185 research outputs found

    Comment la Vieille Capitale est-elle devenue vieillissante ?

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    Cet article formule puis examine l’hypothèse que la réduction de la fécondité et le vieillissement démographique dans la région métropolitaine de Québec soient étroitement liés à l’apparition, la réalisation, l’extension et l’inflation d’un idéal de la vie de banlieue exerçant une pression croissante sur la vie familiale et contribuant à la désintégration des milieux urbains et ruraux d’autrefois plus féconds. Il retrace en trois phases la genèse du vieillissement démographique comme effet de l’urbanisation d’après 1945, en interprétant quatre portraits statistiques du parc résidentiel, de la population, des âges et des types de ménages en 1951, 1966, 1986 et 2006 dans les différentes zones de l’espace urbain et de la banlieue. L’idéalisation de la vie de banlieue s’avère le principe commun de l’exode des familles avec enfants vers les développements pavillonnaires, de leur concentration croissante en périphérie de l’agglomération, de la sensibilité accrue de leur fécondité à leur situation économique, et du haut niveau de stress de la famille contemporaine.This article formulates and then examines the hypothesis that a drop in fertility and the demographic ageing in the Greater Québec City area are directly linked to the conception, realization, development and inflation of the ideal of suburban life. This ideal places growing pressure on family life and contributes to the disintegration of formerly healthy urban and rural areas. In three steps, we will look at the genesis of demographic ageing as an effect of the post-1945 urbanization and interpret four statistical portraits – housing stock, population, ages and types of households in 1951, 1966, 1986 and 2006 – in various urban and suburban spaces. The idealization of suburban life proves to be the common denominator in families’ exodus to housing developments, their growing concentration in outlaying areas, the heightened sensitivity of families’ fertility to their economic situations and contemporary families’ stress levels

    Weak Monge arrays in higher dimensions

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    AbstractAn n Ă— n matrix C is called a weak Monge matrix if cii + crs â©˝is + cri for all 1 â©˝ i â©˝ r, s â©˝ n. It is well known that the classical linear assignment problem is optimally solved by the identity permutation if the underlying cost-matrix fulfills the weak Monge property.In this paper we introduce d-dimensional weak Monge arrays, (d â©ľ 2), and prove that d-dimensional axial assignment problems can be solved efficiently whenever the underlying cost-array fulfills the d-dimensional weak Monge property. Moreover, it is shown that all results also carry over into an abstract algebraic framework. Finally, the problem of testing whether or not a given array can be permuted to become a weak Monge array is investigated

    An Optimal Algorithm To Recognize Robinsonian Dissimilarities

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    International audienceA dissimilarity D on a finite set S is said to be Robinsonian if S can be totally ordered in such a way that, for every i<j<k,D(i,j)≤D(i,k)i < j < k, D(i, j) ≤ D(i, k) and D(j,k)≤D(i,k)D(j, k) ≤ D(i, k). Intuitively, D is Robinsonian if S can be represented by points on a line. Recognizing Robinsonian dissimilarities has many applications in se-riation and classification. In this paper, we present an optimal O(n2)O(n 2) algorithm to recognize Robinsonian dissimilarities, where n is the cardinal of S. Our result improves the already known algorithms

    Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Two-Electron and Two-Muon Final State with CMS

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    The decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson to ZZ(*), with both Zs decaying to leptons is one of the most important potential discovery channels for the Higgs boson at the LHC. The four lepton state with the highest branching ratio is the two-electron two-muon final state. This note presents the discovery potential of the Higgs boson using this channel at CMS for Higgs boson masses between 115 and 600 GeV. It is found that a Higgs boson with mass in the range 130 to 500 GeV, excluding a narrow region close to 170 GeV is expected to be observable at CMS with a significance exceeding 5 sigma with 30 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity

    Mise en voix de l'intime : Ă©tude de cinq solos de Marie Brassard

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    Ce mémoire se penche sur l’évolution des stratégies d’autoreprésentation et d’autofictionnalisation dans cinq solos de Marie Brassard entre 2000 et 2011 – Jimmy, créature de rêve, La noirceur, Peepshow, L’invisible et Moi qui me parle à moi-même dans le futur. L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser comment les masques vocaux contribuent au dévoilement de soi et produisent de ce fait un sentiment d’intimité malgré l’alternance des effets d’identification et de distanciation qu’ils suscitent. Le premier chapitre montre que, par l’ouverture du moi sur le monde au fil des créations, les protagonistes parviennent bientôt à dire « je » sans avoir la consistance d’un personnage, alors que le moi de l’archiénonciatrice se dilate grâce à la perméabilité et aux permutations continuelles des thèmes, des motifs et des personnages. Le second chapitre analyse le décloisonnement spatial qui affecte la scène et la salle comme la performeuse et ses collaborateurs dans l’établissement d’un véritable dialogisme. À partir de l’étude du corps en scène, le dernier chapitre examine les effets du décloisonnement textuel et spatial, et montre que la mise en évidence du triple rôle endossé par Brassard – auteure, actrice et agenceure scénique – oblige à reconsidérer la nature du corps qui s’offre au regard durant la représentation, en invitant le spectateur à s’investir dans le jeu scénique au-delà des évidences.This dissertation focuses on the development of the strategies of self-representation and autofictionnalisation in five one-woman shows by Marie Brassard between 2000 and 2011 – Jimmy, creature de reve, The Darkness, Peepshow, The Invisible and Me Talking to Myself in the Future. The objective of this study is to analyze the way vocal masks contribute to self-disclosure and thereby produce a feeling of intimacy despite the alternating effects of identification and alienation they engender. The first chapter shows that by opening the “me” to the world through creations, the protagonists soon come to say “I” without having the consistency of a character, while the “me” of the archienonciator expands through continual permeability and permutations of themes, motives and characters. The second chapter analyzes the deregulation affecting the space stage and the audience as well as the performer and her collaborators in the establishment of a genuine dialogism. With the study of the body on stage as its starting point, the last chapter examines the effects of spatial and textual decompartmentalization and shows that the display of the triple role endorsed by Brassard – author, actress and scenic organizer – forces us to reconsider the nature of the body that offers itself to the audience during the performance, inviting the audience member to invest himself in stagecraft beyond what is obvious

    An Alternate representation of distributed computations

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    Projet ARCHIThis paper proposes another representation of the event partially ordered set of distributed executions which relies on diagrams called arc diagrams. Arc diagrams are already in use within order theory and appears to have useful properties which can be of interest to distributed algorithms. It is shown that arc diagrams describe efficiently event ordering relations as well as reachable global states. Access to both of those levels is done without switching between different representations. Furthermore, this representation allows to decompose the event set into chains and yields to nearly optimal linear extensions. These linear extensions can beviewed as the nearest linear extensions of the poset that ca be produced. Those can be efficiently used to detect a new kind of global predicates called greedy predicates

    An Optimal Algorithm To Recognize Robinsonian Dissimilarities

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    International audienceA dissimilarity D on a finite set S is said to be Robinsonian if S can be totally ordered in such a way that, for every i<j<k,D(i,j)≤D(i,k)i < j < k, D(i, j) ≤ D(i, k) and D(j,k)≤D(i,k)D(j, k) ≤ D(i, k). Intuitively, D is Robinsonian if S can be represented by points on a line. Recognizing Robinsonian dissimilarities has many applications in se-riation and classification. In this paper, we present an optimal O(n2)O(n 2) algorithm to recognize Robinsonian dissimilarities, where n is the cardinal of S. Our result improves the already known algorithms

    Nonmonotone VIP : A Bundle Type Approach

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    Projet ADOPTIn this paper we provide an algorithm for solving piecewise convex maximizatio- n problems. It occurs as a tool for solving nonmonotone variational inequaliti- es in connection with mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints. We report first computational experiments on small examples and open some issues to improve optimality conditions checking

    Global Optimization and Multi Knapsack : a Percolation Algorithm

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    Projet ADOPTSince the standard multi knapsack problem \max\spc \dprodc{x} \mbox{ s.t. } Ax \leq b,x\in {0,1}^n, may be rewritten as a reverse convex problem, we present a global optimization approach. It is known from solving high dimensional nonconvex problems that pure cutting plane methods may fail and Branch&Bound is impractical, due to a large duality gap. On the other hand, a sufficient optimality condition-based strategy does not help much because it requires generating all level set points, an intractable problem. Therefore, we propose to combine both a cutting plane method and a sufficient optimality condition together with a random generation of level set points where the number of points is limited by a tabu list to prevent re-examination of the same level set area. Experiments show that we end up with a small duality gap permitting a subsequent Branch&Bound for reasonable sized instances
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