1,871 research outputs found

    R-Functions and WA-Systems of Functions in Modern Information Technologies

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    The review report consists of five parts. It describes the main physical applications of atomic, WA-systems and R-functions

    Crisis Identification and Development of Crisis Management Algorithm in the Agricultural Sector

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    The efficiency of many enterprises has declined significantly in the current global crisis. Enterprise management is the management of joint activities of people, which consists of many problems. The primary tactical tasks for most business entities are “patching holes” (or a reactive form of management) and preventing bankruptcy. This approach does not allow to achieve sustainable operation of the enterprise in the long term. Therefore, the formation of an effective mechanism for managing enterprises is acquiring special significance in today's conditions. The crisis is characterized by many interrelated situations that increase the complexity and risk of management. The problem of evaluating the effectiveness of enterprises is still one of the most complex and intractable. The crisis is objectively characterized by many interrelated situations that increase the complexity and risk of management. The crisis state of the enterprise is particularly difficult in predicting the results of management actions, since the course of events can be changed by relatively small impacts. Based on this, the company should be able to analyze both its own interests and the interests of business partners with whom the company enters into economic relations. There is such a problem as low management competence in the agricultural sector. In this regard, the development of enterprises becomes an urgent problem. This can be achieved by forming a scientifically based algorithm of actions aimed at improving the position of enterprises in the market. The subject of the study is the formation of a crisis identification system and the development of an enterprise crisis management algorithm. The theoretical and practical significance of solving problems associated with achieving sustainable development and functioning of enterprises determined the choice of goals, objectives, object and subject of this study. Based on the foregoing, the object of study is industrial (processing) agricultural enterprises. The research task is to propose a set of measures to overcome the crisis in the processing industrial enterprise. A set of measures has been proposed and justified to overcome the crisis in an industrial enterprise, which will help in managing the economic entity and the result of the implementation of this approach should be overcoming the crisis. The proposed measures can be applied not only by industrial processing enterprises, but also by other economic entities

    Cybersecurity of the network perimeter of the critical information infrastructure object

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    The purpose of this paper is an analytical pre-project study of possible technological aspects of countering external computer attacks on critical network infrastructure. This will make it possible to specify the tasks for further resolving this problem in the aspect of developing the necessary software and hardware. The practical implementation of such tasks is an urgent and rather unconventional problem due to various factors of change in the classical concept of the network perimeter as a physical boundary of the information infrastructure, which becomes virtual and, therefore, requires the use of new approaches to the development of technical solutions. Based on statistical data on the number and quality of computer incidents, the study provides a justification for the relevance of the above problem, and gives an overview of widely used technical means for protecting the classic network perimeter, such as firewalls and systems for detecting attacks and intrusions. A comparative analysis of modern technological trends in their development, referred to in publications as «Threat Detection and Response», «Extended Detection and Response», is carried out. However, despite the powerful software and hardware functionality of these solutions, their common drawback is indicated as the lack of adequate counteraction to computer attacks with a remote mode of the user work. In this regard, the latest concept of virtual network perimeter protection, referred to by the authors as «Cybersecurity Mesh» («cybersecurity network»), is detailed. It is this methodology that seems to be the most promising for the development of appropriate technological solutions to ensure the cybersecurity of the perimeter of the critical information infrastructure. The paper might be useful to specialists working on the security of critical information infrastructure facilities, as well as to employees of educational classes in the implementation of appropriate training, retraining and advanced training programs for such specialists

    Technological platform for the implementation of the cybersecurity network concept ("Cybersecurity Mesh")

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    An analytical review of methods and modern means of countering computer attacks on distributed information infrastructure shows that one of the promising solutions to this problem is the practical implementation of the concept of "Cybersecurity Mesh" (cybersecurity networks"). It involves the application of such an approach that will eliminate specific threats associated with the actual "blurring" of the physical boundaries of the corporate information system by switching to point protection of any remote object. To provide the necessary functionality for such a reliable and secure connection of critical information infrastructure (CII) objects, it is proposed to use a single cloud platform combining several well-known and already used solutions as the technological basis of a cybersecurity network. These include: 5G standard mobile communications, Secure Access Border Service (SASE) and Advanced Detection and Response Service (XDR). This paper analyzes the features of these main elements of such a platform in relation to the implementation of the concept of a distributed CII cybersecurity network in terms of the implementation of its functionality. Further, the issues of the necessary software restructuring of the corporate segment of the Internet in the conditions of the impossibility of full control of its physical infrastructure are considered. Such a task is solved by creating an appropriate cyber level on top of the traditional Internet infrastructure, technologically implemented on the basis of its three main components: cyber control, cyber node and trust node. Functional requirements for these components are described in detail, as well as technological modular solutions for the transition to point protection of each CII object. The obtained results of the conducted research can become a methodological basis for the transition to the design stage of a specific corporate cybersecurity network after the mandatory feasibility study based on risk analysis, since the practical implementation of the analyzed proposals is a complex and expensive process, especially if the necessary restructuring of existing network security systems

    Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Fluxes: New Constraints and Implications

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    We apply new upper limits on neutrino fluxes and the diffuse extragalactic component of the GeV gamma-ray flux to various scenarios for ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos. As a result we find that extra-galactic top-down sources can not contribute significantly to the observed flux of highest energy cosmic rays. The Z-burst mechanism where ultra-high energy neutrinos produce cosmic rays via interactions with relic neutrinos is practically ruled out if cosmological limits on neutrino mass and clustering apply.Comment: 10 revtex pages, 9 postscript figure


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    HighlightsFor the first time, the incidence and timing of the development of postoperative pneumonia in patients undergoing surgical reconstruction of the aortic arch in the post-covid period were studied. Risk factors for pneumonia and predictors of the severe course of the disease in this cohort of patients were identified. The results obtained will make it possible to differentiate patients at risk of developing pneumonia from the general population of patients undergoing surgical reconstruction of the aortic arch for targeted perioperative prevention of this complication. AbstractAim. To study the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia (NP) after aortic arch surgery, and to determine the impact of perioperative factors on the risk for its development and severity of its course.Methods. A retrospective analysis of 66 case histories of patients who underwent aortic arch surgery in 2022 was carried out. The incidence and timing of the development of pneumonia were revealed, the severity of its course was assessed. The impact of the main demographic, clinical, perioperative factors on the risk for the pneumonia development and the severity of its course was studied.Results. The incidence of pneumonia after aortic arch surgery was 24.2%. A relationship between smoking (OR 1.17; 95% CI [0.23; 1.43], p = 0.007), smoking index (OR 0.99; 95% CI [0.92; 1.07], p = 0.002) and the risk of NP developing as well as between the duration of mechanical ventilation and the severity of NP was found with a univariate logistic regression analysis (OR 1.26; 95% CI [1.0; 1.59], p = 0.049).Conclusion. The risk for NP development in patients who underwent thoracic aortic surgery is associated with smoking and smoking intensity in the preoperative period. The predictor of the severe course of NP is the duration of mechanical ventilation.Основные положенияВпервые изучены частота и сроки развития послеоперационной пневмонии у пациентов, перенесших хирургическую реконструкцию дуги аорты, в постковидный период. Выявлены факторы риска пневмонии и предикторы ее тяжелого течения у этой когорты больных. Полученные результаты позволят выделить из общей популяции пациентов, оперируемых на дуге аорты, больных группы риска развития пневмонии для целенаправленной периоперационной профилактики данного осложнения. РезюмеЦель исследования. Изучить частоту возникновения нозокомиальной пневмонии (НП) после хирургической реконструкции дуги аорты, определить влияние периоперационных факторов на риск ее развития и тяжесть течения.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ 66 историй болезней пациентов, перенесших хирургическую реконструкцию дуги аорты в 2022 г. Выявлены частота и сроки развития НП. Изучено влияние основных демографических, клинических, периоперационных факторов на риск развития и тяжесть течения пневмонии.Результаты. Частота развития пневмонии после хирургической реконструкции дуги аорты составила 24,2%. Обнаружена взаимосвязь курения (отношение шансов (ОШ) 1,17, 95% доверительный интервал (ДИ) 0,23–1,43, p = 0,007) и индекса курения (ОШ 0,99, 95% ДИ 0,92–1,07, p = 0,002) с риском развития НП и взаимосвязь продолжительности искусственной вентиляции легких с тяжестью течения НП в однофакторном логистическом регрессионном анализе (ОШ 1,26, 95% ДИ 1,0–1,59, p = 0,049).Заключение. Риск развития НП у пациентов, подвергнутых оперативному лечению патологии грудного отдела аорты, связан с фактом курения и его интенсивностью в дооперационном периоде. Предиктором тяжелого течения НП выступает продолжительность искусственной вентиляции легких

    Simulation and sensitivities for a phased IceCube-Gen2 deployment

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    Mechanical design of the optical modules intended for IceCube-Gen2

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    IceCube-Gen2 is an expansion of the IceCube neutrino observatory at the South Pole that aims to increase the sensitivity to high-energy neutrinos by an order of magnitude. To this end, about 10,000 new optical modules will be installed, instrumenting a fiducial volume of about 8 km3. Two newly developed optical module types increase IceCube’s current sensitivity per module by a factor of three by integrating 16 and 18 newly developed four-inch PMTs in specially designed 12.5-inch diameter pressure vessels. Both designs use conical silicone gel pads to optically couple the PMTs to the pressure vessel to increase photon collection efficiency. The outside portion of gel pads are pre-cast onto each PMT prior to integration, while the interiors are filled and cast after the PMT assemblies are installed in the pressure vessel via a pushing mechanism. This paper presents both the mechanical design, as well as the performance of prototype modules at high pressure (70 MPa) and low temperature (−40∘C), characteristic of the environment inside the South Pole ice

    A next-generation optical sensor for IceCube-Gen2

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    The next generation neutrino telescope: IceCube-Gen2

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    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a cubic-kilometer-scale neutrino detector at the geographic South Pole, has reached a number of milestones in the field of neutrino astrophysics: the discovery of a high-energy astrophysical neutrino flux, the temporal and directional correlation of neutrinos with a flaring blazar, and a steady emission of neutrinos from the direction of an active galaxy of a Seyfert II type and the Milky Way. The next generation neutrino telescope, IceCube-Gen2, currently under development, will consist of three essential components: an array of about 10,000 optical sensors, embedded within approximately 8 cubic kilometers of ice, for detecting neutrinos with energies of TeV and above, with a sensitivity five times greater than that of IceCube; a surface array with scintillation panels and radio antennas targeting air showers; and buried radio antennas distributed over an area of more than 400 square kilometers to significantly enhance the sensitivity of detecting neutrino sources beyond EeV. This contribution describes the design and status of IceCube-Gen2 and discusses the expected sensitivity from the simulations of the optical, surface, and radio components