6 research outputs found

    Trans-generational plasticity in response to immune challenge is constrained by heat stress

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    Trans-generational plasticity is the adjustment of phenotypes to changing habitat conditions that persist longer than the individual lifetime. Fitness benefits (adaptive TGP) are expected upon matching parent-offspring environments. In a global change scenario, several performance-related environmental factors are changing simultaneously. This lowers the predictability of offspring environmental conditions, potentially hampering the benefits of trans-generational plasticity. For the first time, we here explore how the combination of an abiotic and a biotic environmental factor in the parental generation plays out as trans-generational effect in the offspring. We fully reciprocally exposed the parental generation of the pipefish Syngnathus typhle to an immune challenge and elevated temperatures simulating a naturally occurring heatwave. Upon mating and male pregnancy, offspring were kept in ambient or elevated temperature regimes combined with a heat-killed bacterial epitope treatment. Differential gene expression (immune genes and DNA- and histone-modification genes) suggests that the combined change of an abiotic and a biotic factor in the parental generation had interactive effects on offspring performance, the temperature effect dominated over the immune challenge impact. The benefits of certain parental environmental conditions on offspring performance did not sum up when abiotic and biotic factors were changed simultaneously supporting that available resources that can be allocated to phenotypic trans-generational effects are limited. Temperature is the master regulator of trans-generational phenotypic plasticity, which potentially implies a conflict in the allocation of resources towards several environmental factors. This asks for a reassessment of trans-generational plasticity as a short-term option to buffer environmental variation in the light of climate change

    On the relative abundance of autopolyploids and allopolyploids.

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    The prevalence of autopolyploids in angiosperms has long been a subject of debate. Meurountzing (1936) and Darlington (1937) conclude d that autopolyploids were common and important evolutionary entities. However, Clausen et al. (1945) and Stebbins (1947) subsequently considered them rare, in part because the criteria upon which interpretations of autopolyploidy were rendered were not rigorous. This position was reiterated by Grant (1981) decades later, although evidence was mounting that autopolyploid taxa might be important in natural populations (Lewis, 1980). As cytological and genetic data have accumulated, it has become increasingly apparent that the latter view is likely to be correct (Soltis et al., 2004b, 2007, 2010). However, it still appears that the majority of polyploids are allopolyploids (Parisod et al., 2010; Soltis et al., 2010), even though Ramsey & Schemske (1998, p. 467) conclude that 'the rate of autopolyploid formation may often be higher than the rate of allopol yploid formation.' In this letter we survey the literature to assess whether allopolyploids are indeed the prevailing cytotype in nature. Using our new estimates for the incidence of autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy, we discuss some of the evolutionary dynamics that may be driving their frequencies in nature. Finally, we suggest avenues for future research on polyploidy that build on our results and other recent progress in the field