430 research outputs found

    The Highland Widow

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    The pan-genome of Lactobacillus reuteri strains originating from the pig gastrointestinal tract

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    Background Lactobacillus reuteri is a gut symbiont of a wide variety of vertebrate species that has diversified into distinct phylogenetic clades which are to a large degree host-specific. Previous work demonstrated host specificity in mice and begun to determine the mechanisms by which gut colonisation and host restriction is achieved. However, how L. reuteri strains colonise the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of pigs is unknown. Results To gain insight into the ecology of L. reuteri in the pig gut, the genome sequence of the porcine small intestinal isolate L. reuteri ATCC 53608 was completed and consisted of a chromosome of 1.94 Mbp and two plasmids of 138.5 kbp and 9.09 kbp, respectively. Furthermore, we generated draft genomes of four additional L. reuteri strains isolated from pig faeces or lower GI tract, lp167-67, pg-3b, 20-2 and 3c6, and subjected all five genomes to a comparative genomic analysis together with the previously completed genome of strain I5007. A phylogenetic analysis based on whole genomes showed that porcine L. reuteri strains fall into two distinct clades, as previously suggested by multi-locus sequence analysis. These six pig L. reuteri genomes contained a core set of 1364 orthologous gene clusters, as determined by OrthoMCL analysis, that contributed to a pan-genome totalling 3373 gene clusters. Genome comparisons of the six pig L. reuteri strains with 14 L. reuteri strains from other host origins gave a total pan-genome of 5225 gene clusters that included a core genome of 851 gene clusters but revealed that there were no pig-specific genes per se. However, genes specific for and conserved among strains of the two pig phylogenetic lineages were detected, some of which encoded cell surface proteins that could contribute to the diversification of the two lineages and their observed host specificity. Conclusions This study extends the phylogenetic analysis of L. reuteri strains at a genome-wide level, pointing to distinct evolutionary trajectories of porcine L. reuteri lineages, and providing new insights into the genomic events in L. reuteri that occurred during specialisation to their hosts. The occurrence of two distinct pig-derived clades may reflect differences in host genotype, environmental factors such as dietary components or to evolution from ancestral strains of human and rodent origin following contact with pig populations

    Incorporating a mucosal environment in a dynamic gut model results in a more representative colonization by lactobacilli

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    To avoid detrimental interactions with intestinal microbes, the human epithelium is covered with a protective mucus layer that traps host defence molecules. Microbial properties such as adhesion to mucus further result in a unique mucosal microbiota with a great potential to interact with the host. As mucosal microbes are difficult to study in vivo, we incorporated mucin-covered microcosms in a dynamic in vitro gut model, the simulator of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem (SHIME). We assessed the importance of the mucosal environment in this M-SHIME (mucosal-SHIME) for the colonization of lactobacilli, a group for which the mucus binding domain was recently discovered. Whereas the two dominant resident Lactobacilli, Lactobacillus mucosae and Pediococcus acidilactici, were both present in the lumen, L. mucosae was strongly enriched in mucus. As a possible explanation, the gene encoding a mucus binding (mub) protein was detected by PCR in L. mucosae. Also the strongly adherent Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) specifically colonized mucus upon inoculation. Short-term assays confirmed the strong mucin-binding of both L. mucosae and LGG compared with P. acidilactici. The mucosal environment also increased long-term colonization of L. mucosae and enhanced its stability upon antibiotic treatment (tetracycline, amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin). Incorporating a mucosal environment thus allowed colonization of specific microbes such as L. mucosae and LGG, in correspondence with the in vivo situation. This may lead to more in vivo-like microbial communities in such dynamic, long-term in vitro simulations and allow the study of the unique mucosal microbiota in health and disease

    Molecular basis for intestinal mucin recognition by galectin-3 and C-type lectins

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    Intestinal mucins trigger immune responses upon recognition by dendritic cells via protein–carbohydrate interactions. We used a combination of structural, biochemical, biophysical, and cell-based approaches to decipher the specificity of the interaction between mucin glycans and mammalian lectins expressed in the gut, including galectin (Gal)-3 and C-type lectin receptors. Gal-3 differentially recognized intestinal mucins with different O-glycosylation profiles, as determined by mass spectrometry (MS). Modification of mucin glycosylation, via chemical treatment leading to a loss of terminal glycans, promoted the interaction of Gal-3 to poly-N-acetyllactosamine. Specific interactions were observed between mucins and mouse dendritic cell-associated lectin (mDectin)-2 or specific intercellular adhesion molecule–grabbing nonintegrin-related-1 (SIGN-R1), but not mDectin-1, using a cell-reporter assay, as also confirmed by atomic force spectroscopy. We characterized the N-glycosylation profile of mouse colonic mucin (Muc)-2 by MS and showed that the interaction with mDectin-2 was mediated by high-mannose N-glycans. Furthermore, we observed Gal-3 binding to the 3 C-type lectins by force spectroscopy. We showed that mDectin-1, mDectin-2, and SIGN-R1 are decorated by N-glycan structures that can be recognized by the carbohydrate recognition domain of Gal-3. These findings provide a structural basis for the role of mucins in mediating immune responses and new insights into the structure and function of major mammalian lectins.—Leclaire, C., Lecointe, K., Gunning, P. A., Tribolo, S., Kavanaugh, D. W., Wittmann, A., Latousakis, D., MacKenzie, D. A., Kawasaki, N., Juge, N. Molecular basis for intestinal mucin recognition by galectin-3 and C-type lectins

    Molecular Characterization of Host-Specific Biofilm Formation in a Vertebrate Gut Symbiont

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    Although vertebrates harbor bacterial communities in their gastrointestinal tract whose composition is host-specific, little is known about the mechanisms by which bacterial lineages become selected. The goal of this study was to characterize the ecological processes that mediate host-specificity of the vertebrate gut symbiont Lactobacillus reuteri, and to systematically identify the bacterial factors that are involved. Experiments with monoassociated mice revealed that the ability of L. reuteri to form epithelial biofilms in the mouse forestomach is strictly dependent on the strain’s host origin. To unravel the molecular basis for this host-specific biofilm formation, we applied a combination of transcriptome analysis and comparative genomics and identified eleven genes of L. reuteri 100-23 that were predicted to play a role. We then determined expression and importance of these genes during in vivo biofilm formation in monoassociated mice. This analysis revealed that six of the genes were upregulated in vivo, and that genes encoding for proteins involved in epithelial adherence, specialized protein transport, cell aggregation, environmental sensing, and cell lysis contributed to biofilm formation. Inactivation of a serine-rich surface adhesin with a devoted transport system (the SecA2-SecY2 pathway) completely abrogated biofilm formation, indicating that initial adhesion represented the most significant step in biofilm formation, likely conferring host specificity. In summary, this study established that the epithelial selection of bacterial symbionts in the vertebrate gut can be both specific and highly efficient, resulting in biofilms that are exclusively formed by the coevolved strains, and it allowed insight into the bacterial effectors of this process

    Allowing for detachment processes in market innovation. The case of short food supply chains

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the place of detachment processes in market agencing. The authors draw on the case of short food supply chains, especially those established to provide local produce to mass catering. They characterise short food supply chains as “market innovations through withdrawal”, i.e. market innovations aiming at detaching farmers and consumers from the middlemen of mainstream markets and reducing the number of food miles. They argue that detachment from mainstream market mediators generally calls for the creation of new mediators and highlight the difficulties of this agencing work. In line with the research on path dependence and lock-ins, they also show that existing attachments are binding and may impede detachments. Finally, the authors show that short food supply chains combine the establishment of new and pre-existing attachments and of new and pre-existing detachments. They sum up this combination of processes with the term “quasi-detachment”

    Rapid Laser Manufacturing of Microfluidic Devices from Glass Substrates

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    Conventional manufacturing of microfluidic devices from glass substrates is a complex, multi-step process that involves different fabrication techniques and tools. Hence, it is time-consuming and expensive, in particular for the prototyping of microfluidic devices in low quantities. This article describes a laser-based process that enables the rapid manufacturing of enclosed micro-structures by laser micromachining and microwelding of two 1.1-mm-thick borosilicate glass plates. The fabrication process was carried out only with a picosecond laser (Trumpf TruMicro 5×50) that was used for: (a) the generation of microfluidic patterns on glass, (b) the drilling of inlet/outlet ports into the material, and (c) the bonding of two glass plates together in order to enclose the laser-generated microstructures. Using this manufacturing approach, a fully-functional microfluidic device can be fabricated in less than two hours. Initial fluid flow experiments proved that the laser-generated microstructures are completely sealed; thus, they show a potential use in many industrial and scientific areas. This includes geological and petroleum engineering research, where such microfluidic devices can be used to investigate single-phase and multi-phase flow of various fluids (such as brine, oil, and CO2) in porous media

    Structural basis for the role of Serine-Rich Repeat Proteins from Lactobacillus reuteri in gut microbe-host interactions

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    Lactobacillus reuteri, a Gram-positive bacterial species inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract of vertebrates displays remarkable host adaptation. Previous mutational analyses of rodent strain L. reuteri 100-23C identified a gene encoding a predicted surface-exposed serine-rich repeat protein (SRRP100-23) that was vital for L. reuteri biofilm formation in mice. SRRPs have emerged as an important group of surface proteins on many pathogens but no structural information is available in commensal bacteria. Here we report the 2.00 Å and 1.92 Å crystal structures of the binding regions (BRs) of SRRP100-23 and SRRP53608 from L. reuteri ATCC 53608, revealing a unique “β-solenoid” fold in this important adhesin family. BRSRRP53608 boundto host epithelial cells and DNA at neutral pH and recognised polygalacturonic acid (PGA), rhamnogalacturonan I or chondroitin sulfate A at acidic pH. Mutagenesis confirmed the role of the BR putative binding site in the interaction of BRSRRP53608 with PGA. Long molecular dynamics simulations showed that SRRP53608 undergoes a pH-dependent conformational change. Together, these findings shed new mechanistic insights into the role of SRRPs in host-microbe interactions and open new avenues of research into the use of biofilm-forming probiotics against clinically important pathogens