33 research outputs found

    PhaseQuant: A tool for quantifying tomographic data sets of geological specimens

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    a b s t r a c t Micro-CT is becoming an increasingly important tool for non-destructive analysis of rock specimens. One of the major challenges with micro-CT is to extract quantitative information as opposed to qualitative information from the datasets. In this paper, PhaseQuant -a new software tool for processing a micro-CT image stack -is introduced. PhaseQuant is an open source freeware distributed as an ImageJ plugin. PhaseQuant is a simple and easy-to-use software tool that comprises phase segmentation, phase measurement, validation and density calibration modules which together enable the user to follow a repeatable experimentation protocol for quantifying phases and components from a micro-CT image stack of rock specimens. The techniques used in the software tool are outlined in this paper along with some illustrative examples of application of the software to meteorites and rock cores. Detailed instructions on how to use the code are available on the Internet

    Long-lived magnetism on chondrite parent bodies

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Long-lived magnetism on chondrite parent bodies journaltitle: Earth and Planetary Science Letters articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2017.07.035 content_type: article copyright: © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The attached file is the published version of the article

    The Spatial Origin of Chondrules in Individual Chondrites: Constraints from Modeling Chondrule Mixing

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    Chondrules are a major component of chondritic meteorites and potentially populated the entire protoplanetary disk before planet formation. Chondrules provide insights into the physical and chemical evolution of the protoplanetary disk. An important constraint for the protoplanetary disk is whether chondrules in individual chondrite groups formed in spatially separate reservoirs and were then transported and mixed throughout the disk, finally accreting in chondrites, or did chondrules in individual chondrite groups form and then accrete in the same reservoir and locality, without large-scale transport and mixing involved. Both scenarios have been proposed. Here we use bulk chondrule compositional data from the recently published ChondriteDB database in combination with a mixing model we developed to test whether the compositional distributions of chondrule populations in individual chondrites (1) are the result of mixing chondrules from multiple parental reservoirs or (2) originated from single parental reservoirs. We thereby provide a fundamental framework that each mixing model needs to obey. Although one mixing model is principally possible, this particular model is unlikely, and it therefore appears more reasonable that chondrules in individual chondrites originated from single, although different, parental reservoirs. Significant disk-wide transport or mixing of chondrules seems unlikely, while chondrule-forming models that produce chondrules from single reservoirs seem more likely. Anomalous minor element and nucleosynthetic isotope chondrule compositions are possibly best explained by admixing tiny nuggets such as refractory or presolar grains with distinct elemental or isotopic compositions into chondrules

    What we know about elemental bulk chondrule and matrix compositions: Presenting the ChondriteDB Database

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    Chondrules and matrix are the major components of chondritic meteorites and represent a significant evolutionary step in planet formation. The formation and evolution of chondrules and matrix and, in particular, the mechanics of chondrule formation remain the biggest unsolved challenge in meteoritics. A large number of studies of these major components not only helped to understand these in ever greater detail, but also produced a remarkably large body of data. Studying all available data has become known as analyses and promises deep insights - in this case - to chondrule and matrix formation and relationships. Looking at all data may also allow one to better understand the mechanism of chondrule formation or, equally important, what information we might be missing to identify this process. A database of all available chondrule and matrix data further provides an overview and quick visualisation, which will not only help to solve actual problems, but also enable students and future researchers to quickly access and understand all we know about these components. We collected all available data on elemental bulk chondrule and matrix compositions in a database that we call ChondriteDB. The database also contains petrographic and petrologic information on chondrules. Currently, ChondriteDB contains about 2388 chondrule and 1064 matrix data from 70 different publications and 161 different chondrites. Future iterations of ChondriteDB will include isotope data and information on other chondrite components. Data quality is of critical importance. However, as we discuss, quality is not an objective category, but a subjective judgement. Quantifiable data acquisition categories are required that allow selecting the appropriate data from a database in the context of a given research problem. We provide a comprehensive overview on the contents of ChondriteDB. The database is available as an Excel file upon request from the senior author of this paper, or can be accessed through MetBase. (C) 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    The conditions of chondrule formation, Part II: Open system

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    We studied the texture of 256 chondrules in thin sections of 16 different carbonaceous (CV, CR, CO, CM, CH) and Rumuruti chondrites. In a conservative count similar to 75% of all chondrules are mineralogically zoned, i.e. these chondrules have an olivine core, surrounded by a low-Ca pyroxene rim. A realistic estimate pushes the fraction of zoned chondrules to >90% of all chondrules. Mineralogically zoned chondrules are the dominant and typical chondrule type in carbonaceous and Rumuruti chondrites. The formation of the mineralogical zonation represents a fundamentally important process of chondrule formation. The classic typification of chondrules into PO, POP and PP might in fact represent different sections through mineralogically zoned chondrules. On average, the low-Ca pyroxene rims occupy 30 vol.% of the entire chondrule. The low-Ca pyroxene most probably formed by reaction of an olivine rich chondrule with SiO from the surrounding gas. This reaction adds 3-15 wt.% of material, mainly SiO2, to the chondrule. Chondrules were open systems and interacted substantially with the surrounding gas. This is in agreement with many previous studies on chondrule formation. This open system behaviour and the exchange of material with the surrounding gas can explain bulk chondrule compositional variations in a single meteorite and supports the findings from complementarity that chondrules and matrix formed from the same chemical reservoir. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The origin of chondrules: Constraints from matrix composition and matrix-chondrule complementarity

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    One of the major unresolved problems in cosmochemistry is the origin of chondrules, once molten, spherical silicate droplets with diameters of 0.2 to 2 mm. Chondrules are an essential component of primitive meteorites and perhaps of all early solar system materials including the terrestrial planets. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed for their origin. Many carbonaceous chondrites are composed of about equal amounts of chondrules and fine-grained matrix. Recent data confirm that matrix in carbonaceous chondrites has high Si/Mg and Fe/Mg ratios when compared to bulk carbonaceous chondrites with solar abundance ratios. Chondrules have the opposite signature, low Si/Mg and Fe/Mg ratios. In some carbonaceous chondrites chondrules have low Al/Ti ratios, matrix has the opposite signature and the bulk is chondritic. It is shown in detail that these complementary relationships cannot have evolved on the parent asteroid(s) of carbonaceous chondrites. They reflect preaccretionary processes. Both chondrules and matrix must have formed from a single, solar-like reservoir. Consequences of complementarity for chondrule formation models are discussed. An independent origin and/or random mixing of chondrules and matrix can be excluded. Hence, complementarity is a strong constraint for all astrophysical-cosmochemical models of chondrule formation. Although chondrules and matrix formed from a single reservoir, the chondrule-matrix system was open to the addition of oxygen and other gaseous components. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Sr stable isotope composition of Earth, the Moon, Mars, Vesta and meteorites

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    International audienceHigh-precision stable Sr isotopic variations (88Sr/86Sr) are reported in a variety of terrestrial samples, martian and lunar meteorites, HED, undifferentiated primitive meteorites, chondrules and refractory inclusions. Almost all the whole-rock samples are isotopically indistinguishable at a 50 parts per million (ppm) level. The exceptions are CV and CO chondrites which are isotopically light and for which we believe that their isotopic composition is controlled by the proportion of refractory material. Five separated chondrules and one refractory inclusion from Allende are isotopically light, with δ88/86Sr fractionations up to −1.73‰, whereas the matrix is enriched in the heavy isotopes (δ88/86Sr = + 0.66‰). The depletion in heavy isotopes observed in chondrules and refractory inclusions could be attributed to the condensation of a material already depleted in Sr, however, in that case more than 60% of the original material would be unaccounted. We propose instead that isotopic fractionation by electromagnetic sorting of ionized heavy Sr from neutral Sr in the early solar system for the origin of the fractionation observed in refractory inclusions and redistribution of Sr by aqueous alteration for the origin of the fractionation observed in chondrules and matrix. We conclude that CV and CO chondrites are not the primary building blocks for Earth and Mars. Research Highlights ► The Sr of most planetary materials is isotopically indistinguishable at a 50 ppm level. ► Exceptions are CV and CO chondrites which are isotopically light. ► Their isotopic composition is controlled by the proportion of refractory material. ► Chondrules and refractory inclusion from Allende are isotopically light. ► The Sr isotopic composition of CAIs can be explained by electromagnetic separation in the early solar system. ► The Sr isotopic composition of chondrules and matrix can be explained by aqueous alteration