227 research outputs found

    Comparison 1.5T and 3T Magnetic Resonance in the Diagnostics of Knee

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    With its multiplanar capabilities and excellent soft-tissue contrast, magnetic resonance imaging has established itself as the leading modality for non-invasive evaluation of the musculoskeletal system. Most clinical evaluation are performed at the field strength 1.5T due to a less availability of 3T MRI machines. Although at first used primarily for neurological imaging, an increasing number of studies have demonstrated the abilities and advantages of 3T MR systems in musculoskeletal imaging. The most notable advantage includes an increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) which can lead to a shorter imaging time and reduces the chance of motion artefacts or improved image resolution.Much promising research is being done in how to optimize the 3T MRI protocol to achieve the best possible evaluation of the musculoskeletal system

    Blaži kognitivni poremećaj kao klinička manifestacija neurosarkoidoze lijevka hipofize: prikaz slučaja

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    A case is presented of a 59-year-old male patient with a 5-year history of sarcoidosis. In the last half a year, deterioration of his intellectual abilities was noticed. Psychological testing detected a mild cognitive disorder. Laboratory diagnostics found a decreased level of testosterone and magnetic resonance imaging showed pituitary stalk neurosarcoidosis without any other pathomorphological substrate of cognitive impairment. This case indicates that neurosarcoidosis should be considered as a possible cause of mild cognitive disorder and, consequently, included in the International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders.Prikazuje se slučaj 59-godišnjeg bolesnika s 5-godišnjom poviješću bolesti sarkoidoze. U posljednjih pola godine primjetno je bilo slabljenje njegovih intelektualnih sposobnosti. Psihološkim testiranjem otkriven je blaži spoznajni poremećaj. Laboratorijskom dijagnostikom utvrđena je snižena razina testosterona, dok je magnetska rezonancija pokazala neurosarkoidozu lijevka hipofize bez ikakvog drugog patomorfološkog supstrata kognitivnog poremećaja. Ovaj slučaj pokazuje da neurosarkoidozu treba uzeti u obzir kao mogući uzrok blažeg spoznajnog poremećaja, pa bi je trebalo uvrstiti u Međunarodnu klasifikaciju psihičkih bolesti i bolesti ponašanja

    France during Henry IV

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    Autor u ovome uratku prikazuje francusko društvo za vrijeme i nakon religijskih ratova, odnosno kako se Francuska nosila s posljedicama tih dugotrajnih sukoba. Nakon 40 godina sukoba, s dolaskom nove dinastije Bourbon došla su i bolja vremena. Henrik Bourbon se morao izboriti za svoju krunu na koju mu je pravo bilo osporavano jer nije bio katoličke vjeroispovijesti. Za vlast nad zemljom se izborio dijelom vojno, ali većim dijelom pomirljivim pristupom svojim protivnicima, te posebno prelaskom na katoličanstvo čime su njegovi protivnici ostali bez argumenata kojim su osporavali njegov legitimitet. Nakon što je primirio ostatke pobunjenika donio je Nanteski edikt koji je uspostavio vjerski mir u državi. Nakon toga se posvetio revitalizaciji države koja je bila u teškom stanju. Veoma brzo, uz pomoć prijatelja Sullya i ostalih savjetnika, je obnovio financije, gospodarstvo i administraciju čime je Francuska ponovno postala jedna od najjačih sila EuropeThe author gives an insight into French society during religion wars and how France coped with its consequences after the conflicts ended. After 40 years of struggle, better times came with the new Bourbon dynasty. Unlikely ruler Henry Bourbon had to fight his way up to crown as he was a protestant in mostly catholic country in times of great religious hatred. He managed that partially thanks to his military success, but mostly to his conciliatory approach to his enemies. He gained the crucial advantage when he decided to convert to catholicism as his enemies were left without arguments against his reign. After he has beaten rebellious leftovers he established religious peace through Edict of Nantes. Once he has finished with peace matters, he committed to improving the state of the country which was at the time disastrous. With the assistance of his great friend Sully and other trusted advisers, great work was done in the financial, economic and administrative areas as France quickly rose from the ashes

    Creating a corporate digital identity and its impact on business venture

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    Korporativni identitet pojam je nerijetko korišten u poslovnom svijetu i definira se kao skup ponašanja, vrijednosti, misije i vizije, ali i vizualnog identiteta koji predstavlja organizaciju u očima javnosti. Ono što se često događa pri definiranju korporativnog identiteta jest nepovezivanje realnog i vizualnog identiteta korporacije, stoga često te iste korporacije i organizacije ostavljaju pogrešan dojam. Jednako tako, prilikom izgradnje digitalnog korporativnog identiteta potrebno je posvetiti pažnju realnim ciljevima organizacije i što ona želi postići predstavljajući se online te koji je najbolji način da se to postigne. Upravo zbog navedenog, potrebno je uspostaviti standarde, odnosno odrednice ispravnog ponašanja i predstavljanja kojima se onda tvrtke mogu voditi i graditi svoj identitet. Nadalje, realni i vizualni identitet trebali bi biti donekle kompatibilni kako bi korporacija ostavljala dojam organizacije s procesom pomnog promišljanja i detaljnog planiranja. Razlog tome je što dobro ili loše uspostavljen digitalni korporativni identitet itekako utječe na poslovanje korporacije. Tema ovog rada je upravo utjecaj korporativnog digitalnog identiteta na poslovanje. Pitanje koje se u ovom slučaju postavlja je: u kojoj mjeri hrvatske tvrtke i ljudi koji se nalaze na čelu njih razmišljaju o korporativnom digitalnom identitetu te koliko mu pažnje posvećuju. Cilj rada je, između ostalog, odgovoriti na to pitanje kao i na pitanja o važnosti implementacije korporativnog identiteta na službene internetske stranice tvrtki, postojeće dobre prakse kreiranja takvog digitalnog identiteta i druge relevantne aspekte, koji će biti obrađeni. Do toga ćemo doći istraživanjem koje se temelji na kvalitativnoj analizi sadržaja te anketi koja će se provesti na odabranom uzorku tvrtki u Republici Hrvatskoj. Anketa će odgovoriti na pitanja poput kakve se informacije nalaze na korporativnim internetskim stranicama te koji dio korporativnog identiteta predstavnici tih istih tvrtki smatraju najvažnijim. Kako bi se podaci mogli precizirati, istraživanje i rad su usmjereni samo na analizu korporativnog digitalnog identiteta na službenim internetskim stranicama hrvatskih korporacija.Corporate identity concept has often been used in the business world, defined as a set of behavior, values, mission and vision, as well as visual identity which the organization is providing for the public eye. What often happens in defining a corporate identity is not connecting the corporation's real and visual identity, so often the corporations and organizations leave a wrong impression. Likewise, when building a digital corporate identity, it is necessary to pay attention to the real goals of the organization and what it wants to achieve by presenting online and what the best way to do it is. For this reason, it is necessary to establish standards, namely, the determinants of correct behavior and real representation, where corporations can then compare and build their identity. Furthermore, the real and visual identity should be somewhat compatible so the corporation would leave the impression of the organization with the process of careful reflection and detailed planning. The reason for this is that a good or badly established digital corporate identity greatly affects the business of the corporation. The question that is being raised in this case is: to what extent are Croatian corporations and people behind them thinking about corporate digital identity and how much attention are they devoting to it? The aim of this paper is to answer, among other things, the question above as well as questions about the importance of corporate identity implementation on the official website of the company, the existing good practice of creating such a digital identity and other relevant aspects which will be addressed. It will be done through a research that is based on a qualitative analysis of the content and a survey that will be conducted on a selected sample of companies in the Republic of Croatia. The survey will answer questions like what information is on a corporate website and which part of the corporate identity are the most important representatives of these companies. In order for the data to be precise, research and work are focused solely on the analysis of corporate digital identity on the official website of Croatian corporations

    Rod i obrazovanje

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    This paper explores gender and education in Croatia and the United States. It aims to call attention to the feminization of the teaching profession with a particular emphasis on the major reasons that have led to this occurrence. The paper focuses on the traditional gender stereotypes which have impacted the teaching profession through their gender bias and have led to the feminization of the teaching profession. The gender discrimination is evident in the teaching hierarchy, the pay gap and the particular male fields. In addition, this paper explores the consequences of the feminization of teaching. The claim that the teaching profession is feminized is substatiated with the use of statistical data taken from both the Croatian Bureau of Statistics and the United States Bureau of Statistics. It is important to note that although the feminization of teaching is on the increase in both Croatia and the United States, which is evident in the figures that show that more women employed as teachers than men, women are still paid less for the same job. Furthermore, regardless of feminization, higher education and better administrative jobs are still dominated by men.Ovaj rad istražuje rod i obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Cilj ovog rada je skrenuti pozornost na feminizaciju učiteljske profesije s naglaskom na glavne razloge koji su doveli do ove pojave. Ovaj rad se usredotočuje na tradicionalne rodne stereotipe koji su utjecali na učiteljsku profesiju kroz svoju rodnu pristranost i doveli do feminizacije učiteljske profesije. Rodna diskriminacija je očita u nastavnoj hijerarhiji, razlici u plaći i određenim muškim područjima. Dodatno, ovaj rad istražuje I posljedice feminizacije učiteljske profesije. Tvrdnja da je učiteljska profesija feminizirana je poduprijeta korištenjem statističkih podataka preuzetih s Zavoda za statistiku iz Hrvatske i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Važno je primijetiti da unatoč tome što je feminizacije profesije u porastu i u Hrvatskoj i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, što je očito u brojkama koje pokazuju da je vise žena zaposleno kao učiteljice nego muškarci, žene su svejedno plaćene manje za isti posao. Nadalje, usprkos feminizaciji, visoko obrazovanje i bolji administrativni poslovi su još uvijek pod dominacijom muškaraca

    Electromagnetic compatibility in various kinds of substations in Croatian transmission networks and mitigation measures

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    In the last two decades have been studied the conditions of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in different kind of substations in transmission networks of Croatia. Investigations have been done by measuring method using special measuring technique and also by computing simulations. In this paper will be shown conditions of EMC which have been studied by measuring method during normal or fault switching operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers. Conditions of EMC with particular stress on transient voltages in secondary circuits within various kind of transmission network objects have been carefully studied (AIS, GIS, old and new substation design type, rated voltages from 110 kV to 400 kV). In the paper will be given the review of some main data from those investigations made in the long period of time. Then main findings will be given and the differences in EMC conditions will be shown taking into account various parameters such as: design details of substations (distances, cable types, protective measures etc.). Also, it will be given a review of measuring methods and tools (oscilloscopes with low and deep acquisition memory, statistical tools for data processing, etc.). Generally, it was shown that overvoltatges in secondary equipment follows normal or Gaussian statistical distribution from which some typical data have been taken, such as 98% - probability values etc. Consequently, different kind of the mitigation measures have been proposed in cases of high overvoltages in secondary circuits. Typically, changes in earthing systems, in cable sheets connections etc. have been proposed to utilities. All proposed measures have been tested by measuring methods too and the effects have been very satisfactory in ensuring EMC conditions within substations. Some most interesting ways in reducing high level of TEVR in GIS substations will be shown in pictures. Given results and effects of mitigation measures in Croatian transmission network substations clearly show that the best method is experimental investigation which usually was followed by some necessary mitigation measures which ensure the conditions of EMC within substations according to international standards and recommendations

    Analiza selekcije kadrova u poduzeću Hrvatska pošta d.d. Zagreb : završni rad

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak.Employees are of the utmost importance for each business. It is with their work, knowledge, experience, abilities and motivation that they contribute to enterprise development and business success. Quality selection and selection of staff has a special importance in this regard, which is why the topic of this paper is a selection of personnel selection. Human resource selection is important both for recruiting new workers and for improving the existing ones. A certain job can be hired by someone else, or by employing someone who is already employed in the company. In doing so, the candidate's capacity for such a job should be taken into account. This paper presents the analysis of personnel selection at the Croatian Post d.d. Zagreb. It is a big company in which it strives to manage its employees better. When recruiting, certain tests are performed depending on the job position to choose the most capable candidates. According to the research conducted, it is evident that there is room for improvement of selection in the observed company

    Rod i obrazovanje

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    This paper explores gender and education in Croatia and the United States. It aims to call attention to the feminization of the teaching profession with a particular emphasis on the major reasons that have led to this occurrence. The paper focuses on the traditional gender stereotypes which have impacted the teaching profession through their gender bias and have led to the feminization of the teaching profession. The gender discrimination is evident in the teaching hierarchy, the pay gap and the particular male fields. In addition, this paper explores the consequences of the feminization of teaching. The claim that the teaching profession is feminized is substatiated with the use of statistical data taken from both the Croatian Bureau of Statistics and the United States Bureau of Statistics. It is important to note that although the feminization of teaching is on the increase in both Croatia and the United States, which is evident in the figures that show that more women employed as teachers than men, women are still paid less for the same job. Furthermore, regardless of feminization, higher education and better administrative jobs are still dominated by men.Ovaj rad istražuje rod i obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Cilj ovog rada je skrenuti pozornost na feminizaciju učiteljske profesije s naglaskom na glavne razloge koji su doveli do ove pojave. Ovaj rad se usredotočuje na tradicionalne rodne stereotipe koji su utjecali na učiteljsku profesiju kroz svoju rodnu pristranost i doveli do feminizacije učiteljske profesije. Rodna diskriminacija je očita u nastavnoj hijerarhiji, razlici u plaći i određenim muškim područjima. Dodatno, ovaj rad istražuje I posljedice feminizacije učiteljske profesije. Tvrdnja da je učiteljska profesija feminizirana je poduprijeta korištenjem statističkih podataka preuzetih s Zavoda za statistiku iz Hrvatske i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Važno je primijetiti da unatoč tome što je feminizacije profesije u porastu i u Hrvatskoj i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, što je očito u brojkama koje pokazuju da je vise žena zaposleno kao učiteljice nego muškarci, žene su svejedno plaćene manje za isti posao. Nadalje, usprkos feminizaciji, visoko obrazovanje i bolji administrativni poslovi su još uvijek pod dominacijom muškaraca