100 research outputs found

    Time-Dependent Warping, Fluxes, and NCYM

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    We describe the supergravity solutions dual to D6-branes with both time-dependent and time-independent B-fields. These backgrounds generalize the Taub-NUT metric in two key ways: they have asymmetric warp factors and background fluxes. In the time-dependent case, the warping takes a novel form. Kaluza-Klein reduction in these backgrounds is unusual, and we explore some of the new features. In particular, we describe how a localized gauge-field emerges with an analogue of the open string metric and coupling. We also describe a gravitational analogue of the Seiberg-Witten map. This provides a framework in supergravity both for studying non-commutative gauge theories, and for constructing novel warped backgrounds.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, references adde

    Integrable open spin chains from giant gravitons

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    We prove that in the presence of a maximal giant graviton state in N=4 SYM, the states dual to open strings attached to the giant graviton give rise to an PSU(2,2|4) open spin chain model with integrable boundary conditions in the SO(6) sector of the spin chain to one loop order.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, uses JHEP

    Scalar perturbation spectra from warm inflation

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    We present a numerical integration of the cosmological scalar perturbation equations in warm inflation. The initial conditions are provided by a discussion of the thermal fluctuations of an inflaton field and thermal radiation using a combination of thermal field theory and thermodynamics. The perturbation equations include the effects of a damping coefficient Γ\Gamma and a thermodynamic potential VV. We give an analytic expression for the spectral index of scalar fluctuations in terms of a new slow-roll parameter constructed from Γ\Gamma. A series of toy models, inspired by spontaneous symmetry breaking and a known form of the damping coefficient, lead to a spectrum with ns>1n_s>1 on large scales and ns<1n_s<1 on small scales.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX 4, revised with extra figure

    A study of open strings ending on giant gravitons, spin chains and integrability

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    We systematically study the spectrum of open strings attached to half BPS giant gravitons in the N=4 SYM AdS/CFT setup. We find that some null trajectories along the giant graviton are actually null geodesics of AdS_5x S^5, so that we can study the problem in a plane wave limit setup. We also find the description of these states at weak 't Hooft coupling in the dual CFT. We show how the dual description is given by an open spin chain with variable number of sites. We analyze this system in detail and find numerical evidence for integrability. We also discover an interesting instability of long open strings in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds that is characterized by having a continuum spectrum of the string, which is separated from the ground state by a gap. This instability arises from accelerating the D-brane on which the strings end via the Ramond-Ramond field. From the integrable spin chain point of view, this instability prevents us from formulating the integrable structure in terms of a Bethe Ansatz construction.Comment: 38 pages+appendices, 9 figures. Uses JHEP3. v2: added reference

    Characterizing the weight-glycemia phenotypes of type 1 diabetes in youth and young adulthood

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    Introduction Individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) present with diverse body weight status and degrees of glycemic control, which may warrant different treatment approaches. We sought to identify subgroups sharing phenotypes based on both weight and glycemia and compare characteristics across subgroups. Research design and methods Participants: with T1D in the SEARCH study cohort (n=1817, 6.0-30.4 years) were seen at a follow-up visit >5 years after diagnosis. Hierarchical agglomerative clustering was used to group participants based on five measures summarizing the joint distribution of body mass index z-score (BMIz) and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) which were estimated by reinforcement learning tree predictions from 28 covariates. Interpretation of cluster weight status and glycemic control was based on mean BMIz and HbA1c, respectively. Results: The sample was 49.5% female and 55.5% non-Hispanic white (NHW); mean±SD age=17.6±4.5 years, T1D duration=7.8±1.9 years, BMIz=0.61±0.94, and HbA1c=76±21 mmol/mol (9.1±1.9)%. Six weight-glycemia clusters were identified, including four normal weight, one overweight, and one subgroup with obesity. No cluster had a mean HbA1c <58 mmol/mol (7.5%). Cluster 1 (34.0%) was normal weight with the lowest HbA1c and comprised 85% NHW participants with the highest socioeconomic position, insulin pump use, dietary quality, and physical activity. Subgroups with very poor glycemic control (ie, ≥108 mmol/mol (≥12.0%); cluster 4, 4.4%, and cluster 5, 7.5%) and obesity (cluster 6, 15.4%) had a lower proportion of NHW youth, lower socioeconomic position, and reported decreased pump use and poorer health behaviors (overall p<0.01). The overweight subgroup with very poor glycemic control (cluster 5) showed the highest lipids and blood pressure (p<0.01). Conclusions: There are distinct subgroups of youth and young adults with T1D that share weight-glycemia phenotypes. Subgroups may benefit from tailored interventions addressing differences in clinical care, health behaviors, and underlying health inequity. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ

    Natural and human-induced coastal dynamics at a back-barrier beach

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    This study contributes to the understanding of very low-energy fetch-limited environments by reporting the evolution of a back-barrier beach (AncĂŁo Peninsula, southern Portugal). It considers two timescales: a large-scale evolution for the past 60 years based on aerial photograph analysis, and a small-scale beach evolution based on monthly topographic surveys performed during three years of monitoring. Each timescale revealed a different rate of evolution, the first reporting a modified beach response-type (from human activities), and the second reporting a natural beach response-type. Human activities caused significant changes in the back-barrier shore, whereas changes under natural forcing were much smaller, were less influential on the area's evolution, and were not sufficient to counteract or mask the consequences of human activities. The findings of the study should contribute to a better understanding about the large- and small- scale changes in other back-barriers characterised by similar very low-energy conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Longitudinal Phenotypes of Type 1 Diabetes in Youth Based on Weight and Glycemia and Their Association With Complications

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    CONTEXT: Subclinical and clinical complications emerge early in type 1 diabetes (T1D) and may be associated with obesity and hyperglycemia. OBJECTIVE: Test how longitudinal "weight-glycemia" phenotypes increase susceptibility to different patterns of early/subclinical complications among youth with T1D. DESIGN: SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth observational study. SETTING: Population-based cohort. PARTICIPANTS: Youth with T1D (n = 570) diagnosed 2002 to 2006 or 2008. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Participants were clustered based on longitudinal body mass index z score and HbA1c from a baseline visit and 5+ year follow-up visit (mean diabetes duration: 1.4 ± 0.4 years and 8.2 ± 1.9 years, respectively). Logistic regression modeling tested cluster associations with seven early/subclinical diabetes complications at follow-up, adjusting for sex, race/ethnicity, age, and duration. RESULTS: Four longitudinal weight-glycemia clusters were identified: The Referent Cluster (n = 195, 34.3%), the Hyperglycemia Only Cluster (n = 53, 9.3%), the Elevated Weight Only Cluster (n = 206, 36.1%), and the Elevated Weight With Increasing Hyperglycemia (EWH) Cluster (n = 115, 20.2%). Compared with the Referent Cluster, the Hyperglycemia Only Cluster had elevated odds of dyslipidemia [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.22, 95% CI: 1.15 to 4.29], retinopathy (aOR 9.98, 95% CI: 2.49 to 40.0), and diabetic kidney disease (DKD) (aOR 4.16, 95% CI: 1.37 to 12.62). The EWH Cluster had elevated odds of hypertension (aOR 2.18, 95% CI: 1.19 to 4.00), dyslipidemia (aOR 2.36, 95% CI: 1.41 to 3.95), arterial stiffness (aOR 2.46, 95% CI: 1.09 to 5.53), retinopathy (aOR 5.11, 95% CI: 1.34 to 19.46), and DKD (aOR 3.43, 95% CI: 1.29 to 9.11). CONCLUSIONS: Weight-glycemia phenotypes show different patterns of complications, particularly markers of subclinical macrovascular disease, even in the first decade of T1D. Copyright © 2019 Endocrine Society

    Classical Open String Integrability

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    We present a simple procedure to construct non-local conserved charges for classical open strings on coset spaces. This is done by including suitable reflection matrices on the classical transfer matrix. The reflection matrices must obey certain conditions for the charges to be conserved and in involution. We then study bosonic open strings on AdS5Ă—S5AdS_5\times S^5. We consider boundary conditions corresponding to Giant Gravitons on S5S^5, AdS4Ă—S2AdS_4\times S^2 D5-branes and AdS5Ă—S3AdS_5 \times S^3 D7-branes. We find that we can construct the conserved charges for the full bosonic string on a Maximal Giant Graviton or a D7-brane. For the D5-brane, we find that this is possible only in a SU(2) sub-sector of the open string. Moreover, the charges can not be constructed at all for non-maximal Giant Gravitons. We discuss the interpretation of these results in terms of the dual gauge theory spin chains.Comment: 23 pages, JHEP styl

    Superradiance in the BTZ black hole with Robin boundary conditions

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    We show the existence of superradiant modes of massive scalar fields propagating in BTZ black holes when certain Robin boundary conditions, which never include the commonly considered Dirichlet boundary conditions, are imposed at spatial infinity. These superradiant modes are defined as those solutions whose energy flux across the horizon is towards the exterior region. Differently from rotating, asymptotically flat black holes, we obtain that notall modes which grow up exponentially in time are superradiant; for some of these, the growth is sourced by a bulk instability of AdS(3), triggered by the scalar field with Robin boundary conditions, rather than by energy extraction from the BTZ black hole. Thus, this setup provides an example wherein Bosonic modes with low frequency are pumping energy into, rather than extracting energy from, a rotating black hole. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.publishe

    Can black hole superradiance be induced by galactic plasmas?

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    Highly spinning Kerr black holes with masses M = 1-100 M(circle dot )are subject to an efficient superradiant instability in the presence of bosons with masses mu similar to 10(-10)-10(-12) eV. We observe that this matches the effective plasma-induced photon mass in diffuse galactic or intracluster environments (omega(pl )similar to 10(-10)-10(-12) eV). This suggests that bare Kerr black holes within galactic or intracluster environments, possibly even including the ones produced in recently observed gravitational wave events, are unstable to formation of a photon cloud that may contain a significant fraction of the mass of the original black hole. At maximal efficiency, the instability timescale for a massive vector is milliseconds, potentially leading to a transient rate of energy extraction from a black hole in principle as large as similar to 10(55) ergs(-1). We discuss possible astrophysical effects this could give rise to, including a speculative connection to Fast Radio Bursts. (C) 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.publishe
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