254 research outputs found

    „Uparte trwanie baroku” w recepcji wierszy Stanisława Barańczaka

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    The article focuses on the functioning of the term ‘baroque’ in the reception of Stanisław Barańczak’s poems. The author takes into account the context of fashion for returning to the legacy of the baroque which became visible after 1956 in both poetry itself and in the discourse of both literary criticism and literary studies

    Photo-literary Strategies in Three Collaborative Projects (I Spy Pinhole Eye, Co robi łączniczka and Áladerrida)

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    Collaborative photo-texts are not only experiments with page layout and the material aspect of the book. Such complicated and demanding projects employ various intermedial strategies of co-creating meaning, but they are not necessarily harmonious. This article presents an analysis of three photo-textual strategies: filling the frame, cut and paste technique and creative transformation of absent images/texts in photo-textual exchange. Three post-millennial works (I Spy Pinhole Eye by Philip Gross and Simon Denison, Co robi łączniczka by Darek Foks and Zbigniew Libera and Áladerrida by Tadeusz Różewicz and Jerzy Olek) serve here as representative examples of those photo-textual strategies

    Polska eseistyka o malarstwie i fotografii od 2. połowy XX wieku w świetle rozważań nad esejem jako formą (pisarstwa, poznania, doświadczania…)

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    Contemporary Polish essays on paintings and photographs (by, e.g. Z. Herbert, G. Herling-Grudziński, W. Karpiński, J. Pollakówna, E. Bieńkowska, A. Olędzka-Frybesowa, and W. Nowicki) are juxtaposed with the personal essay which was invented by Montaigne. A wide range of commentaries, including ideas about this genre which were expressed by Th. W. Adorno, G. Lukács, and G. Douglas Atkins, provide a theoretical background for the analysis. Selected Polish texts are presented as artistic constructions that recreate the process of experiencing pictures and the movement of thoughts of the essayistic “self” which uses many disguises (e.g. a traveler, amateur, scholar and critic). A particular painting or photo, which is often artfully described by means of ekphrasis, is treated by essayists as a starting point for analyzing many broader issues as well as for indirect self-presentation.Contemporary Polish essays on paintings and photographs (by, e.g. Z. Herbert, G. Herling-Grudziński, W. Karpiński, J. Pollakówna, E. Bieńkowska, A. Olędzka-Frybesowa, and W. Nowicki) are juxtaposed with the personal essay which was invented by Montaigne. A wide range of commentaries, including ideas about this genre which were expressed by Th. W. Adorno, G. Lukács, and G. Douglas Atkins, provide a theoretical background for the analysis. Selected Polish texts are presented as artistic constructions that recreate the process of experiencing pictures and the movement of thoughts of the essayistic “self” which uses many disguises (e.g. a traveler, amateur, scholar and critic). A particular painting or photo, which is often artfully described by means of ekphrasis, is treated by essayists as a starting point for analyzing many broader issues as well as for indirect self-presentation

    Analysis of the knowledge regarding as well as the ability to provide first aid by teachers of secondary schools in the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship

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    Introduction: Despite the fact of completing various first aid courses, the course attendees often refrain from providing first and due to fear.Such barrier to provide first aid is usually created by people themselves through thinking that they will further harm the injured rather than help them. From a legal point of view every participant or witness of an accident is obliged to provide first aid. In urgent cases it is necessary to undertake the rescue operation in the first minutes after the accident. The aim of the study:The aim of the research was to examine the level of knowledge about providing first aid among teachers. Materials and methodology: The studies were conducted after obtaining the consent of the School Principals. The diagnostic survey method using the questionnaire technique was utilized in the realisation of this study. The results were elaborated on the basis of the data collected via a questionnaire survey research instrument. Conclusions:Women constituted the strongest group- 80%, men only 20%. 40 people participated in the study, out of which 5% were aged 25 or less and 95% were aged over 25 years. The respondents who completed undergraduate studies constituted 7.5%, whereas 92.5% of people had master’s degrees. The study shows that 62.5% of teachers have been employed for over 10 years, 22.5% have fewer than ten years of practice and only 15% have been employed for a period shorter than 5 years. The majority of teachers, i.e. 85%, have completed first aid courses. Conclusions: The state of the respondents’ knowledge about first aid is satisfactory. A large group of respondents know the current guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council

    Contemporary Polish Essays: In Search of the Aura of Paintings and Photographs

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    When an essay, as a specific form of writing, is conventionally compared to travel, the latter is understood not only as a model of translocation but also as a literary genre. The parallel between essays and travel writings identifies their numerous common elements in text, for instance a movement between the topics, the observer’s visible distance, an intellectual journey (the last term was introduced by Walter Pater in his pioneer reflections on the essay in 1893). The listed similarities encourage the writer of this article to formulate a rudimentary statement: both real and literary travel and the act of writing an essay are usually undertaken to discover a thing worth one’s attention and interest; a thing that, even if commonly known, should be, firstly, experienced, and secondly, depicted in a way that would cast new light on it.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Misie z Niegowy – przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość

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    Na terenie Zagłębia Dąbrowskiego, obszaru leżącego na pograniczu małopolsko-śląskim, współcześnie nadal istnieje wiele przejawów niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego występującego w autentycznej przestrzeni, kultywowanego przez miejscową ludność i przekazywanego z pokolenia na pokolenie. Przykładem tradycyjnego, wciąż żywego, lecz ulegającego przemianom zwyczaju są misie, czyli wodzenie niedźwiedzia, praktykowane na terenie gminy Niegowa, w powiecie myszkowskim, w województwie śląskim

    Eseistyczna chopinologia Piotra Wierzbickiego

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    Piotr Wierzbicki’s deep interest in Chopin’s music has been revealed in his volumes of essays published since 1993. What appears to make his music writings exceptional in comparison with other Polish essays dealing with Chopin’s life and work is the prevailing concentration on particular pieces or even single performances chosen by famous pianists. Wierzbicki develops his project of extradisciplinary essayistic Chopinology that blends together the musicological knowledge, critical involvement, philosophical reflection and highly individual psychosomatic experience. Having stated a fundamental difficulty of ‘translating’ sounds into words, he tries to elaborate a ‘musical’ style and form for his writing, e.g. he includes ekphrases full of metaphors and synesthetic figures. This wide array of music-centred properties encourages readers to treat these essays as a starting point for coming up with the question of whether it is possible to differentiate a type of ‘musical’ essay.Piotr Wierzbicki’s deep interest in Chopin’s music has been revealed in his volumes of essays published since 1993. What appears to make his music writings exceptional in comparison with other Polish essays dealing with Chopin’s life and work is the prevailing concentration on particular pieces or even single performances chosen by famous pianists. Wierzbicki develops his project of extradisciplinary essayistic Chopinology that blends together the musicological knowledge, critical involvement, philosophical reflection and highly individual psychosomatic experience. Having stated a fundamental difficulty of ‘translating’ sounds into words, he tries to elaborate a ‘musical’ style and form for his writing, e.g. he includes ekphrases full of metaphors and synesthetic figures. This wide array of music-centred properties encourages readers to treat these essays as a starting point for coming up with the question of whether it is possible to differentiate a type of ‘musical’ essay

    New Century – ‘New Essays’?

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    This article constitutes an attempt at organising the non-conservative tendencies in Polish essays published in the 21st century, which apply to themes, the lowering of the tone, and forms of writing. One major stream is travel writing, which focuses not on the Mediterranean legacy, but on the ‘second world’: long-disadvantaged provincial areas. Many essayists abandon the traditional topic of books and works of art, and turn to ‘reading’ the animal world, the plant world, and the world of ordinary objects. The essay has also become a tool for introducing polarisation between that which is mainstream and that which is marginal and concerns minorities. The fact of choosing a non-traditional topic often entails a non-canonical cognitive attitude, which translates into experiments within the area of the form of expression. The author of this article argues that all those innovations can be accommodated by the flexible convention of the essay as a genre which, in principle, is supposed to constitute an artistic cognitive experiment

    Contemporary Polish Essays In Search For The Aura Of Paintings And Photographs

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    Contemporary polish essays on paintings and photographs, by Wojciech Karpiński, Zbigniew Herbert, Ewa Bieńkowska, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, Wojciech Nowicki and Jacek Dehnel, are described in the article as the specific kind of real or envisaged journey — undertaken in space and time, in search for pictures’ aura (Walter Benjamin’s notion). Since essayists often mention about numerous obstacles that hinder the fully individual contact with famous paintings (eg. overabundance of known descriptions and artificiality of museum expositions), the increasing writer’s interest in old, unique photographs could be regarded as an enclave for experience of aura.Artykuł powstał w ramach projektu sfinansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2011/01/N/HS2/00510

    Justyna Bargielska’s „kitsch, kitschism”

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    The article develops the analysis of recurrent kitschy motifs in poetry and prose by Justyna Bargielska. This authoress consciously and intensively takes advantage of pop-cultural kitsch, kitsch connected to maternity and femininity, sacrokitsch and consolatory kitsch used in mourning practices. She derives many fetishized objects from these areas and transforms them into private talismans; she also borrows many established pop-cultural visions that serve her heroines to create their identity, but sometimes these patterns become a costume for individual fears and phantasies. The term ‘kitschism’ was invented by Bargielska herself and it suggests intellectual distance towards the figures and requisites used. The writer’s attitude towards kitschy cliches is developed as a dialectical movement of attraction and repulsion, and is not meant to overthrow dominant stereotypes; this approach is often similar to camp strategies, yet it extends beyond ludic or ironic games. Bargielska is interested mainly in the anthropological aspect of kitsch, which is situated between the individual and the community. The writer tests the usefulness of cliches while confronting her heroines with the most serious subjects, like death, love or loss.The article develops the analysis of recurrent kitschy motifs in poetry and prose by Justyna Bargielska. This authoress consciously and intensively takes advantage of pop-cultural kitsch, kitsch connected to maternity and femininity, sacrokitsch and consolatory kitsch used in mourning practices. She derives many fetishized objects from these areas and transforms them into private talismans; she also borrows many established pop-cultural visions that serve her heroines to create their identity, but sometimes these patterns become a costume for individual fears and phantasies. The term ‘kitschism’ was invented by Bargielska herself and it suggests intellectual distance towards the figures and requisites used. The writer’s attitude towards kitschy cliches is developed as a dialectical movement of attraction and repulsion, and is not meant to overthrow dominant stereotypes; this approach is often similar to camp strategies, yet it extends beyond ludic or ironic games. Bargielska is interested mainly in the anthropological aspect of kitsch, which is situated between the individual and the community. The writer tests the usefulness of cliches while confronting her heroines with the most serious subjects, like death, love or loss