411 research outputs found

    La vida en el espíritu: necesidad de los Dones del Espíritu Santo

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    El apóstol San Pablo, bajo la inspiración divina, afirma explícitamente que nuestra condición de hijos de Dios se hace posible en razón de la acción del Espíritu Santo (cfr. Rom VIII, 14); y es esta filiación la que nos otorga el derecho a la herencia celestial. Por tanto, el adecuado comportamiento de los hijos de Dios, y el consiguiente acceso a la vida eterna, exige de nosotros la docilidad a los impulsos sobrenaturales con los que el mismo Paráclito mueve nuestra alma de acuerdo a nuestra nueva situación. Y son precisamente los dones del Espíritu Santo hábitos que nos otorgan esa docilidad, esa prontitud frente a sus mociones; por ello los dones se nos revelan como un elemento central del organismo sobrenatural. La cuestión que nos hemos planteado en nuestra tesis doctoral, que ahora presentamos, es determinar en qué medida son necesarios estos dones para el obrar cristiano, y dónde radica la razón de esta necesidad

    Deformed Phase Space in Cosmology and Black Holes

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    It is well known that one way to study canonical quantum cosmology is through the Wheeler DeWitt (WDW) equation where the quantization is performed on the minisuperspace variables. The original ideas of a deformed minisuperspace were done in connection with noncommutative cosmology, by introducing a deformation into the minisuperspace in order to incorporate an effective noncommutativity. Therefore, studying solutions to Cosmological models through the WDW equation with deformed phase space could be interpreted as studying quantum effects to Cosmology. In this chapter, we make an analysis of scalar field cosmology and conclude that under a phase space transformation and imposed restriction, the effective cosmological constant is positive. On the other hand, obtaining the wave equation for the noncommutativity Kantowski-Sachs model, we are able to derive a modified noncommutative version of the entropy. To that purpose, the Feynman-Hibbs procedure is considered in order to calculate the partition function of the system

    Identificación y especularidad en los espectadores de violencia en televisión: una reconstrucción a partir del discurso.

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    Numerosos autores han vinculado la experiencia de ver violencia en televisión con procesos de identificación. La investigación ha descubierto dimensiones que no recogen con precisión la experiencia peculiar de los espectadores. El objetivo de este trabajo es reconstruir la noción de identificación a partir del discurso. Se analizaron ocho grupos focales con visionado de fragmentos de programas con violencia real o ficticia. Los resultados muestran que la identificación está conectada a la especularidad, la posibilidad de experimentar la misma emoción e impacto de los personajes, según la similitud o preferencia de los espectadores. Por último, se discuten las implicaciones sobre los efectos de la violencia en televisió

    Free energy of colloidal particles at the surface of sessile drops

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    The influence of finite system size on the free energy of a spherical particle floating at the surface of a sessile droplet is studied both analytically and numerically. In the special case that the contact angle at the substrate equals π/2\pi/2 a capillary analogue of the method of images is applied in order to calculate small deformations of the droplet shape if an external force is applied to the particle. The type of boundary conditions for the droplet shape at the substrate determines the sign of the capillary monopole associated with the image particle. Therefore, the free energy of the particle, which is proportional to the interaction energy of the original particle with its image, can be of either sign, too. The analytic solutions, given by the Green's function of the capillary equation, are constructed such that the condition of the forces acting on the droplet being balanced and of the volume constraint are fulfilled. Besides the known phenomena of attraction of a particle to a free contact line and repulsion from a pinned one, we observe a local free energy minimum for the particle being located at the drop apex or at an intermediate angle, respectively. This peculiarity can be traced back to a non-monotonic behavior of the Green's function, which reflects the interplay between the deformations of the droplet shape and the volume constraint.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Prosopis, Retama monosperma. Phragmites y Arundo donax en cosechas sucesivas a uno y dos años de crecimiento, para la elaboración de pasta celulósica y papel

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    Se evalúa la aptitud de ciertas especies regeneradoras de terrenos degradados: Prosopis (variedades: alba y juliflora),Retama monosperma, Phragmites y Arundo donax, para la fabricación de pastas celulósicas y hojas de papel, mediante un proceso de pasteo organosolv alcalino. Se caracterizan y comparan las materias primas, pastas celulósicas y hojas de papel, para cosechas de un año (más rebrotes de un año de edad, después de haberlas cortado al año) y dos años de crecimiento. Las especies Retama monosperma, Phragmites y Arundodonax muestran potencialidad para su aprovechamientoindustrial, en cosechas de corta rotación, para la obtenciónde pastas celulósicas y papel. Los números kappa de las pastas de 2º año están entre 10,3 y 12,6, con números de tracción entre 13,7 y 20,9 kNm·kg–1 en las pastas sin refinar. Sin embargo la explotación industrial de las dos variedades de Prosopis precisaría su adecuación a tiempos de explotación más largos, que los estudiados en este trabajo

    Collective dynamics of colloids at fluid interfaces

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    The evolution of an initially prepared distribution of micron sized colloidal particles, trapped at a fluid interface and under the action of their mutual capillary attraction, is analyzed by using Brownian dynamics simulations. At a separation \lambda\ given by the capillary length of typically 1 mm, the distance dependence of this attraction exhibits a crossover from a logarithmic decay, formally analogous to two-dimensional gravity, to an exponential decay. We discuss in detail the adaption of a particle-mesh algorithm, as used in cosmological simulations to study structure formation due to gravitational collapse, to the present colloidal problem. These simulations confirm the predictions, as far as available, of a mean-field theory developed previously for this problem. The evolution is monitored by quantitative characteristics which are particularly sensitive to the formation of highly inhomogeneous structures. Upon increasing \lambda\ the dynamics show a smooth transition from the spinodal decomposition expected for a simple fluid with short-ranged attraction to the self-gravitational collapse scenario.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, revised, matches version accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    Los espectadores ante la violencia televisiva: funciones, efectos e interpretaciones situadas

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    La investigación sobre violencia en televisión se ha orientado a una labor cuantificadora de lo emitido o a la práctica experimental para determinar sus posibles efectos. El presente trabajo se centra en cómo interpretan los espectadores las imágenes de violencia. Basado en el análisis de 16 grupos de discusión, muestra las dimensiones que mediatizan los posibles efectos de la violencia televisiva; en concreto, las condiciones en que se reconocen y clasifican escenas de violencia, las funciones de la imagen violenta, las emociones y sentimientos despertados por ella y los procesos de identificación que se pueden producir con los personajes de las escenas

    A general perspective of the characterization and quantification of nanoparticles: Imaging, spectroscopic, and separation techniques

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    This article gives an overview of the different techniques used to identify, characterize, and quantify engineered nanoparticles (ENPs). The state-of-the-art of the field is summarized, and the different characterization techniques have been grouped according to the information they can provide. In addition, some selected applications are highlighted for each technique. The classification of the techniques has been carried out according to the main physical and chemical properties of the nanoparticles such as morphology, size, polydispersity characteristics, structural information, and elemental composition. Microscopy techniques including optical, electron and X-ray microscopy, and separation techniques with and without hyphenated detection systems are discussed. For each of these groups, a brief description of the techniques, specific features, and concepts, as well as several examples, are described.Junta de Andalucía FQM-5974CEI-Biotic Granada CEI2013- MP-1

    SPH simulations of real sea waves impacting a large-scale structure

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    The Pont del Petroli is a dismissed pier in the area of Badalona, Spain, with high historical and social value. This structure was heavily damaged in January 2020 during the storm Gloria that hit southeastern Spain with remarkable strength. The reconstruction of the pier requires the assessment and characterization of the wave loading that determined the structural failure. Therefore, a state-of-the-art Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) code was employed herein as an aid for a planned experimental campaign that will be carried out at the Maritime Engineering Laboratory of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (LIM/UPC). The numerical model is based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and has been employed to simulate conditions very similar to those that manifested during the storm Gloria. The high computational cost for a full 3-D simulation has been alleviated by means of inlet boundary conditions, allowing wave generation very close to the structure. Numerical results reveal forces higher than the design loads of the pier, including both self-weight and accidental loads. This demonstrates that the main failure mechanism that led to severe structural damage of the pier during the storm is related to the exceeded lateral soil resistance. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this research represents the first known application of SPH open boundary conditions to model a real-world engineering case.This research was funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No.: 792370.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version