5,553 research outputs found

    Descriptive and spatial epidemiology of bovine cysticercosis in North-Eastern Spain (Catalonia).

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    From March 2005 to December 2007, 284 animals from 67 cattle farms (24 dairy and 43 beef) affected by bovine cysticercosis were detected in the region of Catalonia (North-Eastern Spain). Dairy farms were almost twice more likely to be affected than beef farms (OR=1.79, 95% CI=1.08-2.96, p<0.05), and infected premises have a statistically significant (p<0.05) larger number of animals when compared to uninfected farms in Catalonia. The geographical distribution of the infected farms was evaluated and two statistically significant clusters were identified. The most likely cluster was located in the western part of the study region, with 8 out of 10 farms infected. Epidemiological investigations revealed that the 8 farms belonged to the same company. The secondary cluster was located in Eastern Catalonia with 12 infected farms out of 167 cattle farms. No epidemiological links were found among the 12 infected premises. A questionnaire, based on the EFSA risk assessment, was used to assess the most likely route of introduction into each affected farm. Water supply for animals was the route with the highest score in 41.8% of the cases

    Stellar (n,gamma) cross sections of p-process isotopes PartI: 102Pd, 120Te, 130,132Ba,and 156Dy

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    We have investigated the (n,gamma) cross sections of p-process isotopes with the activation technique. The measurements were carried out at the Karlsruhe Van de Graaff accelerator using the 7Li(p,n)7Be source for simulating a Maxwellian neutron distribution of kT = 25 keV. Stellar cross section measurements are reported for the light p-process isotopes 102Pd, 120Te, 130,132Ba, and 156Dy. In a following paper the cross sections of 168Yb, 180W, 184Os, 190Pt, and 196Hg will be discussed. The data are extrapolated to p-process energies by including information from evaluated nuclear data libraries. The results are compared to standard Hauser-Feshbach models frequently used in astrophysics.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Potential role for clinical calibration to increase engagement with and application of home telemonitoring: a report from the HeartCycle programme

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    Aims: There is a need for alternative strategies that might avoid recurrent admissions in patients with heart failure. Home Telemonitoring (HTM) to monitor patient’s symptoms from a distance may be useful. This study attempts to assess changes in HTM vital signs in response to daily life activities (variations in medication, salt intake, exercise and stress) and to stablish which variations affect weight, blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). Methods and results: We assessed 76 patients with heart failure (mean age 76 ± 10.8 years, 75% male, mainly in NYHA class II/III and from ischaemic etiology cause). Patients were given a calendar of interventions scheduling activities approximately twice-a-week before measuring their vital signs. Eating salty food or a large meal were the activities that had a significant impact on weight gain (+0.3 kg; p<0.001 and p=0.006, respectively). Exercise and skipping a dose of medication other than diuretics increased heart rate (+3 bpm, p=0.001 and almost +2 bpm, p=0.016, respectively). Conclusions: Our HTM system was able to detect small changes in vital signs related to these activities. Further studies should assess if providing such a schedule of activities might be useful for patient education and could improve long-term adherence to recommended lifestyle changes

    Ultrasonographic scoring system for superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in horses: intra- and inter-rater variability

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    Superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) tendinopathy is an important musculoskeletal problem in horses. The study objective was to validate an ultrasonographic scoring system for SDFT injuries. Ultrasonographic images from 14 Thoroughbred racehorses with SDFT lesions (seven core; seven diffuse) and two controls were blindly assessed by five clinicians on two occasions. Ultrasonographic parameters evaluated were: type and extent of the injury, location, echogenicity, cross-sectional area and longitudinal fibre pattern of the maximal injury zone (MIZ). Inter-rater variability and intra-rater reliability were assessed using Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (KC) and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (LC), respectively. Type of injury (core vs. diffuse) had perfect inter/intra-rater agreement. Cases with core lesions had very strong inter-rater agreement (KC ≥0.74, P<0.001) and intra-rater reliability (LC ≥0.73) for all parameters apart from echogenicity. Cases with diffuse lesions had strong inter-rater agreement (KC ≥0.62) for all parameters, but weak agreement for echogenicity (KC=0.22); intra-rater reliability was excellent for MIZ location and fibre pattern (LC ≥0.82), and moderate (LC ≥0.58) for cross-sectional area and number of zones affected. This scoring system was reliable and repeatable for all parameters, except for echogenicity. A validated scoring system will facilitate reliable recording of SDFT injuries and inter-study meta-analyses

    Transverse component of the magnetic field in the solar photosphere observed by Sunrise

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    We present the first observations of the transverse component of photospheric magnetic field acquired by the imaging magnetograph Sunrise/IMaX. Using an automated detection method, we obtain statistical properties of 4536 features with significant linear polarization signal. Their rate of occurrence is 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than values reported by previous studies. We show that these features have no characteristic size or lifetime. They appear preferentially at granule boundaries with most of them being caught in downflow lanes at some point in their evolution. Only a small percentage are entirely and constantly embedded in upflows (16%) or downflows (8%).Comment: Accepted for the Sunrise Special Issue of ApJ

    Tradeoff between short-term and long-term adaptation in a changing environment

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    We investigate the competition dynamics of two microbial or viral strains that live in an environment that switches periodically between two states. One of the strains is adapted to the long-term environment, but pays a short-term cost, while the other is adapted to the short-term environment and pays a cost in the long term. We explore the tradeoff between these alternative strategies in extensive numerical simulations, and present a simple analytic model that can predict the outcome of these competitions as a function of the mutation rate and the time scale of the environmental changes. Our model is relevant for arboviruses, which alternate between different host species on a regular basis.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, PRE in pres

    Surface waves in solar granulation observed with {\sc Sunrise}

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    Solar oscillations are expected to be excited by turbulent flows in the intergranular lanes near the solar surface. Time series recorded by the IMaX instrument aboard the {\sc Sunrise} observatory reveal solar oscillations at high resolution, which allow studying the properties of oscillations with short wavelengths. We analyze two times series with synchronous recordings of Doppler velocity and continuum intensity images with durations of 32\thinspace min and 23\thinspace min, resp., recorded close to the disk center of the Sun to study the propagation and excitation of solar acoustic oscillations. In the Doppler velocity data, both the standing acoustic waves and the short-lived, high-degree running waves are visible. The standing waves are visible as temporary enhancements of the amplitudes of the large-scale velocity field due to the stochastic superposition of the acoustic waves. We focus on the high-degree small-scale waves by suitable filtering in the Fourier domain. Investigating the propagation and excitation of ff- and p1p_1-modes with wave numbers k>1.4k > 1.4\thinspace 1/Mm we find that also exploding granules contribute to the excitation of solar pp-modes in addition to the contribution of intergranular lanes.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, to appear in a special volume on Sunrise in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Second INTEGRAL AGN Catalogue

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    The INTEGRAL mission provides a large data set for studying the hard X-ray properties of AGN and allows testing of the unified scheme for AGN. We present analysis of INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI, JEM-X, and OMC data for 199 AGN supposedly detected by INTEGRAL above 20 keV. The data analysed here allow a significant spectral extraction on 148 objects and an optical variability study of 57 AGN. The slopes of the hard X-ray spectra of Seyfert 1 and Seyfert~2 galaxies are found to be consistent within the uncertainties, whereas higher cut-off energies and lower luminosities are measured for the more absorbed / type 2 AGN. The intermediate Seyfert 1.5 objects exhibit hard X-ray spectra consistent with those of Seyfert 1. When applying a Compton reflection model, the underlying continua appear the same in Seyfert 1 and 2 with photon index 2, and the reflection strength is about R = 1, when assuming different inclination angles. A significant correlation is found between the hard X-ray and optical luminosity and the mass of the central black hole in the sense that the more luminous objects appear to be more massive. There is also a general trend toward the absorbed sources and type 2 AGN having lower Eddington ratios. The black holemass appears to form a fundamental plane together with the optical and X-ray luminosity of the form Lv being proportional to Lx^0.6 M^0.2, similar to that found between radio luminosity Lr, Lx, and M. The unified model for Seyfert galaxies seems to hold, showing in hard X-rays that the central engine is the same in Seyfert 1 and 2, but seen under different inclination angles and absorption. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Corrections by language editor included in version
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