18 research outputs found

    Analysis of the occurrence of Xylocleptes bispinus (Duftschmid, 1825) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) and Leptophloeus clematidis (Erichson, 1846) (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae) in Silesia

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    Leptophloeus clematidis (Erichson, 1846) is a new species for Silesia and Xylocleptes bispinus (Duftschmid, 1825) is recorded for the first time in Upper Silesia and Trzebnickie Hills (according to the catalogue of Polish fauna) from Traveller's-joy (Clematis vitalba). The methods for identifying and recording the foraging areas of these beetles are discussed. The relevant biological data acquired during this research are analysed

    European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network

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    Objectives (1) To develop reference values for health-related fitness in European children and adolescents aged 6–18 years that are the foundation for the web-based, open-access and multilanguage fitness platform (FitBack); (2) to provide comparisons across European countries. Methods This study builds on a previous large fitness reference study in European youth by (1) widening the age demographic, (2) identifying the most recent and representative country-level data and (3) including national data from existing fitness surveillance and monitoring systems. We used the Assessing Levels of PHysical Activity and fitness at population level (ALPHA) test battery as it comprises tests with the highest test–retest reliability, criterion/construct validity and health-related predictive validity: the 20 m shuttle run (cardiorespiratory fitness); handgrip strength and standing long jump (muscular strength); and body height, body mass, body mass index and waist circumference (anthropometry). Percentile values were obtained using the generalised additive models for location, scale and shape method. Results A total of 7 966 693 test results from 34 countries (106 datasets) were used to develop sex-specific and age-specific percentile values. In addition, country-level rankings based on mean percentiles are provided for each fitness test, as well as an overall fitness ranking. Finally, an interactive fitness platform, including individual and group reporting and European fitness maps, is provided and freely available online (www.fitbackeurope.eu). Conclusion This study discusses the major implications of fitness assessment in youth from health, educational and sport perspectives, and how the FitBack reference values and interactive web-based platform contribute to it. Fitness testing can be conducted in school and/or sport settings, and the interpreted results be integrated in the healthcare systems across Europe

    European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network

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    Objectives (1) To develop reference values for health-related fitness in European children and adolescents aged 6–18 years that are the foundation for the web-based, open-access and multilanguage fitness platform (FitBack); (2) to provide comparisons across European countries. Methods This study builds on a previous large fitness reference study in European youth by (1) widening the age demographic, (2) identifying the most recent and representative country-level data and (3) including national data from existing fitness surveillance and monitoring systems. We used the Assessing Levels of Physical Activity and fitness at population level (ALPHA) test battery as it comprises tests with the highest test–retest reliability, criterion/construct validity and health-related predictive validity: the 20 m shuttle run (cardiorespiratory fitness); handgrip strength and standing long jump (muscular strength); and body height, body mass, body mass index and waist circumference (anthropometry). Percentile values were obtained using the generalised additive models for location, scale and shape method. Results A total of 7 966 693 test results from 34 countries (106 datasets) were used to develop sex-specific and age-specific percentile values. In addition, country-level rankings based on mean percentiles are provided for each fitness test, as well as an overall fitness ranking. Finally, an interactive fitness platform, including individual and group reporting and European fitness maps, is provided and freely available online (www.fitbackeurope.eu)

    FS (C‑719/19): Over de Terugkeer van Verwijderde Unieburgers in een Europa van Open Grenzen

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    Op basis van het Unierecht kunnen lidstaten economisch inactieve Unieburgers zonder voldoende middelen van bestaan verwijderen van hun grondgebied. Wanneer geven Unieburgers gevolg aan een dergelijk verwijderingsbesluit en wanneer kunnen zij weer terugkeren om met schone lei een nieuw verblijfsrecht te genieten? Deze bijdrage staat in het teken van een kritische bespreking van de prejudiciële beslissing van het Europees Hof van Justitie in de FS zaak (C‑719/19). Hierin kwam het Hof tot de conclusie dat een individuele beoordeling van de vraag of de verwijderde Unieburger zijn of haar verblijf daadwerkelijk en effectief heeft beëindigd aan de basis moet staan van een rechtmatige terugkeer

    Antitumor Activity of New Olivacine Derivatives

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    Olivacine is an alkaloid-containing pyridocarbazole structure. It is isolated from the bark of the evergreen timber tree, Aspidosperma olivaceum. Its well-documented anticancer activity led to the synthesis of new derivatives, which are semisynthetic and fully synthetic pyridocarbazoles. This study aimed to evaluate the potential antineoplastic activity of four newly synthesized olivacine derivatives. Multidrug resistance is a common phenomenon causing failure in the chemotherapy of many tumors. It is mainly related to increased function of P-glycoprotein, an efflux pump removing cytostatic out of the cells. The cell lines used in the study were colorectal carcinoma cell lines: LoVo (doxorubicin-sensitive) and LoVo/DX (doxorubicin-resistant). The NHDF cell line was used to assess cell viability. First, the cells were incubated with olivacine derivatives. In the next step, the following assays were performed: DCF-DA assay, MTT assay, rhodamine 123 assay, detection of apoptosis, proliferation inhibition-mitotic index. The tested compounds showed higher antineoplastic potential and lower toxicity than the reference compound ellipticine. The results indicate that the new olivacine derivatives are good candidates for future anticancer drugs

    What are the current outcomes of advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors: who are the long-term survivors treated initially with imatinib?

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    The introduction of imatinib to clinical practice revolutionized therapy of advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), but its long-term results have been only just collected. We have attempted to identify factors related to the long-term survival. We have analyzed the data of 430 inoperable/metastatic/recurrent GIST patients treated with imatinib in reference centers, assessed the factors influencing the long-term overall survival (OS), and compared the outcomes in three periods of initiation of imatinib therapy during one decade (2001–2003, 2004–2006, 2007–2010). During analyzed time periods, we have found decrease in median largest tumor size at the start of imatinib therapy: 90.5 mm (2001–2003) versus 74 mm (2004–2006) versus 58 mm (2007–2010) (p = 0.002). Median progression-free survival (PFS) on 1st line imatinib was 37.5 months, without differences in PFS between three groups. Median OS was 5.8 years, 8-year OS rate was 43 %, and no difference in OS was demonstrated for patients treated in analyzed time periods. Independent good prognostic factors for longer OS were as follows: surgery of residual disease, initial WHO performance status 0/1, normal baseline albumin level, and the presence of exon 11 KIT mutations. Current median OS in advanced GIST reaches 6 years. The long-term survivors were characterized by smaller maximal tumors at imatinib start, better blood tests results, better performance status, and the surgical removal of residual disease. The latter might reduce the impact of tumor size and equalize the long-term results of therapy during last decade from introduction of imatinib. After introduction of subsequent lines of therapy (as sunitinib), the effect of primary mutational status on the long-term OS is also less visible

    Potrzeby wodne czeremchy zwyczajnej w okresie powyżej trzech lat po nasadzeniach rekultywacyjnych w różnych regionach Polski

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine the water needs of bird cherry (Padus avium Mill.) over three years after planting on the reclaimed areas. The estimations were performed for the period of two months, including July and August, which are critical in terms of the amount of water available to the plants. The water requirements of bird cherry plants were calculated in the years 1981-2010 for five agro-climatic regions of Poland with the representative meteorological stations located in Olsztyn, Bydgoszcz, Warsaw, Wrocław and Krakow. The bird cherry water needs were determined using the plant coefficient method. The plant coefficients for bird cherry trees over three years after planting were adapted to the reference evapotranspiration that was calculated using the Blaney-Criddle’s formula, modified for Polish conditions by Żakowicz. The rainfall deficit with the probability of occurrence of average dry years (N50%), medium dry years (N25%) and very dry years (N10%) was determined according to the Ostromęcki’s method. On average, in the years 1981-2010, in July and August, the highest water needs of bird cherry trees, grown on the reclaimed areas over three years, were estimated in the central-north-west (271 mm) and central-east (270 mm) region of Poland. While, the lowest water requirements of bird cherry (240 mm) in the south-east region of the country was calculated. In August, the highest bird cherry water needs (121 mm) were estimated also in the central-north-west and central-east region of Poland, whereas the lowest water requirements (111 mm) occurred in the south-east region of the country. In each considered region of Poland, in the years 1981-2010, a visible increase in bird cherry water needs in the period of the highest water requirements, was noted. With the exception of the central-north-west region of the country, the temporal variability of bird cherry water needs was significant throughout Poland. The highest increase of the water requirements (by 6.7 mm per every ten-year period) in the south-east region of Poland was found. In the period covering July and August, the highest rainfall deficit, 131 and 133 mm, in the average dry years (N50%) was noted in the central-east and central-north-west region of Poland, respectively. In the north-east, central-north-west and central-east region of the country, the rainfall deficit in the medium dry years (N25% ranging from 206 to 214 mm) and very dry years (N10% ranging from 269 to 300 mm) was higher than in the south-west and south-east region of Poland (N25% ranging from 146 to 159 mm and N10% ranging from 195 to 211 mm).Celem przedstawionych badań było oszacowanie zapotrzebowania na wodę czeremchy zwyczajnej (Padus avium Mill.) w okresie powyżej trzech lat po wykonaniu nasadzeń na obszarach objętych rekultywacją. Obliczenia przeprowadzono dla okresu obejmującego dwa miesiące, lipiec i sierpień, które są krytyczne pod względem ilości wody dostępnej dla roślin. Wymagania wodne roślin czeremchy zwyczajnej zostały oszacowane w latach 1981-2010 dla pięciu agro-klimatycznych regionów Polski wraz z reprezentatywnymi stacjami meteorologicznymi zlokalizowanymi w Olsztynie, Bydgoszczy, Warszawie, Wrocławiu i Krakowie. Potrzeby wodne drzew czeremchy zwyczajnej zostały określone za pomocą metody współczynników roślinnych. Współczynniki roślinne dla drzew czeremchy zwyczajnej w okresie powyżej trzech lat po wykonaniu nasadzeń na obszarach objętych rekultywacją dostosowano do ewapotranspiracji wskaźnikowej, którą obliczono za pomocą wzoru Blaneya-Criddle'a, zmodyfikowanego dla warunków polskich przez Żakowicza. Niedobory opadów atmosferycznych z prawdopodobieństwem wystąpienia roku przeciętnie suchego (N50%), roku średnio suchego (N25%) oraz roku bardzo suchego (N10%) oznaczono za pomocą metody Ostromęckiego. Średnio, w latach 1981-2010, w okresie od 1 lipca do 31 sierpnia, najwyższe zapotrzebowanie na wodę drzew czeremchy zwyczajnej w okresie powyżej trzech lat po wysadzeniu na obszarach zrekultywowanych obliczono w centralno-północno-zachodnim (271 mm) oraz centralno-wschodnim regionie Polski (270 mm). Z kolei najniższe zapotrzebowanie na wodę czeremchy zwyczajnej (240 mm) wystąpiło w południowo-wschodnim regionie kraju. W sierpniu najwyższe zapotrzebowanie na wodę drzew czeremchy zwyczajnej (121 mm) obliczono również w centralno-północno-zachodnim oraz centralno-wschodnim regionie Polski, natomiast najniższe zapotrzebowanie na wodę (111 mm) wystąpiło w południowo-wschodnim regionie kraju. We wszystkich rozpatrywanych regionach Polski, w okresie od 1981 do 2010, odnotowano tendencję do zwiększania się potrzeb wodnych czeremchy zwyczajnej w czasie największego zapotrzebowania na wodę, czyli w lipcu i w sierpniu. Z wyjątkiem centralno-północno-zachodnim regionu Polski, trend zmienności czasowej potrzeb wodnych czeremchy zwyczajnej był istotny we wszystkich pozostałych regionach kraju. Najwyższy wzrost zapotrzebowania na wodę (o 6,7 mm w każdym kolejnym dziesięcioleciu) wystąpił w południowo-wschodnim regionie Polski. W okresie od 1 lipca do 31 sierpnia największe niedobory opadów atmosferycznych, 131 i 133 mm, w przeciętnie suchym roku (N50%) odnotowano odpowiednio w środkowo-wschodnim oraz środkowo północno-zachodnim regionie Polski. W północno-wschodnim, środkowo-północno-zachodnim i środkowo-wschodnim regionie kraju niedobory opadów atmosferycznych w średnio suchym roku (N25% w zakresie od 206 do 214 mm) i w bardzo suchym roku (N10% w przedziale od 269 do 300 mm) był wyższy niż w południowo-zachodnim i południowo-wschodnim regionie Polski (N25% od 146 do 159 mm i N10% od 195 do 211 mm)

    The Estimation of Blood Paramagnetic Center Changes during Burns Management with Biodegradable Propolis-Nanofiber Dressing

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    The evolution of the paramagnetic center system in blood during the healing of skin burn wounds dressed with a biodegradable apitherapeutic nanofiber dressing was examined. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in paramagnetic centers in blood during the influence of apitherapeutic nanofiber dressings on the healing process. The blood samples were tested before burn infliction (day 0) and, respectively, on the 10th and 21st days of the experiment. Paramagnetic centers in the blood of the pig used as the model animal were examined with an X-band (9.3 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The EPR spectra were measured with Bruker spectrometer at 230 K with a modulation frequency of 100 kHz. The EPR lines of the high spin Fe3+ in methemoglobin, high spin Fe3+ in transferrin, Cu2+ in ceruloplasmin, and free radicals were observed in the multicomponent spectra of blood. For the application of the apitherapeutic nanofiber dressing, the amplitudes of the EPR signals of Fe3+ in methemoglobin were similar up to 10 days. For the experiment with the apitherapeutic formulation, the heights of EPR signals of Fe3+ in transferrin were lower after 10 days and 21 days of therapy, compared to day 0. For the application of the apitherapeutic formulation the signals of Cu2+ in ceruloplasmin and free radicals, strongly decreased after 10 days of therapy, and after 21 days it increased to the initial values characteristic for day 0. The apitherapeutic formulation caused that after 21 days the EPR spectrum of Cu2+ in ceruloplasmin and free radicals was considerably high. The apitherapeutic formulation interaction after 10 days and after 21 days of therapy resulted in the low EPR lines of Fe3+ in methemoglobin. EPR spectra of blood may be useful for presentation of the changes in its paramagnetic centers during the healing process of the burn wounds