1,651 research outputs found

    Bolivian mas-ipsp, halfway between a social movement and a political party

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    The article reports a research about the organizational and political nature of “Movimiento al Socialismo – Instrumento PolĂ­tico por la SoberanĂ­a de los Pueblos (MAS-IPSP)” in Bolivia. It begins the study with a description of the creational conditions of the MA-IPSP, in the hope of distinguishing in it the operation of a political party in the long term. Then the article examines the party’s orientation as a political instrument and finally analyzes the successes and turns of Evo Morales’ victory inside the organization.El artĂ­culo realiza una investigaciĂłn acerca de la naturaleza organizacional y polĂ­tica del Movimiento al Socialismo – Instrumento PolĂ­tico por la SoberanĂ­a de los Pueblos (MAS-IPSP) en Bolivia. Inicia el estudio con una descripciĂłn de las condiciones de creaciĂłn del MAS-IPSP, con el objetivo de distinguir en ello el funcionamiento de un partido polĂ­tico a largo plazo. Luego examina su orientaciĂłn como instrumento polĂ­tico y finalmente analiza los Ă©xitos y giros del triunfo de Evo Morales dentro de la organizaciĂłn

    Interface-mediated interactions: Entropic forces of curved membranes

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    Particles embedded in a fluctuating interface experience forces and torques mediated by the deformations and by the thermal fluctuations of the medium. Considering a system of two cylinders bound to a fluid membrane we show that the entropic contribution enhances the curvature-mediated repulsion between the two cylinders. This is contrary to the usual attractive Casimir force in the absence of curvature-mediated interactions. For a large distance between the cylinders, we retrieve the renormalization of the surface tension of a flat membrane due to thermal fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; final version, as appeared in Phys. Rev.

    L’indianisme est-il de gauche ?

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    Au dĂ©but de l’annĂ©e 2007, Jean-Loup Amselle est venu enquĂȘter en Bolivie sur les modalitĂ©s de la critique postcoloniale et sur les lieux de production intellectuelle alternative. Sa recherche a permis d’expliciter un certain malaise ressenti alors face au monde acadĂ©mique bolivien : l’utilisation systĂ©matique de notions faisant office de mot d’ordre, comme « dĂ©colonisation de l’Etat et de la sociĂ©té », la rĂ©invention d’une communautĂ© prĂ©-hispanique harmonieuse et proche de la nature, autant d..

    Short term effects of latex tapping on micro-changes of trunk girth in [i]Hevea Brasiliensis[/i]

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    Latex tapping has a well-known negative effect on the long term radial growth of rubber trees (Hevea Brasiliensis). The additional carbon sink induced by latex yield is considered as the main cause. However the potential contribution of a tapping induced water stress has received little attention. In Northeast Thailand, we applied an exploring approach comparing the diel cycle of girth change between days of rest and days with tapping in conditions of relatively stable evaporative demand and soil water availability. Trees were tapped at dark in the early morning for two consecutive days and rested for one day. Five standard trees were equipped with high accuracy girth bands above the tapping panel. The sampling included one tree with additional measurements, one below the tapping cut and the other at the trunk bottom. Data were recorded at 30 min interval over 14 days at the onset of the dry season in November. Results demonstrated a significant short-term shrinkage within two hours after tapping. However, the nighttime expansion maximum diurnal shrinkage and midnight recovery were not significantly influenced by the tapping cycle. As a result the daily growth was not negatively impacted on tapping days. Finally, in conditions of low average growth, our results refute the hypothesis of a negative impact of tapping on radial growth at a daily scale through a simple dehydration. A substantial loss of turgor was confirmed but trees seem to quickly react and smooth the consequences on nighttime recovery and diurnal shrinkage

    Computation of haplotypes on SNPs subsets: advantage of the "global method"

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic association studies aim at finding correlations between a disease state and genetic variations such as SNPs or combinations of SNPs, termed haplotypes. Some haplotypes have a particular biological meaning such as the ones derived from SNPs located in the promoters, or the ones derived from non synonymous SNPs. All these haplotypes are "subhaplotypes" because they refer only to a part of the SNPs found in the gene. Until now, subhaplotypes were directly computed from the very SNPs chosen to constitute them, without taking into account the rest of the information corresponding to the other SNPs located in the gene. In the present work, we describe an alternative approach, called the "global method", which takes into account all the SNPs known in the region and compare the efficacy of the two "direct" and "global" methods. RESULTS: We used empirical haplotypes data sets from the GH1 promoter and the APOE gene, and 10 simulated datasets, and randomly introduced in them missing information (from 0% up to 20%) to compare the 2 methods. For each method, we used the PHASE haplotyping software since it was described to be the best. We showed that the use of the "global method" for subhaplotyping leads always to a better error rate than the classical direct haplotyping. The advantage provided by this alternative method increases with the percentage of missing genotyping data (diminution of the average error rate from 25% to less than 10%). We applied the global method software on the GRIV cohort for AIDS genetic associations and some associations previously identified through direct subhaplotyping were found to be erroneous. CONCLUSION: The global method for subhaplotyping can reduce, sometimes dramatically, the error rate on patient resolutions and haplotypes frequencies. One should thus use this method in order to minimise the risk of a false interpretation in genetic studies involving subhaplotypes. In practice the global method is always more efficient than the direct method, but a combination method taking into account the level of missing information in each subject appears to be even more interesting when the level of missing information becomes larger (>10%)

    Coloquio internacional: Reformas del Estado. Poderes, territorios, sociedades

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    El coloquio «Reformas del Estado. Poderes, territorios, sociedades» se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de La Paz del 16 al 19 de junio de 2009. Fue organizado por el IFEA, la Cooperación Regional Francesa, la Embajada de Francia en Bolivia, el Observatorio político de América Latina y del Caribe/Ciencias políticas de París, en colaboración con instituciones bolivianas como el PIEB (Programa de Investigación Estratégica en Bolivia), el Ildis, el Musef (Museo de Etnografía y de Folklore), y la Embaja..

    Patterns of healthcare seeking among people reporting chronic conditions in rural sub-Saharan Africa: findings from a population-based study in Burkina Faso.

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    OBJECTIVE: Non-communicable diseases are rapidly becoming one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, little is known about patterns of healthcare seeking among people with chronic conditions in these settings. We aimed to explore determinants of healthcare seeking among people who reported at least one chronic condition in rural Burkina Faso. METHODS: Data were drawn from a cross-sectional population-based survey conducted across 24 districts on 52 562 individuals from March to June 2017. We used multinomial logistic regression to assess factors associated with seeking care at a formal provider (facility-based care) or at an informal provider (home and traditional treatment) compared to no care. RESULTS: 1124 individuals (2% of all respondents) reported at least one chronic condition. Among those, 22.8% reported formal care use, 10.6% informal care use, and 66.6% no care. The presence of other household members reporting a chronic condition (RRR = 0.57, 95%-CI [0.39, 0.82]) was negatively associated with seeking formal care. Wealthier households (RRR = 2.14, 95%-CI [1.26, 3.64]), perceived illness severity (RRR = 3.23, 95%-CI [2.22, 4.70]) and suffering from major chronic conditions (RRR = 1.54, 95%-CI [1.13, 2.11]) were positively associated with seeking formal care. CONCLUSION: Only a minority of individuals with chronic conditions sought formal care, with important differences due to socio-economic status. Policies and interventions aimed at increasing the availability and affordability of services for early detection and management in peripheral settings should be prioritised

    Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation du comportement mécanique de matériaux architecturés en Nickel-Titane

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    L'objectif de cette Ă©tude s’inscrit dans la perspective de dĂ©velopper une nouvelle classe innovante de matĂ©riaux combinant les propriĂ©tĂ©s remarquables et intrinsĂšques des alliages Ă  mĂ©moire de forme en Nickel-Titane avec des topologies particuliĂšres offertes par les matĂ©riaux « architecturĂ©s ». Ces structures sont constituĂ©es de tubes superĂ©lastiques Ă  parois minces soudĂ©s par rĂ©sistance Ă©lectrique [1], de maniĂšre Ă  crĂ©er des structures cellulaires rĂ©guliĂšres. Ces architectures permettent ainsi d’imaginer de nombreuses solutions innovantes pour optimiser les produits, par une dĂ©marche de conception de mĂ©sostructures. Le comportement superĂ©lastique de deux matĂ©riaux architecturĂ©s simples (dĂ©monstrateurs), sur la base de tubes identiques mais avec deux topologies diffĂ©rentes, est modĂ©lisĂ© par la mĂ©thode des Ă©lĂ©ments finis. Les grandes transformations sont prises en compte et les comportements prĂ©dits sont comparĂ©s par simulation numĂ©rique des cas de chargements complexes, en explorant l'influence du comportement du matĂ©riau constitutif de base sur l'efficacitĂ© de certaines propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques des matĂ©riaux cellulaires conçus. Les paramĂštres du modĂšle de comportement [2] sont identifiĂ©s sur la base d’essais de traction effectuĂ©s sur des Ă©chantillons dĂ©coupĂ©s dans les tubes. Les rĂ©sultats de la modĂ©lisation sont comparĂ©s avec des essais de compression radiale rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les deux dĂ©monstrateurs fabriquĂ©s. Lors du dĂ©chargement, pratiquement tous les Ă©chantillons ont pu rĂ©cupĂ©rer leur forme initiale dans la plage de charge utilisĂ©e. Les courbes force-dĂ©placement prĂ©sentent un comportement superĂ©lastique avec des boucles d’hystĂ©rĂ©sis, liĂ©es Ă  la transformation de phase rĂ©versible austĂ©nite-martensite. Cette Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšle que le soudage par rĂ©sistance est une technique possible de liaison pour obtenir des matĂ©riaux architecturĂ©s en NiTi avec une faible densitĂ© et une grande superĂ©lasticitĂ©. References [1] Delobelle V., Delobelle P., Liu Y., Favier D., and Louche H., 2013, “Resistance welding of NiTi shape memory alloy tubes,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, (in press). [2] Auricchio F., and Taylor R. L., 1997, “Shape-memory alloys : modelling and numerical simulations the finite-strain superelastic behavior,” Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng, 7825(96), pp. 175–194

    Drought-induced embolism in current-year shoots of two Mediterranean evergreen oaks

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    threatened by the increasing water deficits related to climate change. To contribute to the understanding of the capacity of these oaks to withstand severe drought we assessed the vulnerability to xylem embolism and the anatomical traits in current-year shoots. Data were collected in mature trees at two sites, in central/ coastal and southern/inland Portugal. In situ safety margins to hydraulic failure were evaluated from long-term predawn and midday leaf water potential records. Results showed that xylem vulnerability to embolism was similar in Q. ilex and Q. suber. The 50% loss in hydraulic conductivity (Wxyl,50PLC) was observed at xylem water potentials of 2.9 and 3.2 MPa in shoots of Q. suber and Q. ilex, respectively. Values of mean vessel diameter of Q. suber shoots at both sites suggest an intra-species adaptation to the local water availability, with larger vessels at the more mesic site. In situ hydraulic safety margins observed in shoots showed that, even during the driest periods, both oaks lived comfortably above the most critical embolism thresholds. However, the hydraulic safety margins were narrower in the driest site. Results are relevant to the understanding of survival, growth, and functional behaviour of evergreen oaks in Mediterranean climates, under recurrent/seasonal drought condition
