11 research outputs found

    Influence of use of ultrasound on metallographic structure of plated pieces by welding in ultrasonic field

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    To optimize the plating process is necessary to know the behavior of surfaces plated during the exploitation and in particular susceptibility to cracking, the formation of cracks from the inside to outside or reverse, embrittlement in the heat affected zone. Research has been realized considering several samples plated by welding without ultrasonic activation and with ultrasonic activation, and these samples were made of AISI 4130 steel, and as filler material was used Inconel 625 Fe developed as electrode wire ø 1,2 / mm. The plating process was realized by a WIG welding process in Ar100 /% environment with non-consumable tungsten electrode, in two versions, respectively with and without the use of ultrasonic energy. Four pieces played by welding there were analyzed the metallographies structure in the base material, the deposited material and the material from the heat affected zone

    Influence of use of ultrasound on the mechanical properties of plated pieces by welding in ultrasonic field

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    Plating by welding in an ultrasonic field represents a technological solution to increase resistance to corrosion and / or wear of pieces of the machinery industry. Research has been carried out for two types of parts, namely a piece of flange end type and bonnet type made of AISI 4130 steel, and as filler material for plating was used Inconel 625 Fe developed as electrode wire with a diameter of ø 1.2 / mm. The plating was done by depositing a single layer by welding in ultrasonic field, welding process in Ar 100/ % environment non-consumable tungsten electrode, WIG process, and when using ultrasonic activation it was used a longitudinal and a transverse wave with a frequency of 15 / kHz. For pieces plated by welding there have been made attempts of the hardness and tensile and bend shock

    Ultrasonografia cu substanţă de contrast în examinarea tumorilor renale. Comparaţie între un caz de oncocitom şi un caz de cancer cu celule renale şi studiu aprofundat al literaturii

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Iuliu Haţieganu, Cluj-NapocaIntroducere. Oncocitomul renal (OCR) reprezintă o tumoră benignă, a cărui diagnostic este în mod frecvent incidental. Cancerul cu celule renale (CCR) este cea mai frecventă patologie malignă renală. Ultrasonografia este în mod frecvent prima linie de evaluare a acestor formaţiuni, studiul fiind completat cu examinarea prin tomografie computerizată cu substanţă de contrast (CECT). Studiul prezintă două cazuri – OCR și, respectiv, CCR. Printr-o amplă consultare a literaturii de specialitate, corelată cu experienţa de până în prezent, se dorește identificarea aportului ultrasonografiei cu substanţă de contrast (CEUS) în diagnosticul tumorilor renale. Materiale și metodă. Ambii pacienţi au fost de sex feminin, vârsta fiind de 35 și, respectiv, 53 de ani. Evaluarea imagistică a inclus, în ambele cazuri, ecografia în mod B, Doppler color, pulsat, precum și cu substanţă de contrast (SC) (Sonovue-Bracco, Italia, 1,6 ml intravenos în bolus). Caracteristicile captării și spălării agentului de contrast au fost evaluate folosind un program dedicat (Sonoliver, Tomtec Imaging Systems). S-au calculat pentru fiecare formaţiune și pentru parenchimul martor următorii indici: Time to peak (TTp), intensitatea maximă (IMAX), timpul de spălare (RT), timpul mediu de tranzit (mTT). Investigaţiile au fost completate prin CECT. Rezultate. Examinarea ultrasonografică a primei paciente a identificat o masă localizată la nivelul corticalei rinichiului drept, hiperecogenă comparativ cu aceasta, omogenă, bine delimitată. Formaţiunea măsura 30/31/31 mm. Examinările Doppler color și pulsat au relevat vascularizaţie periferică și centrală, ce îmbrăca aspectul de ,,spiţe de roată”. La introducerea substanţei de contrast, periferia tumorii a prezentat captare intensă. IMAX atribuită formaţiunii a fost inferioară parenchimului normal (92,2% vs 100%). Valorile RT, TTp și mTT au fost superioare corticalei de referinţă (8,44s vs 6,01s; 17,59s vs 15,7s; 20,19s vs 16,97s). Centrul formaţiunii a captat mai lent SC, rămânând hipocaptant. Formaţiunea corticală stângă, identificată la cea de-a doua pacientă, a fost inomogenă și relativ hipercogenă, comparativ cu parenchimul normal. Delimitarea tumorii, raportată la cazul precedent, nu a fost la fel de netă. Dimensiunile au fost de 32/28,7/27 mm. Examinările Doppler color și pulsat au identificat vascularizaţie bogată peritumorală. Post-CEUS, la nivelul tumorii și a corticalei de referinţă s-au calculat IMAX (84,95% vs 100%; ), RT (14,87s vs 16,6s), TTp (16,96s vs 18,25s), mTT (49,41s vs 69,85s). Examinarea CECT a primului caz consolidează diagnosticul de oncocitom, iar la cel de-al doilea – diagnosticul de CCR. Rezultatul anatomopatologic al pieselor de rezecţie identifică leziunile ca OCR și CCR. Discuţii. Procesele de neovascularizaţie imprimă tumorilor renale o comportare aparte faţă de corticala indemnă. În cazurile prezentate, indicii CEUS măsuraţi pentru OCR și CCR sunt sensibil diferiţi atât între ei, cât și faţă de cei ai parenchimului normal. Literatura de specialitate subliniază nevoia unor studii ample, concentrate asupra diagnosticului tumorilor renale prin intermediul CEUS. Concluzii. Abilitatea CEUS de a detecta fluxuri lente, capacitatea de cuantificare în timp real și posibilităţile de postprocesare pot fi considerate argumente ce susţin validitatea metodei în cuantificarea tumorilor renale. Constrângeri în cazul pacienţilor cu insuficienţă renală practic nu există. Cuantificarea curbelor de spălare în cadrul unui lot semnificativ de pacienţi ar putea identifica parametrii specifici OCR și CCR

    Digital ulcers predict a worse disease course in patients with systemic sclerosis

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    Objective: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a systemic autoimmune disease with high morbidity and significant mortality. There is a great need of predictors that would allow risk stratification of patients with SSc and ultimately initiation of treatment early enough to ensure optimal clinical results. In this study, we evaluated whether a history of digital ulcers (HDU) at presentation may be a predictor of vascular outcomes and of overall clinical worsening and death in patients with SSc. Methods: Patients from the EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) database, satisfying at inclusion the 1980 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for SSc, who had a follow-up of at least 3 years since baseline or who have died, were included in the analysis. HDU at presentation as a predictor of disease worsening or death was evaluated by Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. Results :3196 patients matched the inclusion criteria (male sex 13.2%, 33.4% diffuse subset). At presentation, 1092/3196 patients had an HDU (34.1%). In multivariable analysis adjusting for age, gender and all parameters considered potentially significant, HDU was predictive for the presence of active digital ulcers (DUs) at prospective visits (HR (95% CI)): 2.41(1.91 to 3.03), p<0.001, for an elevated systolic pulmonary arterial pressure on heart ultrasound (US-PAPs):1.36 (1.03 to 1.80), p=0.032, for any cardiovascular event (new DUs, elevated US-PAPs or LV failure):3.56 (2.26 to 5.62), p<0.001, and for death (1.53 (1.16 to 2.02), p=0.003). Conclusions :In patients with SSc, HDU at presentation predicts the occurrence of DUs at follow-up and is associated with cardiovascular worsening and decreased survival

    Romanian Men's Masculinities in Online Personal Advertisements

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    The present paper analyses Romanian men's masculinities via a quantitative and qualitative analysis of 380 online personal advertisements posted by men. The case of Romania is particularly interesting for understanding gender relations, since the country has recently experienced the impact of (post-) communisim, democratization, and resurging traditionalism. Romanian men's advertisements often express traditional gender relations: men-seeking-women are interested in attractive, less educated partners, while men-seeking-men emphasize discretion. Some men resist such patriarchal standards: men-seeking-women who are highly educated prefer educated women, and some men-seeking-men give out recognizable photos of themselves. Limitations and further research directions are discussed


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    Because of the travel restrictions between China and other countries of our keynote speaker, the 9th annual 2021 International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering [MSEE2021] was held on November 27th, 2021 (Virtual Conference). The conference was held via Tencent Meeting Application. MSEE2021 aims to bring researchers, engineers, and students to the areas of Material Science and Environmental Engineering. MSEE2021 features unique mixed topics of Material Science and Advanced Materials, Material Engineering and Application, Environmental Science and Engineering and Mechanical Design and Technology. We received over 197 submissions from various parts of the world. The Technical Program Committee worked very hard to have all manuscripts reviewed before the review deadline. All the accepted papers have been submitted to strict peer-review, and selected based on originality, significance and clarity for the purpose of the conference. The conference program is extremely profound and featuring high-impact presentations of selected papers and additional late-breaking contributions. We sincerely hope that the conference would not only show the participants a broad overview of the latest research results on related fields, but also provide them with a significant platform for academic connection and exchange. There are two keynote speakers and four invited sessions. The keynote speakers are internationally recognized leading experts in their research fields, who have demonstrated outstanding proficiency and have achieved distinction in their profession. The proceedings would be published by IOP Journal of Physics Conference Series. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the members of Technical Program Committee and organizers for their enthusiasm, time, and expertise. Our deep thanks also go to many volunteers and staffs for the long hours and hard work they have generously given to MSEE2021. Last but not least, we would like to thank all the authors, speaker and participants for their great contributions to the success of MSEE2021. MSEE2021 Organizing Committee List of Committee of MSEE2021 are available in this pdf.</jats:p