105 research outputs found

    Winter wheat and volunteer cereals as host plants for the western corn rootworm in Europe

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    Winterweizen und Ausfallgetreide als Wirtspflanzen für den Westlichen Maiswurzelbohrer in Europ

    A new method for efficacy testing of control measures against adult Diabrotica in maize

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    Eine neue Methode für die Prüfung der Wirksamkeit von Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen gegen Diabrotica-Käfer im Mai

    A new method for efficacy testing of control measures against adult Western Corn Rootworm in maize

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    Relative Erfassungsmethoden wie der Einsatz von Gelbtafeln sind üblich zum Monitoring von Populationsgrößen von fliegenden Insekten, entweder als Hilfe für Bekämpfungsentscheidungen oder für die Erfassung der Wirkung einer Insektizidbehandlung, wie sie bei der in Europa üblichen Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln vor einem Vertrieb vorgeschrieben ist. Mit diesen Methoden werden aber nur indirekte Effekte erfasst, es wird nur die Aktivität der verbliebenen lebenden Tiere gemessen, die neben der Insektizidwirkung noch von vielen anderen Faktoren beeinflusst wird. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode zu Erfassung der direkten Mortalität von Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (LeConte, 1858) nach einer Insektizidbehandlung in Mais vorgestellt. Dauermaisfelder mit einem starken Diabrotica Befall wurden mit einem neonicotinoiden Insektizid behandelt und mit unbehandelten Feldern verglichen. Die Insektizidwirkung wurde mit herkömmlichen, beleimten Gelbtafeln und mit einer neuen Methode erfasst, bei der Baumwolltücher zum Auffangen herabfallender toter Käfer zwischen Maispflanzen aufgespannt wurden. Ein und drei Tage nach der Behandlung war die Anzahl toter Käfer in behandelten Feldern signifikant höher als in unbehandelten, nach sieben, 14 und 21 Tagen gab es keine signifikanten Unterschiede mehr. In den parallel dazu ausgewerteten beleimten Gelbtafeln fiel die Zahl der gefangenen Käfer nach der Behandlung nach ein, drei und sieben Tagen signifikant ab. Die Ergebnisse aus beiden Auswertungsmethoden attestieren der Behandlung somit eine signifikante Wirksamkeit. Die direkte Zählung toter Tiere in den Stoffbahnen zeigt jedoch, dass die Persistenz des Mittels deutlich kürzer ist, als die Ergebnisse der Gelbtafelauswertung vermuten lassen.    Relative sampling methods, like sticky traps, are commonly used to monitor population fluctuations of flying insects, either to facilitate control decisions in integrated pest management or for evaluation of experimental insecticide treatments in efficacy testing, which is necessary before any authorisation of pesticides in Europe. Concerning the latter, however, trap results do not measure the direct effect of a treatment on a pest population. Rather, they show the activity of alive insects after treatment, which is influenced by the control measure together with many other factors. In the present study, we describe a field method to directly assess the mortality of adult western corn rootworms (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) after treatment of maize fields with an insecticide. Fields with continuous maize and heavy D. v. virgifera infestation were treated with a neonicotinoid insecticide and compared to untreated control fields. Efficacy of the treatment was assessed with yellow sticky traps and with a newly developed method for mortality assessment. The latter consisted of cotton panels mounted between the stems of maize plants, in order to collect dead beetles dropping from the plants beyond the covered area. After insecticide application, the number of dead beetles collected with these panels in the treated plots was significantly higher than those in the control plots only 1 day and 3 days after application. No significant differences were found 7, 14 and 21 days after application. At the same time and in the same fields, the number of beetles caught with yellow sticky traps dropped significantly after insecticide application. Differences between treated plots and control plots were significant 1, 3 and also 7 days after treatment. Results of yellow sticky traps therefore suggested longer persistence of the insecticide than proved by the direct mortality assessment with panels.   &nbsp

    Germanistik in Wien: Das Seminar für Deutsche Philologie und seine Privatdozentinnen (1897-1933)

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    In the first third of the 20th century more women acquired habilitation at the Viennese German Department than at any other Department in the German speaking countries. In 1921, the postdoctoral license to teach was awarded to Christine Touaillon (1978-1928), a literary historian, in 1924, it was granted to Marianne Thalmann (1888-1975), a scholar of literary Romanticism, and in 1927, it was permitted to Lily Weiser (1898-1987), a German ethnologist. On the basis of these findings, the thesis analyzes the scientific and institutional constitution of Viennese German Studies, and reveals that the self-conception and the disciplinary differentiation of an academic field substantially affect its personnel policy and therefore the status of female scholars

    Biological control of the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) by entomoparasitic nematodes

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    Biologische Bekämpfung des Westlichen Maiswurzelbohrers (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) mit entomoparasitischen Nematode

    Efficacy assessment of soil insecticides and seed treatments for the control of western corn rootworm larvae

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    Wirksamkeit von Bodeninsektiziden und Saatgutbehandlungen zur Bekämpfung des Westlichen Maiswurzelbohrer

    An information reconciliation protocol for secret-key agreement with small leakage

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    We report on a variant of the so-called Cascade protocol that is well-known for its usage as information reconciliation protocol in quantum cryptography. A theoretical analysis of the optimal size of the parity check blocks is provided. We obtain a very small leakage which is for block sizes of 2^16 typically only 2.5% above the Shannon limit, and notably, this holds for a QBER between 1% and 50%. For a QBER between 1% and 6% the leakage is only 2% above the Shannon limit. As comparison, the leakage of the original Cascade algorithm is 20% (40%) above the Shannon limit for a QBER of 10% (35%)

    Germanistik in Wien

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    The series "QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN ZUR LITERATUR- UND KULTURGESCHICHTE" (Sources and Research in the History of Literature and Culture), with a rich tradition stretching back to 1874, is an established feature among the renowned publications for German Literary Studies. Edited by Ernst Osterkamp and Werner Röcke at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the series presents examples of high-quality scholarship examining literary texts in conjunction with historical cultural phenomena, particularly with the other arts. There is an explicit demand for literary studies with a transdisciplinary approach. German literature from the Middle Ages to the present day forms the main focus of the series. As the historical cultural thrust of the series includes aspects of intercultural experience and national perceptions of the other, Quellen und Forschungen is also open to occasional comparative studies. The publications of the series include monographs, doctoral and professorial theses and thematically focused volumes of collected papers. Works presented for acceptance in the series are required to display scholarly relevance and excellence in method and presentation

    Certificação AQUA-HQE : estudo de caso de edifício comercial

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    A busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável, ou ainda, pelo atendimento das necessidades atuais sem comprometer a das futuras gerações, é o grande desafio da humanidade nas próximas décadas. A cada dia, a cada nova pesquisa, o planeta vem mostrando sinais que há um indubitável desequilíbrio entre sua capacidade regenerativa e a necessidade de consumo humano, deixando evidências de que, caso não haja uma revolução em termos de conscientização, as futuras gerações possivelmente não conhecerão o meio-ambiente no qual as gerações atuais estão inseridas - as estações do ano bem definidas, vida selvagem, abundância de insumos e fácil acesso à água. Tal revolução precisará modificar o modo de consumo de indivíduos e das indústrias, grandes consumidoras de matérias-primas e produtoras de resíduos e de poluentes. A indústria da construção civil, responsável por considerável parte destes consumos terá que, necessariamente, repensar seus projetos e métodos de executá-los. Buscando incentivar e verificar as práticas ditas sustentáveis, foram criadas as certificações ambientais de edifícios. Além de atender obrigatoriamente as normas existentes, o empreendedor passa a ter um incentivo à adoção de medidas mais ousadas com viés sustentável pois, quando submetido à alguma das certificações atuantes em seu país, passará a diferenciar seu produto dos demais disponíveis no mercado. Este trabalho busca entender o histórico que trouxe o termo sustentabilidade à tona, seu significado e de que maneira a indústria global e nacional da construção pode adotá-lo em sua realidade. Em complemento, analisa as certificações ambientais de edificações merecedoras de destaque, o funcionamento do selo AQUA-HQE e suas exigências para compreender o que é necessário para ser certificado. O trabalho conduz, ainda, o estudo de caso do Parque Pontal, certificado em fase de pré-projeto e projeto pelo selo, e seus principais diferenciais de projeto e execução para obtenção do selo

    Zur Leistungsfähigkeit heimischer Parasitoide bei der Kontrolle der Rosskastanienminiermotte, Cameraria ohridella (Lep., Gracillariidae)

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    Einzelne Erzwespenarten aus der Familie Eulophidae haben sich mittlerweile als fester Bestandteil des Parasitoidenkomplexes von C. ohridella etabliert. In Berlin wurden im Rahmen eines geförderten Projekts (EFRE- Europäischer Fond für regionale Entwicklung der EU und der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung) 21 Schlupfwespen-Arten als natürliche Gegenspieler nachgewiesen (Jäckel & al. 2007). Nach wie vor sind die natürlichen Parasitierungsraten mangelhaft. Dazu wurden während der Projektlaufzeit unterschiedliche Erhebungen mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, Ursachenkomplexe herauszuarbeiten. Die Parasitierungsraten wurden in Abhängigkeit vom Erfassungszeitpunkt, vom Standort der Kastanien in der Stadt, von der Dichte der Kastanien je Flächeneinheit und von der Diversität der Umgebungsvegetation bestimmt. Parallel wurde das Parasitoidenspektrum im Untersuchungszeitraum unter verschiedenen Bedingungen ermittelt. Da keine parasitierungsbegünstigenden Faktoren herausgearbeitet werden konnten, um daraus nützlingsfördende Maßnahmen abzuleiten, wurde eine geeignete Schlupfwespe aus dem natürlichen Parasitoidenkomplex ausgewählt, um die Möglichkeiten eines gezielten Einsatzes zur Dezimierung der Motte im Freiland zu erarbeiten. Die Biologie von P. agraules wurde im Labor und im Freiland untersucht. Weiterhin wurde durch Freilassung markierter Tiere im Freiland deren Verhalten studiert.Among other approaches, biological control measures against Cameraria ohridella (Lep., Gracillariidae) are tested in the project BerlinCam (“Possibilities to control the horse chestnut leafminer in Berlin”, financially supported by the Senate Department of Urban Development Berlin and the EU by means of the EFRE funds). During our investigations, we found 21 parasitoid species on C. ohridella hosts. These species are generalists and known for attacking a broad range of leafminers in Europe. By far the most abundant species is Minotetrastichus frontalis, followed by a second eudominant species, Pnigalio agraules. The structure of the complex and also the parasitism rate is not stable, and we found considerable variations between different generations within one year as well as large variation between the years and the type of habitat in Berlin. Our long-term-monitoring at one location in Berlin shows that parasitism rates are generally very low. The mean parasitism rate of C. ohridella measured over five years was 2,4 % ± 0,88, 3,7 % ± 2,18 and 5,3 % ± 5,43 in generation 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The parasitism rate is not dependent on the specific ecosystem. In the project we investigated several aspects of the biology of P. agraules. Our results show that this native parasitoid meets several of the requirements for successful use as a bioagent in the control of C. ohridella. The parasitoids’ fecundity, longevity and the speed of development by far exceed those of the pest, enabling the parasitoid population to grow faster than that of the host. Future studies on the host preference of this parasitoid species including quantitative aspects regarding release rates will investigate the potential benefits and risks of releases of P. agraules for the control of C. ohridella