11 research outputs found

    Pelvik radyoterapi uygulanılan sıçanlarda akut gastointestinal toksisite üzerine giardi intestinalis enfeksiyonunun etkileri

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    INTRODUCTION: Different types of pelvic cancer, such as cervical, endometrial, bladder and prostate, are normally treated by radical radiotherapy, which can be used both alone or in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of concomitant Giardia intestinalis infection on acute gastrointestinal toxicity in rats that have undergone pelvic irradiation. METHODS: The study group consisted of forty female 6-month-old Wistar rats with the weight of 250 g. The rats were divided into four groups containing ten rats in each group. The study groups are as follows: Group 1 contained rats not infected with Giardia intestinalis and not irradiated, Group 2 contained rats infected with Giardia intestinalis but not irradiated, Group 3 contained rats not infected with Giardia intestinalis but irradiated, Group 4 contained rats infected with Giardia intestinalis and radiated. For the day after the end of radiation, the number of stool pellets was counted, and the operation of weighing rats was performed, and they were sacrificed the following day. The intestinal tissues were taken for histological evaluation. RESULTS: A mucosal damage, such as villus shortening, atrophy of surface epithelium, crypt loss, as well as a decrease in the number of goblet cells of the group 3 and 4, was detected as a result of the light microscopic examination. CONCLUSION: As a result of the present study, the fact that concomitant Giardia intestinalis infection aggravates acute gastrointestinal toxicity in rats that have undergone pelvic irradiation has been verified.GİRİŞ: Servikal, endometrial, mesane ve prostat gibi pelvik kanserin farklı türleri normalde ya sadece radikal radyoterapi ile yada cerrahi ve kemoterapi birlikte kombinasyon halinde tedavi edilebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, pelvik radyasyona maruz kalan sıçanlarda eşzamanlı Giardia intestinalis enfeksiyonunun akut gastrointestinal toksisite üzerine etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. METOD: Çalışma grubu, 250 g ağırlığa sahip kırk adet 6 aylık dişi Wistar sıçandan oluşmaktadır. Sıçanlar, herbir grupta 10 adet sıçan olacak şekilde dört gruba ayrıldı. Çalışma grupları; Grup 1, Giardia intestinalis ile enfekte olmayan ve radyoterapi almayan sıçanlar, Grup 2, radyoterapi almamış, ancak Giardia intestinalis ile enfekte olan sıçanlar, Grup 3, Giardia intestinalis ile enfekte olmamış fakat radyoterapi almış sıçanlar, Grup 4'te hem Giardia intestinalis ile enfekte olan hemde radyoterapi alan sıçanlardan oluşmaktadır. Radyasyon bittikten sonraki gün, hayvan vücut ağırlıkları kayıtedildi ve dışkılama sıklığı hesaplandı. Ratlar perfore edilerek sakrifiye edildi, ince bağırsak dokuları histolojik inceleme için alındı. SONUÇ: Işık mikroskopik incelemesinin sonucu olarak, grup 3 ve 4 ‘te villus kısalması, yüzeyel epitelinde atrofi, kriptalarda kayıp gibi mukozal hasarlar ve goblet sayısında azalma tespit edildi. TARTIŞMA: Bu çalışmanın bir sonucu olarak, Giardia intestinalis enfeksiyonu ile eşzamanlı olarak pelvik radyoterapi uygulanması sıçanlarda akut gastrointestinal toksisiteyi arttırmıştır. zümrüt do

    Intraocular pressure measured by rebound tonometry in seven raptor species

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the applicability of Rebound tonometer for the intraocular pressure measurement and to determine the correlation between intraocular pressure reference values and body weight in different raptor species.In the present study, intraocular pressure of 66 Long-legged buzzard (132 eyes), 20 Eurasian sparrowhawk (40 eyes), 13 Eurasian eagle-owl (26 eyes), 6 Golden eagles (12 eyes), 6 Common kestrels (12 eyes), 4 Peregrine falcon (8 eyes), 2 Griffon vulture (4 eyes), which referred to Erciyes University, Faculty of Veterinary Med-icine, Department of Surgery Clinic were evaluated. In the ophthalmologic examination there was no lesion detected related to eyes. The mean body weight raptors was 1.10??0.23 kg in Long-legged buzzard, 0.23??0.06 kg in Eurasian sparrow hawk, 0.27??0.10 in Eurasian eagle-owl, 3.30??0.80 kg in Golden eagles, 0,18??0.04 kg in Common kestrels, 0,64??0,28 kg in Peregrine falcon and 2.28??0.43 kg in Griffon vulture. Rebound tonometer was used for measurement of intraocular pressure. Mean intraocular pressure of right and left eyes were in Long-legged buzzard 25.87??0.62-26.61??0.71, Eurasian sparrow hawk 11.90??0.40-12.05??0.41, Eurasian eagle-owl 12.00??0.63-12.61??0.57, Golden ea-gles 29.00??2.89-30.33??2.87, Common kestrels 11.75??0.17-10.83??0.47, Peregrine falcon 14.75??1.10-14.25??0.85 and Griffon vulture 15.00??1.00-14.50??0.50. As a result of the study, Rebound tonometer is a reliable method for measuring intraocular pressure in small eyes and minimizes stress, well tolerated by raptors in intraocular pressure measurements. While there was a positive correlation detected between body weight and IOP values among the species, no correlation was observed between body weight and IOP values within the same species. The intraocular pressure values obtained in this study will help veterinary ophthalmologists and wild animal veterinarians to evaluate changes intraocular pres-sure in raptor and contribute to the literature

    Research on Possible Effects of Acrylamide and Vitamin E Administered to Pregnant Rats on Placenta Tissue

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    Investigate the changes that occur in the placenta tissues of pregnant rats that were administered acrylamide (AA) and vitamin E as a protective agent during pregnancy. Thirty rats that were proven positive for pregnancy with vaginal smear test were randomly distributed into control, corn oil, vitamin E, acrylamide and vitamin E + acrylamide groups. Pregnant rats were decapitated on the 20th day of the experiment. Malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH), total antioxidant capacity (TAS), total oxidant capacity (TOS) and Xanthine oxidase (XO) levels were measured in placenta tissues. It was determined that acrylamide application during pregnancy statistically significantly increased MDA, TOS and XO levels and reduced GSH and TAS levels in the placenta tissue of pregnant rats when compared to all other groups, and GAS and TAS levels statistically significantly increased in vitamin E administered group when compared to all other groups and TOS and XO levels were decreased to control group levels. It was observed that orally administered AA changed the antioxidant / oxidant equilibrium favoring the oxidants by increasing MDA, XO and TOS levels in pregnant rats and caused oxidative stress, while vitamin E administration returned the antioxidant / oxidant equilibrium back to normal levels, preventing oxidative stress induced toxicity

    The role of chrysin against harmful effects of formaldehyde exposure on the morphology of rat fetus liver and kidney development

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    This study was aimed to investigate possible harmful effects of formaldehyde (FA) exposure on the morphology of fetus liver and kidney development during pregnancy and also to determinate possible protective role of chrysin (CH) against these harmful effects. For this aim, after pregnancy was induced, 58 female rats were divided into 6 groups. Serum physiologic (SF) was injected to the Group I rats intraperitoneally (i.p.). 20 mg/kg CH was given to the Group II via gavage. 0.1 mg/kg FA was applied to the Group III (i.p.), 1 mg/kg FA was injected to Group IV (i.p.) 0.1 mg/kg FA was given to Group V i.p., and 20 mg/kg CH was given to the same group via gavage. 1 mg/kg FA was applied to Group VI i.p., and 20 mg/kg CH was given to the same group via gavage. Fetuses were taken from each pregnant rat with cesarean section on the 20th day of the pregnancy. The morphological analyses of the fetuses, liver and kidney; biochemical and histological analyses of the liver and kidney were performed. The fetal body, liver and kidney weight of the FA groups demonstrated a statistically significant decrease the compared to control group. Also the FA-1 group were observed histopathological changes on the fetus liver and kidneys. FA exposure causes harmful effects on fetus the liver and kidneys. CH reduces the negative effect on morphological variables statistically. Although CH is insufficient to fix the histopathological changes that occur in the liver, damaging effects that occur in the kidney decreased statisticall

    Education of Healthcare Personnel Working with Pediatric Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic within the Framework of Infection Control

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    Education of healthcare personnel working with pediatric patients during covid-19 pandemic within the framework of infection control Covid-19 pandemisinde enfeksiyon kontrol çalışmaları çerçevesinde çocuk hastalarla çalışan sağlık personeli eğitimi

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    © 2020, AVES. All rights reserved.Objective: In the early stages of any epidemic caused by new emerging pathogens healthcare personnel is subject to a great risk. Pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, proved to be no exception. Many healthcare workers died in the early stages of pandemic due to inadequate precautions and insufficient protection. It is essential to protect and maintain the safety of healthcare personnel for the confinement of pandemic as well as continuity of qualified healthcare services which is already under strain. Educating healthcare personnel on appropiate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is as essential as procuring them. Material and Methods: A survey is conducted on 4927 healthcare personnel working solely with pediatric patients from 32 different centers. Education given on PPE usage were questioned and analyzed depending on age, sex, occupation and region. Results: Among four thousand nine hundred twelve healthcare personnel from 32 different centers 91% (n= 4457) received education on PPE usage. Of those who received education only 36% was given both theoretical and applied education. Although there was no differences among different occupation groups, receiving education depended on regions. Conclusion: It is essential to educate healthcare personnel appropiately nationwidely for the continuity of qualified healthcare services during the pandemic