1,155 research outputs found

    Analysis of both the envelope sequence and the complete genome of a HIV-1 subtype f cluster of rapid expansion in Galicia: coreceptor use prediction and phylogeny

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    La epidemia por VIH-1 en España, al igual que en el resto de Europa occidental, está dominada por el subtipo B. Sin embargo, recientemente se ha descrito la rápida expansión de un cluster de subsubtipo F1 entre hombres que tienen relaciones sexuales con hombres en Galicia. Los objetivos de este trabajo son analizar la secuencia de la envoltura de los virus del mencionado cluster para predicción de utilización de correceptores y presencia de aminoácidos característicos, así como caracterizar secuencias de genomas completos, determinando las relaciones filogenéticas con virus de subtipo F de otros países. Los análisis filogenéticos permitieron determinar relaciones del cluster F con virus de Brasil, Suiza, Bélgica, Francia y Gran Bretaña. Por otra parte, se han encontrado posiciones características del cluster en la región V3, diferentes de otras cepas F1, así como en otras regiones de la envoltura. Aparte, se han identificado mutaciones características asociadas a tropismo X4. El cluster de VIH-1 de subtipo F recientemente expandido en Galicia procede de una variante ampliamente diseminada en Europa occidental. Los virus de dicho cluster presentan aminoácidos característicos en la envoltura, identificándose en algunos de ellos mutaciones asociadas a tropismo X4, de potencial relevancia biológicaThe HIV-1 epidemic in Spain, as in the rest of Western Europe, is dominated by subtype B. However, it has recently been reported that a subsubtype F1 cluster has rapidly expanded among men who have sex with men in Galicia. The objectives of this work are to analyze the virus envelope sequence of the aforementioned cluster to predict the use of coreceptors and to examine the presence of characteristic amino acids, as well as to characterize full-length genome sequences, determining the phylogenetic relations with subtype F viruses from other countries. The phylogenetic analyses allowed to determine the relation of the Galician F cluster with viruses from Brazil, Switzerland, Belgium, France and Great Britain. On the other hand, characteristic amino acid residues were found in the V3 loop of viruses of the cluster, differing from other F1 strains, as well as in other regions of the envelope. Additionally, characteristic mutations associated with X4 tropism were identified. The HIV-1 subtype F cluster recently expanded in Galicia derives from a variant widely disseminated in Western Europe. The viruses of the mentioned cluster show characteristic amino acids in the envelope, with mutations associated with X4 tropism having been identified in some of them, which are of potential biological relevance

    Violencia y reparación: experiencias de mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano

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    Este artículo interpreta los discursos de mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano, residentes en el Valle de Aburrá (Antioquia-Colombia), en el momento de acceder a la reparación que le reconoce el Estado en la Ley 1448 de 2011. A partir de una metodología cualitativa y fenomenológica, fueron entrevistadas setenta mujeres y desarrollado tres talleres con funcionarios/as públicos y organizaciones sociales de víctimas. Los resultados exponen la falta de rigor en la comprensión de la heterogeneidad de la situación de las mujeres víctimas y la inefectividad de la ley para una atención integral de toda la población víctima, limitándose, en la mayoría de los casos, a una reparación monetaria.Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarroll

    Mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado. Análisis de su reparación en el marco de la Ley 1448 de 2011

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    Con el fin reflexionar sobre el impacto que ha tenido el enfoque de género consagrado en la Ley 1448 de 2001, cuyo propósito es reparar a las víctimas del conflicto armado interno, el presente artículo desarrollará algunos apuntes respecto a las experiencias de un grupo de mujeres víctimas, y de un grupo de funcionarios/as públicos, líderes sociales y ONG. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó la metodología cualitativa, con entrevistas semiestructuradas en profundidad y talleres de trabajo con diferentes actores. El análisis conlleva a identificar algunos elementos clave que empañan los éxitos legislativos y jurisprudenciales que ha logrado el Estado colombiano en materia de reparación con enfoque de género. Los resultados indican la necesidad de ir más allá del género, como categoría diferenciadora, para lograr una mayor efectividad en la reparación propuesta a las víctimas.Agencia Andaluza de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarroll

    Antiviral, antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of selenoesters and selenoanhydrides

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    Selenoesters and the selenium isostere of phthalic anhydride are bioactive selenium compounds with a reported promising activity in cancer, both due to their cytotoxicity and capacity to reverse multidrug resistance. Herein we evaluate the antiviral, the biofilm inhibitory, the antibacterial and the antifungal activities of these compounds. The selenoanhydride and 7 out of the 10 selenoesters were especially potent antiviral agents in Vero cells infected with herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2). In addition, the tested selenium derivatives showed interesting antibiofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, as well as a moderate antifungal activity in resistant strains of Candida spp. They were inactive against anaerobes, which may indicate that the mechanism of action of these derivatives depends on the presence of oxygen. The capacity to inhibit the bacterial biofilm can be of particular interest in the treatment of nosocomial infections and in the coating of surfaces of prostheses. Finally, the potent antiviral activity observed converts these selenium derivatives into promising antiviral agents with potential medical applications.

    Varied effect of fortification of kale sprouts with novel organic selenium compounds on the synthesis of sulphur and phenolic compounds in relation to cytotoxic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity

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    Selenium deficiency in daily diet is a common problem in many countries, thus searching for new dietary sources of this trace element is an important scientific challenge. Selenium biofortified sprouts from Brassicaceae family are good candidates for new dietary selenium source, as they reveal one of the highest capability to synthesize and accumulate this element. As a part of this extensive search, the influence of novel selenium organic compounds on fortification of kale sprouts biological activity was investigated. The present study is focused on the evaluation of the influence of these compounds on the synthesis of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, indoles and phenolic acids in kale sprouts, together with the determination of their impact on antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activity on gastrointestinal, prostate, and thyroid normal and cancer cells. The present study yields the conclusion that fortification of kale sprouts with selenium organic compounds bearing benzoselenoate scaffold influences the production of isothiocyanates, phenolic acids, and enhances the antioxidant properties of fortified sprouts. Notably, fortification with compounds based on benzoselenoate scaffold display chemoprotective properties in various cancer types (gastric, thyroid, and prostate cancer). The present study can facilitate the design of future agrochemicals. Compounds bearing benzoselenoate scaffold or selenyl phenylpiperazine motif seem to be particularly promising for these purposes.This study was partly supported by Polish grants N42/DBS/000231 and N42/DBS/000167. The publication was created with the use of equipment’s (Biotek Synergy microplate reader and Dionex HPLC system) co-financed by the qLIFE Priority Research Area under the program “Excellence Initiative—Research University” (No. 06/IDUB/2019/94) at Jagiellonian University

    Selenocompounds as Novel Antibacterial Agents and Bacterial Efflux Pump Inhibitors

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    Bacterial multidrug resistance is becoming a growing problem for public health, due to the development and spreading of bacterial strains resistant to antimicrobials. In this study, the antibacterial and multidrug resistance reversing activity of a series of seleno-carbonyl compounds has been evaluated. The effects of eleven selenocompounds on bacterial growth were evaluated in Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA), Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, and Chlamydia trachomatis D. The combination effect of compounds with antibiotics was examined by the minimum inhibitory concentration reduction assay. Their efflux pump (EP) inhibitory properties were assessed using real-time fluorimetry. Relative expressions of EP and quorum-sensing genes were studied by quantitative PCR. Results showed that a methylketone selenoester had remarkable antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and potentiated the activity of oxacillin in MRSA. Most of the selenocompounds showed significant anti-chlamydial effects. The selenoanhydride and the diselenodiester were active inhibitors of the AcrAB-TolC system. Based on these results it can be concluded that this group of selenocompounds can be attractive potential antibacterials and EP inhibitors. The discovery of new derivatives with a significant antibacterial activity as novel selenocompounds, is of high impact in the fight against resistant pathogen

    On soil-structure interaction in large non-slender partially buried structures

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    This paper addresses the seismic analysis of a deeply embedded non-slender structure hosting the pumping unit of a reservoir. The dynamic response in this type of problems is usually studied under the assumption of a perfectly rigid structure using a sub-structuring procedure (three-step solution) proposed specifically for this hypothesis. Such an approach enables a relatively simple assessment of the importance of some key factors influencing the structural response. In this work, the problem is also solved in a single step using a direct approach in which the structure and surrounding soil are modelled as a coupled system with its actual geometry and flexibility. Results indicate that, quite surprisingly, there are significant differences among prediction using both methods. Furthermore, neglecting the flexibility of the structure leads to a significant underestimation of the spectral accelerations at certain points of the structure

    Preferential oxidation of CO (CO-PROX) over CuOx/CeO2 coated microchannel reactor

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    The general aspects of the synthesis and characterization results of a CuOx/CeO2 catalyst were presented. In addition the principal steps for manufacturing a microchannel reactor and for the coating of the CuOx/CeO2 catalyst onto the microchannels walls, were also summarized. The catalytic activity of this microchannel reactor during the preferential oxidation of CO (CO-PROX) was evaluated employing a feed-stream that simulates a reformate off-gas after the WGS unit. Two activation atmospheres were studied (H2/N2 and O2/N 2). The reducing pretreatment improved the resistance to deactivation by formation of carbonaceous species over the catalyst surface at high temperatures. The presence of H2O and CO2 in the feed-stream was also analyzed indicating that the adsorption of CO2 inhibited the conversion of CO at lower temperatures because these compounds modified the active sites through the formation of carbonaceous species on the catalyst surface. Finally, the experimental results of the microreactor performance were compared with CFD simulations that were carried out using a kinetic for the CuOx/CeO2 powder catalyst. The experimental results were reasonably well described by the model, thus confirming its validity.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ENE2009-14522-C05-01, ENE2009-14522-C05-03Junta de Andalucía P09-TEP-545

    Perceived benefits of pet ownership by middle-aged people with type 2 Diabetes mellitus

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    Se efectuó un estudio con el objetivo de explorar la percepción de personas de la mediana edad con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 (DM2) respecto a la tenencia de animales de compañía y su relación con la satisfacción personal, beneficios sobre la salud psicoemocional, el control metabólico y la motivación para la realización de actividades físicas. El estudio fue de tipo transversal, descriptivo, con 85 personas de 40 a 59 años de edad con DM2 y residentes en La Habana, Cuba. Se confeccionó un cuestionario autoadministrado para la evaluación de estos aspectos y obtención de datos demográficos. El 82% de las personas admitió que se sentían muy satisfechas al compartir sus vidas con estos animales, el 84% percibió una relación muy beneficiosa para su salud psicoemocional y el 98% admitió que los motivaba a cuidarse más de la DM2. Asimismo, dentro de las 43 personas que tenían perros, el 65% se sentía motivado a realizar actividades físicas junto al animal (caminatas).The study was conducted to explore the perception of people of middle-age with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) regarding ownership of companion animals and their relationship with personal satisfaction, benefits on mental health and metabolic control, and to the motivation on practicing physical activities. The study was descriptive, crosssectional, with 85 people from 49 to 58 years of age who had DM2, and were residents of Havana, Cuba. A self-administered questionnaire for assessing these aspects and obtaining demographic data was constructed. The results showed that 82% of the people felt very satisfied to share their lives with companion animals, 84% perceived a very beneficial relationship for their mental health, and 98% admitted that they were motivated to take better care of DM2. Also, within the 43 people who have dogs, 65% felt motivated to perform physical activities with their animals (long walks)