1,166 research outputs found

    Contribucions al coneixement dels patrons espacials multitemporals de les sequeres a la península Ibèrica des de la perspectiva de la Ciència de la Informació Geogràfica

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    La sequera és una amenaça natural que afecta especialment la conca mediterrània, on les projeccions de futur preveuen més episodis de sequera i la reducció de la disponibilitat d'aigua. Tanmateix, aquest fenomen no està prou ben caracteritzat, fet que en dificulta la gestió. A partir de dades climàtiques i d'imatges de satèl·lit, aquesta tesi doctoral ha analitzat episodis passats de sequeres a la península Ibèrica i ha contribuït al coneixement dels seus patrons espacials multitemporals i dels seus efectes.La sequía es una amenaza natural que afecta especialmente a la cuenca mediterránea, donde las proyecciones de futuro prevén más episodios de sequía y la reducción de la disponibilidad de agua. Sin embargo, este fenómeno no está suficientemente bien caracterizado, lo que dificulta su gestión. A partir de datos climáticos y de imágenes de satélite, esta tesis doctoral ha analizado episodios pasados de sequías en la península ibérica y ha contribuido al conocimiento de sus patrones espaciales multitemporales y de sus efectos

    La prenda de créditos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la prenda de créditos. Esta figura cumple una función primordial a la hora de garantizar el cumplimiento de una obligación. Sin embargo, muchos aspectos relacionados con la misma generan incertidumbre debido a la diversidad de opiniones de los autores, concluyendo en una doctrina de lo más dispar. Para comprender correctamente esta figura, analizaremos, en primer lugar, tanto el concepto como sus características más notorias. Asimismo, distinguiremos los tipos de obligaciones susceptibles de ser asegurados y los diferentes modos de ejecución. La eficacia de la prenda varía en función de la otra parte, es decir, no produce la misma eficacia frente al deudor que frente a terceros ajenos al contrato.Grado en Derecho y Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Una mirada al consumidor de hoy (y de mañana) desde la publicidad

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    The consumer, the object and target of today’s advertising, has become the center of all of company communication strategies. His or her participation, opinions and, thus, influence is being strongly felt. Companies have become aware of the role of the consumer and the importance of knowing in depth the personality, desires, concerns, habits, etc. of each one of the individuals that comprise their target audience. In spite of the crisis in which we are immersed, brands are prioritizing their relationship with the consumer ever more highly. In this article, we attempt to analyze briefly some of the most significant consumer trends, paying particular attention to some current practical cases connected to the advertising strategies, actions and formats that are shaping this new scenario in which the consumer is the protagonist. Gemma Domingo y Cristina Martorell forman parte del grupo de Recerca en Estratègia i Creativitat Publicitàries de la Facultat de Comunicació Blanquerna (Universitat Ramon Llull). KEY WORDS: new consumer, consumer trends, adver- tising. PALABRAS CLAVE: nuevo consumidor, tendencias del consumidor, publicidad

    “Carolina Herrera” internationalization strategy : democratic luxury or maximum exclusiveness?

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    The Company Carolina Herrera has identified a market niche that demands garments, apparel and accessories and to which it can offer a somewhat differentiated product with excellent quality. This market niche is the target of several companies such as Loewe and Vuitton, which may be clearly identified as the leading companies and worldwide references. In this scenario, the question of which internationalization strategy must be pursued to access the luxury fashion product market should be raised. A Benchmarking analysis was carried out for the purpose of identifying best commercial performances of leading worldwide Brand names to determine the marketing planning strategy. Results show the companies’ recognition of a globalised luxury and the discovery of a global market niche with huge growth potential, such as luxury handbags, make us state that there are still growth opportunities that have not been exploited.peer-reviewe


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    Funciones con un número variable de argumentos. Formas especiales quote y quasiquote. Macros en Scheme. Ejemplos

    Analysis of value chain and sources of differentiation in international fashion markets

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    This paper analyzes the value chain of the Galician textile-clothing sector and the main sources of differentiation. To respond to these objectives, 40 in-depth interviews with executives were carried out followed up by a questionnaire. Results indicate that the differentiation focused on specific segments must be the foundation on which companies compete in international fashion markets. Among the variables that contribute most to the creation of that differentiation are the brand and the design. The latter is a strategic variable of the value chain that should not be subcontracted. Galician companies need to have better control of the operations in the value chain, especially the finishes and control of end quality.peer-reviewe

    Thermal 3D CFD Simulation with Active Transparent Façade in Buildings

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    In recent years active façades have acquired greater importance given their capacity to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. One such type is the so-called Active Transparent Façade (ATF). A 3D numerical model based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been generated to simulate the thermal performance of buildings equipped with this type of façade. This model is introduced for general application and allows the design parameters to be adapted for this system. The case study of Le Corbusier’s proposal for the City of Refuge in Paris, the clearest example of previous use of an ATF is examined. In addition, a proposal is presented for the energy improvement of Le Corbusier’s original solution. In order to do so, the conditions for the supply of air into the ATF cavity and in the mechanical ventilation system are assessed to guarantee comfort conditions

    Thermal 3D CFD Simulation with Active Transparent Façade in Buildings

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    In recent years active façades have acquired greater importance given their capacity to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. One such type is the so-called Active Transparent Façade (ATF). A 3D numerical model based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been generated to simulate the thermal performance of buildings equipped with this type of façade. This model is introduced for general application and allows the design parameters to be adapted for this system. The case study of Le Corbusier’s proposal for the City of Refuge in Paris, the clearest example of previous use of an ATF is examined. In addition, a proposal is presented for the energy improvement of Le Corbusier’s original solution. In order to do so, the conditions for the supply of air into the ATF cavity and in the mechanical ventilation system are assessed to guarantee comfort conditions

    A segmented form of foot-and-mouth disease virus interferes with standard virus: A link between interference and competitive fitness

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    AbstractSerial passage of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) in BHK-21 cells at high multiplicity of infection resulted in dominance of particles containing defective RNAs that were infectious by complementation in the absence of standard viral RNA. In the present study, we show that the defective FMDV particles interfere with replication of the cognate standard virus. Coinfections of defective FMDV with standard FMDV mutants that differ up to 151-fold in relative fitness have documented that the degree of interference is higher for low fitness than for high fitness standard virus. These comparisons suggest a likely overlap between those mechanisms of intracellular competition that underlie viral interference and those expressed as fitness differences between two viruses when they coinfect the same cells. Interference may contribute to the selective pressures that help maintain dominance of segmented defective RNAs over the standard FMDV genome

    La conformación del cooperativismo en Brasil: tendencias y desafíos en el Siglo XXI

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    The paper deals with the subject of cooperativism focusing on a view of the co-operative system in Brazil, as well as the process of formation and consolidation of the models and the influences of the different aspects of co-operative thought. We then present an analysis of the process of economic modernisation and the transformations in the co-operative system in the 70s to 90s decades, and lastly, we analyse the current tendencies and challenges for cooperativism in Brazil.Cooperativism, Brazil, modernisation, economic alternatives and employment.