63 research outputs found


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    A model to understand digital capabilities, shadow IT and individual performance in the context of remote work

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    In recent years, remote work has grown enormously, as has the adoption of digital technologies and shadow IT. There has never been a situation where workers could choose to use their own devices and cloud-based applications. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, large numbers of workers suddenly found themselves at home. Understanding how this shift to remote working has impacted digital resources, the use of shadow IT and individual performance is of great importance to academics and professionals. This study seeks to analyze the relationship between digital capabilities and shadow IT usage on the one hand and individual performance on the other in the context of remote working. To do so, a survey was carried out among a sample of 188 IT and non-IT executives from Brazil working remotely. The resulting data were analyzed using IBM-SPSS 24 exploratory analysis and PLS-SEM software to test the measurement and structural model. In the study we identified that shadow IT usage is positively related both to digital capabilities and individual performance. The main findings reveal that to understand the behavior of employees and how these systems are being used is essential for the individual performance of company employees to be maintained or even improved

    The dimensions of it portfolio management (ITPM): an analysis involving it managers in Brazilian companies

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    The aim of this study is to explore and validate the dimensions of IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) in Brazilian companies, based on three different models. Five case studies were carried out in Brazilian companies that invest more than nine million reals per year in IT. Eight top IT executives from those organizations who had knowledge of the dimensions of ITPM were interviewed. Items were modified and new items included within the dimensions, while examples of equipment or systems applicable to each of the four dimensions were also identified. Research that helps managers to better understand and structure their IT investments by using the dimensions of ITPM is important to assist in the management of such resources

    The dimensions of IT portfolio management (ITPM) : an analysis involving managers in brazilian companies

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    The aim of this study is to explore and validate the dimensions of IT Portfolio Management (ITPM) in Brazilian companies, based on three different models. Five case studies were carried out in Brazilian companies that invest more than nine million reals per year in IT. Eight top IT executives from those organizations who had knowledge of the dimensions of ITPM were interviewed. Items were modified and new items included within the dimensions, while examples of equipment or systems applicable to each of the four dimensions were also identified. Research that helps managers to better understand and structure their IT investments by using the dimensions of ITPM is important to assist in the management of such resources

    Multi-integração em cadeias produtivas agroindustriais: uma estratégia possível

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    Family farming has been widely researched in the areas of economics and rural sociology. However, little focus is given to the strategic aspects of these establishments considering the supply of differentiated inputs or raw materials for agro-industry. Thus, this theoretical essay proposes a model for the formation of strategic alliances between agribusinesses positioned in integrated production chains seeking the maintenance and sharing of family farming as a strategic resource. Based on the literature on inter-organizational relationships and resource dependence theory, six theoretical propositions were elaborated. Three of them are related to the perception of integrating companies about integrated property, access to productive structures, and actions aimed at maintaining this resource; and the others, to the possibility of structuring an innovative model characterized by industry-industry multi-integration. This model argues that the structuring of a multi-integrated production system, based on the establishment of cooperative relations between agribusinesses, assumes characteristics of strategic alliances, with a view to guaranteeing access to the unique resources originating in small family farms. It also indicates that the formation of strategic partnerships aimed at multi-integration can ensure the maintenance of integrated production systems based on family farming as a supplier of essential raw materials.La agricultura familiar ha sido ampliamente investigada en los campos de la economía y la sociología rural. Sin embargo, se presta poca atención a los aspectos estratégicos de estos establecimientos considerando el suministro de diferentes insumos o materias primas para el agronegocio. Por lo tanto, este ensayo teórico propone un modelo para la formación de alianzas estratégicas entre empresas agrícolas ubicadas en cadenas de producción integradas que buscan mantener y compartir la agricultura familiar como un recurso estratégico. Basado en la literatura sobre relaciones interorganizacionales y la teoría de la dependencia de los recursos, se desarrollaron seis proposiciones teóricas. Tres relacionados con la percepción de empresas integradoras sobre propiedad integrada, acceso a estructuras productivas y acciones dirigidas a mantener este recurso, y los demás, a la posibilidad de estructurar un modelo innovador caracterizado por la integración múltiple industria-industria. Este modelo sostiene que la estructuración de un sistema de producción multi-integrado, establecido en el establecimiento de relaciones cooperativas entre agroindustrias, asume características de alianzas estratégicas, con miras a garantizar el acceso a los recursos únicos originados en pequeñas granjas familiares. También indica que la formación de asociaciones estratégicas destinadas a la integración múltiple puede garantizar el mantenimiento de sistemas de producción integrados basados en la agricultura familiar como proveedor de materias primas esenciales.A agricultura familiar tem sido largamente pesquisada pelas áreas da economia e da sociologia rural. Porém, pouco enfoque é dado aos aspectos estratégicos destes estabelecimentos considerando a oferta de insumos ou matérias primas diferenciadas para a agroindústria. Assim, neste ensaio teórico se propõe um modelo para a formação de alianças estratégicas entre agroindústrias posicionadas em cadeias produtivas integradas buscando a manutenção e o compartilhamento da agricultura familiar enquanto recurso estratégico. Com base na literatura sobre relacionamentos interorganizacionais e na teoria da dependência de recursos, foram elaboradas seis proposições teóricas. Três relacionadas à percepção das empresas integradoras sobre a propriedade integrada, o acesso às estruturas produtivas e as ações visando à manutenção deste recurso, e as demais, à possibilidade de estruturação de um modelo inovador caracterizado pela multi-integração indústria-indústria. Este modelo sustenta que a estruturação de um sistema multi-integrado de produção, firmado no estabelecimento de relações de cooperação entre agroindústrias, assume características de alianças estratégicas, com vistas a garantir o acesso aos recursos singulares originados nas pequenas propriedades agrícolas familiares. Também indica que a formação de parcerias estratégicas visando a multi-integração pode assegurar a manutenção dos sistemas integrados de produção alicerçados na agricultura familiar como fornecedora de matérias primas essenciais

    Adoção de tecnologia da informação e sua relação com a gestão de negócios em Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPES)

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    It is widely recognized the importance of small and medium enterprises (SME) for a country to achieve and sustain their socioeconomic development. As the Information Technology (IT) acquisition becomes cheaper, more popular becomes its use in business. Thus, this article aims at better understanding the adoption of IT and its association with different management activities of SME. We conducted a survey with 4,341 SME located in Rio Grande do Sul, which respondents were the owners of their respective companies. The instrument assessed ten dimensions of business management: Planning, Customers, Work Team, Suppliers, Quality and Productivity, Point of Sale, Inventory, Sales, Credit, and Cash, as well as other categorical variables. The results show significant differences between computerized and not computerized companies, both in terms of profile and business management performance from companies that have adopted computers and Internet. In addition, the study showed a positive relationship between the amount of available computing resources in the company and the level of administrative activities.É amplamente reconhecida a importância das micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs) para um país atingir e sustentar o seu desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Na medida em que a aquisição de tecnologia da informação (TI) se torna mais acessível financeiramente, populariza-se o seu uso nos negócios dessas empresas. O presente artigo tem por objetivo compreender melhor a adoção da TI e sua associação com diferentes atividades administrativas nas MPEs. Realizou-se uma pesquisa survey com 4.341 MPEs localizadas no Rio Grande do Sul, cujos respondentes foram os proprietários de suas empresas. O instrumento utilizado avaliou dez dimensões da gestão de negócios: Planejamento, Clientes, Pessoas, Fornecedores, Qualidade e Produtividade, Ponto de Venda, Estoques, Vendas, Crédito e Caixa, além de outras variáveis categóricas. Os resultados mostram diferenças significativas entre as empresas informatizadas e não informatizadas, tanto em termos do seu perfil quanto na gestão de negócios das empresas que adotaram computadores e internet. Também o estudo revelou uma relação positiva entre a quantidade de recursos computacionais disponibilizados na empresa e o nível de atividades administrativas realizadas


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    Editor's space for v. 14, n.

    Um estudo acerca dos motivadores e inibidores da adoção de tecnologia de informação nas micro e pequenas empresas.

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    Cada vez mais organizações dos mais variados setores da economia vêm utilizando tecnologia de informação (TI) para realizar boa parte de suas operações. No momento em que a sua aquisição se torna mais acessível financeiramente, mais rápida é a sua popularização, permitindo também às micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) utilizarem a informática nos seus negócios - fato restrito anteriormente às empresas de grande porte. Nesta pesquisa, realizada com 208 empresas, buscou-se identificar os principais motivadores e inibidores da adoção de TI nas MPEs. Identificou-se que as pressões externas que a empresa enfrenta e a existência de um ambiente organizacional favorável aparecem tanto como os principais motivadores e inibidores da adoção de TI. Verificou-se, também, que as empresas prestadoras de serviços utilizam mais tecnologia aplicada aos negócios que as empresas atuantes no comércio. Espera-se com este estudo fornecer subsídios aos micro e pequenos empresários quanto à utilidade da TI como ferramenta gerencial, além de desvendar as principais dificuldades e motivos pelos quais algumas MPEs ainda não investiram em TI

    IT investment management based on Information Technology Portfolio Management (ITPM): a study in Brazilian companies

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    The objective of this research is to analyze some Brazilian companies\u27 use of ITPM technique as an aid to their IT investments management. It was carried out in five case studies in different Brazilian companies from several economic sectors which were using the technique or were in the initial implementation phase. Eight interviews were conducted. The persons interviewed were high-level executives working in the IT department in the studied companies. Different levels of ITPM use was found regarding IT investment management (planning, control and evaluation). It was observed, in the analyzed cases, that ITPM is used most frequently in IT investment planning, which is the process most discussed and used in analyzed companies. The ITPM technique is used more frequently in Company 2 than in the other cases because the organization of the IT area in the company is structured according to ITPM dimensions. The technique has received little attention in IT research and ITPM research is still very limited in the information systems literature, a possible reflection of its academic importance. To highlight its practical use, ITPM has been considered a useful and accessible tool which aid IT executives in better managing and justifying investments in technology