12 research outputs found

    Dydaktyka z żywym organizmem w tle : jak ciekawie nauczyć i nie zabić?

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    The article offers recommendations for academic teachers who deal with natural sciences in under- and graduate university or college courses. Difficulties are discussed, and solutions are offered with reference to courses that require the use of a living organism, an instrument, a model or solutions that are available on the Internet. The paper proceeds by putting emphasis on frequent mistakes which lead to situations when requirements that students have to meet are not compatible with the form and content of classes. Furthermore, the idea here is to provide academic teachers with information on how to prepare a presentation that would leave a trace in students’ mind. The discussion also includes optimal ways of assessment of laboratories, tutorials and seminars. Readers are presented with literary as well Internet sources that may prove helpful in perfecting particular didactic skills which academic teachers need to learn in order to teach natural sciences courses efficiently. The article ends with a set of practical directives, a “Didactic Decalogue.

    Ileal transposition in rats influenced glucose metabolism and HSP70 levels

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    Objective: Ileal transposition procedure (IT), in combination with sleeve gastrectomy, is widely used to induce diabetes remission and to control related metabolic abnormalities. A transposition of a long segment of distal ileum in obese Zucker rats improved glucose tolerance 6 months after IT. The premise of our study was to to examine the long - term effects of ileum transposition on the liver glycolytic enzymes content in a euglycemic group of operated Zucker rats. Methods: Twenty male Zucker rats underwent either the transposition of 50% distal ileum or a sham surgery. Six months after surgery, liver tissue concentrations of glycogen synthase kinase alpha (GSK-3α), glucose 6-phosphatase (G6PC), glycogen phosphorylase (PYGM) and phosphofructokinase (PFK) and HSP70 were assessed by immunoenzymatic methods. Results: HSP70 values were significantly higher in the IT group compared to SHAM. G6PC liver concentrations in the IT group were almost 1.45-fold lower than in the SHAM operated rats. Statistical analyses (F-test) showed HSP70 levels were significantly related to caveolin-1and SHAM group. Conclusions: Lowered glycolytic enzyme concentrations assessed in the liver suggest positive effects on glucose metabolism in long-term observations

    The Effects of Duodenojejunal Omega Switch in Combination with High-Fat Diet and Control Diet on Incretins, Body Weight, and Glucose Tolerance in Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Background: Despite excellent results of bariatric surgery in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and weight loss in human subjects, some patients do not obtain desired results. One of the reasons for this is that not all patients follow caloric intake recommendations. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of duodenojejunal omega switch (DJOS) surgery on body weight, glucose tolerance, and incretins in rats. Methods: DJOS and SHAM surgery were performed on rats maintained for 8 weeks on high-fat diet (HF) and control diet (CD), respectively. After surgery, four groups were kept on the same diet as before the surgery, and four groups had a changed diet (CD vs. HF and HF vs. CD) for the next 8 weeks. Glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance, glucose-stimulated insulin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptide/glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) secretion, food intake, and body weight were measured. Results: A change of diet after surgery resulted in reduced glucose tolerance. Plasma insulin levels were lowered between DJOS and SHAM surgeries for the HF/HF and CD/HF groups. DJOS surgery did not reduce body weight in the studied groups, irrespective of diet. In the HF/HF group, ΔGLP-1 was lower for DJOS surgery in comparison with other groups. Differences of weight changes were observed for groups HF/HF and HF/CD. After DJOS surgery, ΔGIP was lower in the CD/HF group compared with HF/HF. Conclusions: Our results show that applications of different types of diets, before and after surgery, is a sensitive method for studies of mechanism of glucose intolerance after DJOS surgery

    Metabolic surgery in zucker rats influenced miRNA, caveolin-1 expression and lipid metabolism

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    Aims: A transposition of the long segment of distal ileum in obese Zucker rats improved glucose tolerance 6 months after IT. It was undertaken to compare the gene expression of miRNA-103, -107 and caveolin-1 in the liver of euglycemic groups of IT relative to SHAM operated rats. Main methods: Obese, male Zucker rats underwent either transposition of 50% distal ileum or sham surgery. For determining the gene expression, the Real-Time PCR for caveolin-1 and miRNA-103, -107 was performed. Plasma concentrations of LDL, HDL, TG and total cholesterol were measured with enzymatic colorimetric assays after optimization procedure. Key findings: The Cav-1 expression in liver tissue after ileal transposition was 1.22 times higher compared to the SHAM group (SHAM median 63.58, min 41.3, max 82.4; IT median 77.35, min 60.8, max 95.41, p < 0.001). miRNA-107 expression was significantly downregulated by 0.6-fold in the IT group compared to the SHAM group (SHAM median 507.51, min 236.42, max 721.29; IT median 355.2, min 278.15, max 478.15, p < 0.015. The level of TG was significantly higher after IT surgery (SHAM median 115, min 96, max 143; IT median 153, min 115, max 162, p = 0.001). The total cholesterol plasma levels decreased after IT (SHAM median 178, min 161, max 183; IT median 128, min 103, max 114, p < 0.000001). The LDL plasma level in IT was two-fold lower than in the SHAM (SHAM median 117, min 68, max 151; IT median 58, min 45, max 61, p < 0.000001). Significance: The transposition of 50% of the distal ileum lead to an increase in caveolin-1 and reduction in miR-107 expression compared to those of SHAM group. Endogenous miR-107 is more involved in regulation of the functions of insulin-target liver tissue than miRNA-103. Reduced LDL and cholesterol plasma levels suggest positive effects on lipid metabolism in long-term observations. The present study is the first to show a lack of IT effect regarding triglycerides six months after surgery

    Assessment of adipokines, adenine nucleotides and uric acid in the dynamics of coronary intervention

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    Introduction: The association of vaspin and visfatin, with a myocardial infarction is still not fully understood. Reduced levels of adenine nucleotides are hallmarks of chronic heart failure. There is little data concerning the relationship between these markers and their changes over time. Material/Methods: The concentration of adenine nucleotides, vaspin and visfatinwere assessed in 41 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction one before (day I) and four days after (day IV) percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and a control group. Results: Visfatin concentrations were higher before and after PCI vs. control (visfatin I: median 25.55, 20.12 - 30.69 ng/ml; visfatin IV: median 20.79, 16.89 - 25.61 ng/ml vs. control: median 14.94, 10.66 - 25.25 ng/ml; p < 0.0001). Vaspin concentrations were lower before and after PCI vs. control (vaspin I: median 0.18, 0.11 - 0.44 ng/ml; vaspin IV: median 0.24, 0.15 - 0.58 ng/ml vs. control: median 1.303, 1.13 - 2.26 ng/ml, p < 0.00001). Concentrations of visfatin, day I, correlated well to vaspin concentrations (r2 = 0.201, p = 0.011). ATP levels were significantly lower in patients vs. controls (day I: p = 0.00012; day IV: p = 0.0001). Conclusions: Changes in the analyzed visfatin and vaspin concentrations can be used as potential MI markers. Visfatin serum concentration may be considered a potential marker to differentiate MI over time

    Who travels in this compartment? Skipped food ingredients

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    Plants, including cereals, vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants are conglomer-ates co-created with microorganisms (phytosphere) and micro and mezofauna, but a typical food description does not reflect those mentioned complexities. Obligatory passengers influence plant life, co-deciding on growth, resistance to stress and pests etc. Endobionts together with invertebrates living inside and on the surface of plants become a part of the food product. Routine vegetable and fruit rinsing remove nothing from inside, what is more, leaving numerous inver-tebrates on their surface. In eating, we assimilate the whole conglomerate of organisms. We are obligatory bacterio and fungivores, additionally, we con-sume invertebrates. Vitarians eat them raw, while vegans this way, however only in micro scale, consume animal-origin food.Rośliny, włączając w nie zboża, warzywa, owoce i rośliny lekarskie, są konglo-meratami współtworzonymi z mikroorganizmami (fitosfera) oraz mikro- i mezo-fauną, a typowy opis żywności nie odzwierciedla tej złożoności. Obligatoryjni „pasażerowie” wpływają na życie roślin, współdecydując o ich wzroście, oporności na stres, szkodniki itd. Endobionty, wraz z żyjącymi w i na roślinach bezkręgowcami, stają się częścią produktu spożywczego. Typowy zabieg mycia warzyw i owoców nie usuwa niczego ze środka, pozostawiając także wiele bezkręgowców na powierzchni. Jedząc, zjadamy cały konglomerat organizmów. Wszyscy jesteśmy obligatoryjnymi bakterio- i grzybożercami. W naszej diecie są też bezkręgowce. Witarianie zjadają wszystko to na surowo, a weganie tą drogą, mimo że w mikroskali, przyjmują także pokarm zwierzęcy

    Ileal transposition in rats influenced glucose metabolism and HSP70 levels

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    Objective: Ileal transposition procedure (IT), in combination with sleeve gastrectomy, is widely used to induce diabetes remission and to control related metabolic abnormalities. A transposition of a long segment of distal ileum in obese Zucker rats improved glucose tolerance 6 months after IT. The premise of our study was to to examine the long - term effects of ileum transposition on the liver glycolytic enzymes content in a euglycemic group of operated Zucker rats. Methods: Twenty male Zucker rats underwent either the transposition of 50% distal ileum or a sham surgery. Six months after surgery, liver tissue concentrations of glycogen synthase kinase alpha (GSK-3α), glucose 6-phosphatase (G6PC), glycogen phosphorylase (PYGM) and phosphofructokinase (PFK) and HSP70 were assessed by immunoenzymatic methods. Results: HSP70 values were significantly higher in the IT group compared to SHAM. G6PC liver concentrations in the IT group were almost 1.45-fold lower than in the SHAM operated rats. Statistical analyses (F-test) showed HSP70 levels were significantly related to caveolin-1and SHAM group. Conclusions: Lowered glycolytic enzyme concentrations assessed in the liver suggest positive effects on glucose metabolism in long-term observations