out through an in vitro/in silico approach revealed the ability of the extract to decrease the ERα/ERβ nuclear ratio, while a possible action of the mycotoxins as ER-antagonists was excluded. Our results suggest that Alternaria mycotoxins might act as EDCs in vivo, and warrant further investigation in animal models

    Basic concepts of mixture toxicity and relevance for risk evaluation and regulation

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    Exposure to multiple substances is a challenge for risk evaluation. Currently, there is an ongoing debate if generic “mixture assessment/allocation factors” (MAF) should be introduced to increase public health protection. Here, we explore concepts of mixture toxicity and the potential influence of mixture regulation concepts for human health protection. Based on this analysis, we provide recommendations for research and risk assessment. One of the concepts of mixture toxicity is additivity. Substances may act additively by affecting the same molecular mechanism within a common target cell, for example, dioxin-like substances. In a second concept, an “enhancer substance” may act by increasing the target site concentration and aggravating the adverse effect of a “driver substance”. For both concepts, adequate risk management of individual substances can reliably prevent adverse effects to humans. Furthermore, we discuss the hypothesis that the large number of substances to which humans are exposed at very low and individually safe doses may interact to cause adverse effects. This commentary identifies knowledge gaps, such as the lack of a comprehensive overview of substances regulated under different silos, including food, environmentally and occupationally relevant substances, the absence of reliable human exposure data and the missing accessibility of ratios of current human exposure to threshold values, which are considered safe for individual substances. Moreover, a comprehensive overview of the molecular mechanisms and most susceptible target cells is required. We conclude that, currently, there is no scientific evidence supporting the need for a generic MAF. Rather, we recommend taking more specific measures, which focus on compounds with relatively small ratios between human exposure and doses, at which adverse effects can be expected

    Response of intestinal HT-29 cells to the trichothecene mycotoxin deoxynivalenol and its sulfated conjugates

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    Abstract The sulfated forms of the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol (DON), deoxynivalenol-3-sulfate (DON-3-Sulf) and deoxynivalenol-15-sulfate (DON-15-Sulf) were recently described, however little is known about their mechanism of action in mammalian cells. DON-3-Sulf and DON-15-Sulf were taken up by HT-29 colon carcinoma cells, although to a lesser extent compared to DON. All three compounds were found to enhance the intracellular ROS level in the dichlorofluorescein assay (≥ 1μM), even though substantial differences were observed in their cytotoxic potential. In silico modelling highlighted that DON-sulfates do not share the classical mechanism of action of DON, being unable to fit into the ribosomal pocket and trigger the classical ribotoxic stress response. However, DON-3-Sulf and DON-15-Sulf sustained a distinctive proliferative stimulus in HT-29 and activated autophagy. The mechanisms of action of DON-3-Sulf and DON-15-Sulf suggest a potential interplay between the onset of ribosomal inhibition and autophagy activation as an alternative and/or complementary mode of action for DON and its sulfated analogues

    Newly Developed CK1-Specific Inhibitors Show Specifically Stronger Effects on CK1 Mutants and Colon Cancer Cell Lines

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    Protein kinases of the CK1 family can be involved in numerous physiological and pathophysiological processes. Dysregulated expression and/or activity as well as mutation of CK1 isoforms have previously been linked to tumorigenesis. Among all neoplastic diseases, colon and rectal cancer (CRC) represent the fourth leading cause of cancer related deaths. Since mutations in CK1δ previously found in CRC patients exhibited increased oncogenic features, inhibition of CK1δ is supposed to have promising therapeutic potential for tumors, which present overexpression or mutations of this CK1 isoform. Therefore, it is important to develop new small molecule inhibitors exhibiting higher affinity toward CK1δ mutants. In the present study, we first characterized the kinetic properties of CK1δ mutants, which were detected in different tumor entities. Subsequently, we characterized the ability of several newly developed IWP-based inhibitors to inhibit wild type and CK1δ mutants and we furthermore analyzed their effects on growth inhibition of various cultured colon cancer cell lines. Our results indicate, that these compounds represent a promising base for the development of novel CRC therapy concepts

    Tracking emerging mycotoxins in food: development of an LC-MS/MS method for free and modified Alternaria toxins

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    Mycotoxins produced by Alternaria fungi are ubiquitous food contaminants, but analytical methods for generating comprehensive exposure data are rare. We describe the development of an LC-MS/MS method covering 17 toxins for investigating the natural occurrence of free and modified Alternaria toxins in tomato sauce, sunflower seed oil, and wheat flour. Target analytes included alternariol (AOH), AOH-3-glucoside, AOH-9-glucoside, AOH-3-sulfate, alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), AME-3-glucoside, AME-3-sulfate, altenuene, isoaltenuene, tenuazonic acid (TeA), tentoxin (TEN), altertoxin I and II, alterperylenol, stemphyltoxin III, altenusin, and altenuic acid III. Extensive optimization resulted in a time- and cost-effective sample preparation protocol and a chromatographic baseline separation of included isomers. Overall, adequate limits of detection (0.03–9 ng/g) and quantitation (0.6–18 ng/g), intermediate precision (9–44%), and relative recovery values (75–100%) were achieved. However, stemphyltoxin III, AOH-3-sulfate, AME-3-sulfate, altenusin, and altenuic acid III showed recoveries in wheat flour below 70%, while their performance was stable and reproducible. Our pilot study with samples from the Austrian retail market demonstrated that tomato sauces (n = 12) contained AOH, AME, TeA, and TEN in concentrations up to 20, 4, 322, and 0.6 ng/g, while sunflower seed oil (n = 7) and wheat flour samples (n = 9) were contaminated at comparatively lower levels. Interestingly and of relevance for risk assessment, AOH-9-glucoside, discovered for the first time in naturally contaminated food items, and AME-3-sulfate were found in concentrations similar to their parent toxins. In conclusion, the established multi-analyte method proved to be fit for purpose for generating comprehensive Alternaria toxin occurrence data in different food matrices