61 research outputs found

    El Colegio de Doncellas Nobles de la Asunción de Valladolid: Arte e imagen visual corporativa

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    El Colegio de Doncellas Nobles de Valladolid fue la única iniciativa con vínculos cercanos a la Universidad -Obispo de Valladolid y Colegio de San Gregorio- que en el siglo XVI trató de acercar la enseñanza a muchachas célibes y a viudas sin recursos. Sus fundadores le dotaron de una imagen visual corporativa -heráldica y hábitos- que solo tiene parangón en los colegios mayores masculinos de Salamanca, Alcalá y Valladolid.The College of Noble Maidens of Valladolid was the only initiative closely associated with the University -Bishop of Valladolid and Saint Gregory College- which in the 16th Century attempted to bring learning to single girls and widows with no resources. The founders gave it a corporate visual image -heraldry and uniforms- comparable only to those of the halls of residence for males in Salamanca, Alcalá and Valladolid

    Escudo del I Duque de Lerma en el MUVa

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    En el MUVa se conserva un escudo del duque de Lerma que coincide en su diseño y cuarteles con los que se encuentran en la iglesia del Monasterio de San Pablo de Valladolid. Por sus formas y hechura, procede de los diseños realizados por Nicolás de Campis, rey de armas Bourgogne de Felipe II y Felipe III, un oficial de armas experto en diseño heráldico que dominaba las técnicas del dibujo y de la acuarela.A coat-of-arms of the Duke of Lerma is conserved in the MUVa, whose design and quarters coincide with those found in the monastery church of San Pablo in Valladolid. The shape and workmanship would indicate it is one of the designs carried out by Nicolas Deschamps, Bourgogne king of arms of Philip II and Philip III, an arms officer with expertise in heraldic design who had mastered the techniques of drawing and water-colour

    El linaje del cardenal don Juan de Torquemada: poder económico y promoción artística

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    Cardinal Torquemada (d. 1468) was an important figure in connecting Italian and Northern art. In his exceptional work as ambassador, theologian, and reformer, he received financial support from his uncle Garci Fernández de Torquemada, a wealthy merchant who had business contacts in Flanders, France, and Italy. Rumours spread by the chronicler Hernando del Pulgar concerning a possible ‘judeoconverso’ background for the Cardinal (i.e., a familiar origin in Jewish people converted to Christianity) are unfounded.El Cardenal Torquemada († 1468) fue una figura crucial en la conexión entre el arte italiano y el nórdico. En su excepcional labor como embajador, teólogo y reformador, recibió apoyo económico de su tío Garci Fernández de Torquemada, un rico mercader que tenía contactos comerciales en Flandes, Francia e Italia. Resultan infundados los rumores sobre un posible trasfondo judeoconverso del cardenal difundidos por el cronista Hernando del Pulgar

    Mapping the Late Miocene Pyrenean forests of the la Cerdanya Basin, Spain

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    The Late Miocene palaeofloras of the La Cerdanya Basin represent a unique look into the Pyrenean Miocene forested areas of the Iberian Peninsula at a time when the European warm and humid climate was experiencing progressive cooling and aridification. Macrofossils (leaves, seeds, fruits and cones) and miospores from several outcrops revealed the composition and abundances of the different plant species present in the area during the Tortonian and early Messinian geological stages (ca. 11.1–5.7 Ma). These fossils were found in the sediment deposits of an ancient lake system situated in the southwestern part of the basin. Previous studies indicated the presence of highly diversified mixed mesophytic forests with broadleaved evergreen and deciduous trees and conifers. However, the spatial structure and distribution of these forest types remains unknown. In the present work, the biomization method was used to infer the different late Miocene vegetation types from the basin. The extent of these vegetation types was calculated using a methodology for mapping vegetation units from fossil and biome data. While previous attempts at mapping Miocene vegetation units had a broad geographical scale, the present work aimed to map the extent of the vegetation units at a small scale, recreating local and specific vegetation changes in an abrupt basin. Results showed similarly high scores between for four biome types, which represent the different types of vegetation that coexisted in the basin during the Tortonian and the early Messinian: warm-temperate evergreen broadleaf and mixed woodlands (WTEM biome), temperate deciduous forests (TEDE) and cool conifer forests (COMX and COEG). Their extent was depicted in two vegetation maps, which account for differences in palaeoaltitude and palaeoclimate. These forests occupied different vegetation belts, which shifted upwards and downwards with climatic variations and the progressive uplift of the Pyrenees during the late Miocene. Azonal riparian forests and wetland vegetation occupied the more humid areas in the centre of the basin. Nonetheless, dry conditions during the early Messinian and decrease in the lake area degraded the wetland environments, which were partially replaced by broadleaved evergreen mixed woodlands

    Detection of dengue virus serotype 2 in aedes aegypti in Quintana Roo, Mexico, 2011

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    Abstract. In October 2011, the State Health Department announced that several laboratory-confirmed cases of dengue had occurred among residents in two neighborhoods of Benito Juarez, Quintana Roo State, Mexico. To identify the dengue virus serotype(s) temporally and spatially associated with the cases, entomologic-based virus surveillance was initiated in October 2011 in both neighborhoods. Adult mosquitoes were collected from 88 houses by CDCbackpack aspirator, and all female Aedes aegypti L. (n = 419) were individually homogenized and assayed in pools of as many as 10 by reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using dengue virus-specific primers. Five (12%) of 41 pools were positive for dengue virus RNA. The individual mosquitoes that comprised the pools were analyzed separately by RT-PCR using dengue virus serotype-specific primers. Six mosquitoes were positive for dengue virus serotype-2 (DENV-2) RNA, three of which were collected in the same house. The mean number of female Ae. aegypti collected in each house was 4.76 ± 6.19. The overall dengue virus-infection rate in female Ae. aegypti was 1.4%. Interestingly, most (60%) of mosquito females were collected only from 15 (17%) houses. In summary, we provide evidence of recent DENV-2 transmission in Quintana Roo State