313 research outputs found

    Analysis of the use of sensors in mobile devices with modified operating systems

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    This publication concentrate on the posibility of the use of sensors in mobile devices with modified operating systems. Presented research focuses on Android devices. The gyroscope, the accelerometer, the orientation sensor and the light sensor data was acquired with use of Physics Toolbox Sensor software. The research has been conducted on two mobile devices of Xiaomi under control of six different kinds of operating system. Measured values were compared to values recorded by very accurate, reference sensor

    Scena prawdy dyskursywnej i postprawdy. „Fakty autentyczne” i fakty medialne we współczesnym teatrze polskim

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    Theatre practitioners’ statements relating to the notion of truth lead to the category of post-truth. Stage of discursive truth and post-truth article discusses theatre practice of engaging feelings, impressions and emotions to take precedence over interpretations, assessments and descriptions of facts. The article critically approaches using of media discourses in theatre in order to produce the imitation of truth. The author refers to Agnieszka Jakimiak’s and Weronika Szczawińska’s play Wojny, których nie przeżyłam [Wars I have not experienced] and other selected recent Polish plays and performances. The thesis connects the media-shaped image of Polish theatre art institution seen as an area of provocation with an experience of a viewer and an ontological status of an actor. This allows drawing a conclusion that theatre uses the category of truth instrumentally, as one of its repertoire’s tools to provoke emotional reactions in the audience. Theatre performances allow one to explore the world, but also to co-create it. The theatre is a performative and cognitive sieve provoking and shaping experience that affects reality.Theatre practitioners’ statements relating to the notion of truth lead to the category of post-truth. Stage of discursive truth and post-truth article discusses theatre practice of engaging feelings, impressions and emotions to take precedence over interpretations, assessments and descriptions of facts. The article critically approaches using of media discourses in theatre in order to produce the imitation of truth. The author refers to Agnieszka Jakimiak’s and Weronika Szczawińska’s play Wojny, których nie przeżyłam [Wars I have not experienced] and other selected recent Polish plays and performances. The thesis connects the media-shaped image of Polish theatre art institution seen as an area of provocation with an experience of a viewer and an ontological status of an actor. This allows drawing a conclusion that theatre uses the category of truth instrumentally, as one of its repertoire’s tools to provoke emotional reactions in the audience. Theatre performances allow one to explore the world, but also to co-create it. The theatre is a performative and cognitive sieve provoking and shaping experience that affects reality

    Dramatyzacja tradycji. Dramaturgiczne konfrontacje z kanonem literackim

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    The article opens with a statement that dramaturgical creativity, long marginalized by literary studies, has returned to the area of its interest together with its researchers’ use of the achievements of performative and cultural turns. Taking these into account allows us to treat drama as a distinctive literary practice in which the reception of a text is exemplary. As the author claims, with the New Humanities, integrating scattered reading perspectives known to the history of literary studies into the horizons of New Positivity, dramatic studies enrich this standpoint and maintain a critical view making creative use of the antagonism of perspectives, confrontation of attitudes, conflict of qualities or different visions and ideas. The potential tensions revealed in the practice of active reading of a literary text in accordance with the dramatic matrix guarantee the positive effects of each act of engaged reading. The dramatization of tradition is a specific field of critical dialogue between the reader and the existing literary tradition. Three dramatic works by Jan Czapliński are indicated as examples of mediators for this dialogue. The work of this playwright presents and suggests a critical reading of the characters and works of Gabriela Zapolska, Henryk Sienkiewicz and Adam Mickiewicz, leading to the emancipation of their works that is situated beyond the framework of the discursively created, existing canon of contemporary Polish literature and culture. A critical view enriches and updates the canon. Dramatization, which allows the revaluation of existing values, appears as the basic category of contemporary art – revealing existing, usually ineffable conflicts and using them to build new, positive values.The article opens with a statement that dramaturgical creativity, long marginalized by literary studies, has returned to the area of its interest together with its researchers’ use of the achievements of performative and cultural turns. Taking these into account allows us to treat drama as a distinctive literary practice in which the reception of a text is exemplary. As the author claims, with the New Humanities, integrating scattered reading perspectives known to the history of literary studies into the horizons of New Positivity, dramatic studies enrich this standpoint and maintain a critical view making creative use of the antagonism of perspectives, confrontation of attitudes, conflict of qualities or different visions and ideas. The potential tensions revealed in the practice of active reading of a literary text in accordance with the dramatic matrix guarantee the positive effects of each act of engaged reading. The dramatization of tradition is a specific field of critical dialogue between the reader and the existing literary tradition. Three dramatic works by Jan Czapliński are indicated as examples of mediators for this dialogue. The work of this playwright presents and suggests a critical reading of the characters and works of Gabriela Zapolska, Henryk Sienkiewicz and Adam Mickiewicz, leading to the emancipation of their works that is situated beyond the framework of the discursively created, existing canon of contemporary Polish literature and culture. A critical view enriches and updates the canon. Dramatization, which allows the revaluation of existing values, appears as the basic category of contemporary art – revealing existing, usually ineffable conflicts and using them to build new, positive values

    Tadeusz Kantor i iluzja powtórzenia

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    The article deals with a category of repetition. This category is used as an artistic technique by Tadeusz Kantor in his unique theatre performances. The author analyzes an aesthetics' agenda of its practical use. The category is shown in a philosophical perspective of Soren Kierkegaard's, Cilles Deleuze's and Henri Bergson's writings. Cricot 2 theatre late performances (called Theatre of the Memory) were repeating Kantor's personal past and his family's history by re-playing it onstage. An artistic attempt was about to form actors' gestures and activities in a shape of one's memories. A problem, that a director had to deal with was connected with a deformation and a blur of remembered pictures. Each one of these faint pictures was under an influence of passing time and experiences that came with it. Another kind of distortion was made by actors, that were unable to embody the people from the past. Kantor's artistic imagination could make a single picture that was taken from the past (e.g. as a photograph) alive. Memory of the artist, prompted by a prosthetic celluloid device was reawakening to alternative existences of the people that have passed by. Theatre inspired the repetition that introduced a difference to an original. Continuation of one's life that was retaken leads to a development of a repeated gesture and an object that opens a new field of its meaning. Infinite repetition approaches its infinite forms to an idealistic idea of a subject, a gesture, an activity.The article deals with a category of repetition. This category is used as an artistic technique by Tadeusz Kantor in his unique theatre performances. The author analyzes an aesthetics' agenda of its practical use. The category is shown in a philosophical perspective of Soren Kierkegaard's, Cilles Deleuze's and Henri Bergson's writings. Cricot 2 theatre late performances (called Theatre of the Memory) were repeating Kantor's personal past and his family's history by re-playing it onstage. An artistic attempt was about to form actors' gestures and activities in a shape of one's memories. A problem, that a director had to deal with was connected with a deformation and a blur of remembered pictures. Each one of these faint pictures was under an influence of passing time and experiences that came with it. Another kind of distortion was made by actors, that were unable to embody the people from the past. Kantor's artistic imagination could make a single picture that was taken from the past (e.g. as a photograph) alive. Memory of the artist, prompted by a prosthetic celluloid device was reawakening to alternative existences of the people that have passed by. Theatre inspired the repetition that introduced a difference to an original. Continuation of one's life that was retaken leads to a development of a repeated gesture and an object that opens a new field of its meaning. Infinite repetition approaches its infinite forms to an idealistic idea of a subject, a gesture, an activity

    Infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia u pacjenta z ubytkiem przegrody międzykomorowej

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    This article presents a case of infective endocarditis secondary to ventricular septal defect with an extention of a process to mitral and aortic valves

    Model checking processes specified in join-calculus algebra

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    This article presents a model checking tool used to verify concurrent systems specified in join-calculus algebra. The temporal properties of systems under verification are expressed in CTL logic. Join-calculus algebra with its operational semantics defined by the chemical abstract machine serves as the basic method for the specification of concurrent systems and their synchronization mechanisms, and allows the examination of more complex systems

    Metabolomic Signature Discriminates Normal Human Cornea from Keratoconus - A Pilot GC/MS Study

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    The molecular etiology of keratoconus (KC), a pathological condition of the human cornea, remains unclear. The aim of this work was to perform profiling of metabolites and identification of features discriminating this pathology from the normal cornea. The combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques has been applied for profiling and identification of metabolites in corneal buttons from 6 healthy controls and 7 KC patients. An untargeted GC/MS-based approach allowed the detection of 377 compounds, including 46 identified unique metabolites, whose levels enabled the separation of compared groups of samples in unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis. There were 13 identified metabolites whose levels di erentiated between groups of samples. Downregulation of several carboxylic acids, fatty acids, and steroids was observed in KC when compared to the normal cornea. Metabolic pathways associated with compounds that discriminated both groups were involved in energy production, lipid metabolism, and amino acid metabolism. An observed signature may reflect cellular processes involved in the development of KC pathology, including oxidative stress and inflammation

    Współczesne farmakologiczne możliwości zwiększania stężeń cholesterolu frakcji HDL

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    Miażdżyca i jej powikłania są podstawowym czynnikiem ryzyka chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego oraz główną przyczyną zgonów w krajach ekonomicznie rozwiniętych, a kontrola profilu lipidowego i leczenie dyslipidemii stanowią podstawę prewencji zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych. Prawidłowe stężenie lipoprotein o wysokiej gęstości (HDL, high-density lipoprotein, czyli cholesterolu frakcji HDL) znacznie zmniejsza ryzyko dalszego rozwoju miażdżycy oraz zapobiega wystąpieniu incydentów sercowo-naczyniowych, co wielokrotnie udowodniono w badaniach epidemiologicznych. Istnieją również dane wskazujące, że interwencja terapeutyczna zwiększająca stężenie cholesterolu frakcji HDL przekłada się na poprawę rokowania pacjentów z grup podwyższonego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego (np. Veterans Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein Intervention Trial [VA-HIT] z zastosowaniem gemfibrozilu). W niniejszym artykule podsumowano w zarysie obecną farmakoterapię zaburzeń lipidowych ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na frakcję HDL cholesterolu jako główny cel terapeutyczny

    The use of morphometric and fractal parameters to assess the effects of 5-fluorouracil, interferon and dexamethasone treatment on colonic anastomosis healing: an experimental study in rats

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    Adjuvant chemotherapy and steroid therapy have been demonstrated to interfere with the wound healing process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 5-fluorouracil, interferon, and dexamethasone, on the healing of colon anastomosis by assessing morphometric and fractal parameters of the colonic wall. An experimental anastomosis of the ascending colon was performed in 60 male Wistar rats, which were then randomly assigned to four groups. On the second to sixth post-operative days, the rats were administered 5-fluorouracil, interferon-α, dexamethasone, or 0.9% NaCl solution as a control. Macroscopic, histomorphometric and microbiological evaluation was performed in order to assess healing of the anastomosis. In three animals from the dexamethasone group, there was leakage of anastomosis; adhesion formation was highest in the interferon group, and significantly higher than in the control and 5-fluorouracil groups. Histomorphometric parameter alterations were most pronounced on the seventh and fourteenth post-operative days in all treatment groups, with submucosal thickness the most affected parameter. Connective tissue fractal dimension was significantly decreased in those animals treated with interferon and dexamethasone. All three pharmaceutical agents impaired healing of anastomosis, and promoted infection in the anastomosis and skin wound sites. As dexamethasone induced both morphometric and macroscopic alterations, it was considered the most detrimental in this study. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 80–89

    Transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome : a case report

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    We present a case of a 78-year-old female who was admitted to the hospital due to clinical and electrographic features of ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography revealed normal coronary arteries and severe left ventricular contractility abnormalities, detected initially by echocardiography, which resolved within 20 days from hospital admission. Because of these findings and typical echocardiographic picture, a transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome (the tako-tsubo syndrome) was diagnosed