43,340 research outputs found

    Experimental studies on the shear resistance of original coal-shale joint

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    Purpose. Experimental study and theoretical modeling of the shear resistance of original coal-shale joint. Methods. A two-segment model was developed to describe the shear resistance-shear displacement curves obtained from the direct shear tests of eight coal-shale joints by letting the two segments of the fitting curve pass through the peak point of each curve. Findings. The two-segment model well describes the shear resistance variation of the coal-shale joints during the shear process, and there exist good relationships between the fitting parameters and the shear testing parameters. The initial slope of the softening part of the shear resistance – shear displacement curve can help to predict whether the coal pillar will burst drastically when it fails. Moreover, the normal displacement was very small in the pre-peak range which indicates that the complete detachment of original coal-shale joint surfaces has not occurred before the peak. Originality. Direct shear tests were conducted on original coal-shale specimens for the first time, and a two-segment model is developed to describe their shear resistance-shear displacement curves. The initial slope of the softening part of the shear resistance – shear displacement curve is proposed to predict the burst tendency of coal pillar. Different from unbonded rock joints, the detachment of the original coal-shale joint occurs just after the peak. Practical implications. The conclusions may have some help to understand the shear resistance mechanism of original coal-shale joint and to provide some new ideas of maintaining coal pillar stability.Мета. Експериментальне дослідження та теоретичне моделювання опору зсуву початкового шару вуглистого сланцю. Методика. Розроблено модель для опису кривих опору зсуву й зсувного зміщення, отриманих у результаті випробувань на прямий зсув восьми шарів вуглистого сланцю. Модель включає два сегменти апроксимуючої кривої, що проходять через вищі точки описуваних кривих. Результати. Запропонована модель достовірно описує зміну опору на зсув шарів вуглистого сланцю в про-процесі зсуву, при цьому визначено наявність тісного зв’язку між параметрами апроксимації та параметрами випробування на зсув. За початковим нахилом кривої в частині ослаблення опору зсуву й зсувного зміщення можна передбачити, чи відбудеться значне руйнування цілика вугілля при його обваленні. Нормальне зміщення є незначним у передпіковому діапазоні, що свідчить про те, що в цей час не відбувається повного відриву поверхонь шару вуглистого сланцю. Наукова новизна. Випробування на прямий зсув проводилися вперше на зразках початкового вуглистого сланцю. Двохсегментна модель була розроблена спеціально для опису кривих опору зсуву та зсувного зміщення досліджуваних шарів. За початковим нахилом кривої в частині ослаблення опору зсуву й зсувного зміщення можна передбачити характер руйнування цілика. На відміну від незв’язаних шарів породи, відділення початкового шару вуглистого сланцю відбувається після пікових значень досліджуваних кривих. Практична значимість. Висновки можуть допомогти зрозуміти механізм опору зсуву в первісному шарі вуглистого сланцю й окреслити нові підходи до збереження стабільності вугільного цілика.Цель. Экспериментальное исследование и теоретическое моделирование сопротивления сдвигу первоначального слоя углистого сланца. Методика. Разработана модель для описания кривых сопротивления сдвигу и сдвигового смещения, полученных в результате испытаний на прямой сдвиг восьми слоев углистого сланца. Модель включает два сегмента аппроксимирующей кривой которые проходят через высшие точки описываемых кривых. Результаты. Предлагаемая модель достоверно описывает изменение сопротивления на сдвиг слоев углистого сланца в процессе сдвига, при этом определено наличие тесной связи между параметрами аппроксимации и параметрами испытания на сдвиг. По начальному наклону кривой в части ослабления сопротивления сдвигу и сдвигового смещения можно предсказать, произойдет ли значительное разрушение целика угля при его обрушении. Нормальное смещение незначительно в предпиковом диапазоне, что свидетельствует о том, что в это время не происходит полного отрыва поверхностей слоя углистого сланца. Научная новизна. Испытания на прямой сдвиг проводились впервые на образцах первоначального углистого сланца. Двухсегментная модель была разработана специально для описания кривых сопротивления сдвигу и сдвигового смещения исследуемых слоев. По начальному наклону кривой в части ослабления сопротивления сдвигу и сдвигового смещения можно предсказать характер разрушения целика. В отличие от несвязанных слоев породы, отделение первоначального слоя углистого сланца происходит после пиковых значений исследуемых кривых. Практическая значимость. Выводы могут помочь понять механизм сопротивления сдвигу в первоначальном слое углистого сланца и обозначить новые подходы к сохранению стабильности угольного целика.The authors gratefully acknowledge funding by China National Natural Science Foundation (51109076) and the key scientific and technological project of Henan Province (152102210316)

    Crystal structure of Schmallenberg orthobunyavirus nucleoprotein-RNA complex reveals a novel RNA sequestration mechanism

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    Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a newly emerged orthobunyavirus (family Bunyaviridae) that has caused severe disease in the offspring of farm animals across Europe. Like all orthobunyaviruses, SBV contains a tripartite negative-sense RNA genome that is encapsidated by the viral nucleocapsid (N) protein in the form of a ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP). We recently reported the three-dimensional structure of SBV N that revealed a novel fold. Here we report the crystal structure of the SBV N protein in complex with a 42-nt-long RNA to 2.16 Å resolution. The complex comprises a tetramer of N that encapsidates the RNA as a cross-shape inside the protein ring structure, with each protomer bound to 11 ribonucleotides. Eight bases are bound in the positively charged cleft between the N- and C-terminal domains of N, and three bases are shielded by the extended N-terminal arm. SBV N appears to sequester RNA using a different mechanism compared with the nucleoproteins of other negative-sense RNA viruses. Furthermore, the structure suggests that RNA binding results in conformational changes of some residues in the RNA-binding cleft and the N- and C-terminal arms. Our results provide new insights into the novel mechanism of RNA encapsidation by orthobunyaviruses

    Nonlinear analysis of dynamical complex networks

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    Copyright © 2013 Zidong Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Complex networks are composed of a large number of highly interconnected dynamical units and therefore exhibit very complicated dynamics. Examples of such complex networks include the Internet, that is, a network of routers or domains, the World Wide Web (WWW), that is, a network of websites, the brain, that is, a network of neurons, and an organization, that is, a network of people. Since the introduction of the small-world network principle, a great deal of research has been focused on the dependence of the asymptotic behavior of interconnected oscillatory agents on the structural properties of complex networks. It has been found out that the general structure of the interaction network may play a crucial role in the emergence of synchronization phenomena in various fields such as physics, technology, and the life sciences

    Critical domain-wall dynamics of model B

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    With Monte Carlo methods, we simulate the critical domain-wall dynamics of model B, taking the two-dimensional Ising model as an example. In the macroscopic short-time regime, a dynamic scaling form is revealed. Due to the existence of the quasi-random walkers, the magnetization shows intrinsic dependence on the lattice size LL. A new exponent which governs the LL-dependence of the magnetization is measured to be σ=0.243(8)\sigma=0.243(8).Comment: 10pages, 4 figure

    Mesoscopic Kondo effect of a quantum dot embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm ring with intradot spin-flip scattering

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    We study the Kondo effect in a quantum dot embedded in a mesoscopic ring taking into account intradot spin-flip scattering RR. Based on the finite-UU slave-boson mean-field approach, we find that the Kondo peak in the density of states is split into two peaks by this coherent spin-flip transition, which is responsible for some interesting features of the Kondo-assisted persistent current circulating the ring: (1) strong suppression and crossover to a sine function form with increasing RR; (2) appearance of a "hump" in the RR-dependent behavior for odd parity. RR-induced reverse of the persistent current direction is also observed for odd parity.Comment: 7 pages,6 figures, to be published by Europhys. Let

    Performance analysis with network-enhanced complexities: On fading measurements, event-triggered mechanisms, and cyber attacks

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    Copyright © 2014 Derui Ding et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Nowadays, the real-world systems are usually subject to various complexities such as parameter uncertainties, time-delays, and nonlinear disturbances. For networked systems, especially large-scale systems such as multiagent systems and systems over sensor networks, the complexities are inevitably enhanced in terms of their degrees or intensities because of the usage of the communication networks. Therefore, it would be interesting to (1) examine how this kind of network-enhanced complexities affects the control or filtering performance; and (2) develop some suitable approaches for controller/filter design problems. In this paper, we aim to survey some recent advances on the performance analysis and synthesis with three sorts of fashionable network-enhanced complexities, namely, fading measurements, event-triggered mechanisms, and attack behaviors of adversaries. First, these three kinds of complexities are introduced in detail according to their engineering backgrounds, dynamical characteristic, and modelling techniques. Then, the developments of the performance analysis and synthesis issues for various networked systems are systematically reviewed. Furthermore, some challenges are illustrated by using a thorough literature review and some possible future research directions are highlighted.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61134009, 61329301, 61203139, 61374127, and 61374010, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Coexistence and competition of multiple charge-density-wave orders in rare-earth tri-telluride RTe3

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    The occurrences of collective quantum states, such as superconductivity (SC) and charge- or spin-densitywaves (CDWs or SDWs), are among the most fascinating phenomena in solids. To date much effort has been made to explore the interplay between different orders, yet little is known about the relationship of multiple orders of the same type. Here we report optical spectroscopy study on CDWs in the rare-earth tri-telluride compounds RTe3 (R = rare earth elements). Besides the prior reported two CDW orders, the study reveals unexpectedly the presence of a third CDW order in the series which evolves systematically with the size of R element. With increased chemical pressure, the first and third CDW orders are both substantially suppressed and compete with the second one by depleting the low energy spectral weight. A complete phase diagram for the multiple CDW orders in this series is established.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Theoretical Constraints and Systematic Effects in the Determination of the Proton Form Factors

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    We calculate the two-photon exchange corrections to electron-proton scattering with nucleon and Δ\Delta intermediate states. The results show a dependence on the elastic nucleon and nucleon-Δ\Delta-transition form factors used as input which leads to significant changes compared to previous calculations. We discuss the relevance of these corrections and apply them to the most recent and precise data set and world data from electron-proton scattering. Using this, we show how the form factor extraction from these data is influenced by the subsequent inclusion of physical constraints. The determination of the proton charge radius from scattering data is shown to be dominated by the enforcement of a realistic spectral function. Additionally, the third Zemach moment from the resulting form factors is calculated. The obtained radius and Zemach moment are shown to be consistent with Lamb shift measurements in muonic hydrogen.Comment: minor changes, added references, version to appear in PR

    Mathematical control of complex systems 2013

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    Mathematical control of complex systems have already become an ideal research area for control engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and biologists to understand, manage, analyze, and interpret functional information/dynamical behaviours from real-world complex dynamical systems, such as communication systems, process control, environmental systems, intelligent manufacturing systems, transportation systems, and structural systems. This special issue aims to bring together the latest/innovative knowledge and advances in mathematics for handling complex systems. Topics include, but are not limited to the following: control systems theory (behavioural systems, networked control systems, delay systems, distributed systems, infinite-dimensional systems, and positive systems); networked control (channel capacity constraints, control over communication networks, distributed filtering and control, information theory and control, and sensor networks); and stochastic systems (nonlinear filtering, nonparametric methods, particle filtering, partial identification, stochastic control, stochastic realization, system identification)