10 research outputs found

    How Cornerstone Changed My Teaching, Story 2

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    For two years (2012-13 and 2013-14), I took a break from one of my major classes to teach a section of Cornerstone. It was a pretty big leap for me, given I had no formal academic preparation in teaching speaking or writing, but I was intrigued by the opportunity to work with freshmen, and after ten years of teaching the same preps, I needed to stretch a little. The learning curve was steep, but well supported by the leadership team. Now that I have returned to my home department full time, I can see three ways Cornerstone has changed my teaching

    Health Literacy in the Mathematics Classroom: The Iowa Core Curriculum As An Opportunity to Deepen Students’ Understanding of Mathematics

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    By 2012, all high schools in Iowa will be required to incorporate the new Iowa Core Curriculum, followed by elementary and middle schools in 2014 (Iowa Department of Education, 2009). The Iowa Core Curriculum addresses the question: How is Iowa\u27s educational system preparing our youth for successful lives in the 21st-century global environment? (Davidson, 2009). It consists of core content standards, and identifies essential concepts and skills for content areas. The Iowa Core Curriculum also includes the ―21st Century Skills‖ of ―health, financial, technology, and civic literacy, and employability skills. These skills are to be infused into existing subject matter rather than taught as separate stand-alone subjects

    Mother-To-Mother: Evaluation of The Sustainability of A Peer Model to Communicate Nutrition Messages in Mozambique

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    Background: Over the past twenty-five years, Africa had experienced the smallest relative decrease of child undernutrition in any world region. Many aid organizations were redirecting efforts and resources to supporting community - based initiatives such as Community Health Work (CHW).Aim / Objectives: While peer models showed short term hope, there was limited long-term evidence. The study expounded upon an evaluation on a health promotion program using the Care Group Model. The objective of this research was to examine the sustainability of health gains associated with the use of CHWs via a Care Group Model as a health promotion strategy in the USAIDfunded Child Survival Program in Mozambique five years after the program ended.Methodology: The program was implemented from 2005 to 2010 in Sofala Province, Mozambique. The present study extended the 2010 evaluation through additional data collection in 2015 with 506 participants in th study. Data analysis was done using SPSS and Anthro for behavioral andAnthropometric data entries respectively. Frequencies, Chi-square, Cross - tabulations, and measures of central tendency (i.e., mean) were calculated using SPSS. Initial evaluation of the program, consisted of baseline and endline questionnaires of knowledge, practices, and coverage (KPC questionnaires) this was conducted in February 2006 and June 2010, respectively. This second endline study was conducted in July 2015Results: The data collected showed that, statistically, significant program gains were sustained in 10 out of the 13 indicators during the follow-up  period from 2010 to 2015. Non reverted to their 2005 level nor below. The total number of direct beneficiaries in the Manga district at the end of the project in 2010 was 7,200 women. The original Care Group Model program was implemented from 2005 to 2010 by Food for the Hungry / Mozambique (FH/M) in Sofala Province.Conclusion: Without any external financial support or training, Care Group Volunteers remained important sources of information for community  residents and program impact largely sustainable. Key words: Child malnutrition, evaluation, Care Group Model, sustainabilit

    Sexuality Curriculum Policies: Rural is Not Always More Conservative

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    This study examined sexuality education policies of school districts following the enactment of a law by the state of Iowa in 2007 requiring schools to include curriculum related to human growth and development education. The authors compared responses from superintendents in rural and urban areas in the state of Iowa regarding their districts’ sexuality curriculum policies. All public school superintendents in Iowa (n=364) were mailed a survey; 131 (36%) responded. The sample was representative of the state both geographically and by size of district. Findings indicate that while rural states (or more-rural areas within rural states) may be publically perceived to be more conservative than urban areas, their sexuality education policies show little statistical difference. Additionally, Iowa’s sexuality education policies were found to be equally or more inclusive in comparison to previously reported national results. Community opposition to sexuality education was not evident. Superintendents indicated that state directives were the most influential factor driving district policies on sexuality education

    Human Traffficking in Romania: An Analysis of Prevention and Outreach Activities

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    Human trafficking is a growing problem in Romania and around the world. Romania is considered a transit and origin country for human trafficking. Most victims are transported externally to more developed countries, although many victims will stay within Romanian borders. The Romanian government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders are making efforts to prevent trafficking. This descriptive study, based on a series of qualitative interviews, examines the actions NGOs, governmental organizations, and church leaders in Cluj County, Romania are taking to prevent trafficking. The strengths and weaknesses of existing programs, as well as recommendations for future action are discussed. A model for prevention, intervention and recovery of victims is also presented

    Student-Planned, Student-Implemented Health Promotion Programs on Opioids

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    Over the course of two semesters, students in Planning and Evaluation (HPE 4373) and Implementing and Advocacy (HPE 4383) worked to plan and implement programming related to opioids. They worked in partnership with Pathways Behavioral Services to learn about opioid use in the Cedar Valley and to develop strategies to address the epidemic locally