35 research outputs found

    Base de datos multicéntrica de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontånea del Grupo de Trabajo de Patología Vascular de la Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía: presentación,criterios de inclusión y desarrollo de una base de datos en internet = Spontaneous Subarachnoid Haemorrhage multicenter database from the Group for the Study of Vascular Pathology of the Spanish Society for Neurosurgery: Presentation, inclusion criteria and development of an internet-based registry

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    IntroducciĂłn. La hemorragia subaracnoidea (HSA) continĂșa siendo una de las enfermedades de interĂ©s neuroquirĂșrgico de mĂĄs alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Su estudio es clave a la hora de mejorar la atenciĂłn de estos enfermos en nuestro medio. Con este fin el Grupo de Trabajo de PatologĂ­a Vascular de la SENEC decidiĂł la creaciĂłn de una base de datos multicĂ©ntrica para su estudio. Material y mĂ©todos. Se incluyen en esta base de datos todos los casos de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontĂĄnea ingresados en los centros participantes de forma prospectiva desde Noviembre del año 2004 hasta Noviembre del 2007. Se decidieron de forma consensuada los campos a recoger incluyendo edad, antecedentes personales, caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas, caracterĂ­sticas radiolĂłgicas y del aneurisma, tipo de tratamiento y complicaciones de la enfermedad, evoluciĂłn segĂșn la escala de evoluciĂłn de Glasgow (GOS) al alta y a los seis meses asĂ­ como el resultado angiogrĂĄfico del tratamiento. Todos los campos se recogieron en un formulario rellenable a travĂ©s de una pĂĄgina web segura. Resultados. En los tres años en los que ha estado activa la base se han recogido un total de 1149 casos de HSA espontĂĄnea recogidos por 14 centros participantes. Se ha estimado que es necesario aproximadamente un tiempo de 3.4 minutos para rellenar cada caso. En cuanto a sus caracterĂ­sticas generales la serie es similar a otras series hospitalarias no seleccionadas. La edad media de los enfermos incluidos es de unos 55 años y la relaciĂłn mujer:hombre 4:3. En cuanto a la gravedad del sagrado inicial un 32% de los enfermos se encontraba en mal grado clĂ­nico (WFNS = 4 Ăł 5). El 5% de los pacientes fallecieron antes de realizarse una angiografĂ­a que confirmara el origen aneurismĂĄtico del sangrado. Se confirmĂł el origen aneurismĂĄtico en el 76% de los pacientes mientras que en el 19% no se encontrĂł ninguna lesiĂłn vascular responsable del sangrado, siendo clasificados como HSA idiopĂĄtica. En los pacientes en los que se detectĂł un aneurisma su tratamiento fue endovascular en el 47% de los casos, quirĂșrgico en el 39, mixto en el 3% y no recibieron tratamiento de su aneurisma el 11% de los pacientes por fallecimiento precoz. En cuanto a su evoluciĂłn, la mortalidad global de la serie se sitĂșa en el 22%. SĂłlo el 40% de los enfermos con HSA aneurismĂĄtica presentaron una buena evoluciĂłn (GOS=5). Conclusiones. La HSA espontĂĄnea continĂșa siendo una enfermedad con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Esta base de datos puede ser un instrumento para conocer mejor sus caracterĂ­sticas en nuestro medio y mejorar sus resultados, ya que se trata de una serie multicĂ©ntrica hospitalaria no seleccionada. SerĂ­a pues recomendable que esta base constituyera el germen de un registro nacional de HSA espontĂĄnea. Introduction. Subarachnoid haemorrhage is one of the most severe neurosurgical diseases. Its study is crucial for improving the care of these patients in our environment. With this goal the Group for the Study of Neurovascular Pathology of the Spanish Society for Neurosurgery (SENEC) decided to create a multicenter registry for the study of this disease. Materials and methods. In this database we have prospectively included all cases with spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage admitted to the participant hospitals from November 2004 to November 2007. The fields to be included in the database were selected by consensus, including age, past medical history, clinical characteristics at admission, radiological characteristics including presence or absence of an aneurysm and its size and location, type and complications of the aneurysm treatment, outcome assessed by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at discharge and six months after the bleeding as well as the angiographic result of the aneurysm treatment. All fields were collected by means of an electronic form posted in secure web page. Results. During the three years of study a total of 1149 patients have been included by 14 Hospitals. The time needed to fill in a patient in the registry is approximately 3.4 minutes. This series of patients with spontaneous SAH is similar to other non-selected in-hospital series of SAH. The mean age of the patients is 55 years and there is a 4:3 female to male ratio. In relation to the severity of the bleeding 32% of the patients were in poor clinical grade at admission (WFNS 4 or 5). 5% of the patients died before angiography could be performed. An aneurysm was confirmed as the origin of the bleeding in 76% of the patients (aSAH), while in 19% of the patients no lesion was found in the angiographic studies and were thus classified as idiopathic subarachnoid hemorrhage (ISAH). Of those patients with aSAH, 47% were treated endovascularly, 39% surgically, 3% received a combined treatment and 11% did not receive any treatment for their aneurysm because of early death. Regarding outcome, there is a 22% mortality in the series. Only 40% of the patients with aSAH reached a good outcome at discharge (GOS = 5). Conclusions. Spontaneous SAH continues to be a disease with high morbidity and mortality. This database can be an ideal instrument for improving the knowledge about this disease in our environment and to achieve better results. It would be desirable that this database could in the future be the origin of a national registry of spontaneous SAH

    Una exposiciĂłn virtual muestra una investigaciĂłn sobre los comunales pastoriles de Castril, Santiago y Pontones.

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    Entre 2017 y 2019, el proyecto EXPLORA (PatrimonializaciĂłn socio-ecolĂłgica en comunales de España y Marruecos), constituido por un equipo interdisciplinar liderado por investigadores de la Universitat AutĂČnoma de Barcelona en colaboraciĂłn estrecha con la EstaciĂłn Experimental del ZaidĂ­n-CSIC de Granada, llevĂł a cabo una investigaciĂłn sobre la organizaciĂłn comunal de los pastos de montaña de Castril (Granada), Santiago de la Espada y Pontones (JaĂ©n). Los resultados de este trabajo forman parte ahora de una exposiciĂłn temporal en el Museo Virtual de EcologĂ­a Humana. Inaugurada en marzo de este año, estarĂĄ disponible en la red de manera permanente, e incluye tanto fotografĂ­as como material audiovisual. Su tĂ­tulo es Territorios de vida en el filo. Comunales pastoriles de las montañas del MediterrĂĄneo en el siglo XXI

    Silver clusters of five atoms as highly selective antitumoral agents through irreversible oxidation of thiols

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    Low atomicity clusters present properties dependent on the size, due to the quantum confinement, with well-defined electronic structures and high stability. Here it is shown that Ag5 clusters catalyze the complete oxidation of sulfur to S+6. Ag5 catalytic activity increases with different oxidant species in the order O2 â‰Ș H2O2 < OH‱. Selective oxidation of thiols on the cysteine residues of glutathione and thioredoxin is the primary mechanism human cells have to maintain redox homeostasis. Contingent upon oxidant concentration, Ag5 catalyzes the irreversible oxidation of glutathione and thioredoxin, triggering apoptosis. Modification of the intracellular environment to a more oxidized state to mimic conditions within cancer cells through the expression of an activated oncogene (HRASG12V) or through ARID1A mutation, sensitizes cells to Ag5 mediated apoptosis. While cancers evolve to evade treatments designed to target pathways or genetic mutations that drive them, they cannot evade a treatment that takes advantage of aberrant redox homeostasis, which is essential for tumor progression and metastasis. Ag5 has antitumor activity in mice with orthotopic lung tumors reducing primary tumor size, and the burden of affected lymphatic nodes. The findings suggest the unique intracellular redox chemistry of Ag5 may lead to new redox-based approaches to cancer therapyThis research was partially supported by 1) “la Caixa” Foundation, Ref. LCF/PR/PR12/11070003 to F.D. and M.A.L.Q.; 2) Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades (MAT2017-89678-R, AEI/FEDER, UE) to F.D. and A.V.; 3) the ConsellerĂ­a de EducaciĂłn (Xunta de Galicia), Grants No. Grupos Ref. Comp. ED431C 2017/22, ED431C 2019/13 and AEMAT-ED431E2018/08 to M.A.L.Q.; and ED431C 2019/13 to A.V. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Bac-To-Fuel) under Grant Agreement No. 825999 (M.A.L.Q.). J.C.H. acknowledge financial support from European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 823717-ESTEEM3, and the MICIIN (projects PID2019-107578GA-100 and PID-110018GA-100). J.M.D, L.J.G., and F.G.R. thank to the ANPCyT (PICT 2015-2285 and 2017-3944), UNLP (Project 11/X790) and the partial support by the LaboratĂłrio Nacional de Luz SĂ­ncrotron (LNLS, Brazil) under proposal SXS-20180280. G.B. acknowledges the CINECA Award N. IsC51, year 2017, under the ISCRA initiative, for the availability of high-performance computing resources and support. D.B. expresses gratitude for a postdoctoral grant from Xunta de Galicia, Spain (POS-A/2013/018). B.D. expresses gratitude for a predoctoral grant from MICINN, Spain (BES-2016-076765). F.D. and A.V. also acknowledged Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigaciĂłn de Galicia accreditation 2019-2022 ref ED431G 2019/02) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF). Work in M.P.M.'s lab was supported by the Medical Research Council UK (MC_U105663142). T.G.C. gratefully acknowledges the technical assistance of MarĂ­a JosĂ© Otero-Fraga (FIDIS)S

    Euclid preparation. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with Machine Learning

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    The Euclid mission is expected to image millions of galaxies with high resolution, providing an extensive dataset to study galaxy evolution. We investigate the application of deep learning to predict the detailed morphologies of galaxies in Euclid using Zoobot a convolutional neural network pretrained with 450000 galaxies from the Galaxy Zoo project. We adapted Zoobot for emulated Euclid images, generated based on Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS images, and with labels provided by volunteers in the Galaxy Zoo: Hubble project. We demonstrate that the trained Zoobot model successfully measures detailed morphology for emulated Euclid images. It effectively predicts whether a galaxy has features and identifies and characterises various features such as spiral arms, clumps, bars, disks, and central bulges. When compared to volunteer classifications Zoobot achieves mean vote fraction deviations of less than 12% and an accuracy above 91% for the confident volunteer classifications across most morphology types. However, the performance varies depending on the specific morphological class. For the global classes such as disk or smooth galaxies, the mean deviations are less than 10%, with only 1000 training galaxies necessary to reach this performance. For more detailed structures and complex tasks like detecting and counting spiral arms or clumps, the deviations are slightly higher, around 12% with 60000 galaxies used for training. In order to enhance the performance on complex morphologies, we anticipate that a larger pool of labelled galaxies is needed, which could be obtained using crowdsourcing. Finally, our findings imply that the model can be effectively adapted to new morphological labels. We demonstrate this adaptability by applying Zoobot to peculiar galaxies. In summary, our trained Zoobot CNN can readily predict morphological catalogues for Euclid images.Comment: 27 pages, 26 figures, 5 tables, submitted to A&

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Meeting abstrac

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Effect of sonic versus ultrasonic activation on aqueous solution penetration in root canal dentin.

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