204 research outputs found

    KEWARISAN ANAK ANGKAT YANG BERKEDUDUKAN SEBAGAI ASHÂBUL FURÛDH (Analisis Terhadap Putusan Pengadilan Agama No. 287/Pdt.G/2006/PA.Pdg.)

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    The Case No. 287/ Pdt. G/ 2006/PA. Pdg. is a lawsuit Wasiat Wajibah submitted to the Religious Court of Padang. The Religious Court of Padang sets the plaintiff on this case as an adopted child who is entitled to obtain a mandatory will from his foster mother's estate. Where as between the plaintiff and his adoptive mother has a very close kinship relationship. The plaintiff is the real child of his adoptive brother's brother, while at that moment the plaintiff's adoptive mother was the heir of Kalâlah. The Law of Inheritance of Islam recognized the right of inheritance to the sister’s child. Sister’s son's inheritance is not clearly contained in the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh. However, sister’s child's inheritance rights are basically through the extension of the understanding of other whose rights are described in the Qur'an, because if he or she has no sister and brother, the position can be replaced by the child. Sister’s child will not get the right as long as his father who connects him to the heir is alive. This can be understood as the concept of "Expanding Brotherhood Meanings". Thus, the decision of the Religious Court of Padang on the Wasiat Wajibah which sets the plaintiff to obtain the right to the property of his adoptive mother through Wasiat Wajibah is not appropriate. This is because the plaintiff has a very close kinship with his adoptive mother. Therefore, the plaintiff is more aptly part of the heritage of his adoptive mother through his right as an heir (ashâbul furûdh), not as a mandatory will. This is because the plaintiff replaces the position of his biological father as the heir because he has died earlier than his adoptive mother. The Plaintiff is entitled to receive a share of furûdh against the inheritance of his adopted mother. The furûdh portion obtained is based on the letter of al-Nisâ verse 176


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    Quality and sorting is one method to classify an observed object and the end result of the inspection process. Quality and sorting can be done manually or automatically where quality and one manually sorting can be done by utilizing the human senses. Quality automatically requires certain tools such as the use of digital cameras to replace the sensory function of the human eye as a visual inspection. By using a digital camera, the camera capture object images obtained is processed via image processing, the processing system can be used as an automated visual inspection for the decision making process quality and sorting. The ability to recognize objects in the form of camera pixel component, can be used to determine the size and color, while the components can be used to determine the level of maturity. This system implemented as automatic visual inspection to determine quality tomato fruit size and maturity level. Results of testing this system is able to recognize 100% ripe tomatoes and 73% were able to recognize the young tomato fruit, the overall ability of the system to recognize the maturity level of the tomato fruit was 86.15%. While the tomatoes quality test based on class size with large, medium and small work 100%. Recognize the success rate of fruit maturity is greatly influenced by the current lighting objects tomatoes in camera capture. We hope this research can be used as input data for the next stage as the data input to the system pemutuan and automatically sorting tomatoes

    Designing An Automatic Microcontroller-based Drying Machine of Coffee Beans

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    This research was aimed to create an automatic microcontroller-based coffee beans drying machine without the support of sunlight to produce SNI-standardized coffee beans with small content of water or amounted to 12%. The designed machine consists of a tube-shaped container with 50 cm length and 11 cm radius, soil moisture sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor, heater, motor DC, relay 2 channel and arduino uno microcontroller. The drying works when soil moisture sensor detects 12% of water content from big coffee beans. The drying process is done by applying heater to dry the coffee beans and the motor DC is used as the rotator of the container to evenly dry the coffee beans. The temperature of the drying container is around 51oC-55oC because the surface of coffee beans will be damaged if the temperature is above 55oC. When the water content of coffee beans is low or equal to 12%, the drying process is terminated. The drying process of heavy coffee beans (1kg) with 25.34% of initial water content takes 60 minutes with 11.74% of final water content as the result, While the drying process with the help of sunlight required approximately 310 minutes with 11.83% of final water content. It has been proved that the drying with machine was faster compared to the drying process through sunlight

    Analysis of Intrapersonal Skills and Interpersonal Skills on the Welfare of Micro Entrepreneurs in the COVID-19 Era

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    Micro business actors in the era of the covid-19 pandemic are required to rack their brains in order to maintain the continuity of their business. To be able to overcome the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic, superior human resources are needed, namely those who not only have hard skills but are also good at soft skills. The abilities or skills that must be possessed by micro entrepreneurs, such as being able to read market opportunities, not getting bored quickly, being able to work in teamwork, the ability to communicate verbally and write reports well. We can see this ability in Interpersonal Skills and Intrapersonal Skills, it can be an evaluation material, for researchers to help micro entrepreneurs survive in this pandemic. Interpersonal skills are a person's skills in dealing with others while intrapersonal skills are skills in self-regulation that are able to develop maximum performance. The purpose of this study is to be able to see the interpersonal skills and interpersonal skills possessed by micro business actors in the East Bandung area, in order to be able to overcome the economic problems faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that based on these skills they can increase the income and welfare of micro entrepreneurs. The results of this study indicate that the Intrapersonal Skills of micro business actors in the East Bandung area can be categorized very well for change management sub-indicators, personal characteristics and have positive reference goals. However, there are still some micro business actors who have not been able to manage time management in terms of having a regular schedule for training and in the field of stress management there are some who have not been able to share if there is a problem with those closest to them. East Bandung area can be categorized as good, such as the ability to motivate, presentation skills, communication skills, the ability to make relationships, and the ability to speak in public. While that must be a concern is the ability to lead / team work

    Benefits of Rural Biogas Implementation to Economy and Environment: Boyolali Case Study

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    Selo, a small agricultural-based village in Boyolali, Central-Java, Indonesia has initiated small-scale rural biogas adoption as it presumably reduces the consumption of LPG, firewood, chemical fertilizer and (women’s) overall workload, which especially suitable due to the relatively high use of cattle in that area As environmental problems such as global warming from fossil fuel consumption and land degradation from deforestation and overuse of chemical fertilizers, and socio-economic problems as gender empowerment and self-sufficiency are becoming more pressing, it is useful to analyse the benefits of biogas as an alternative renewable energy technology (RET) provision in rural areas. This paper aims to assess the benefits of rural biogas adoption from an economic perspective, through calculating the direct and indirect benefits obtained from biogas adoption in Selo. For this, a field survey was carried out in Selo to ask questions to biogas users (N=21) and non-users (N=5) on their energy and fertilizer consumption, as well as emissions reductions resulting from biogas adoption. Based on the analysis, oon average, a household with biogas saves 490 kWh month–1, 20,000 IDR month–1,185 kg CO2e month–1.Chemical fertilizer consumption remains remarkably high, which may due to a lack of awareness on the potential of digester slurry by the farmers, for indeed, reduction of chemical fertilizer use would help address some environmental problems. Biogas quality of one household has also been determined by comparing its heating value to that of methane; the methane percentage (MP) was approximately 31%. The quality is considerably lower than expected from the literature (i.e. around 60%), which may be due to the farmers neither mixing nor supplying water to the dung. Trainings providing methods for improving digester overall effectiveness to particularly the women-folk may enhance digester management and thus biogas production, as they form the main primary operatives. Despite the room for improvement, the existing results clearly show that biogas adoption significantly reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, household energy costs, workload, improves environmental conditions and generates income through carbon credit exchange. Therefore, under the notions of sustainable development, environmental preservation and self-sufficiency, policy makers and NGOs should expedite their support in biogas development, e.g. by providing subsidies and awareness raising


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    În doctrină, dar mai ales în practică, printre problemele juridice cele mai delicate se înscrie și modalitatea de reparaţie a prejudiciilor morale sau nepatrimoniale cauzate prin fapte ilicite. Într-adevăr, nu doar admisibilitatea în principiu a unor astfel de prejudicii, dar mai ales căile de reparație a acestora constituie probleme dificile pentru legiuitor, dar și pentru teoreticieni ori practicieni.Îndeosebi se face simțită și actuală problematica reparaţiei prejudiciilor morale produse în accidentele de autovehicule. De menționat că în acest sens există o bogată, dar și contradictorie jurisprudență, în mare parte creată în ultimii ani, odată cu dezvoltarea sistemului de asigurări de răspundere civilă pentru pagubele produse prin accidente de autovehi­cule și cu evoluția legislației privind asigurările din același domeniu.THE REPAIRING OF MORAL DAMAGE CAUSED BY ROAD ACCIDENTSIn doctrine, especially in judicial practice, one of the most complicated and tender problems is the way of repairing the moral or non-patrimonial damages caused by illicit deeds. Really, the admissibility of these damages and especially the ways to repair them now is one of the most difficult problem not only for legislator, but also for theorists and practi­tio­ners.More than that, the current issue of repairing the moral damages caused by car accidents is also felt. To mention that in this sense, there exists a rich but still a contradictory jurisprudence created in recent years, through the development of the civil liability insurance system for damages caused by car accidents and with the evolution of the insurance legislation in the same field.</p

    Diagnosis and treatment of the central type of sleep apnea syndrome

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    State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction: The diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders require special attention because they can have serious psycho-behavioral, cardiovascular, metabolic consequences and can influence the intellectual performance and social relationships. The central type of sleep apnea syndrome represents a set of signs and symptoms caused by stops (apnea) or slow downs (hypopnea) of respiratory flow during sleep caused by central nervous system disorders (respiratory center) with a frequency of more than 5 episodes per hour and lasting more than 10 seconds. Considering the consequences it has on the body, the SAS diagnosed patient requires a multidisciplinary approach: ENT, pneumology, neurology, cardiology, and psychiatry. Materials and methods: Relevant articles on the topic for the period from 2000 to 2014 were analyzed, using PubMed data base and other sources. Results: The central type of sleep apnea syndrome is found more often in patients with heart failure, of which 20-30% at the patients with systolic heart failure. 10% of all patients with sleep apnea syndrome, registered at the study of sleep laboratories, present central type of apnea. (PSG) is the most informative and base method in diagnosis of sleep apnea, fact confirmed by practice. The best method of treatment has proved CPAP-therapy (continuous positive airway pressure). In the modern treatment is used auto-CPAP-therapy witch allows automatic recording and dosing of the inspired air flow. Conclusion: We determined the following aspects: 1. The central type of sleep apnea syndrome is very dangerous to patients’ lives caused by the mechanism of production and more complications after hypoxia; 2. Polysomnography represents the screening of the central type of sleep apnea syndrome; 3. Auto-CPAP-therapy and CPAP-therapy are the most effective methods of treatment

    Pemanfaatan Perangkat Lunak Expert Choice dalam Pengambilan keputusan Penentuan Jalur Kereta Api (Studi Kasus Kereta Api Propinsi Aceh)

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    Propinsi Aceh dengan potensi sumberdaya alam dan ekonomi serta didukung bentang alam yang relatif datar sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan jalur kereta api. Di Propinsi Aceh  tersebut, terdapat dua pelabuhan barang dan manusia yang aktif. Pelabuhan tersebut adalah Pelabuhan Malahayati dan Pelabukan Lhokseumawe/Kreung Geugeuh. Ada lima jalur potensial yang bisa dikembangkan. Yaitu dua jalur di Malahayati dan tiga di Lhokseumawe. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah terbatasnya sumber daya finansial yang bisa mewujudkan pengembangan jalur yang bisa mengalirkan barang dan manusia dikedua pelabuhan tersebut. Untuk itu perlu dibuat prioritas penentuan jalur yang paling feasible. Dalam penentuan prioritas bisa dilakukan secara “manual” yaitu dengan perhitungan matematis terhadap kriteria kriteria jalur atau dengan bantuan perangkat lunak khusus pengambilan keputusan. Dalam hal ini Expert choice. Dengan metoda expert choice, penentuan jalur dapat dipercepat dan dipermudah. Adapun hasil pemakaian expert choice dengan kriteria dilapangan dan normatif  tersebut dapat ditentukan jalur prioritas. Pelabuhan Lhokseumawe/Krueng Geukeuh - Stasiun Payabeunteut dan Pelabuhan Malayati-Lamreh yang mempunyai prospek dikembangan segera