484 research outputs found


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    Teaching method of physical education and sports by prescriptive or heuristic learning

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    The didactics traditionally is imparted by the coach/trainer/teacher with tutorials that have the theoretical basis in the Cognitive approach. It means the coach/trainer/teacher illustrates in greater detail by the coach, are of Partial type, Varied, Randomized and Mental Training. It refers to the models of motor control to Open Loop, Closed Loop, and Motor Program Generalized. Teaching Methods of Physical activity is also imparted by another approach called Ecological-Dynamic where the coach does not require the tutorials, but builds a setting learning environment aimed at variety of learning. It refers to the models for the control of the Motor Imagery and Freedom Degrees. The first one could be in first person and in third person; the second one is three consecutive steps: Reduction, Exploration and Capitalization of the degrees of freedom. Aim is to study the issue of motor control theory and its relation to learning process and body knowledge. It carries out specific aspect of learning approach. Main results show two types of correspondence: 1) between cognitive approach and motor control closed loop, open loop and generalized motor program; furthermore, there is a significant correspondence among order, demand, sequence and timing on movement learning: 2) between ecological dynamic approach and motor control Motor Imagery and Freedom Degrees; furthermore, there is a significant correspondence among setting, learning environment and specific strategies of teaching method such as cooperative learning, role playing, circle time, brain storming, peer education, tutorship, focus group. In this way it can see the invasive role of the coach/trainer/teacher in cognitive approach and non-invasive role in ecological dynamic approach

    La valorizzazione del potenziale educativo del sistema sportivo

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the management methods that are effectivelyable to exploit the enormous potential of the sports systemTo date, the economic characteristics of the sports sector are very clear, butaction strategies and management dynamics cannot neglect in any way theeducational components able to support the sustainable development oftoday’s society.In this regard, we propose a management approach that, by relying on cultural,educational, inclusive and social values of sport, can stimulate thegrowth of community from the perspective of education and training.Lo scopo del paper è quello di analizzare le modalità gestionali che, in modoefficace, sono in grado di valorizzare l’enorme potenziale sportivo delsistema sportivoAd oggi, sono ben chiare le caratteristiche di natura economica del settoresportivo, ma le strategie di azione e le dinamiche gestionali non possonoassolutamente trascurare le componenti educative in grado di supportareuno sviluppo sostenibile della società attuale.A tal proposito, si propone un approccio gestionale che, facendo leva suivalori culturali, didattici, inclusivi e sociali dello sport, è in grado di stimolareuna crescita della collettività dal punto di vista educativo e formativ

    Embodied Cognition Corpo, movimento e sport per la didattica

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    Embodied Cognition (EC) is an interdisciplinary and multiperspective scientific theory whose characteristic, from a cultural and professional perspective, opens up interesting scenarios in the field of psychopedagogy. In particular, a prolific and extremely interesting area of study is now provided by the contribution of EC to the world of didactics (Caruana & Borghi, 2013).This work is part of this research horizon, investigating how the key principles of Embodied Cognition offer new opportunities to enhance differences in learning processes (Gomez Paloma & Ianes, a cura di, 2014). Starting from the analysis of the body as a scientific mediator of the learning process on a neurobiological (Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2006) and neurophenomenological (Gallese, 2006) level, the study focuses on the scientific evidence (Margiotta, 2014) that EC canprovide to teachers in the field of didactics. It represents a concrete springboard for delineating and validating an “EC-Based” model (Gomez Paloma & Damiani, 2015) to enhance corporeality as a cognitive system and a learning/ contextualization setting for the building of professional skills in the fieldof education.L’Embodied Cognition (EC) è una teoria scientifica multiprospettica ed interdisciplinare la cui caratteristica, riflettendo sotto il profilo culturale e professionale, apre interessanti scenari nel campo della psicopedagogia.In particolare, un fertile ambito di studio, estremamente interessante, è dato al momento dall’apporto dell’EC al mondo della didattica (Caruana & Borghi, 2013). Il presente lavoro si inserisce in quest’orizzonte di ricerca, indagando come i principi chiave dell’Embodied Cognition offrano inedite opportunità di valorizzazione delle differenze dei processi di apprendimento (Gomez Paloma & Ianes, a cura di, 2014). Partendo dall’analisi del corpo come mediatorescientifico del processo di apprendimento a livello neurobiologico (Rizzolatti &Sinigaglia, 2006) e neurofenomenologico (Gallese, 2006), lo studio si focalizza sulle evidenze scientifiche (Margiotta, 2014) che l’EC può offrire al docente nell’ambito della didattica. Un concreto trampolino di lancio per delineare e validare un modello “EC Based” (Gomez Paloma & Damiani, 2015) per valorizzare la corporeità come dispositivo cognitivo e come ambiente di apprendimento e contestualizzazione (setting) per la costruzione di competenze professionali nell’ambito della formazione

    Postural control in young soccer players: differences between the cognitive approach and ecological-dynamic one

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    Previous research had evaluated the training football effect in adolescence on postural control through the use of a platform of strength for the detection of the COP; however This research showed just how football compared to other sports or compared to sedentary individuals would improve postural stability in adolescence before the normal maturation of man. However the significance of this potential can be given by the skills developed through this sport or its exercises / situations that facilitate the learning. This further research on the influence of football training on postural control will have to show the specific factors that lead to a greater postural control; Therefore, the project deals with two different methodologies in experiencing different workout on two groups of children aged between 6-7 years, which will be offered its training program for five years, and the beginning and end of each year / cycle training will be conducted surveys through a platform of strength of the COP to assess postural stability of children. Teaching applications will be either prescriptive or ecological - dynamic and the final goal of this study is to highlight precisely what kind of methodological approach in football will lead to a greater postural control in adolescence, in order to get additional data that can contribute looking for the Peterson search done in 2006 on the variables that influence the postural control in adolescence


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    The school realizes its work of formation through the processes of socialization and the learnings that between them they have an interdependent relationship. The article investigates value educative of the dimension social, cultural, emotional and cognitive through physical activity, motor and sports. The present study, the theoretical argument, try to clarify some aspects: the experience, the affectivity and the emotion can facilitate or hinder the evolutionary process of the student. The eight key competences approved by the European Parliament in 2006 are closely related to aspects of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in the period from 0 to 14 years. The education to the physical activity, motor and sports should be the center of the teaching-learning processes and help the process of construction of knowledge and skills within the school. It is also highlighted, how much this knowledge and skills system can be conditioned by social, cultural and emotional aspects. In conclusion, it is desirable to structure the learning environment with the bio-psycho-social paradigm of physical, motor and sports activities to achieve the goals of skills at the end of the first cycle of education of the National Guidelines for the curriculum of 2012

    Could Physical Activity Have any Role in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Prisoners? A Systematic Review.

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    More than 10.74 million people are currently held in penal institutions worldwide. Moreover, there is also evidence that the percentage of elder and female prisoners has been consistently growing. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Exercise training and physical activity help to prevent both primary and secondary cardiovascular events. Data on the influence of physical activity on the well-being in prison population is scarce. Here, we discussed, in a systematic review, the general health conditions and the cardiovascular risk profile in the prisoners compared to the general population and evaluated whether or not exercise could be a valuable tool in preventing these diseases in inmates. We performed a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement: 769 were initially identified, and a total of 24 studies were finally included. Nine studies evaluated the health conditions in prisoners, five studies evaluated the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD) in the prison population, and 10 studies evaluated the feasibility and the effectiveness of exercise programs in prisoners. Sports-educational programs can benefit prison inmates. It appears that supervised exercise training is an effective coping strategy to deal with incarceration. Moreover, it seems the sports programs might be a useful tool in improving physical and mental health of prisoners as well as in decreasing cardiovascular risk factors

    Body composition analysis in adolescent male athletes: Skinfold versus ultrasound

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    Introduction: Aim of this study was to compare the repeatability of the evaluation of body composition with the skinfold measuring technique and the portable ultrasound measuring technique BodyMetrix TM BX2000, in order to estimate body fat percentage in adolescents athletes. Materials e Methods: Twenty adolescent male athletes have been recruited in a basketball centre. Skinfold and ultrasound measurements were detected on the right side of the body in 2 anatomical points: triceps and subscapular. Results: The results obtained by both techniques showed a high correlation with final body fat mass (%), although differences have been observed with both methods in each anatomical site. Conclusions: The assessment of body composition is an important parameter that allows us to have an estimate of the percentage of body fat. Therefore, it is a fundamental criterion for both the professionals of wellness and the athlete, since allows to verify the results produced by dietary plans and training

    Delayed recurrent nerve paralysis following post-traumatic aortic pseudoaneurysm

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    Blunt trauma to the neck or to the chest are increasingly observed in the emergency clinical practice. They usually follow motor vehicle accidents or may be work or sports related. A wide pattern of clinical presentation can be potentially encountered. We report the uncommon case of a patient who was referred to our observation presenting with hoarseness and disphagia. Twenty days before he had sustained a car accident with trauma to the chest, neck and the mandible. Laryngoscopy showed a left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Further otolaryngo-logical examination showed no other abnormality. At CT and MR imaging a post-traumatic aortic pseudoaneurysm was revealed. The aortic pseudoaneurysm was consequently repaired by implantation of an endovascular stent graft under local anesthesia. The patient was discharged 10 days later. At 30-days follow-up laryngoscopy the left vocal cord palsy was completely resolved. Hoarseness associated with a dilated left atrium in a patient with mitral valve stenosis was initially described by Ortner more than a century ago. Since then several non malignant, cardiovascular, intrathoracic disease that results in embarrassment from recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy usually by stretching, pulling or compression; thus, the correlations of these pathologies was termed as cardiovocal syndrome or Ortner's syndrome. The reported case illustrates that life-threatening cardiovascular comorbidities can cause hoarseness and that an impaired recurrent laryngeal nerve might be correctable

    Calcific tendinopathy of supraspinatus tendon in elite volleyball players: A point-of-care ultrasound diagnosis

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    In overhead sports like volleyball, the onset of a rotator cuff tendinopathy due to functional overload is a not uncommon observation. Herein, we present the case of a symptomatic calcific tendinopathy involving the supraspinatus tendon with a subacromial impingement syndrome in a young elite volleyball player. Shoulder and supraspinatus tendon evaluation with static and dynamic ultrasonography (US) can assist in the rapid diagnosis of tendinopathy. Thus, sports physicians must be aware of this in order to expedite rapid referral to a musculoskeletal specialist who can perform a point-of-care US examination of the shoulder. This approach to sports pathology potentially improves patient outcomes
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