847 research outputs found

    Japanese Management Strategies

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    During the detailed researching work of the Kaizen based management practices of the most advanced Japanese companies, that is the best representatives of the Japanese industry, at certain phases occures the need to have a look of a wider perspective embracing some aspects of the strategies and the external connections of these firms, especially the lean enterprises.The goal of this paper is giving a framework for the detailed researches investigating the Kaizen based activities within the companies with the help of general pictures on the ‘Japanese way’ and on the behaviour of the Japanese companies in the glorious fast growth period and then in the times of the serious crises and stagnation as an adaptation to the globalization process.Japanese company culture, Kaizen management philosophy, lean enterprise, corporate strategy,confrontation strategy, avoiding strategy, organizational learning

    Markovchart: an R package for cost-optimal patient monitoring and treatment using control charts

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    Control charts originate from industrial statistics, but are constantly seeing new areas of application, for example in health care (Thor et al. in BMJ Qual Saf 16(5):387-399, 2007. https://doi.org/10.1136/qshc.2006.022194; Suman and Prajapati in Int J Metrol Qual Eng, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1051/ijmqe/2018003). This paper is about the Markovchart package, an R implementation of generalised Markov chain-based control charts with health care applications in mind and with a focus on cost-effectiveness. The methods are based on Zempleni et al. (Appl Stoch Model Bus Ind 20(3):185-200, 2004. https://doi.org/10.1002/asmb.521), Dobi and Zempleni (Qual Reliab Eng Int 35(5):1379-1395, 2019a. https://doi.org/10.1002/qre.2518, Ann Univ Sci Budapestinensis Rolando Eotvos Nomin Sect Comput 49:129-146, 2019b). The implemented ideas in the package were motivated by problems encountered by health care professionals and biostatisticians when assessing the effects and costs of different monitoring schemes and therapeutic regimens. However, the implemented generalisations may be useful in other (e.g., engineering) applications too, as they mainly revolve around the loosening of assumptions seen in traditional control chart theory. The Markovchart package is able to model processes with random shift sizes (i.e., the degradation of the patient's health), random repair (i.e., treatment) and random time between samplings (i.e., visits) aswell. The article highlights the flexibility of the methods through the modelling of different disease progression and treatment scenarios and also through an application on real-world data of diabetic patients


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kesegaran jasmani peserta ektrakurikuler sepak bola dan ekstrakurikuler bola voli SMP Negeri 3 Pakem. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP Negeri 3 Pakem yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler sepakbola dan ekstrakurikuler bolavoli. Adapun jumlah subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 60 siswa, dengan rincian 21 siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola, dan 39 siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler bolavoli SMP Negeri 3 Pakem. Pengambilan data menggunakan tes, dengan instrument yang digunakan berupa TKJI untuk usia 13–15 tahun. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis uji t. Hasil uji t diperoleh t hitung sebesar 2,735 berada di luar daerah penerimaan Ho yaitu dengan t tabel sebesar 2,011. Ini berarti bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan tingkat kesegaran jasmani peserta ektrakurikuler sepakbola putra dengan ekstrakurikuler bolavoli putra SMP Negeri 3 Pakem. Besarnya rerata tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola sebesar 12,90 sedangkan rerata tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler bolavoli sebesar 11,25. Rerata tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola putra lebih besar daripada siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler bolavoli putra, ini berarti bahwa tingkat kesegaran jasmani siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola putra lebih baik daripada siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler bolavoli putra