525 research outputs found

    Strong predictors of offender drivers: drug and alcohol addiction and the inability to dissociate binge alcohol or drug consumption from driving. Revoking their driver’s licence may not be enough

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    The causes underlying traffic offender behaviour might be the tip of the iceberg that represents a persistent burden on global health and serves to detect other serious social, family, work problems. Better understanding and prevention of recidivism following a First-time driving under the influence conviction and analysis of High Risk offender driver behaviors are needed. This study seeks to identify the factors that predict an offender driver profile, analysing not only drivers’ general use of alcohol and/or drugs, but also their ability to dissociate the use of alcohol and other substances from driving. A total of 315 drivers — 97 offenders (95.9 % men) and 218 non-offenders (47.2 % men) responded to a battery of self-report evaluation questionnaires on: alcohol use habits (measured with the AUDIT); drug use (measured with the DAST-20); the ability of dissociating alcohol and substance use from driving; educational level; self-reported traffic violations, errors and lapses (measured with the DBQ, Driver Behaviour Questionnaire); and sociodemographic questions. The model showed good fit indicators (R2 = 0.74). It also displayed good predictive power: (1). It correctly classified 91 % of participants as offender or non-offender drivers. (2). More specifically, its sensitivity was 88 %, having correctly classified offenders as offenders. And its specificity was 92 %, having correctly classified non-offenders as non-offenders. The findings underscores that not only is alcohol use a key predictor of offending behaviour, but so is drug use. These addictions are a health problem, and their consequences are more serious when the afflicted individual drives a vehicle. This article makes evident that repeat offenders have a lower ability of dissociating alcohol and substance use from driving than do non-offender drivers. Non-offenders are shown to be more capable than offenders of dissociating consumption from driving: offender drivers are unable to dissociate the consumption of more than 5 spirit drinks, or the consumption of cannabis, from driving. More than half of non-offender drivers admitted to driving after having had 1 or 2 beers. Along these same lines, we found that offenders believe they have fewer lapses than non-offenders. This could be due to the optimism bias of bold offender drivers, who overestimate their abilities and underestimate their lapses. We also found that offender drivers have a lower educational level. Revoking the High Risk offender’s driver’s licence may not be enough. Instead, High Risk Offenders should be given the support they need to give up the consumption of alcohol and drugs, at least while driving. This could be achieved if they receive motivational interventions and are referred for detoxification treatment.Plan Nacional de Drogas, Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social (MCBS), PND-020-019 and the Grants: PID2020-113878, PID-2021-12944-IOO, PYC20RE022, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Junta de Andalucía and the “European Union

    Hydraulic Anatomy of Guadiana Springs (I)

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    [ES] El Río Guadiana nacía gracias al caudal sobrante del acuífero manchego occidental, recurso que era aprovechado en sus primeros cincuenta kilómetros por dieciséis molinos hidráulicos. Este conjunto industrial perduró hasta la segunda mitad del pasado siglo, cuando distintas obras de drenaje y desecación junto al agotamiento del acuífero, provocaron un yermo panorama donde agua y vida imperaron durante siglos. El primer objetivo de esta investigación independiente, desarrollada en la sección de humedales del CREA y en la Escuela de Caminos de la UCLM, es caracterizar el sistema hidráulico original a través de geo-historiografía y trabajos de campo integrados en un sistema de información geográfica, con el objeto de simular su hidrodinámica prístina con el modelo IBER bajo condiciones de avenida. Los resultados permitirán estimar la capacidad de carga hidráulica y de laminación de avenidas de los dieciséis azudes y molinos en operación en el siglo XVI, que servirán de escenario base para analizar el impacto de las obras de drenaje venideras. Estos parámetros son esenciales en cualquier proyecto de restauración fluvial orientado a recuperar el dominio público hidráulico histórico y mitigar los potenciales efectos del cambio climático.[EN] Guadiana River used to spring thanks to the Western Mancha Aquifer surplus flow, powering a set of sixteen watermills located along fifty kilometres of its upper reach. Such industrial hub lasted until the second half of last century, when drainage and drying-up works joined to aquifer overdraft, resulted in a distressing parched and scorched land where water and life had been dominant for centuries. The first target of this independent research, developed at the wetlands section of the Regional Centre Water Research and Civil Engineering Faculty (UCLM), is to characterize this ancient hydraulic system through geo-historiography and field works integrated in a Geographic Information System, to model that pristine hydrodynamics in IBER under flooding conditions. The expected results would assess the pristine hydraulic carrying capacity and flooding events management capacity of the sixteen weirs and watermills operating by 16th century, baseline to analyse further scenarios influenced by the drainage works to come. These parameters are essential to draft any fluvial restoration project focused on recovering that Hydraulic Public Domain and to mitigate the climate change potential effects.Doncel Fuentes, P.; Florín Beltrán, M. (2020). Anatomía Hidráulica de los Ojos del Guadiana (I). Ingeniería del agua. 24(3):169-181. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2020.12387OJS169181243ACGE. (c. 1780). Mapa del Río Guadiana desde el que suponen rebrote de sus aguas llamado los Ojos del Guadiana hasta la embocadura del Río Gigüela con demostración de las madres, canales y demás obras executadas de orden de S.M. para evacuar las inundaciones. Archivo del Centro Geográfico del Ejército (ACGE), Madrid. Arm. E., T.8, C.4-238.AHN. 2015. Croquis del nacimiento del río Guadiana, y el paso por Daimiel, Ojos del Guadiana, Villarrubia de los Ojos hasta el término de Malagón (Ciudad Real). Retrieved from ES.45168.SNAHN/,CP.10,D.24: http://pares.mcu.esAlmagro Vidal, C. 2016. Paisajes medievales en el Campo de Calatrava. Madrid: La Ergástula.Bladé, E., Cea, L., Corestein, G., Escolano, E., Puertas, J., Vázquez-Cendón, M.,... Coll, A. 2014. Iber: herramienta de simulación numérica del flujo en ríos. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, 30, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rimni.2012.07.004BOE. 2018. Real Decreto 849/1986, de 11 de abril. Reglamento del Dominio Público Hidráulico.BOP Ciudad Real. (23 de 2 de 1987). Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Ciudad Real. En Declaración provisional de sobreexplotación del Acuífero 23.Campos, F.J., Sevilla, F.D. 2009. Los pueblos de Ciudad Real en las Relaciones Topográficas de Felipe II. Diputación de Ciudad Real.Castro González, C.M. 1854. Apuntes sobre el río Guadiana y su nacimiento en los ojos. Revista de Obras Públicas, 4, tomo I, 106-114.CEDEX. 2012. Estudio de los impactos del cambio climático en los recursos hídricos y las masas de agua. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos. CEDEX.CEDEX. 2014. Mapa de Caudales Máximos. Memoria Técnica. Ministerio de Fomento. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino.CEGET. (1956-1957). Archivo Cartográfico y de Estudios Geográficos del Centro Geográfico del Ejército. Retrieved from USA Map Service, flight scale 1/32000: https://fototeca.cnig.es/Celis Pozuelo, A., Mediavilla López, R., Santisteban Navarro, J.I., Castaño Castaño, S. 2019. La Monarquía Hispánica y el control de los recursos hídricos: hacia ladesecación de Las Tablas de Daimiel de 1751. Hispania, vol. LXXIX, n.º 261, enero-abril, 69-98. https://doi.org/10.3989/hispania.2019.003CHG. (21 de 03 de 2018). Presas de embalse de la Cuenca Alta. Obtenido de Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadiana: http://www.chguadiana.es/cuenca-hidrografica/infraestructuras/infraestructuras-de-regulacionChow, V. T. 1959. Open-Channel Hydraulics. McGraw-Hill.CIDAHM. (02 de 05 de 2018). Banco de imágenes del Centro de Interpretación y Documentación del Agua y los Humedales Manchegos. Concejalía de Medio Ambiente. Ayuntamiento de Daimiel.Dadson, T.J. 2007. Los moriscos de Villarubia de los Ojos (Siglos XV-XVIII). Historia de una minoría asimilada, expulsada y reintegrada. Iberoamericana.DGOP. 1883. Itinerarios del Río Guadiana. Dirección General Obras Públicas (DGOP). División Hidrológica Ciudad Real.Doncel Fuentes, P. 2015. Towards Sustainable Use of Groundwater Resources: Aquifer 23, La Mancha-Spain. Retrieved from KTH, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE). Dissertation for Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure MsC: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-173875Espinosa, D.C. 2015. La imagen más antigua de los molinos hidráulicos del Guadiana a su paso por Daimiel, a través de un plano conservado en la sección nobleza del Archivo Histórico Nacional. V Congreso Internacional de Molinología, (pp. 73-80). Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real).Google Earth. 2016. Imagery Novembre 2016.Gray, D. 2005. Braided river springs: distribution, benthic ecology, and role in the landscape. University of Canterbury.Gumbel, E. 1958. Statistics of extremes. New York: Columbia University Press. https://doi.org/10.7312/gumb92958Hernández Pacheco, E. 1955. Fisiografía Solar Hispano. Madrid: Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.ICOLD. 2011. Constitution Statuts. International Commission on Large Dams.ICOLD. (2017, 11). International Commission on Large Dams. Retrieved from Technology of dams: https://www.icold-cigb.netIGN©. 2008. Centro de descargas del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN). MTN25 Raster.Ilera, F.A. 1993. Daimiel 1752: según las respuestas generales del Catastro de Ensenada.Intedhor SL. (28 de Diciembre de 2015). Campaña topográfica sin ánimo de lucro. Muestreo de 355 puntos singulares. G-3 RTK Topcon GPS. Precisión H: 10mm+1ppm; V: 15mm+1ppm. Los Ojos del Guadiana.Jérez García, O. 2005. La función didáctica de la arquitectura rural: Los molinos de los Ojos de Guadiana y las Tablas de Daimiel. In Actas V Congreso Internacional del Molinología (pp. 645-657). Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real).Madoz, P. 1850. Diccionario geográfico-estadístico-historico de España y sus posesiones de Ultramar. Madrid.MDT05-LIDAR; IGN©. 2009. Centro de descargas del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN). PNOA. Modelo Digital del Terreno (MDT05-LIDAR) con densidad 0.5 ptos/m2 y precisión altimétrica <0.5 m; LEICA ALS50; hojas 759, 760 y 761.Melero Cabañas, D. 2014. Ciudad Real, Tierra de Molinos de Agua. Ciudad Real: Imprenta Provincial.MTN25 Raster; IGN©. 2008. Centro de descargas del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN). PNOA. Mapa topográfico nacional. Hojas 759, 760 y 761.PNOA; IGN©. (2006-2015). Centro de descargas del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN). Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea. hojas 759, 760 y 761.Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Balasch, J.C., Tuset, J., Barriendos, M., Mazon, J., Pino, D. 2015. Historical, hydraulic, hydrological and meteorological reconstruction of 1874 Santa Tecla flash floods in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Hydrology, 524, 279-295. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.02.023Santos, J.F., Campo, F.J. 2009. Territorio, Agua y Sociedad. Hacia un modelo de distribución de los molinos hidráulicos en el entorno de las tablas de Daimiel. V Congreso Internacional de Molinología 2005. Alcázar de San Juan.Sepúlveda Rodríguez, C. (22 de 03 de 2016). Inspección de campo a Los Ojos del Guadiana.SIAA. 2018. Ministerio para la transición ecológica. Retrieved from Sistema de información del Anuario de Aforos. Redes de Seguimiento: https://sig.mapama.gob.es/redes-seguimiento/Urbina, D., Urquijo, C. 2017. Arqueología en los Ojos del Guadiana. Los Toriles-Casas Altas. ArqueoExperiences. Edición digital

    Burkholderia cepacia aisladas de variedades de ñame con actividad antimicrobiana contra Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    The present study had as objective in vitro to evaluate the antifungal activity of type compound antibiotic produced by isolated endophytes bacteria from varieties of yam against the mycelial growth of the fungus C. gloesporioides. Samples of Yam plants were collected randomly in the form of zig-zag in the Department of Sucre. The collected samples were disinfected surface; subsequently is led to out the isolation, counting and separation of morphotypes of endophytes bacteria through technique of serial over surface of the agar medium. Each to isolated morphotype was used to evaluate in vitro inhibitory activity of cells of endophytes bacteria on the growth of the fungus C. gloesporioides. The morphotype of bacteria with greater inhibitory activity were selected to obtain metabolites antibiotic type in two sources of carbon (glucose and mannitol) in three concentrations (0,5; 1,0 and 1,5%). The morphotype with greater inhibitory activity was 3AT1, the results of the in vitro test showed greater activity when the composite type antibiotic was obtained in the middle with a concentration of 1,5% glucose. Identification with kit API20E results confirm with a 99.9% of identity with the kind of bacterium Burkholderia cepacia, becoming this compound as a potential biological against the micelal growth of the fungus C. gloesporioides, causing the disease known as yam anthracnose in the Department of Sucre.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo, evaluar in vitro la actividad antifúngica de compuesto tipo antibiótico producido por bacterias endófitas aisladas de variedades de ñame contra el crecimiento micelial del hongo C. gloesporioides. Las muestras plantas de ñame fueron recolectadas aleatoriamente en forma de zig-zag en los sitios de muestreo seleccionados en el departamento de Sucre. Las muestras recolectados fueron desinfectados superficialmente, posteriormente se llevó a cabo el aislamiento, conteo y separación de morfotipos de bacterias endófitas mediante técnica de dilución seriada sobre superficie del medio agar. A cada morfotipo aislado fue utilizado para evaluar in vitro la actividad inhibitoria de células de bacterias endófitas contra el crecimiento del hongo C. gloesporioides. Los morfotipos de bacterias con mayor actividad inhibitoria fueron seleccionados para la obtención de metabolitos tipo antibiótico en dos fuentes de carbono (Glucosa y manitol) en tres concentraciones (0.5; 1,0 y 1,5 %). El morfotipo con mayor actividad inhibitoria fue 3AT1, los resultados del ensayo in vitro mostró mayor actividad cuando el compuesto tipo antibiótico fue obtenido en el medio con una concentración de 1.5% de glucosa. Los resultados de la identificación con kit API20E confirman con un 99.9 % de identidad con la especie de bacteria B. cepacia, constituyéndose este compuesto como un potencial biológico contra el crecimiento micelal del hongo C. gloesporioides, causante de la enfermedad conocida como antracnosis del cultivo del ñame en el departamento de Sucre

    Propagation of Policies in Rich Data Flows

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    Governing the life cycle of data on the web is a challenging issue for organisations and users. Data is distributed under certain policies that determine what actions are allowed and in which circumstances. Assessing what policies propagate to the output of a process is one crucial problem. Having a description of policies and data flow steps implies a huge number of propagation rules to be specified and computed (number of policies times number of actions). In this paper we provide a method to obtain an abstraction that allows to reduce the number of rules significantly. We use the Datanode ontology, a hierarchical organisation of the possible relations between data objects, to compact the knowledge base to a set of more abstract rules. After giving a definition of Policy Propagation Rule, we show (1) a methodology to abstract policy propagation rules based on an ontology, (2) how effective this methodology is when using the Datanode ontology, (3) how this ontology can evolve in order to better represent the behaviour of policy propagation rules

    Proliferación y diferenciación osteogénica de células madre mesenquimales en hidrogeles de plasma sanguíneo humano

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    Introduction: The use of mesenchymal stem cells in clinical practice has increased considerably in the last decade because they play a supporting role in the processes of tissue repair and regeneration, becoming the main tool of cell therapy for the treatment of diseases functionally affecting bone and cartilage tissue.Objective: To evaluate in vitro the proliferative and osteogenic differentiation ability of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human adipose tissue in a blood plasma hydrogel.Materials and methods: Mesenchymal stem cells were obtained from human adipose tissue explants and characterized by flow cytometry. Their multipotentiality was demonstrated by their ability to differentiate to adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. Cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation ability of the cells cultured in blood plasma hydrogels were also evaluated.Results: Mesenchymal stem cells derived from human adipose tissue growing in human blood plasma hydrogels showed a pattern of proliferation similar to that of the cells cultured in monolayer and also maintained their ability to differentiate to osteogenic lineage.Conclusions: Human blood plasma hydrogels are a suitable support for proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human adipose tissue and provides a substrate that is autologous, biocompatible, reabsorbable, easy to use, potentially injectable and economic, which could be used as a successful strategy for the management and clinical application of cell therapy in regenerative medicine.Introducción. La utilización de las células madre mesenquimales en la práctica clínica ha aumentado considerablemente en la última década, ya que juegan un papel favorable en los procesos de reparación y regeneración tisular, siendo la principal herramienta de la terapia celular para el tratamiento de enfermedades que afectan funcionalmente el tejido óseo y cartilaginoso.Objetivo. Evaluar la proliferación y capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica in vitro de células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo humano en un hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo.Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron células madre mesenquimales a partir de explantes de tejido adiposo humano y se caracterizaron por citometría de flujo; se buscó demostrar su multipotencialidad por su capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica y adipogénica. Se evaluó la proliferación celular y la capacidad de diferenciación osteogénica de las células cultivadas en hidrogeles de plasma sanguíneo.Resultados. Las células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo cultivadas en el hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo humano mostraron un patrón de proliferación muy similar al de las células cultivadas en monocapa y, además, mantuvieron su capacidad de diferenciación hacia el linaje osteogénico.Conclusiones. El hidrogel de plasma sanguíneo humano es un soporte adecuado para que las células madre mesenquimales derivadas de tejido adiposo humano proliferen y se diferencien hacia el linaje osteogénico y constituye un vehículo adecuado para su administración en regeneración del tejido óseo

    Positivity Constraints for Spin-Dependent Parton Distributions

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    We derive new positivity constraints on the spin-dependent structure functions of the nucleon. These model independent results reduce conside\-rably their domain of allowed values, in particular for the chiral-odd parton distribution h1(x)h_1 (x).Comment: 8 pages,CPT-94/P.3059,LaTex,3 fig available on cpt.univ-mrs.fr directory pub/preprints/94/fundamental-interactions/94-P.305

    Radiative Ke3 decays revisited

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    Motivated by recent experimental results and ongoing measurements, we review the chiral perturbation theory prediction for radiative Ke3 decays (neutral kaons). Special emphasis is given on the stability of the inner bremsstrahlung-dominated relative branching ratio vs. the Ke3 form factors, and on the separation of the structure dependent amplitude in differential distributions over the phase space. For the structure dependent terms, an assessment of the order p^6 corrections is given. In particular, a full next-to-leading order calculation of the axial component is performed. The experimental analysis of the photon energy spectrum is discussed, and other potentially useful distributions are introduced.Comment: Version published in Eur.Phys.J.C.: 23 pages (LaTeX), 10 figures. Minor changes in text, typos removed, references updated, Springer style file use

    Actividad in vitro de bacterias endófitas promotoras de crecimiento asociadas con pasto colosoana en el municipio de Corozal, Sucre

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    The objective of study was evaluated in vitro binding activity of nitrogen and phosphate bacteria endophytic solubilizated isolated from different tissues of colosoana grass in the districts of the municipality of Corozal, Sucre Department. Collected sample of roots stems and leaves of colosoana pasture from different farms. Of each tissue previously disinfected is made isolation in the middle of cultivation of bacteria endophytic, to which is les determined it density population of bacteria endophytic by means of count in UFC / g of tissue and is carried out separation of morphs by shape, color, size and appearance in media of crops. Each isolated morphotype was evaluated in vitro binding activity of nitrogen and phosphate solubilizing specific crops media. Are observed differences significant for density population of bacteria with respect to tissue, with higher values in root (1x1011 g/ root), followed of the stem (1.82x1010 g/stem) and with leaf density sheets (1.15x1010 g/leaf). The results of the identification kit API20E confirmed the presence of bacteria endophytes Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia with ability to fix nitrogen and solubilize phosphates.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar in vitro la actividad fijadora de nitrógeno y solubilizadora de fosfato de bacterias endófitas aisladas de diferentes de tejidos de pasto colosoana en los corregimientos del municipio de Corozal, departamento de Sucre. Se colectaron muestra de raíz, tallos y hojas de pasto colosoana. De cada tejido previamente desinfectado se realizó aislamiento en medio de cultivo para bacterias endófitas, a las cuales se les determinó la densidad poblacional por medio de conteo en UFC/ g de tejido y se separación de morfotipos por forma, color, tamaño y apariencia en medios de cultivos. A Cada morfotipo aislado se le evaluó in vitro su actividad fijadora de nitrógeno y solubilizadora de fosfato en medios de cultivos específicos. Se observaron diferencias significativas para densidad poblacional de bacterias con respecto a tejido, con mayores valores en raíz (1x1011 g/ raíz), seguida del tallo (1.82x1010 g/tallo) y menor densidad en hojas (1.15x1010 g/hoja). Los resultados de la identificación con kit API20E confirmaron la presencia de las bacterias endófitas Pseudomona aeuroginosa y Stenotrophomonas maltophilia con capacidad de fijar nitrógeno y solubilizar fosfatos

    Bridging the Gap between Preclinical and Clinical Microbicide Trials: Blind Evaluation of Candidate Gels in Murine Models of Efficacy and Safety

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    Despite significant protection in preclinical studies, cellulose sulfate (CS) failed to protect women against HIV-1/2 and was associated with a trend toward increased HIV-1 acquisition in one of the clinical trials. These results highlight the need for preclinical tests more predictive of clinical outcomes. The objective of this study was to test coded vaginal gels, including CS, in murine models of safety and efficacy to determine the models' utility for evaluating future products.Four coded formulations, including 6% CS, 2% PRO 2000 and two placebo gels, were administered intravaginally to medroxyprogesterone-treated mice and their ability to prevent genital herpes (efficacy) or to alter the susceptibility to low dose HSV challenge (safety) was determined. Nonoyxnol-9 served as a positive toxicity control.CS and PRO 2000 significantly protected mice from genital herpes following infection with a laboratory or clinical isolate of HSV-2 introduced in buffer (p<0.001). However, protection was reduced when virus was introduced in seminal plasma. Moreover, mice were significantly more susceptible to infection with low doses of HSV-2 when challenged 12 h after the 7th daily dose of CS or nonoxynol-9 (p<0.05). The increased susceptibility was associated with alterations in epithelial architecture.CS prevented genital herpes when present at the time of viral challenge, but increased the rate of infection when gel was applied daily for 7 days with a vaginal wash prior to viral inoculation. The findings presumably reflect altered epithelial architecture, which may have contributed to the trend towards increased HIV observed clinically

    Determination of lifetimes of nuclear excited states using the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift Method in combination with magnetic spectrometers

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    The current work presents the determination of lifetimes of nuclear excited states using the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift Method, in combination with spectrometers for ion identification, normalizing the intensity of the peaks by the ions detected in the spectrometer as a valid technique that produces results comparable to the ones obtained by the conventional shifted-to-unsifted peak ratio method. The technique has been validated using data measured with the γ \gamma -ray array AGATA, the PRISMA spectrometer and the Cologne plunger setup. In this paper a test performed with the AGATA-PRISMA setup at LNL and the advantages of this new approach with respect to the conventional Recoil Distance Doppler Shift Method are discussed
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