32 research outputs found

    Static and dynamic magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe1.7Ge thin films grown on Ge(111)

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    We have studied the magnetic properties of thin epitaxial hexagonal Fe1.7Ge films grown on Ge(111) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. For all samples, X-ray diffraction revealed an excellent epitaxy of the Fe1.7Ge films, with crystallographic [11 (2) over bar0] and [1 (1) over bar 00] axes lying in the sample plane. The static magnetic properties were studied by Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) at room temperature. The dynamic magnetic properties at room temperature were investigated by Micro-Strip Ferromagnetic Resonance (MS-FMR). The frequency dependence of the spectra versus the orientation of the applied in-plane magnetic field shows that the contribution of the in-plane anisotropy to the magnetic energy density consists in two distinct terms exhibiting a twofold and a sixfold symmetry, respectively. The amplitude of the sixfold anisotropy constant is an increasing function of the film thickness. The observed angular dependence of the MOKE reduced remanent magnetization is described using a coherent rotation model. A good agreement is observed between the in-plane anisotropy values derived from MS-FMR and those obtained with MOKE Transverse Bias Initial Inverse Susceptibility and Torque data. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3672396

    Deep ultraviolet laser direct write for patterning sol-gel InGaZnO semiconducting micro/nanowires and improving field-effect mobility

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    Deep-UV (DUV) laser was used to directly write indium-gallium-zinc-oxide (IGZO) precursor solution and form micro and nanoscale patterns. The directional DUV laser beam avoids the substrate heating and suppresses the diffraction effect. A IGZO precursor solution was also developed to fulfill the requirements for direct photopatterning and for achieving semi-conducting properties with thermal annealing at moderate temperature. The DUV-induced crosslinking of the starting material allows direct write of semi-conducting channels in thin-film transistors but also it improves the field-effect mobility and surface roughness. Material analysis has been carried out by XPS, FTIR, spectroscopic ellipsometry and AFM and the effect of DUV on the final material structure is discussed. The DUV irradiation step results in photolysis and a partial condensation of the inorganic network that freezes the sol-gel layer in a homogeneous distribution, lowering possibilities of thermally induced reorganization at the atomic scale. Laser irradiation allows high-resolution photopatterning and high-enough field-effect mobility, which enables the easy fabrication of oxide nanowires for applications in solar cell, display, flexible electronics, and biomedical sensors

    Corrélation entre structure – morphologie – anisotropies magnétique et magnéto-optique de couches minces de Fer épitaxiées sur Silicium.

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    Les travaux présentés portent sur la corrélation entre les propriétés structurales et morphologiques de couches mince de Fe et d'alliages de Fe-Co épitaxiées sur substrat de silicium et leurs propriétés magnétique et magnéto-optique. Les études et résultats présentés dans ce mémoire sont l'aboutissement de l'utilisation d'un ensemble de compétences variées telles que la croissance de couches minces sur silicium, la caractérisation par des méthodes dites globales des propriétés structurales et cristallographiques des systèmes élaborés complétées par une approche à l'échelle nanométrique de la topologie et morphologie des surfaces par des techniques de champ proche (STM). La fonction d'énergie d'anisotropie magnétique des couches minces a été étudiée à l'aide d'une nouvelle méthode de mesure par effet Kerr magnéto-optique : la méthode TBIIST (Transverse Bias Initial Inverse Susceptibility and Torque) intégrant de plus une détermination des différentes contributions magnéto-optique non linéaire en aimantation au signal Kerr. Ces dernières reflètent et traduisent la symétrie cristallographique du système étudié ainsi que les brisures de symétrie liées à la morphologie des surfaces – des interfaces (croissance d'îlots asymétriques) induites par les conditions d'élaboration des couches épitaxiées. Les propriétés d'anisotropie magnétique et magnéto-optique observées et les interprétations expérimentales ont été confortées par des modélisations, des calculs et des simulations à partir des images de topologie STM

    Laser direct writing photoluminescent patterns from ZnO nanocrystals

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    International audienceMicro- and nanopatterning of metal oxide materials is an important process to develop electronic or optoelectronic devices. ZnO a material choice for its semiconducting photoluminescence properties. We have developed investigated new that relies on direct write laser patterning in the DUV range prepare photoluminescent microstructures at room temperature, under air. This based synthesis colloidal nanocrystals (NCs) with careful ligands surface obtain optimal (i) stability colloids, (ii) redissolution non-insolated parts (iii) cross-linking DUV-insolated parts. The mechanisms photocrosslinking are studied by different spectroscopic methods. temperature preserves properties NCs wavelength used allows reach sub-micrometer resolution, which opens perspectives integration flexible substrates opto-electronic applications. also show this concept can be extended other nanoparticles

    Epitaxial Fe-Ge thin films on Ge(111): Morphology, structure, and magnetic properties versus stoichiometry

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    International audienceWe have studied the growth and magnetic properties of thin Fe-Ge films synthesized (codeposited at room temperature and postannealed at 250°C ) on Ge(111) wafers versus stoichiometry. Morphology and crystal structure have been investigated in situ by means of scanning tunneling microscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, and x-ray photoelectron diffraction and ex situ with x-ray diffraction. The magnetic properties were characterized ex situ by conventional polar and longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect and transverse biased initial inverse susceptibility and torque measurements. It is found that the growth is epitaxial for Ge content up to ˜48at.% ( ˜Fe1.1Ge composition). In particular, the film is homogeneous and flat and adopts a crystalline structure of hexagonal symmetry derived from the B82 (Ni2In) structure over a wide stoichiometry range extending from Fe2Ge to Fe1.1Ge . The epitaxial orientation between the Ge substrate and the germanide layer is (0001)Fe-Ge∥(111)Ge with [112¯0]Fe-Ge∥[1¯10]Ge . We found however that the surface periodicity and the out-of-plane lattice parameter c evolve within this stoichiometry range and two distinct stoichiometry regimes appear on both sides of a critical stoichiometry (˜Fe1.5Ge) . Indeed, from Fe2Ge to Fe1.5Ge the surface periodicity is p(2×2) and c continuously decreases with Fe content, whereas from Fe1.5Ge to Fe1.1Ge the surface periodicity is (3×3)R30° and c remains constant. These features have been interpreted as a clear fingerprint of a minor transformation of the crystalline structure but without any change in symmetry. This structural order transformation is discussed in relation to previous results reported in the case of macroscopic single-crystal Fe-Ge ingots. On both sides of the wide [Fe2Ge,Fe1.1Ge] composition range the layer is no more homogeneous. More precisely, for higher Fe content the film contains both the above mentioned Ni2In -derived phase and a Fe-richer phase (probably bcc Fe) whereas for higher Ge content the layer is amorphous. Magnetic characterization showed in particular that the homogeneous Ni2In -derived epilayers are ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature that varies drastically with the stoichiometry, rising up to a high TC value of ˜450K for the Fe-rich Fe1.9Ge composition. Finally, whatever the stoichiometry, the magnetic easy axis of the homogeneous phase lies in the film plane and a small uniaxial anisotropy is superimposed on a sixfold order one that results from the hexagonal symmetry of the crystallographic structure

    Elaboration of Highly Modified Stainless Steel/Lead Dioxide Anodes for Enhanced Electrochemical Degradation of Ampicillin in Water

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    Lead dioxide-based electrodes have shown a great performance in the electrochemical treatment of organic wastewater. In the present study, modified PbO2 anodes supported on stainless steel (SS) with a titanium oxide interlayer such as SS/TiO2/PbO2 and SS/TiO2/PbO2-10% Boron (B) were prepared by the sol–gel spin-coating technique. The morphological and structural properties of the prepared electrodes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It was found that the SS/TiO2/PbO2-10% B anode led to a rougher active surface, larger specific surface area, and therefore stronger ability to generate powerful oxidizing agents. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements showed that the modified PbO2 anodes displayed a lower charge transfer resistance Rct. The influence of the introduction of a TiO2 intermediate layer and the boron doping of a PbO2 active surface layer on the electrochemical degradation of ampicillin (AMP) antibiotic have been investigated by chemical oxygen demand measurements and HPLC analysis. Although HPLC analysis showed that the degradation process of AMP with SS/PbO2 was slightly faster than the modified PbO2 anodes, the results revealed that SS/TiO2/PbO2-10%B was the most efficient and economical anode toward the pollutant degradation due to its physico-chemical properties. At the end of the electrolysis, the chemical oxygen demand (COD), the average current efficiency (ACE) and the energy consumption (EC) reached, respectively, 69.23%, 60.30% and 0.056 kWh (g COD)−1, making SS/TiO2/PbO2-10%B a promising anode for the degradation of ampicillin antibiotic in aqueous solutions

    Deep-UV laser direct writing of photoluminescent ZnO submicron patterns: an example of nanoarchitectonics concept

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    International audienceMicro- and nanopatterning of metal oxide materials is an important process to develop electronic or optoelectronic devices. ZnO is a material of choice for its semiconducting and photoluminescence properties. In the frame of the nanoarchitectonics concept, we have developed and investigated a new process that relies on direct writing laser patterning in the Deep-UV (DUV) range to prepare photoluminescent microstructures of ZnO at room temperature, under air. This process is based on a synthesis of colloidal ZnO nanocrystals (NCs) with a careful choice of the ligands on the surface to obtain an optimal (i) stability of the colloids, (ii) redissolution of the non-insolated parts and (iii) cross-linking of the DUV-insolated parts. The mechanisms of photocrosslinking are studied by different spectroscopic methods. This room temperature process preserves the photoluminescence properties of the NCs and the wavelength used in DUV allows to reach a sub-micrometer resolution, which opens new perspectives for the integration of microstructures on flexible substrates for optoelectronic applications