222 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Koordinasi, Kompetensi Dan Disiplin Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Unit Layanan Pengadaan Kementerian Agama Pusat (Ulp Kemenag Pusat)

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    . This study aimed to analyse the effect of coordination, competence and discipline to employee performance ULP MORA Center. Research involving as many as 64 people as a sample of respondents with saturated sampling technique. Data retrieved by using a questionnaire filled with self-rating method. Analysis of data using multiple linear regressionmodels were processed with SPSS. F test showed that coordination, competence, and disciplined work together significant effect on the performance of employees. The results of ttest showed that coordination, competence and discipline influence on employee performance individually. Analysis shows that the correlation between the dimensions of vertical coordination in coordination variables have the strongest correlation with the work on employee performance variable, the variable knowledge competency has the strongestcorrelation with the work on employee performance variables, and corrective discipline to discipline variables correlated The most powerful of the quality of work on employee performance variables. Based on these findings, the employee\u27s performance can be maximized ULP MORA Center through increased vertical coordination (formal meeting), knowledge (training of employees) and corrective discipline (verbal or written warning

    Analisis Penggunaan Pasir Pantai Sampur Sebagai Agregat Halus Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton

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    Penelitian tentang pemanfaatan pasir pantai sebagai agregat halus dalam pembuatanbeton ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketersediaan pasir pantai di alam dalam jumlah yangsangat besar. Pasir pantai yang digunakan berasal dari daerah Pantai Sampur, kotaPangkalpinang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kuat tekanbeton yang dihasilkan ketika menggunakan beberapa perlakuan terhadap pasir pantaiSampur. Perlakuan yang digunakan terhadap pasir Pantai Sampur adalah : tanpaperlakuan, disiram, dan dicuci. Kuat tekan beton direncanakan 17,5 MPa. Sampelberbentuk silinder dan berjumlah 24 buah. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan beton normaldari pasir yang berbeda sebagai kontrol, yaitu pasir daerah Padang Baru KabupatenBangka Tengah. Campuran beton dengan pasir Padang Baru (beton normal)menghasilkan kuat tekan rata-rata sebesar 28,68 MPa. Sedangkan kuat tekan beton rata-rata pada pasir pantai Sampur tanpa perlakuan sebesar 16,36 MPa, dengan perlakuandisiram sebesar 17,52 MPa dan dengan perlakuan dicuci sebesar 22,14 Mpa. Kuat tekanbeton terbesar pasir Pantai Sampur terletak pada perlakuan dicuci yaitu sebesar 22,14Mpa.Kata kunci : pasir pantai, kuat tekan beto

    Website Designing at PT Wairau Indostone Using Macromedi Dreamweaver Mx 2004

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    PT Wairau Indostone is a company engaged in the paving blocks / stone ornamentalsales activities, thus there is need for great efforts in providing optimal informationfor potential customers. As the key to success of this company and service ispromotion detailed information to be able to show an expected level of service. Thepurpose of scientific writing is to provide information sedetil-details to potentialcustomers. In connection with this writing, the framework put forward a theory ofwriting about , is Website design and promotion of the mean of this research is howcompanies promote merchandise using the media of information on the InternetWebsite. From the results of the research note that the company should pay moreattention to the needs of providing information quickly and fully to distributorslocated in areas more distant to increase productivity better

    Pemberdayaan Remaja Desa Wisata Bendosari Kecamatan Plantungan Kabupaten Kendal melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Papan Informasi Berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia

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    Teenagers have an important role to develop the village into a tourist village. One of the roles is to develop existing facilities and infrastructure at tourist sites. Information boards are a very important part of tourism villages\u27s management because it can be the information about tourist attractions, restrictions and warnings. Therefore, training and mentoring in making information boards in English and Indonesian need to be done in Bendosari Village, Plantungan District, Kendal Regency because of the limited number of information boards at tourist sites, especially in Jeglong Waterfall. The method used in the training is lecture, question and answer and practice. Participants in the training and mentoring activities for the making of this information board were the teenagers of Bendosari Village. The outcomes generated from these training activities are 1) teenagers \u27understanding of the importance of information boards at tourist sites increases, 2) teenagers\u27 understanding of the phrases used on information boards both in English and in Indonesian also increases, 3) models of information boards for tourist sites are created, and 4) nformation boards in English and Indonesian language for tourist sites are created as wel

    Implementasi Algoritma Caesar, Cipher Disk, Dan Scytale Pada Aplikasi Enkripsi Dan Dekripsi Pesan Singkat, Lumasms

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    Short Message Service (SMS) merupakan salah satu cara berkomunikasi yangbanyak digunakan oleh pengguna telepon seluler. Namun banyaknyapengguna telepon seluler yang menggunakan layanan SMS, tidak diimbangidengan faktor keamanan yang ada pada layanan tersebut. Banyak penggunatelepon seluler yang belum menyadari bahwa SMS tidak menjamin integritasdan keamanan pesan yang disampaikan. Ada beberapa risiko yang dapatmengancam keamanan pesan pada layanan SMS, diantaranya: SMS spoofing,SMS snooping, dan SMS interception. Untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut, makadibutuhkan sebuah sistem keamanan pada layanan SMS yang mampu menjagaintegritas dan keamanan isi pesan. Dimana tujuannya ialah untuk menutupicelah pada tingkat keamanan SMS. Salah satu penanggulangannya ialahdengan menerapkan algoritma kriptografi, yaitu kombinasi atas algoritmaCipher Disk, Caesar, dan Scytale pada pesan yang akan dikirim. Tujuan daripenulisan ini adalah membangun aplikasi LumaSMS, dengan menggunakankombinasi ketiga algoritma kriptografi tersebut. Dengan adanya aplikasi inidiharapkan mampu mengurangi masalah keamanan dan integritas SMS

    Can a Computationally Creative System Create Itself? Creative Artefacts and Creative Processes

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    This paper begins by briefly looking at two of the dominant perspectives on computational creativity; focusing on the creative artefacts and the creative processes respectively. We briefly describe two projects; one focused on (artistic) creative artefacts the other on a (scientific) creative process, to highlight some similarities and differences in approach. We then look at a 2- dimensional model of Learning Objectives that uses independent axes of knowledge and (cognitive) processes. This educational framework is then used to cast artefact and process perspectives into a common framework, opening up new possibilities for discussing and comparing creativity between them. Finally, arising from our model of creative processes, we propose a new and broad 4-level hierarchy of computational creativity, which asserts that the highest level of computational creativity involves processes whose creativity is comparable to that of the originating process itself
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