6 research outputs found

    Disease, activity and schoolchildren's health (DASH) in Port Elizabeth, South Africa: a study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: An in-depth epidemiological investigation on intestinal parasite infections in an impoverished area of Port Elizabeth, South Africa provides a unique opportunity for research on its impact on children's physical fitness, cognitive performance and psychosocial health. Additionally, we will screen risk factors for the development of diabetes and hypertension in adulthood. METHODS/DESIGN: A 2-year longitudinal cohort study will be conducted, consisting of three cross-sectional surveys (baseline and two follow-ups), in eight historically black and coloured (mixed race) primary schools located in different townships in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Approximately 1000 Grade 4 primary schoolchildren, aged 8 to 12 years, will be enrolled and followed. At each survey, disease status, anthropometry and levels of physical fitness, cognitive performance and psychosocial health will be assessed. After each survey, individuals diagnosed with parasitic worm infections will be treated with anthelminthic drugs, while children with other infections will be referred to local clinics. Based on baseline results, interventions will be tailored to the local settings, embedded within the study and implemented in half of the schools, while the remaining schools will serve as controls. Implementation of the interventions will take place over two 8-week periods. The effect of interventions will be determined with predefined health parameters. DISCUSSION: This study will shed new light on the health burden incurred by children in deprived urban settings of South Africa and provide guidance for specific health interventions. Challenges foreseen in the conduct of this study include: (i) difficulty in obtaining written informed consent from parents/guardians; (ii) administration of questionnaires in schools where three languages are spoken (Afrikaans, Xhosa and English); (iii) challenges in grasping concepts of psychosocial health among schoolchildren using a questionnaire; and (iv) loss to follow-up due to the study setting where illiteracy, mobility and violence are common. Finally, designing the health interventions together with local principals and teachers will allow all concerned with the research to bolster a sense of community ownership and sustained use of the interventions after the study has ceased

    Ein Vergleich von physischer LeistungsfĂ€higkeit, Unter- beziehungsweise Übergewicht bei sozioökonomisch beeintrĂ€chtigten Primarschulkindern in Port Elisabeth, SĂŒdafrika - eine Feldstudie

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    Hintergrund: Die Problematik von Übergewicht und Adipositas mit weitreichenden Gesundheitsproblemen nimmt weltweit an Bedeutung zu. In Entwicklungs- und SchwellenlĂ€ndern liegt zudem eine PrĂ€valenz von Untergewicht vor. Diese Doppelbelastung wird in Studien mit verschiedenen Faktoren in Verbindung gebracht. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ZusammenhĂ€nge und Unterschiede von sozioökonomischem Status, physischer LeistungsfĂ€higkeit und Parasitenbefall bezĂŒglich des BMI zu analysieren. Methode: Die Ausgangslage der Studie bildet die DASH Studie. Aus deren Basiserhebung wurde vorliegende Querschnittstudie konzipiert. Die Stichprobe bestand aus 704 neun bis zwölfjĂ€hrigen PrimarschĂŒlerInnen aus Port Elisabeth, SĂŒdafrika. Die Kinder leben in Townships, also sozioökonomisch benachteiligten Gebieten. Erfasst wurde der sozioökonomische Status anhand eines Fragebogens, die physische LeistungsfĂ€higkeit anhand des „20m shuttle run“ Tests sowie der Parasitenbefall. Zudem wurde der BMI nach Erfassung der Grösse und des Gewichts der Kinder berechnet. Ergebnisse: Es konnte ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den BMI Perzentilkategorien und dem sozioökonomischen Status festgestellt werden. Auch die Korrelation war signifikant. Die Verteilung der „20m shuttle run“ Level unterschied sich von den BMI Perzentilkategorien signifikant und auch deren Korrelation war signifikant. Nur oberhalb der BMI Perzentilkategorie p50 konnte eine schwĂ€chere LeistungsfĂ€higkeit bei einer Abweichung zum BMI Normwert aufgezeigt werden. Nicht infizierte Kinder, einfach- und zweifachinfizierte Kinder unterschieden sich bezĂŒglich des BMI signifikant voneinander. Diskussion: Das Körpergewicht spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Beziehung der untersuchten Parameter. Die analysierten ZusammenhĂ€nge und Unterschiede beschreiben das Ausmass der BMI Problematik, welche aufgrund weiterer Analysen genauer beschrieben werden sollte

    Effect of deworming on school-aged children's physical fitness, cognition and clinical parameters in a malaria-helminth co-endemic area of CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    Malaria and helminth infections are thought to negatively affect children's nutritional status and to impair their physical and cognitive development. Yet, the current evidence-base is weak. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of deworming against soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis on children's physical fitness, cognition and clinical parameters in a malaria-helminth co-endemic setting of CÎte d'Ivoire.; We designed an intervention study with a 5-month follow-up among schoolchildren aged 5-14 years from Niablé, eastern CÎte d'Ivoire. In late 2012, a baseline cross-sectional survey was conducted. Finger-prick blood, stool and urine samples were subjected to standardised, quality-controlled techniques for the diagnosis of Plasmodium spp., Schistosoma spp., soil-transmitted helminths and intestinal protozoa infections. Haemoglobin level was determined and anthropometric measurements were taken for appraisal of anaemia and nutritional status. Children underwent memory (digit span) and attention (code transmission) cognitive testing, and their physical fitness and strength were determined (20 m shuttle run, standing broad jump and grip strength test). All children were treated with albendazole (against soil-transmitted helminthiasis) and praziquantel (against schistosomiasis) after the baseline cross-sectional survey and again 2 months later. Five months after the initial deworming, the same battery of clinical, cognitive and physical fitness tests was performed on the same children.; Lower scores in strength tests were significantly associated with children with harbouring nutritional deficiencies. Surprisingly, boys infected with Schistosoma mansoni achieved longer jumping distances than their non-infected counterparts. Light-intensity infection with S. mansoni was associated with slightly better aerobic capacity. Deworming showed no effect on haemoglobin levels and anaemia, but children with moderate- to heavy-intensity Schistosoma infection at baseline gained weight more pronouncedly than non-infected children. Interestingly, children with soil-transmitted helminth or Schistosoma infection at baseline performed significantly better in the sustained attention test than their non-infected counterparts at the 5-month follow-up.; This study revealed conflicting results regarding clinical parameters and cognitive behaviour of children after two rounds of deworming. We speculate that potential beneficial effects of deworming are likely to be undermined in areas where malaria is co-endemic and nutritional deficiencies are widespread

    Disease, activity and schoolchildren's health (DASH) in Port Elizabeth, South Africa: a study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: An in-depth epidemiological investigation on intestinal parasite infections in an impoverished area of Port Elizabeth, South Africa provides a unique opportunity for research on its impact on children's physical fitness, cognitive performance and psychosocial health. Additionally, we will screen risk factors for the development of diabetes and hypertension in adulthood. METHODS/DESIGN: A 2-year longitudinal cohort study will be conducted, consisting of three cross-sectional surveys (baseline and two follow-ups), in eight historically black and coloured (mixed race) primary schools located in different townships in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Approximately 1000 Grade 4 primary schoolchildren, aged 8 to 12 years, will be enrolled and followed. At each survey, disease status, anthropometry and levels of physical fitness, cognitive performance and psychosocial health will be assessed. After each survey, individuals diagnosed with parasitic worm infections will be treated with anthelminthic drugs, while children with other infections will be referred to local clinics. Based on baseline results, interventions will be tailored to the local settings, embedded within the study and implemented in half of the schools, while the remaining schools will serve as controls. Implementation of the interventions will take place over two 8-week periods. The effect of interventions will be determined with predefined health parameters. DISCUSSION: This study will shed new light on the health burden incurred by children in deprived urban settings of South Africa and provide guidance for specific health interventions. Challenges foreseen in the conduct of this study include: (i) difficulty in obtaining written informed consent from parents/guardians; (ii) administration of questionnaires in schools where three languages are spoken (Afrikaans, Xhosa and English); (iii) challenges in grasping concepts of psychosocial health among schoolchildren using a questionnaire; and (iv) loss to follow-up due to the study setting where illiteracy, mobility and violence are common. Finally, designing the health interventions together with local principals and teachers will allow all concerned with the research to bolster a sense of community ownership and sustained use of the interventions after the study has ceased

    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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