2,452 research outputs found

    FIRBACK: II. Data Reduction and Calibration of the 170 micron ISO Deep Cosmological Survey

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    We present the final reduction and calibration of the FIRBACK ISOPHOT data. FIRBACK is a deep cosmological survey performed at 170 microns. This paper deals with the ISOPHOT C200 camera with the C160 filter. We review the whole data reduction process and compare our final calibration with DIRBE (for the extended emission) and IRAS (for point sources). The FIRBACK source extraction and galaxy counts is discussed in a companion paper (Dole et al., 2001).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 9 pages, includes new aa.cls. Also available (with better quality figures) at http://wwwfirback.ias.u-psud.fr and http://mips.as.arizona.edu/~hdole/firback (new aa.cls is here

    Field theoretic calculation of the surface tension for a model electrolyte system

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    We carry out the calculation of the surface tension for a model electrolyte to first order in a cumulant expansion about a free field theory equivalent to the Debye-H\"uckel approximation. In contrast with previous calculations, the surface tension is calculated directly without recourse to integrating thermodynamic relations. The system considered is a monovalent electrolyte with a region at the interface, of width h, from which the ionic species are excluded. In the case where the external dielectric constant epsilon_0 is smaller than the electrolyte solution's dielectric constant epsilon we show that the calculation at this order can be fully regularized. In the case where h is taken to be zero the Onsager-Samaras limiting law for the excess surface tension of dilute electrolyte solutions is recovered, with corrections coming from a non-zero value of epsilon_0/epsilon.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Proportional Reasoning as Essential Numeracy

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    This paper reports an aspect of a large research and development project that aimed to promote middle years school teachers’ understanding and awareness of the pervasiveness of proportional reasoning as integral to numeracy. Teacher survey data of proportional reasoning across the curriculum were mapped on to a rich model of numeracy. Results provided evidence of extensive and creative teaching of proportional reasoning in all learning areas. The capacity of such tasks and activities for promoting student numeracy is theorised

    Promoting middle school students’ proportional reasoning skills through an ongoing professional development programme for teachers

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. Proportional reasoning, the ability to use ratios in situations involving comparison of quantities, is essential for mathematical competence, especially in the middle school years, and is an important determinant of success beyond school. Research shows students find proportional reasoning and its foundational concepts difficult. Proportional reasoning does not always develop naturally, however some research suggests that with targeted teaching, its development can be promoted. This paper reports on a large Australian study involving over 130 teachers and their students. A major goal of the study was to investigate the efficacy of ongoing teacher professional development for promoting middle years students’ proportional reasoning. A series of professional development workshops was designed to enhance the teachers’ understanding of proportional reasoning and to extend their repertoire of teaching strategies to promote their students’ proportional reasoning skills. The workshop design was informed by research literature on proportional reasoning teaching and learning as well as the results of a diagnostic instrument administered to over 2500 middle years students prior to the professional development. Between workshops, the teachers implemented a variety of targeted teaching activities. This paper reports on pre- and post- instrument student data collected at the beginning and end of the first year of the project (i.e., after completion of half of the workshops). The findings suggest that targeted professional development and explicit teaching can make a difference to students’ proportional reasoning

    Linking stellar mass and star formation in Spitzer/MIPS 24 micron galaxies

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    We present deep Ks<21.5 (Vega) identifications, redshifts and stellar masses for most of the sources composing the bulk of the 24 micron background in the GOODS/CDFS. Our identified sample consists of 747 Spitzer/MIPS 24 micron objects, and includes ~94% of all the 24 micron sources in the GOODS-South field which have fluxes Snu(24)>83 microJy (the 80% completeness limit of the Spitzer/GTO 24 micron catalog). 36% of our galaxies have spectroscopic redshifts (mostly at z<1.5) and the remaining ones have photometric redshifts of very good quality, with a median of |dz|=|zspec-zphot|/(1+zspec)=0.02. We find that MIPS 24 micron galaxies span the redshift range z~0-4, and that a substantial fraction (28%) lie at high redshifts z>1.5. We determine the existence of a bump in the redshift distribution at z~1.9, indicating the presence of a significant population of galaxies with PAH emission at these redshifts. Massive (M>10^11 Msun) star-forming galaxies at redshifts 2<z<3 are characterized by very high star-formation rates (SFR>500 Msun/yr), and some of them are able to construct a mass of 10^10-10^11 Msun in a single burst lifetime (~0.01-0.1 Gyr). At lower redshifts z<2, massive star-forming galaxies are also present, but appear to be building their stars on long timescales, either quiescently or in multiple modest burst-like episodes. At redshifts z~1-2, the ability of the burst-like mode to produce entire galaxies in a single event is limited to some lower (M<7x10^10 Msun) mass systems, and it is basically negligible at z<1. Our results support a scenario where star-formation activity is differential with assembled stellar mass and redshift, and where the relative importance of the burst-like mode proceeds in a down-sizing way from high to low redshifts. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 19 pages, 10 figures. Uses emulateap

    Multi-wavelength characterisation of z~2 clustered, dusty star forming galaxies discovered by Planck

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    (abridged) We report the discovery of PHz G95.5-61.6, a complex structure detected in emission in the Planck all-sky survey that corresponds to two over-densities of high-redshift galaxies. This is the first source from the Planck catalogue of high-z candidates that has been completely characterised with follow-up observations from the optical to the sub-millimetre domain. Herschel/SPIRE observations at 250, 350 and 500 microns reveal the existence of five sources producing a 500 microns emission excess that spatially corresponds to the candidate proto-clusters discovered by Planck. Further observations at CFHT in the optical bands (g and i) and in the near infrared (J, H and K_s), plus mid infrared observations with IRAC/Spitzer (at 3.6 and 4.5 microns) confirm that the sub-mm red excess is associated with an over-density of colour-selected galaxies. Follow-up spectroscopy of 13 galaxies with VLT/X-Shooter establishes the existence of two high-z structures: one at z~1.7 (three confirmed member galaxies), the other at z~2.0 (six confirmed members). This double structure is also seen in the photometric redshift analysis of a sample of 127 galaxies located inside a circular region of 1'-radius containing the five Herschel/SPIRE sources, where we found a double-peaked excess of galaxies at z~1.7 and z~2.0 with respect to the surrounding region. These results suggest that PHz G95.5-61.6 corresponds to two accreting nodes, not physically linked to one another, embedded in the large scale structure of the Universe at z~2 and along the same line-of-sight. In conclusion, the data, methods and results illustrated in this pilot project confirm that Planck data can be used to detect the emission from clustered, dusty star forming galaxies at high-z, and, thus, to pierce through the early growth of cluster-scale structures.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Correlated Anisotropies in the Cosmic Far-Infrared Background Detected by MIPS/Spitzer: Constraint on the Bias

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    We report the detection of correlated anisotropies in the Cosmic Far-Infrared Background at 160 microns. We measure the power spectrum in the Spitzer/SWIRE Lockman Hole field. It reveals unambiguously a strong excess above cirrus and Poisson contributions, at spatial scales between 5 and 30 arcminutes, interpreted as the signature of infrared galaxy clustering. Using our model of infrared galaxy evolution we derive a linear bias b=1.74 \pm 0.16. It is a factor 2 higher than the bias measured for the local IRAS galaxies. Our model indicates that galaxies dominating the 160 microns correlated anisotropies are at z~1. This implies that infrared galaxies at high redshifts are biased tracers of mass, unlike in the local Universe.Comment: ApJ Letters, in pres
