123 research outputs found

    Planetary ring studies

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    The following topics are covered: (1) characterization of the fine scale structure in Saturn's A and B rings; (2) ballistic transport modeling and evolution of fine ring structure; (3) faint features in the rings of Saturn; (4) the Encke moonlet; (5) dynamics in ringmoon systems; (6) a nonclassical radiative transfer model; and (7) particle properties from stellar occultation data

    Journeys of Healing and Self-Actualization: An Autoethnographic Examination of First-Generation Mother-of-Color Professionals in Higher Education

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    As mothers of color in higher education professional roles, we share our experiences of being first-generation college students and mothers of color, as well as, our resolve to unravel the perceptions of intersectionalities connected to our experiences. Mothers of color experience different forms of sexism than men and white women—and different forms of racism. We consider solutions to address racial and gender disparities around attrition, degree completion in a timely manner, and gaps between transfer aspirations and outcomes for diverse student populations. To address the need to explore shared first-generation experiences at community colleges and a state university, in this article, we discuss current research on first-generation faculty, staff, and administrators; highlight autoethnographic narratives of former first-generation college students of color who are now higher education professionals; and continue the critical dialogue regarding the need to better consider education generational status as it intersects with other non-traditional student identities to shape student and practitioner experiences

    Post-vaccine measles in a child with concomitant influenza, Sicily, Italy, March 2015

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    We describe the occurrence of measles in an 18 monthold patient in Sicily, Italy, in March 2015, who received the first dose of a measles-containing vaccine seven days before onset of prodromal symptoms. Measles virus infection was confirmed by PCR and detection of specific immunoglobulin; viral genotyping permitted the confirmation of a vaccine-associated illness. The patient had a concurrent influenza virus infection, during a seasonal epidemic outbreak of influenza

    Intestinal tuberculosis in a child living in a country with a low incidence of tuberculosis: a case report

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    Background: Relatively common in adults, intestinal tuberculosis is considered rare in children and adolescents. The protean manifestations of intestinal tuberculosis mean that the diagnosis is often delayed (sometimes even for years), thus leading to increased mortality and unnecessary surgery. The main diagnostic dilemma is to differentiate intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn’s disease because a misdiagnosis can have dramatic consequences. Case presentation: A 13-year-old Caucasian, Italian female adolescent attended the Emergency Department complaining of abdominal pain, a fever of up to 38°C, night sweats, diarrhea with blood in stool, and a weight loss of about three kilograms over the previous two months. Physical examination revealed a marked skin pallor and considerable abdominal distension with relevant discomfort in all the abdominal quadrant. Laboratory tests revealed a decreased white blood cell count with anemia and increased C-reactive protein levels. The Mantoux tuberculin skin test was negative. A chest X-ray and an abdominal ultrasonography did not reveal any significant findings. The patient underwent colonoscopy that showed diffuse mucosal congestion and significant blood loss, and laparatomy showed small bowel and colon loops with a whitish appearance. A biopsy of the ileal mucosa revealed inflammation with noncaseating granulomas possibly due to bacterial infection. Given the suspicion of an opportunistic bacterial infection in a child with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (possibly Crohn’s disease), treatment with a third-generation cephalosporin was started. However, the abdominal pain, fever and poor general condition persisted and so, after 11 days, the patient underwent total body computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. On the basis of the radiological findings, miliary tuberculosis was suspected and bronchoscopy was performed and resulted positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Miliary tuberculosis was confirmed and an effective treatment with four drugs was started. Conclusion: This case shows that the manifestations of intestinal tuberculosis can be very difficult to diagnose and mimic those of Chron’s disease. Total body computed tomography and laparotomy with an intestinal biopsy for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are the means of avoid the risks of a misdiagnosis in children with unexplained chronic abdominal problems

    “You Are the Key”: A co-design project to reduce disparities in Black veterans’ communication with healthcare providers

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    Interventions are needed to overcome a key barrier to patient-provider communication, namely that patients hesitate to participate in clinical conversations because they believe their expected role is to be passive. This expectation is reinforced for veterans, who replicate their experience of military hierarchy in the patient-provider relationship. Black veterans, moreover, encounter structural racism that compounds this power imbalance. This paper describes a co-designed intervention to empower Black veterans to talk with providers, using shared decision-making (SDM) for lung cancer screening (LCS) as an exemplar. We worked with a diverse group of 5 veterans to develop materials that normalize participating in clinical conversations. We then interviewed 10 Black veterans selected from a national sample to assess the booklet’s impact and contextual factors. The co-design team produced a 30-page booklet that includes veteran narratives describing positive clinical interactions, as well as didactic information about SDM and LCS. We identified four themes related to Black veteran participants’ healthcare experience: (1) they want truthful and complete information exchange with providers they know; (2) they often feel their concerns are disregarded; (3) poor communication worsens medical treatment; and (4) they are confused and angry about treatment in clinical encounters that they feel are racist. The booklet was described as interesting and informative. The veteran narratives in the booklet particularly resonated with readers. Assessment of the booklet’s overall impact on planned engagement with providers varied. Co-designed materials that normalize participation in clinical encounters can play a role in reducing disparities in patient-provider communication. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Innovation & Technology lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://theberylinstitute.org/experience-framework/). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Tidal disruption of satellites and formation of narrow rings

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    In this paper we investigate the formation of narrow planetary rings such as those found around Uranus and Saturn through the tidal disruption of a weak, gravitationally bound satellite that migrates within its Roche limit. Using NN-body simulations, we study the behaviour of rubble piles placed on circular orbits at different distances from a central planet. We consider both homogeneous satellites and differentiated bodies containing a denser core. We show that the Roche limit for a rubble pile is closer to the planet than for a fluid body of the same mean density. The Roche limit for a differentiated body is also closer to the planet than for a homogeneous satellite of the same mean density. Within its Roche limit, a homogeneous satellite totally disrupts and forms a narrow ring. The initial stages of the disruption are similar to the evolution of a viscous fluid ellipsoid, which can be computed semi-analytically. On the other hand, when a differentiated satellite is just within the Roche limit only the mantle is disrupted. This process is similar to Roche-lobe overflow in interacting binary stars and produces two narrow rings on either side of a remnant satellite. We argue that the Uranian rings, and possibly their shepherd satellites, could have been formed through the tidal disruption of a number of protomoons that were formed inside the corotation radius of Uranus and migrated slowly inwards as a result of tidal interaction with the planet.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Some figures have been compressed to fit into astro-ph size guidelines. Please contact authors if full resolution images are require

    Saturn's F Ring Core: Calm in the Midst of Chaos

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    The long-term stability of the narrow F Ring core has been hard to understand. Instead of acting as "shepherds", Prometheus and Pandora together stir the vast preponderance of the region into a chaotic state, consistent with the orbits of newly discovered objects like S/2004S6. We show how a comb of very narrow radial locations of high stability in semimajor axis is embedded within this otherwise chaotic region. The stability of these semimajor axes relies fundamentally on the unusual combination of rapid apse precession and long synodic period which characterizes the region. This situation allows stable "antiresonances" to fall on or very close to traditional Lindblad resonances which, under more common circumstances, are destabilizing. We present numerical integrations of tens of thousands of test particles over tens of thousands of Prometheus orbits that map out the effect. The stable antiresonance zones are most stable in a subset of the region where Prometheus first-order resonances are least cluttered by Pandora resonances. This region of optimum stability is paradoxically closer to Prometheus than a location more representative of "torque balance", helping explain a longstanding paradox. One stable zone corresponds closely to the currently observed semimajor axis of the F Ring core. While the model helps explain the stability of the narrow F Ring core, it does not explain why the F Ring material all shares a common apse longitude; we speculate that collisional damping at the preferred semimajor axis (not included in the current simulations) may provide that final step. Essentially, we find that the F Ring core is not confined by a combination of Prometheus and Pandora, but a combination of Prometheus and precession

    Molecular, behavioural and morphological comparisons of sperm adaptations in a fish with alternative reproductive tactics

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    In species with alternative reproductive tactics, there is much empirical support that parasitically spawning males have larger testes and greater sperm numbers as an evolved response to a higher degree of sperm competition, but support for higher sperm performance (motility, longevity and speed) by such males is inconsistent. We used the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) to test whether sperm performance differed between breeding-coloured males (small testes, large mucus-filled sperm-duct glands; build nests lined with sperm-containing mucus, provide care) and parasitic sneaker-morph males (no breeding colouration, large testes, rudimentary sperm-duct glands; no nest, no care). We compared motility (per cent motile sperm), velocity, longevity of sperm, gene expression of testes and sperm morphometrics between the two morphs. We also tested if sperm-duct gland contents affected sperm performance. We found a clear difference in gene expression of testes between the male morphs with 109 transcripts differentially expressed between the morphs. Notably, several mucin genes were upregulated in breeding-coloured males and two ATP-related genes were upregulated in sneaker-morph males. There was a partial evidence of higher sperm velocity in sneaker-morph males, but no difference in sperm motility. Presence of sperm-duct gland contents significantly increased sperm velocity, and nonsignificantly tended to increase sperm motility, but equally so for the two morphs. The sand goby has remarkably long-lived sperm, with only small or no decline in motility and velocity over time (5 min vs. 22 h), but again, this was equally true for both morphs. Sperm length (head, flagella, total and flagella-to-head ratio) did not differ between morphs and did not correlate with sperm velocity for either morph. Thus, other than a clear difference in testes gene expression, we found only modest differences between the two male morphs, confirming previous findings that increased sperm performance as an adaptation to sperm competition is not a primary target of evolution.</p

    Spatial Structure and Coherent Motion in Dense Planetary Rings Induced by Self-Gravitational Instability

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    We investigate the formation of spatial structure in dense, self-gravitating particle systems such as Saturn's B-ring through local NN-body simulations to clarify the intrinsic physics based on individual particle motion. In such a system, Salo (1995) showed that the formation of spatial structure such as wake-like structure and particle grouping (clump) arises spontaneously due to gravitational instability and the radial velocity dispersion increases as the formation of the wake structure. However, intrinsic physics of the phenomena has not been clarified. We performed local NN-body simulations including mutual gravitational forces between ring particles as well as direct (inelastic) collisions with identical (up to N∌40000N\sim40000) particles. In the wake structure particles no longer move randomly but coherently. We found that particle motion was similar to Keplerian motion even in the wake structure and that the coherent motion was produced since the particles in a clump had similar eccentricity and longitude of perihelion. This coherent motion causes the increase and oscillation in the radial velocity dispersion. The mean velocity dispersion is rather larger in a more dissipative case with a smaller restitution coefficient and/or a larger surface density since the coherence is stronger in the more dissipative case. Our simulations showed that the wavelength of the wake structure was approximately given by the longest wavelength \hs{\lambda}{cr} = 4\pi^2 G\Sigma/\kappa^2 in the linear theory of axisymmetric gravitational instability in a thin disk, where GG, ÎŁ\Sigma, and Îș\kappa are the gravitational constant, surface density, and a epicyclic frequency.Comment: Accepted by Earth, Planets, and Space. 39 pages, 20 figures. PostScript files also available from http://www.geo.titech.ac.jp/nakazawalab/hdaisaka/works
