57 research outputs found

    String Representation of Field Correlators in the SU(3)-Gluodynamics

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    The string representation of the Abelian projected SU(3)-gluodynamics partition function is derived by using the path-integral duality transformation. On this basis, we also derive analogous representations for the generating functionals of correlators of gluonic field strength tensors and monopole currents, which are finally applied to the evaluation of the corresponding bilocal correlators. The large distance asymptotic behaviours of the latter turn out to be in a good agreement with existing lattice data and the Stochastic Model of the QCD vacuum.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2e, no figure

    FQHE interferometers in strong tunneling regime. The role of compactness of edge fields

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    We consider multiple-point tunneling in the interferometers formed between edges of electron liquids with in general different filling factors in the regime of the Fractional Quantum Hall effect (FQHE). We derive an effective matrix Caldeira-Leggett models for the multiple tunneling contacts connected by the chiral single-mode FQHE edges. It is shown that the compactness of the Wen- Fr\"ohlich chiral boson fields describing the FQHE edge modes plays a crucial role in eliminating the spurious non-locality of the electron transport properties of the FQHE interferometers arising in the regime of strong tunneling.Comment: 5 page

    Testing Nonperturbative Ansaetze for the QCD Field Strength Correlator

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    A test for the Gaussian and exponential Ansaetze for the nonperturbative parts of the coefficient functions, D^{nonpert.} and D_1^{nonpert.}, which parametrize the gauge-invariant bilocal correlator of the field strength tensors in the stochastic vacuum model of QCD, is proposed. It is based on the evaluation of the heavy-quark condensate within this model by making use of the world-line formalism and equating the obtained result to the one following directly from the QCD Lagrangian. This yields a certain relation between D^{nonpert.}(0) and D_1^{nonpert.}(0), which is further compared with an analogous relation between these quantities known from the existing lattice data. Such a comparison leads to the conclusion that at the distances smaller than the correlation length of the vacuum, Gaussian Ansatz is more suitable than the exponential one.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e, 1 table, no figure

    Entanglement Entropy in Critical Phenomena and Analogue Models of Quantum Gravity

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    A general geometrical structure of the entanglement entropy for spatial partition of a relativistic QFT system is established by using methods of the effective gravity action and the spectral geometry. A special attention is payed to the subleading terms in the entropy in different dimensions and to behaviour in different states. It is conjectured, on the base of relation between the entropy and the action, that in a fundamental theory the ground state entanglement entropy per unit area equals 1/(4GN)1/(4G_N), where GNG_N is the Newton constant in the low-energy gravity sector of the theory. The conjecture opens a new avenue in analogue gravity models. For instance, in higher dimensional condensed matter systems, which near a critical point are described by relativistic QFT's, the entanglement entropy density defines an effective gravitational coupling. By studying the properties of this constant one can get new insights in quantum gravity phenomena, such as the universality of the low-energy physics, the renormalization group behavior of GNG_N, the statistical meaning of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: 13 pages, published version, minor changes in the abstract, new reference

    Haldane limits via Lagrangian embeddings

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    In the present paper we revisit the so-called Haldane limit, i.e. a particular continuum limit, which leads from a spin chain to a sigma model. We use the coherent state formulation of the path integral to reduce the problem to a semiclassical one, which leads us to the observation that the Haldane limit is closely related to a Lagrangian embedding into the classical phase space of the spin chain. Using this property, we find a spin chain whose limit produces a relativistic sigma model with target space the manifold of complete flags U(N)/U(1)^N. We discuss possible other future applications of Lagrangian/isotropic embeddings in this context.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Spinor and Isospinor Structure of Relativistic Particle Propagators

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    Representations by means of path integrals are used to find spinor and isospinor structure of relativistic particle propagators in external fields. For Dirac propagator in an external electromagnetic field all grassmannian integrations are performed and a general result is presented via a bosonic path integral. The spinor structure of the integrand is given explicitly by its decomposition in the independent γ\gamma-matrix structures. Similar technique is used to get the isospinor structure of the scalar particle propagator in an external non-Abelian field.Comment: 9 pages, Preprint IC/93/197 Triest

    Deconfining phase transition in the 3D Georgi-Glashow model with finite Higgs-boson mass

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    The (2+1)D Georgi-Glashow model is explored at finite temperature in the regime when the Higgs boson is not infinitely heavy. The resulting Higgs-mediated interaction of monopoles leads to the appearance of a certain upper bound for the parameter of the weak-coupling approximation. Namely, when this bound is exceeded, the cumulant expansion used for the average over the Higgs field breaks down. The finite-temperature deconfining phase transition with the account for the same Higgs-mediated interaction of monopoles is further analysed. It is demonstrated that in the general case, accounting for this interaction leads to the existence of two distinct phase transitions separated by the temperature region where W-bosons exist in both, molecular and plasma, phases. The dependence of possible ranges of the critical temperatures corresponding to these phase transitions on the parameters of the Georgi-Glashow model is discussed. The difference in the RG behaviour of the fugacity of W-bosons from the respective behaviour of this quantity in the compact-QED limit of the model is finally pointed out.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Gauge-invariant formulation of the d=3 Yang-Mills theory

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    We write down the Yang-Mills partition function and the average Wilson loop in terms of local gauge-invariant variables being the six components of the metric tensor of dual space. The Wilson loop becomes the trace of the parallel transporter in curved space, else called the gravitational holonomy. We show that the external coordinates mapping the 3d curved space into a flat 6d space play the role of glueball fields, and there is a natural mechanism for the mass gap generation.Comment: 7 page

    Loop corrections to the sphaleron transition rate in the minimal standard model

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    The baryon number dissipation rate due to sphaleron transitions at high temperatures in the minimal standard model is evaluated. We find that this rate can be considerably suppressed by one loop contributions of bosonic and fermionic fluctuations which are particularly important for a small mass of the Higgs boson and a large top quark mass. Fixing the latter to its recently stated value of 174 GeV the complete erasure of the baryon asymmetry is prevented within the framework of the minimal standard model if the Higgs mass is less than about 66 GeV.Comment: 11 pages (LaTex) plus 2 figures (uuencoded postscript files); RUB-TPII-05/9