179 research outputs found

    FIRBACK: II. Data Reduction and Calibration of the 170 micron ISO Deep Cosmological Survey

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    We present the final reduction and calibration of the FIRBACK ISOPHOT data. FIRBACK is a deep cosmological survey performed at 170 microns. This paper deals with the ISOPHOT C200 camera with the C160 filter. We review the whole data reduction process and compare our final calibration with DIRBE (for the extended emission) and IRAS (for point sources). The FIRBACK source extraction and galaxy counts is discussed in a companion paper (Dole et al., 2001).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 9 pages, includes new aa.cls. Also available (with better quality figures) at http://wwwfirback.ias.u-psud.fr and http://mips.as.arizona.edu/~hdole/firback (new aa.cls is here

    ISOPHOT 95 micron observations in the Lockman Hole - The catalogue and an assessment of the source counts

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    We report results from a new analysis of a deep 95 micron imaging survey with ISOPHOT on board the Infrared Space Observatory, over a ~1 square degree area within the Lockman Hole, which extends the statistics of our previous study (Rodighiero et al. 2003). Within the survey area we detect sixty-four sources with S/N>3 (roughly corresponding to a flux limit of 16 mJy). Extensive simulations indicate that the sample is almost complete at fluxes > 100 mJy, while the incompleteness can be quantified down to ~30 mJy. The 95 micron galaxy counts reveal a steep slope below 100 mJy (alpha~1.6), in excess of that expected for a non-evolving source population. In agreement with counts data from ISO at 15 and 175 micron, this favours a model where the IR populations evolve both in number and luminosity densities. We finally comment on some differences found with other ISO results in this area.Comment: 4 pages, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics Lette

    The Cosmic Far-Infrared Background Buildup Since Redshift 2 at 70 and 160 microns in the COSMOS and GOODS fields

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    The Cosmic Far-Infrared Background (CIB) at wavelengths around 160 {\mu}m corresponds to the peak intensity of the whole Extragalactic Background Light, which is being measured with increasing accuracy. However, the build up of the CIB emission as a function of redshift, is still not well known. Our goal is to measure the CIB history at 70 {\mu}m and 160 {\mu}m at different redshifts, and provide constraints for infrared galaxy evolution models. We use complete deep Spitzer 24 {\mu}m catalogs down to about 80 {\mu}Jy, with spectroscopic and photometric redshifts identifications, from the GOODS and COSMOS deep infrared surveys covering 2 square degrees total. After cleaning the Spitzer/MIPS 70 {\mu}m and 160 {\mu}m maps from detected sources, we stacked the far-IR images at the positions of the 24 {\mu}m sources in different redshift bins. We measured the contribution of each stacked source to the total 70 and 160 {\mu}m light, and compare with model predictions and recent far-IR measurements made with Herschel/PACS on smaller fields. We have detected components of the 70 and 160 {\mu}m backgrounds in different redshift bins up to z ~ 2. The contribution to the CIB is maximum at 0.3 <= z <= 0.9 at 160{\mu}m (and z <= 0.5 at 70 {\mu}m). A total of 81% (74%) of the 70 (160) {\mu}m background was emitted at z < 1. We estimate that the AGN relative contribution to the far-IR CIB is less than about 10% at z < 1.5. We provide a comprehensive view of the CIB buildup at 24, 70, 100, 160 {\mu}m. IR galaxy models predicting a major contribution to the CIB at z < 1 are in agreement with our measurements, while our results discard other models that predict a peak of the background at higher redshifts. Our results are available online http://www.ias.u-psud.fr/irgalaxies/ .Comment: Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    ASTRO-F - The next generation of mid-infrared surveys

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    We present basic observational strategies for ASTRO-F (also known as the Imaging Infra Red Surveyor (IRIS)) to be launched in 2004 by the Japanese Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS). We examine 2 survey scenarios, a deep ~1sq.deg. survey reaching sensitivities an order of magnitude below than the deepest surveys performed by ISO in the mid-IR, and a shallow \~18sq.deg mid-infrared (7-25um in 6 bands) covering an area greater than the entire area covered by all ISO mid-IR surveys. Using 2 cosmological models the number of galaxies predicted for each survey is calculated. The first model uses an enhancement of the pure luminosity evolution model of Pearson & Rowan-Robinson while the new models incorporate a strongly evolving ULIG component. For the deep survey, between 20,000-30,000 galaxies should be detected in the shortest wavebands and ~5000 in the longest (25um) band. The shallow survey would be expected to detect of the order of 100,000 - 150,000 sources.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted by MNRA

    FIRBACK Source Counts and Cosmological Implications

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    FIRBACK is a one of the deepest surveys performed at 170 microns with ISOPHOT onboard ISO, and is aimed at the study of cosmic far infrared background sources. About 300 galaxies are detected in an area of four square degrees, and source counts present a strong slope of 2.2 on an integral "logN-logS" plot, which cannot be due to cosmological evolution if no K-correction is present. The resolved sources account for less than 10% of the Cosmic Infrared Background at 170 microns. In order to understand the nature of the sources contributing to the CIB, and to explain deep source counts at other wavelengths, we have developed a phenomenological model, which constrains in a simple way the luminosity function evolution with redshift, and fits all the existing deep source counts from the mid-infrared to the submillimetre range. Images, materials and papers available on the FIRBACK web: http://wwwfirback.ias.u-psud.fr wwwfirback.ias.u-psud.frComment: proceedings of "ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe", eds. D. Lemke, M. Stickel, K. Wilke, Ringberg, 8-12 Nov 1999, to appear in Springer 'Lecture Notes of Physics'. 8 pages, 7 eps figures, .sty include

    Specific star-formation and the relation to stellar mass from 0<z<2 as seen in the far-infrared at 70 and 160mu

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    We use the Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Legacy Survey (SWIRE) to explore the specific star-formation activity of galaxies and their evolution near the peak of the cosmic far-infrared (FIR) background at 70 and 160um. We use a stacking analysis to determine the mean FIR properties of well defined subsets of galaxies at flux levels well below the FIR catalogue detection limits of SWIRE and other Spitzer surveys. We tabulate the contribution of different subsets of galaxies to the FIR background at 70um and 160um. These long wavelengths provide a good constraint on the bolometric, obscured emission. The large area provides good constraints at low z and in finer redshift bins than previous work. At all redshifts we find that the specific FIR Luminosity (sLFIR) decreases with increasing mass, following a trend L_FIR/M* propto M_* ^beta with beta =-0.38\pm0.14. This is a more continuous change than expected from the {Delucia2007} semi-analytic model suggesting modifications to the feedback prescriptions. We see an increase in the sLFIR by about a factor of ~100 from 0<z<2 and find that the sLFIR evolves as (1+z)^alpha with alpha=4.4\pm0.3 for galaxies with 10.5 < log M*/Msun < 12. This is considerably steeper than the {Delucia2007} semi-analytic model (alpha \sim 2.5). When separating galaxies into early and late types on the basis of the optical/IR spectral energy distributions we find that the decrease in sLFIR with stellar mass is stronger in early type galaxies (beta ~ -0.46), while late type galaxies exhibit a flatter trend (beta \sim -0.15). The evolution is strong for both classes but stronger for the early type galaxies. The early types show a trend of decreasing strength of evolution as we move from lower to higher masses while the evolution of the late type galaxies has little dependence on stellar mass. We suggest that in late-type galaxies we are seeing a consistently declining sSFR..Comment: v2 Update doesn't change the content of the paper, but now includes data files for the plots Fig 5-13 (all.plotdat, spi.plotdat and ell.plotdat on arXiv package

    Modeling the evolution of infrared galaxies: A Parametric backwards evolution model

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    We aim at modeling the infrared galaxy evolution in an as simple as possible way and reproduce statistical properties among which the number counts between 15 microns and 1.1 mm, the luminosity functions, and the redshift distributions. We then aim at using this model to interpret the recent observations (Spitzer, Akari, BLAST, LABOCA, AzTEC, SPT and Herschel), and make predictions for future experiments like CCAT or SPICA. This model uses an evolution in density and luminosity of the luminosity function with two breaks at redshift ~0.9 and 2 and contains the two populations of the Lagache et al. (2004) model: normal and starburst galaxies. We also take into account the effect of the strong lensing of high-redshift sub-millimeter galaxies. It has 13 free parameters and 8 additional calibration parameters. We fit the parameters to the IRAS, Spitzer, Herschel and AzTEC measurements with a Monte-Carlo Markov chain. The model ajusted on deep counts at key wavelengths reproduces the counts from the mid-infrared to the millimeter wavelengths, as well as the mid-infrared luminosity functions. We discuss the contribution to the cosmic infrared background (CIB) and to the infrared luminosity density of the different populations. We also estimate the effect of the lensing on the number counts, and discuss the recent discovery by the South Pole Telescope (SPT) of a very bright population lying at high-redshift. We predict confusion level for future missions using a P(D) formalism, and the Universe opacity to TeV photons due to the CIB.Comment: 25 pages, 10 tables, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    FIRBACK Source Counts and Cosmological Implications

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    FIRBACK is a one of the deepest surveys performed at 170 microns with ISOPHOT onboard ISO, and is aimed at the study of cosmic far infrared background sources. About 300 galaxies are detected in an area of four square degrees, and source counts present a strong slope of 2.2 on an integral "logN-logS" plot, which cannot be due to cosmological evolution if no K-correction is present. The resolved sources account for less than 10% of the Cosmic Infrared Background at 170 microns. In order to understand the nature of the sources contributing to the CIB, and to explain deep source counts at other wavelengths, we have developed a phenomenological model, which constrains in a simple way the luminosity function evolution with redshift, and fits all the existing deep source counts from the mid-infrared to the submillimetre range. Images, materials and papers available on the FIRBACK web: http://wwwfirback.ias.u-psud.fr wwwfirback.ias.u-psud.frComment: proceedings of "ISO Surveys of a Dusty Universe", eds. D. Lemke, M. Stickel, K. Wilke, Ringberg, 8-12 Nov 1999, to appear in Springer 'Lecture Notes of Physics'. 8 pages, 7 eps figures, .sty include
