6,208 research outputs found

    Characterization of silicon dioxide for a capacitance-type meteoroid penetration detector

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    Fabrication and testing of large area metal oxide silicon capacitors for micrometeoroid counting in spac

    Using integrated absorption to calibrate optical cavity spectrometers

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    Sensitive absorption techniques using optical cavities (such as CEAS or ICOS) generally need the spectrometer response to be calibrated for quantitative measurements. Most calibrations are based on the instrument response to a known, steady state absorption. Such calibrations often have drawbacks in terms of cost, complexity, or convenience, especially for field measurements. In this paper, we show that the relationship between the integrated absorption and a known amount of absorber provides an alternative calibration strategy that yields a highly linear calibration curve and has a low uncertainty. This method is straightforward to implement and offers a practical alternative to other calibration strategies

    Instrumentation for Millimeter-wave Magnetoelectrodynamic Investigations of Low-Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors

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    We describe instrumentation for conducting high sensitivity millimeter-wave cavity perturbation measurements over a broad frequency range (40-200 GHz) and in the presence of strong magnetic fields (up to 33 tesla). A Millimeter-wave Vector Network Analyzer (MVNA) acts as a continuously tunable microwave source and phase sensitive detector (8-350 GHz), enabling simultaneous measurements of the complex cavity parameters (resonance frequency and Q-value) at a rapid repetition rate (approx. 10 kHz). We discuss the principal of operation of the MVNA and the construction of a probe for coupling the MVNA to various cylindrical resonator configurations which can easily be inserted into a high field magnet cryostat. We also present several experimental results which demonstrate the potential of the instrument for studies of low-dimensional conducting systems.Comment: 20 pages including fig

    A new species of stalked crinoid (Echinodermata) of possible Late Silurian age from central Newfoundland

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    A new fossil locality within a sequence previously assigned to the Middle Ordovician Baie D'Espoir Group in south-central Newfoundland contains fragmented crinoid columnals and brachiopods. Distinctive, pentastellate crinoid columnals, similar to those assigned to the monobathrid camerate Hexacrinites Austin and Austin by Russian authors, are named Hexacrinites? Pentastellatus n. sp. Nodal(?) columnals of this species have a circular, depressed articular facet, with a conical to bowl-like crenularium, a depressed, circular areola, a raised perilumen and a short, slender axial canal of pentagonal section. The oldest Hexacrinites sensu stricto are Late Silurian, suggesting that the fossiliferous strata have been incorrectly assigned to the Ordovician. Cross-sections of brachiopods from the same locality include an example that resembles several Early Silurian to Late Devonian pentameroid genera including Brooksina Kirk, 1922. Correlation with Late Silurian, bivalve-bearing strata SO km to the northeast would indicate that a major unconformity may occur above the fossiliferous Early and Middle Ordovician strata and the Early Ordovician ophiolite complexes. RÉSUMÉ Un nouvel emplacement de fossiles à I'intérieur d'une sequence auparavant attribute au groupe de l'Ordovicien moyen de Baie d'Espoir dans le centre-sud de Terre-Neuve renferme des fragments de columnales et de brachiopodes de crinoldes. Des columnales de crinoldes pentaétoilées caractéristiqucs, semblables à celles attributées à l’Hexacrinites Austin and Austin à loges monobathrides par des auteurs russes, sont baptisées nouvelle espèce pentastellatus d'Hexacrinites?. Les columnales nodales(?) de cette espèce sont pourvues d'une facette articulaire renfoncée et circulaire munie d'un crenularium allant de conique à bombé, d'une aréole circulaire renfoncie, d'un périlumen surélevé et d'un canal axial mince et court de section pentagonalc. Les plus anciens Hexacrinites, au sens strict, remontent au Silurien supérieur, ce qui permet de supposer qu'on a incorrectement attribué la strate fossilifère à l'Ordovicien. Des iéchantillons représentatifs de brachiopodes du même emplacement comprennent un exemple qui ressemble à plusieurs genres de pentaméroides datant du Silurien inférieur au Dévonien supérieur, notamment le Brooksina Kirk, 1922. Leur corrélation avec des strates renfermant des bivalves du Silurien supérieur à 50 km au nord-cst signale qu'une discordance importantc pourrait se présenter au-dessus des strates fossiliferes de l'Ordovicien inférieur ou moyen de même que des complexes d'ophiolites de l'Ordovicien inférieur. [Traduit par la rédaction

    Pressure-driven instability in auroral images to create auroral patches

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/第36回極域宙空圏シンポジウム 11月27日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Germline DNA Repair Gene Mutations in Young-onset Prostate Cancer Cases in the UK: Evidence for a More Extensive Genetic Panel

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    Background Rare germline mutations in DNA repair genes are associated with prostate cancer (PCa) predisposition and prognosis. Objective To quantify the frequency of germline DNA repair gene mutations in UK PCa cases and controls, in order to more comprehensively evaluate the contribution of individual genes to overall PCa risk and likelihood of aggressive disease. Design, setting, and participants We sequenced 167 DNA repair and eight PCa candidate genes in a UK-based cohort of 1281 young-onset PCa cases (diagnosed at ≤60 yr) and 1160 selected controls. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis Gene-level SKAT-O and gene-set adaptive combination of p values (ADA) analyses were performed separately for cases versus controls, and aggressive (Gleason score ≥8, n = 201) versus nonaggressive (Gleason score ≤7, n = 1048) cases. Results and limitations We identified 233 unique protein truncating variants (PTVs) with minor allele frequency <0.5% in controls in 97 genes. The total proportion of PTV carriers was higher in cases than in controls (15% vs 12%, odds ratio [OR] = 1.29, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01–1.64, p = 0.036). Gene-level analyses selected NBN (pSKAT-O = 2.4 × 10−4) for overall risk and XPC (pSKAT-O = 1.6 × 10−4) for aggressive disease, both at candidate-level significance (p < 3.1 × 10−4 and p < 3.4 × 10−4, respectively). Gene-set analysis identified a subset of 20 genes associated with increased PCa risk (OR = 3.2, 95% CI 2.1–4.8, pADA = 4.1 × 10−3) and four genes that increased risk of aggressive disease (OR = 11.2, 95% CI 4.6–27.7, pADA = 5.6 × 10−3), three of which overlap the predisposition gene set. Conclusions The union of the gene-level and gene-set-level analyses identified 23 unique DNA repair genes associated with PCa predisposition or risk of aggressive disease. These findings will help facilitate the development of a PCa-specific sequencing panel with both predictive and prognostic potential. Patient summary This large sequencing study assessed the rate of inherited DNA repair gene mutations between prostate cancer patients and disease-free men. A panel of 23 genes was identified, which may improve risk prediction or treatment pathways in future clinical practice

    Structures in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: detection and scaling

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    We present a systematic analysis of statistical properties of turbulent current and vorticity structures at a given time using cluster analysis. The data stems from numerical simulations of decaying three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the absence of an imposed uniform magnetic field; the magnetic Prandtl number is taken equal to unity, and we use a periodic box with grids of up to 1536^3 points, and with Taylor Reynolds numbers up to 1100. The initial conditions are either an X-point configuration embedded in 3D, the so-called Orszag-Tang vortex, or an Arn'old-Beltrami-Childress configuration with a fully helical velocity and magnetic field. In each case two snapshots are analyzed, separated by one turn-over time, starting just after the peak of dissipation. We show that the algorithm is able to select a large number of structures (in excess of 8,000) for each snapshot and that the statistical properties of these clusters are remarkably similar for the two snapshots as well as for the two flows under study in terms of scaling laws for the cluster characteristics, with the structures in the vorticity and in the current behaving in the same way. We also study the effect of Reynolds number on cluster statistics, and we finally analyze the properties of these clusters in terms of their velocity-magnetic field correlation. Self-organized criticality features have been identified in the dissipative range of scales. A different scaling arises in the inertial range, which cannot be identified for the moment with a known self-organized criticality class consistent with MHD. We suggest that this range can be governed by turbulence dynamics as opposed to criticality, and propose an interpretation of intermittency in terms of propagation of local instabilities.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Large-Scale Aspects and Temporal Evolution of Pulsating Aurora

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    Pulsating aurora is a common phenomenon generally believed to occur mainly in the aftermath of a, substorm, where dim long-period pulsating patches appear. The study determines the temporal and spatial evolution of pulsating events using two THEN IIIS ASI stations, at Gillam (66.18 mlat, 332.78 mlon, magnetic midnight at 0634 UT) and Fort Smith, (67.38 mlat, 306.64 mlon, magnetic midnight at, 0806 UT) along roughly the same invariant latitude. Parameters have been calculated from a database of 74 pulsating aurora events from 119 days of good optical data within the period from September 2007 through March 2008 as identified with the Gillam camera. It is shown that the source region of pulsating aurora drifts or expands eastward, away from magnetic midnight, for pre-midnight onsets and that the spatial evolution is more complicated for post midnight onsets, which has implications for the source mechanism. The most probable duration of a pulsating aurora event is roughly 1.5 hours while the distribution of possible event durations includes many long (several hours) events. This may suggest that pulsating aurora is not strictly a substorm recovery phase phenomenon but rather a persistent, long-lived phenomenon that may be temporarily disrupted by auroral substorms. Observations from the Gillam station show that in fact, pulsating aurora is quite common with the occurrence rate increasing to around 60% for morning hours, with 6910 of pulsating aurora onsets occurring after substorm breakup