83 research outputs found

    Badanie pilotażowe: częstość występowania przedchorobowego zespołu metabolicznego u osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym z praktyki lekarza ogólnego w przemysłowym mieście za pomocą kryteriów diagnostycznych IDF i ATP III

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    Background: The metabolic syndrome (MS), as a group of interconnected risk factors such as: central obesity, hypertension, elevated triglycerides (TG), low HDL-cholesterol and/or high blood glucose, is one of the most advantageousgrounds for developing diabetes mellitus (DM) and/or cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Objectives: 1. An analysis of the scale of the health problem M S in the patients of com - munity health centers. 2. How often does premorbid vs. morbid metabolic syndrome occur in hypertonic patients according to IDF and ATP III diagnostic criteria in primary care? Material and methods: The present study is based on cross-sectional data from 89 hypertensive people — patients’ sample from medical clinic located in an industrial city area — who in the second half of 2014, underwent medical control and laboratory tests. The premorbid metabolic syndrome (pre-MetS) group was obtained from the participants with MS by excluding those patients with a previous diagnosis of CVD or DM. Results: According to study design, 55.06% were premorbid and 44 .94% were morbid. 76.40% of patients have MS,whereas13.60% do not have, using IDF diagnostic criteria. ATP III diagnostic criteria revealed that 62.92% of people have MS, whereas 37.08% do not have. Conclusions: 1. According to diagnostic criteria IDF 76.40% have metabolic syndrome, whereas using ATP III, 62.92% have MS. 2. Almost 4 out of 9 examined hypertensive patients have premorbid metabolic syndrome (pre-MetS), with the same statistical significance (p < 0.01) according to IDF and ATP III.  Wstęp: Zespół metaboliczny (MS), jako grupa niepowiązanych nieza leżnych czynników ryzyka, takich jak: występowanie otyłości brzusznej, nadciśnienia tętniczego, podniesionego stężenia trójglicerydów (TG) czy glukozy oraz obniżonego stężenia cholesterolu we frakcji HDL jest jednym z najlepszych podłoży do rozwinięcia w przyszłości pełnoobjawowej cukrzycy (DM) czy chorób naczyniowo-sercowych (CVD). Cel badania: 1. Analiza częstości występowania zespołu metabolicznego u pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym z poradni ogólnej lekarza rodzinnego. 2. Ocena frekwencji przedchorobowego MS za pomocą kryteriów diagnostycznych IDF i ATP III. Materiał i metody: Badanie zostało oparte na przekrojowej analizie danych 89 pacjentów z nadciśnieniem tętniczym — próbie z pacjentów przychodni rodzinnej położonej w mieście przemysłowym — którzy w drugiej połowie 2014 roku stawili się do lekarza ogólnego oraz mieli wykonane oznaczenia laboratoryjne. Tak zwany stan przedchorobowy został określony przez wykluczenie występowania u pacjenta DM i/lub CVD. Wyniki: Zgodnie z przyjętą metodologią 55,06% osób było w stanie przedchorobowym, zaś u 44,94% wystąpiła DM i/lub CVD. W edług IDF MS występował u 76,40%, zaś u 13,60% nie. Według ATP III MS miało 62,92% osób, a 37,08% nie miało. Wnioski: 1. Użycie w badanej populacji kryteriów diagnostycznych IDF powoduje postawienie rozpoznania MS u 74,60% zaś wg ATP III u 62,92% osób. 2. Blisko co 4 z 9 zbadanych {?} osób z nadciśnieniem tętniczym miała przedchorobowy zespół metaboliczny (pre-MetS), podobnie statystycznie często (p < 0,01) za pomocą {?} IDF czy też ATP III.

    Rumeli in the period of dynastic instability : why were the Ottoman Balkans so important for the dynasty in the first half of the 15th century?

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    As Peter Mentzel states, the Balkans (Rumeli) were not only a borderland but also the core province of the early Ottoman state. The Rumelian military aristocracy played one of the most important roles in the internal policy. It constituted an important factor, which was powerful enough to create the Ottoman policy. That is why Murad I forbade the Ottoman princes to lead the akıncı warriors in order to avoid the risk of a dynastic war. He also started devshirme among Christian families in the Balkans so as to build trustworthy groups of servants for the dynasty. Obviously, the province gained importance in the difficult times after the defeat at Ankara (1402). During the civil war (1402-1413, fetret devri) Rumeli was governed by one of the brothers who claimed power over the whole Ottoman territory. The deciding struggles between the sons of Bayezid I took place in the Balkans and their result depended mainly on the attitudes shown by the Rumelian warriors and their frontier lords. The rulers who lost the support of the Rumelian military class quickly lost the throne of Rumeli as well. It happened in the cases of Emir Süleyman, prince Musa, and Düzme Mustafa

    Simple cyclic movements as a distinct autism feature - computational approach

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    Diversity of symptoms in autism dictates a broad definition of Autism Spectrum of Disorders(ASD). Each year percentage of children diagnosed with ASD is growing. One common diag-nostic feature in individuals with ASD is the tendency to atypical simple cyclic movements.The motor brain activity seems to generate periodic attractor state that is hard to escape.Despite numerous studies scientists and clinicians do not know exactly if ASD is a result ofa simple but general mechanism, or a complex set of mechanisms, both on neural, molecularand system levels. Simulations using biologically relevant neural network model presentedhere may help to reveal simplest mechanisms that may be responsible for specific behavior.Abnormal neural fatigue mechanisms may be responsible for motor as well as many if notall other symptoms observed in ASD

    Mid-19th-century building structure locations in Galicia and Austrian Silesia under the Habsburg Monarchy

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    We produced a reconstruction of mid-19th-century building structure locations in former Galicia and Austrian Silesia (parts of the Habsburg Monarchy), which are located in present-day Czechia, Poland, and Ukraine and cover more than 80 000 km2. Our reconstruction was based on a homogeneous series of detailed Second Military Survey maps (1:28 800) that were the result of a cadastral mapping (1:2880) generalization. The dataset consists of two types of building structures based on the original map legend - residential and outbuildings (mainly farm-related buildings). The dataset's accuracy was assessed quantitatively and qualitatively by using independent data sources and may serve as an important input in studying long-term socioeconomic processes and human-environmental interactions or as a valuable reference for continental settlement reconstructions. The dataset is available at https://doi.org/10.17632/md8jp9ny9z.2 (Kaim et al., 2020a)

    Enteritis caused by Clostridium difficile — case description

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    WSTĘP. Zapalenie jelit o etiologii Clostridium difficile stanowi poważny problem diagnostyczno-terapeutyczny, szczególnie u osób starszych, zarówno w lecznictwie otwartym, jak i zamkniętym. Zbyt późne rozpoznanie lub niewłaściwe leczenie może prowadzić do szeregu powikłań, do zgonu włącznie. Głównymi czynnikami ryzyka zachorowania są niedawno przebyta antybiotykoterapia, hospitalizacja i wiek powyżej 65. roku życia. Do najczęstszych objawów zapalenia należą biegunka z kurczowymi bólami brzucha, podwyższona temperatura ciała i leukocytoza. W leczeniu stosowane są zazwyczaj metronidazol lub wankomycyna podawane doustnie. CEL PRACY. Celem pracy było zapoznanie się z typowymi objawami, diagnostyką, przebie­giem leczeniem zapalenia jelit o etiologii Clostridium difficile. MATERIAŁ I METODY: W pracy opisano dwa przypadki pacjentów hospitalizowanych z powodu ostrej biegunki. WNIOSKI U pacjentów z biegunkami, szczególnie z czynnikami ryzyka, zawsze trzeba brać pod uwagę etiologię Clostridium difficile. Odpowiednie wczesne rozpoznanie i wprowadzenie leczenia powoduje szybką poprawę kliniczną i ustąpienie biegunki. Aktualna lub przebyta antybiotykoterapia jest główną przyczyną zapalenia jelit o etiologii Clostridium difficile. Metronidazol lub wankomycyna podawane doustnie są podstawą leczenia Clostridium difficile.INTRODUCTION. Enteritis caused by Clostridium difficile is a serious diagnostic and therapeutical problem in open and closed health care, especially at seniors. Too late diagnosis or incorrect treatment can cause complications including death. The main risk factors of morbidity are: antibiotic therapy in the past, hospitalization, and age above 65-years-old. The most frequent symptoms are: diarrhea with convulsive stomach ache, higher body temperature and leucocytosis. In treatment usually is used oral dose of metronidasol and vancomycine. GOAL OF STUDY. The goal of study was study of typical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment enteritis caused by Clostridium difficile. MATERIALS AND METHODS. In the article there are described two cases of hospitalized patients with acute diarrhea. CONCLUSIONS At patients with diarrhea, especially with risk factors, Clostridium difficile etiology should be taken under consideration. Correct early diagnosis and treatment lead to quickly clinical effects and diarrhea demission. Present or past antibiotic therapy is main cause of enteritis caused by Clostridium difficile. Metronidasol or vankomycine in oral treatment are fundamental treatment of Clostridium difficile

    Long-term changes of the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Polish Carpathians

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    The Wildland–Urban Interface (WUI) is the area where houses and wildland vegetation meet or intermingle, which causes many environmental problems. The current WUI is widespread in many regions, but it is unclear how the WUI evolved, especially in regions where both houses and forest cover have increased. Here we compared WUI change in the Polish Carpathians for 1860 and 2013 in two study areas with different land use history. Our western study area experienced gradual forest increase and housing growth over time, while the eastern study area was subject to a shock due to post-war resettlements, which triggered rapid reforestation. We found that in both study areas WUI extent increased from 1860 to 2013 (41.3 to 54.6%, and 12.2 to 33.3%, in the west and east, respectively). However the causes of WUI growth were very different. In the western study area new houses were the main cause for new WUI, while in the eastern study area forest cover increase was more important. Our results highlight that regions with similar current WUI cover have evolved very differently, and that the WUI has grown rapidly and is widespread in the Polish Carpathians

    Forest-cover increase does not trigger forest-fragmentation decrease : case study from the Polish Carpathians

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    Understanding the causes and consequences of forest-fragmentation changes is critical for preserving various ecosystem services and to maintain biodiversity levels. We used long-term (1860s–2010s) and large-scale data on historical forest cover in the Polish Carpathians to identify the trajectories of forest fragmentation. Past forest cover was reconstructed for the 1860s, 1930s, 1970s and 2010s using historical maps and the contemporary national database of topographic objects. We analyzed forest-cover changes in 127 randomly selected circular test areas. Forest fragmentation was quantified with GuidosToolbox software using measures based on a landscape hypsometric curve (LHC). Despite a general increase in forest cover, forest fragmentation showed divergent trajectories: a decrease between the 1860s and 1930s (in 57% of test areas), and an increase between the 1930s and 1970s and between the 1970s and 2010s (in 58% and 72% of test areas, respectively). Although deforestation typically involves the increasing fragmentation of forest habitats, we found that forest expansion may not necessarily lead to more homogenous forested landscape, due to complex land-ownership and land-use legacy patterns. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for policy makers to tune policies in such a way as to maintain the desired fragmentation of forest habitats


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    Every year the prevalence of Autism Spectrum of Disorders (ASD) is rising. Is there a unifying mechanism of various ASD cases at the genetic, molecular, cellular or systems level? The hypothesis advanced in this paper is focused on neural dysfunctions that lead to problems with attention in autistic people. Simulations of attractor neural networks performing cognitive functions help to assess system long-term neurodynamics. The Fuzzy Symbolic Dynamics (FSD) technique is used for the visualization of attractors in the semantic layer of the neural model of reading. Large-scale simulations of brain structures characterized by a high order of complexity requires enormous computational power, especially if biologically motivated neuron models are used to investigate the influence of cellular structure dysfunctions on the network dynamics. Such simulations have to be implemented on computer clusters in a grid-based architecture