57 research outputs found

    Normal Stress Distribution of Rough Surfaces in Contact

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    We study numerically the stress distribution on the interface between two thick elastic media bounded by interfaces that include spatially correlated asperities. The interface roughness is described using the self-affine topography that is observed over a very wide range of scales from fractures to faults. We analyse the correlation properties of the normal stress distribution when the rough surfaces have been brought into full contact. The self affinity of the rough surfaces is described by a Hurst exponent H. We find that the normal stress field is also self affine, but with a Hurst exponent H-1. Fluctations of the normal stress are shown to be important, especially at local scales with anti-persistent correlations.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, 4 Postscript figures, submitted to Geophysical Research Letter

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of haematological malignancies in residents living near petrochemical facilities

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    Background The petrochemical industry is a major source of hazardous and toxic air pollutants that are recognised to have mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. A wealth of occupational epidemiology literature exists around the petrochemical industry, with adverse haematological effects identified in employees exposed to ‘low’ concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene). Releases from the petrochemical industry are also thought to increase the risk of cancer incidence in fenceline communities. However, this emerging and at times inconclusive evidence base remains fragmented. The present study’s aim was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies investigating the association between incidences of haematological malignancy and residential exposure to the petrochemical industry. Methods Epidemiological studies reporting the risk of haematological malignancies (Leukaemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and Multiple myeloma) were included where the following criteria were met: (i) Cancer incidence is diagnosed by a medical professional and coded in accordance to the International Classification of Diseases; (ii) A clear definition of fenceline communities is provided, indicating the proximity between exposed residents and petrochemical activities; and (iii) Exposure is representative of normal operating conditions, not emergency events. Two investigators independently extracted information on study characteristics and outcomes in accordance with PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines. Relative risks and their 95% confidence intervals were pooled across studies for the four categories of haematological malignancy, using a random effects meta-analysis. Results The systematic review identified 16 unique studies, which collectively record the incidence of haematological malignancies across 187,585 residents living close to a petrochemical operation. Residents from fenceline communities, less than 5 km from a petrochemical facility (refinery or manufacturer of commercial chemicals), had a 30% higher risk of developing Leukaemia than residents from communities with no petrochemical activity. Meanwhile, the association between exposure and rarer forms of haematological malignancy remains uncertain, with further research required. Conclusions The risk of developing Leukaemia appears higher in individuals living near a petrochemical facility. This highlights the need for further policy to regulate the release of carcinogens by industry

    Rupture process of large earthquakes in the northern Mexico subduction zone

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    The Cocos plate subducts beneath North America at the Mexico trench. The northernmost segment of this trench, between the Orozco and Rivera fracture zones, has ruptured in a sequence of five large earthquakes from 1973 to 1985; the Jan. 30, 1973 Colima event ( M s 7.5) at the northern end of the segment near Rivera fracture zone; the Mar. 14, 1979 Petatlan event ( M s 7.6) at the southern end of the segment on the Orozco fracture zone; the Oct. 25, 1981 Playa Azul event ( M s 7.3) in the middle of the Michoacan “gap”; the Sept. 19, 1985 Michoacan mainshock ( M s 8.1); and the Sept. 21, 1985 Michoacan aftershock ( M s 7.6) that reruptured part of the Petatlan zone. Body wave inversion for the rupture process of these earthquakes finds the best: earthquake depth; focal mechanism; overall source time function; and seismic moment, for each earthquake. In addition, we have determined spatial concentrations of seismic moment release for the Colima earthquake, and the Michoacan mainshock and aftershock. These spatial concentrations of slip are interpreted as asperities; and the resultant asperity distribution for Mexico is compared to other subduction zones. The body wave inversion technique also determines the Moment Tensor Rate Functions ; but there is no evidence for statistically significant changes in the moment tensor during rupture for any of the five earthquakes. An appendix describes the Moment Tensor Rate Functions methodology in detail.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43169/1/24_2004_Article_BF00875970.pd

    Analysis of the geographical environment of the upper Parsęta catchment based on geoinformation methods

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    Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zwrócenie uwagi na możliwości wykorzystania dostępnych cyfrowych materiałów kartograficznych w analizie zróżnicowania środowiska geograficznego wybranego obszaru. Analizę wykonano dla 10 zlewni cząstkowych wydzielonych w obrębie zlewni górnej Parsęty. Zlewnie cząstkowe opisano pod względem wybranych cech geometrycznych, charakterystyk hydrograficznych, charakterystyk morfometrycznych rzeźby terenu oraz charakterystyk środowiskowych. Charakterystyki zlewni wyliczono na podstawie dostępnych cyfrowych materiałów kartograficznych, wykorzystując metody geoinformacyjne.The aim of this paper is to highlight the utility of available digital cartographic materials in the analysis of environmental diversity of the selected geographic area. An analysis is carried for 10 subcatchments in the upper Parsęta. The subcatchments are described by geometric features, hydrological characteristics, morphometric characteristics and environmental characteristics. Subcatchments characteristics are calculated based on an available digital cartographic data using geoinformation methods

    Digital adaptation of analogue geomorphological maps

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    W artykule przedstawiono metodykę cyfrowego opracowania analogowych map geomorfologicznych przy wykorzystaniu systemów informacji geograficznej (GIS). Metoda zaprezentowana została w oparciu o wyniki prac nad opracowaniem dwóch map geomorfologicznych - Mapy Geomorfologicznej Niziny WielkopolskoKujawskiej (Krygowski 1953) oraz Geomorfologii Pojezierza Myśliborskiego i Niziny Szczecińskiej (Karczewski 1968, 1998). Scharakteryzowane zostały kolejne etapy prac przyjętego postępowania adaptacyjnego. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwe źródła błędów oraz sposoby ich uniknięcia.This paper presents a methodology of preparation of digital geomorphological maps using geographical information systems (GIS). The presented method is based on the results of the study on the preparation of two geomorphological maps – Geomorphological map of the Wielkopolska-Kujawy Lowland (Krygowski 1953) and Geomorphology of the Myślibórz Lakeland and Szczecin Lowland (Karczewski 1968, 1998). Successive stages of the adaptive procedure were described. The attention was paid to the possible sources of errors and how to avoid them

    Crosslinking process and properties of unconventional blends of chloroprene rubber and partially hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber

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    Zbadano właściwości niekonwencjonalnych mieszanin podatnego na krystalizację i termosieciowanie kauczuku chloroprenowego (CR) z częściowo uwodornionym (> 95 % mol) kauczukiem butadienowo-akrylonitrylowym (THNBR). Mieszaniny sporządzano stosując metodę reaktywnego przetwórstwa, połączonego z dynamicznym, selektywnym termosieciowaniem CR, a następnie sieciowania w temperaturze 433 K disiarczkiem tetrametylotiuramu (TMTD), w obecności ZnO. Zbadano kinetykę sieciowania oraz właściwości mechaniczne przy rozciąganiu oraz metodą mikroskopii sił atomowych (AFM) określono morfologię mieszanin, a na podstawie pęcznienia równowagowego w rozpuszczalnikach stopień ich usieciowania. Stwierdzono, że mieszaniny CR/THNBR, zawierające 25—45 phr uprzednio termousieciowanego CR, a następnie usieciowane za pomocą TMTD/ZnO, charakteryzują się wyższym stopniem usieciowania oraz większą wytrzymałością na rozciąganie niż mieszaniny zawierające tylko termousieciowany CR.The properties of unconventional elastomer blends of crystallizable and thermally crosslinkable chloroprene rubber (CR) with partially hydrogenated (> 95 mol %) acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (THNBR) were investigated. The blends were prepared by reactive processing combined with dynamic, selective thermal curing of CR and subsequent crosslinking with tetramethylthiuram disulfide (TMTD) and zinc oxide at 433 K. The crosslinking kinetics and tensile mechanical properties of the produced blends were studied. The morphology of blends was investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM) method and the degree of crosslinking was determined by equilibrium swelling in selected solvents. It has been found that CR/THNBR blends containing 25—45 phr thermally cured CR, subsequently crosslinked with TMTD/ZnO system are characterized by higher crosslinking degree and higher tensile strength than CR/THNBR blends with only thermally cured CR