38 research outputs found
The vertex coordinates of the Galaxy's stellar systems according to the Gaia DR3 catalogue
We present the results of determining the coordinates of the vertices of
various stellar systems, the centroids of which are located in the Galactic
plane. To do this, the positions, parallaxes, proper motions, and radial
velocities of red giants and subgiants contained in the ~DR3 catalogue
have been used. When determining the components of the deformation velocity
tensors in local coordinate systems, we found the coordinates of the vertices
of the stellar systems under study. It turned out that there is a complex
dependence of vertex deviations in Galactocentric cylindrical () and Galactic rectangular () coordinates. Based on the approach
proposed in this paper, heliocentric distances to vertices have been determined
for the first time. The results obtained show that in addition to the fact that
the angular coordinates of the Galactic center and the vertices of stellar
systems do not coincide, their heliocentric distances do not coincide as well.
This presumably indicates that there are structures in the Galaxy that
noticeably affect its axisymmetry.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, 1 table
Differences of craniotype distribution and types of face among apparently healthy men from different regions of Ukraine
Established peculiarities of craniotype distribution and types of face in somatically healthy men depend on regional affiliation. In all regions of Ukraine, markedly greater brachycephaly percentage was found, indicating the trend towards brachycephalisation and prevalence of men with narrow and very narrow face, which confirms gracilisation. The study showed a small number of regional differences in the distribution of specific types of the skull and face, indicating that the population of Ukraine is very homogeneous in anthropological composition and none of the presented Ukrainian regional types is beyond anthropological type, common to people in general
Сервісна модель у публічному управлінні та її принципи
Дмитренко М. Й. Сервісна модель у публічному управлінні та її принципи / Дмитренко М. Й., Головач О. А. // Правовий дискурс : матеріали ІI Всеук. наук.-практ. конф. здобувачів та викладачів закладів вищ. освіти (м. Черкаси, 12 жовт. 2022 р.) / Черкас. ін-т пожеж. безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля НУЦЗ України, Акад. Держ. пенітенціар. служби, Львів. держ. ун-т внутр. справ, Придніпров. район. суд, Черкас. держ. технолог. ун-т. – Черкаси : Видав. Третяков О. М., 2022. – С. 8-9.Зазначено, що проблема дослідження сервісної моделі публічного управління в Україні є порівняно новою в теоретико-правовій науці та науці державного управління. Підкреслено, що модернізація системи публічного управління в Україні нині є вимогою часу.It is noted that the problem of researching the service model of public administration in Ukraine is relatively new in theoretical and legal science and the science of public administration. It is emphasized that the modernization of the public administration system in Ukraine is now a requirement of the time.Отмечено, что проблема исследования сервисной модели публичного управления в Украине сравнительно новая в теоретико-правовой науке и науке государственного управления. Подчеркнуто, что модернизация системы публичного управления в Украине является требованием времени
Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices in the Form of Suppositories for Rectal and Vaginal Use
Проблематика. Програми доклінічного вивчення безпеки продуктів у системі охорони здоров’я залежать від регуляторного статусу досліджуваних продуктів. Класифікування таких продуктів, зокрема супозиторіїв для ректального та вагінального застосування, є критичним етапом для розробки тактики їх біологічного оцінювання. Актуальними для біомедицини залишаються питання адаптації методів біологічного оцінювання медичних виробів на основі комбінації біологічно активних речовин, а також оцінки результатів такого оцінювання.
Мета. Здійснити обґрунтування регуляторного статусу та біологічне оцінювання медичних виробів у формі вагінальних супозиторіїв на основі октенідину дигідрохлориду (“Продексин”) та у формі ректальних супозиторіїв на основі екстрактів рослин Saw palmetto, Levisticum officinale і Calendula officinalis (“Правенор”).
Методика реалізації. Біологічне оцінювання проводили згідно з вимогами стандартів серії ISO 10993 за допомогою біологічних тест-систем in vitro та in vivo (цитотоксичність у культурі клітин та у МТТ-тесті, сенсибілізуюча та подразнювальна дія на мурчаків).
Результати. Цитотоксичність (СС50) екстракту медичного виробу “Продексин” на культурі клітин Vero становила 8,35 мкг/мл у перерахунку на октенідину дигідрохлорид та 416,65 мкг/мл у перерахунку на декспантенол. Медичній виріб “Правенор” виявився нетоксичним на культурі клітин Vero. За результатами МТТ-тесту СС50 для октенідину дигідрохлориду становила 1,67 мкг/мл, декспантенолу – 83,33 мкг/мл. СС50 у перерахунку на активні інгредієнти медичного виробу “Правенор” становила 50 мг/мл для екстракту ягід карликової пальми (Saw palmetto), 16,67 мг/мл для екстракту коренів любистку лікарського (Levisticum officinale), 16,67 мг/мл для екстракту квіток нагідок лікарських (Calendula officinalis). Для медичних виробів не було виявлено сенсибілізуючої та шкіроподразнювальної дії на мурчаків.
Висновки. Біологічне оцінювання медичних виробів у формі ректальних супозиторіїв “Правенор” і вагінальних супозиторіїв “Продексин”, проведене із використанням біологічних систем in vitro та in vivo, засвідчило прийнятний рівень безпечності цієї продукції. При визначенні цитотоксичності МТТ-тест виявився у 5 разів чутливішим порівняно з методом на основі культури клітин Vero.Background. Programs of preclinical safety studies of the health care products depend on the regulatory status of the investigated products. The classification of such products, in particular suppositories for rectal and vaginal use, is a critical step of developing tactics for their biological evaluation. Adaptation of biological evaluation methods for the medical devices based on the combination of biologically active substances, as well as evaluation of the results of such studies is urgent task of biomedicine.
Objective. To substantiate the regulatory status and to carry out a biological evaluation of medical devices in the form of vaginal suppositories based on octenidine dihydrochloride ("Prodexyn") and in the form of rectal suppositories based on Saw palmetto, Levisticum officinale and Calendula officinalis extracts ("Pravenor").
Methods. Biological evaluation was conducted according to the requirements of ISO 10993 standards using in vitro and in vivo biological test systems (cytotoxicity in cell culture and the MTT test, sensitizing and irritating effect in guinea pigs).
Results. The cytotoxicity (СС50) of the medical device "Prodexyn" extract in Vero cell culture was 8.35 μg/ml calculated as octenidine dihydrochloride and 416.65 μg/ml calculated as dexpanthenol. "Pravenor" medical device was found to be non-toxic in Vero cell culture. According to the results of MMT assay CC50 for octenidine dihydrochloride was 1.67 μg/ml, and 83.33 μg/ml – for dexpanthenol. CC50 indicators calculated for the different active ingredients of the medical device "Pravenor" were the following: 50 mg/ml for the dwarf palm berries extract (Saw palmetto), 16.67 mg/ml for the lovage roots extract (Levisticum officinale), and 16.67 mg/ml for the calendula flowers extract (Calendula officinalis). No sensitizing or skin irritating effects were observed in guinea pigs.
Conclusions. Biological evaluation of medical devices in the form of rectal suppositories "Pravenor" and vaginal suppositories "Prodexyn" performed using in vitro and in vivo biological systems. It was demonstrated an acceptable level of safety of the products. The MTT test was 5 times more sensitive than the Vero cell culture method in determination of cytotoxicity
The genome of the intracellular bacterium of the coastal bivalve, Solemya velum: a blueprint for thriving in and out of symbiosis
Background: Symbioses between chemoautotrophic bacteria and marine invertebrates are rare examples of living systems that are virtually independent of photosynthetic primary production. These associations have evolved multiple times in marine habitats, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents and reducing sediments, characterized by steep gradients of oxygen and reduced chemicals. Due to difficulties associated with maintaining these symbioses in the laboratory and culturing the symbiotic bacteria, studies of chemosynthetic symbioses rely heavily on culture independent methods. The symbiosis between the coastal bivalve, Solemya velum, and its intracellular symbiont is a model for chemosynthetic symbioses given its accessibility in intertidal environments and the ability to maintain it under laboratory conditions. To better understand this symbiosis, the genome of the S. velum endosymbiont was sequenced. Results: Relative to the genomes of obligate symbiotic bacteria, which commonly undergo erosion and reduction, the S. velum symbiont genome was large (2.7 Mb), GC-rich (51%), and contained a large number (78) of mobile genetic elements. Comparative genomics identified sets of genes specific to the chemosynthetic lifestyle and necessary to sustain the symbiosis. In addition, a number of inferred metabolic pathways and cellular processes, including heterotrophy, branched electron transport, and motility, suggested that besides the ability to function as an endosymbiont, the bacterium may have the capacity to live outside the host. Conclusions: The physiological dexterity indicated by the genome substantially improves our understanding of the genetic and metabolic capabilities of the S. velum symbiont and the breadth of niches the partners may inhabit during their lifecycle. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-924) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
Preoperative preparation of infected wounds of superficial tissues, using the method of hyperbaric oxygenation with the ozone-containing mixture
Preoperative preparation of infected wounds of superficial tissues, using the method of hyperbaric oxygenation with the ozone-containing mixtur
Distance learning: opportunities and challenges in quarantine.
The urgent introduction of distance education into the learning process due to the COVID-19 pandemic has become a spontaneous experiment, requiring urgent decisions, effective mechanisms to implement into the educational process and analysis of ongoing educational process. The possibilities of modern digital technologies made it possible to quickly set up the information component of education and to controle student’s knowledge. A detailed analysis of the communication between the faculty members of the department among themselves and analysis of the features of teaching and self-education of students in the field of medical radiology and oncology based on answers and comments with using Google classroom, Socrative, Messenger Telegram, etc. was made. Issues of communicative interaction between faculty members and students, psychological aspects of distance communication, language of instruction, logistics of distance education and methodological problems are described in details. It has been suggested that distance education may be equally effective for theoretical subjects in full-time study form, but when studying clinical disciplines, the priority should be given to traditional methods of teaching, involving student's bedside training. Taking into account technical possibilities and high risk of development of extreme and emergency situations, it is suggested to introduce permanent readiness for distance education, to create all – Ukrainian distance imitation service of patients’ follow-up. The importance of using the state language in training as the basis for mastering the professional Ukrainian and English language as the basis for mastering international medical experience is indicated
Effect of platelet-rich fibrin matrix in complex with artificial material Nubiplant on expression of chondrogenic marker genes and morphogenesis of the nucleus pulposus cells of intervertebral discs in rats
The purpose was to study the barrier and biological properties of platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), an artificial biopolymer Nubiplant, and a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant by assessing the viability and morphological characteristics of nucleus pulposus (NP) cells in rats, as well as the expression level of chondrogenic marker genes during cell cultivation in the presence of these matrices.Materials and methods. PRFM was obtained from platelet-rich plasma using a SiO2 coagulation activator. A suspension of nucleus pulposus cells was obtained from the caudal spine of rats. Cultivation was carried out in the presence of one of three matrices — PRFM, Nubiplant, or their mixture for 3, 7, and 14 days under standard culture conditions in an EC-160 incubator (Nüve, Turkey). Observation of the living culture was carried out in the area bordering with the matrix within one field of view using an inverted microscope (Nicon TS100, Japan). The expression of chondrogenic marker genes in the cell culture of the NP was determined by the method of PCR with reverse transcription.Results. The study of the viability and morphological characteristics of NP cells during their cultivation for 3, 7, and 14 days in the presence of PRFM, PRFM / Nubiplant, or Nubiplant showed a decrease in the content of living cells in control samples; in cultures with PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant, the number of living cells significantly exceeded the control values, aggregation of cells was observed in the area bordering with the matrices from the side of the application. None of the experimental samples showed the outflow of cells to the opposite side of the matrix after 14 days of cultivation; thus, PRFM, Nubiplant, and their mixture can perform barrier functions to keep the cell population in a certain location. Expression of the COL II, ACAN, GPC3, ANXA3, PTN, MGP, and VIM genes by the NP cells during cultivation for 3 and 7 days in the presence of PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant increased as compared to the control samples.Conclusions. The use of PRFM, Nubiplant, or a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant during the cultivation of NP cells demonstrated the absence of cell outflow to the opposite side of the studied matrices during the study period (14 days). The use of PRFM, Nubiplant, or a mixture of PRFM / Nubiplant promoted the formation of cell colonies with chondrocyte-like morphology in the zone bordering with the matrices and maintained cell viability throughout the study period. PRFM and PRFM / Nubiplant contributed to the maintenance of the expression of chondrogenic genes in the NP cells in the zone bordering the matrices. The results obtained indicate the positive effect of the matrix based on platelet-rich fibrin on the NP cells and its barrier functions, which is promising for the use of PRMF for preventing the formation of cicatricial adhesion
Configuration development on the platform 1C for enterprise automation
In this paper, the results of configuration development on the platform 1C for limited liability companies were presented. The object of study is the development process configuration platform 1C. The purpose of the study is the technological platform “1C: Enterprise”. The tasks included analyzing the technological platform “1C: Enterprise”, comparing the most popular ERP-systems, configurator development on the platform 1C. Such research methods as structured programming techniques and methods of evidence-based programming for the systematic analysis of the correctness of algorithms and algorithmic development programs without errors were used in the paper.У статті представлені результати розробки конфігурації на платформі 1С для товариства з обмеженою відповідальністю. Об’єктом дослідження є процес розробки конфігурації на платформі 1С. Предметом дослідження є технологічна платформа «1С: Підприємство». В задачу входить проведення аналізу технологічної платформи «1С: Підприємство», порівняння найбільш популярних ERP-систем, розробка конфігуратора на платформі 1С. В роботі використані такі методи дослідження, як методи структурного програмування та методи доказового програмування для систематичного аналізу правильності алгоритмів і розробки програм без алгоритмічних помилок.В статье представлены результаты разработки конфигурации на платформе 1С для общества с ограниченной ответственностью. Объектом исследования является процесс разработки конфигурации на платформе 1С. Предметом исследования является технологическая платформа «1С: Предприятие». В задачу входит проведение анализа технологической платформы «1С: Предприятие», сравнение наиболее популярных ERP-систем, разработка конфигуратора на платформе 1С. В работе использованы такие методы исследования, как методы структурного программирования и методы логического программирования для систематического анализа правильности алгоритмов и разработки программ без алгоритмических ошибок
Основні аспекти управління економічними проєктами
The study describes the main aspects of project management in the field of economics. The main principles, tools and methods, stages and challenges of economic project management have been analysed.У дослідженні описано основні аспекти управління проєктами у сфері економіки. Проаналізовано головні принципи, засоби та методи, етапи та труднощі управління економічними проєктами