Jurnal Universitas Winaya Mukti
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    410 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Efek Sisaan Eco Enzyme dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Selada

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    A study consisted of two growing seasons of lettuce was held to observe the residual effect of eco enzyme and chicken manure on the growth and yield of lettuce on the second growing season.  The research was held in Medan and was done using factorial randomized block design, with two treatments and three replications.  The first factor was the concentration of eco enzyme, with three levels of 0, 1 and 2 ml/L.  The second one was the dose of chicken manure, with three levels of 0, 15 and 30 tons/hectare.  The application of the eco enzyme and chicken manure was done only on the first growing season. The parameters were: number of leaves, root volume, fresh weight and the total yield of lettuce. The result showed that there was a residual effect of eco enzyme and chicken manure application on the growth and production of lettuce.  The concentration of eco enzyme had a very significant effect on the number of leaves at 14 DAP, but there was no significant effect on other parameters. The relationship between eco enzyme concentration and the number of leaves at 14 DAP was linear.  The dose of chicken manure had a very significant effect on all variables at each time of observation. The relationship between the dose of chicken manure and the number of leaves at 14, 21 and 35 DAP, the fresh and total yield was also linear. The relationship between the dose of chicken manure and the number of leaves at 28 DAP and the root volume was quadratic, with the optimum doses of chicken manure were: 27.05 and 22.5 tons/ha, respectively.  No interaction was observed between the concentration of eco enzyme and the dose of chicken manure on all variables at each time of observation

    Pengaruh Dosis Sekam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Varietas Inpari 32

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    The research aims to determine; (1) the response of growth and yield of rice plants to various doses of roasted husks, and (2) doses of roasted husks that have a positive effect on the growth and yield of rice plants of the Inpari 32 variety. The study was carried out for 3 (months) months, starting from January to March 2022. This research was carried out with an experimental approach using a Randomized Block Design (RBD), 6 doses of burnt husk treatment and repeated five times, so that there were 30 experimental units. The variables observed were plant height, number of tillers per clump, number of productive tillers per clump, number of shoots per clump, panicle length, number of pithy grain per panicle, weight of 1000 grains of grain, yield of dry grain harvested per clump and per plot. The data obtained in the study were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) if there was a significant effect, then Duncan's multiple-distance further test was carried out at a significance level of 5 percent. The results showed: (1) Burned husk treatment had a significant effect on plant height, number of tillers per clump, number of productive tillers per clump, number of panicles per clump, number of pithy grain per panicle, weight of 1000 grains of grain, yield of dry grain harvested per clump. and per plot, but had no significant effect on panicle length. and (2) The highest harvested dry grain yields were obtained at doses of roasted husks of 4 and 5 tons/ha, namely 6.65 kg and 7.70 kg per plot or equivalent to 7.39 tonnes per hectare and 8.56 tonnes per hectare

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar (Willingness to Pay) Beras Merah Organik oleh Konsumen di Kota Surakarta

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    Organic red rice is a food source that contains antioxidants. This rice has an outer layer of bran which is a good source of protein, fiber, fat, and vitamin E. This research aims to analyze the willingness to pay for organic red rice and the factors that influence it. The basic method used is descriptive analysis. The research location is Surakarta City which is chosen using purposive method. The research respondents amounted to 100 people using accidental sampling. The Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) method is used to determine the average value of maximum WTP, and multiple linear regression analysis to determine the factors that influence consumer WTP. The average value of willingness to pay for organic red rice in Surakarta City is IDR. 33,264,- per kilogram. Age, income, trust, scarcity, health awareness and environmental awareness have a positive effect on the WTP value. Other factors such as number of family members, attributes, conspicuous consumption, and gender have no effect on the WTP value. The factor that most influences the willingness to pay for organic red rice in Surakarta City is trust


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    Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus) is one of endemic species of Indonesia and one of them is in community forest of Pamoyanan Village, Cianjur Regency, West Java. The object of research is to know feeding behavior of Javanese langur. The methods used by focal animal sampling combined with scan sampling methods. The results of feeding behavior of javan langur in the community forest of Pamoyanan Village had a different way for each feed species and had the highest frequency of feeding activity, are chewing 1165 times and swallowing 93 times. The preference times for eating are 06.00-08.00 WIB and 15.00-16.10 WIB. The feed species of javan langur are mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni), jati (Tectona grandis), Tisuk (Hibiscus macrophylus) and mindi (Melia azedarach), rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) and duku (L. parasiticum)

    Masalah Kebijakan Sertifikasi Benih Dan Bibit Tanaman Hutan Di Jawa Barat (Penerapan Pendekatan Advocacy Coalition Framework)

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    The purpose of this study is to obtain policy direction recommendations for seed source, seed and seedling certification in West Java using ACF (Advocacy Coalition Framework) approach and multiple linear regression. A key alignment of the two goals for the government is compliance with statutory or government-sponsored regulations, with the result that the stability of seed production is disrupted by suppliers. Analysis using the ACF framework has produced policy guidelines for mandatory certification of seed quality related to seed source, seed quality, and compliance with regulations issued by central governments. The objectives of the activity to certify seed sources, seed quality and seed quality in accordance with the P.3 policy were not optimally achieved. This is reflected in the prominence of those who are less active in certifying the forest products they produce.Merchant certification activity has a significant value of 0.023. Vendor certification activities are reduced due to the P.3 policy requiring local governments to have their own forest plant nurseries. Procurement and distribution agencies generally produce on a large scale when they receiv

    Pematahan Dormansi Dan Perkecambahan Benih Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora) Dengan KNO3 dan Air Kelapa

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    Conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Winaya Mukti University, Tanjungsari, Sumedang, which is located at an altitude of 850 meters above sea level, this study aims to find out how various concentrations of KNO3 and coconut water affect the dormancy breaking of robusta coffee seed germination in nurseries. The experiment started in June 2021 and lasted until August 2021. This experiment used a randomized group factorial pattern (RBD) repeated twice. The first factor in the experiment was the concentration of KNO3 (K) with four levels, namely k0 = 0%, k1 = 0.5%, k2 = 1%, and k3 = 1.5%. The second factor is the concentration of coconut water (P) with four levels, namely p0 = 0%, p1 = 30%, p2 = 60%, and p3 = 90%. The results showed that treatment with KNO3 and coconut water had an impact on germination at 36 HST. The independent effect showed a significant effect on germination at 39 HST, seedling height at 56 HST, wet weight and dry weight at 56 HST. In contrast, the independent effect showed no significant effect on germination at 42 HST, growth rate at 35 to 56 HST, normal sprouts at 56 HST

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Pgpr (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kangkung (Ipomoea Reptans Poir) Varietas Bika

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk PGPR terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kangkung  varietas Bika, Serta mengetahui konsentrasi pupuk PGPR yang memberikan bobot segar tertinggi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Kadakajaya Tanjungsari Sumedang dengan ketinggian tempat 1094 meter di atas permukaan laut. Waktu percobaan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2020. Rancangan lingkungan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari enam perlakuan  konsentrasi PGPR dan masing-masing diulang empat kali. Konsentrasi PGPR yang digunakan adalah kontrol (PGPR 0 g L-1) , PGPR 5 g L-1, PGPR 10 g L-1, PGPR 15 g L-1, PGPR 20 g L-1, dan PGPR 25 g L-1. Pemberian konsentrasi PGPR berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun pada 25 HST dan 30 HST, volume akar dan bobot segar tanaman kangkung varietas Bika. Pemberian konsentrasi PGPR 10-25 g L-1 dapat meningkatkan bobot segar 24,48% hingga 54,03% pada tanaman kangkung varietas Bika

    Respon Pertumbuhan Protocorm Like Bodies (PLB) Anggrek Tebu (Grammatophyllum scriptum Blume) terhadap Modifikasi Media Murashige and Skoog (MS) secara In Vitro

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    Anggrek Tebu (Grammatophyllum scriptum) propagation can be improved optimally by adding plant growth regulators such as BAP and NAA through in vitro technique. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium is an essential medium for plant tissue growth that needs another complex mineral and vitamin to develop the protocorm-like bodies (PBL) of Anggrek Tebu. Hence, this study aimed to gain the appropriate composition of modified MS by adding BAP and various coconut water concentrations and to evaluate their effect on PBL of Anggrek Tebu growth (budding time, number of buds, and leaves). The research was conducted using a completely randomized design with two factorials such as modified MS medium (MS (M1), ½ MS (M2), and ¼ MS (M3))and coconut water concentration (0 ml/L (C0), 100 ml/L (C1), 200 ml /L (C2), and 300 ml/L (C3)) with triplication. The result showed that the fastest budding time was remarkable growth from M2C1 offered the bud at three weeks after planting (WAP). In the number of budding, M3C2 showed excellent results and significantly increased the budding growth at 8.33 ± 0.88  in 10 WAP. Meanwhile, the highest leave number was M2C1 at 23.00 ± 3.60, followed by M2C2 and M3C2, respectively, at 20.67 ± 1.45 and 20.67 ± 1.33. This result indicated that modifying MS medium composition by adding the coconut water could assist the PBL of Anggrek Tebu growth in a specific concentration.


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    Kabupaten Bandung Barat is one of the Kabupaten in West Java which is famous for its natural tourism. One of the developing tourist objects in Kabupaten Bandung Barat is Bumi Almira. An important factor that influences tourists visiting a tourist attraction is accessibility to that tourist attraction. This research aims to study the accessibility of Bumi Almira Tourism Objects. This research method is descriptive quantitative. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling with 30 tourists as respondents. The research variables used are alternative roads, road conditions, travel distance, travel time, availability of public transportation and the cost of visiting tourist attraction. Data analysis used a scoring technique with the Struges formula. The results of the study show that accessibility to Bumi Almira Tourism Objects is in the very supportive category


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    This research was motivated by the aftermath of the land rehabilitation program with MPTS plants in the Mantikulore District by the Palu City Government. Closely related to efforts to determine land suitability classes for several types of MPTS in Layana Indah Village, Palu City. Land assessment, especially land suitability assessment, becomes important to prevent obstacles that may arise from limitations for plant growth, especially MPTS plants. The research was carried out for seven months, from April to September 2021, in Layana Indah Village, Mantikulore District, Palu City, Central Sulawesi. The field survey method was purposive sampling or carried out deliberately on other use areas in Palu City, Layana Village. Soil samples were taken from Wintu, representing Layana Village, another use area in the development of forest and land rehabilitation programs. In comparison, collecting climate data from the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency of Palu City. Land suitability assessment refers to the Atlas Format Procedure. Suitability indicators for several types of MPTS (durian, breadfruit, mango and jackfruit) are water availability, field slope, drainage, rock outcrops, and effective depth. The research in Layana Indah Sub-District shows the suitability of MPTS land with the limiting factor of dry months


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