13 research outputs found

    Paleolinguistics brings more light on the earliest history of the traditional Eurasian pulse crops

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    Traditional pulse crops such as pea, lentil, field bean, bitter vetch, chickpea and common vetch originate from Middle East, Mediterranean and Central Asia^1^. They were a part of human diets in hunter-gatherers communities^2^ and are one of the most ancient cultivated crops^3,4^. Europe has always been rich in languages^5^, with individual families still preserving common vocabularies related to agriculture^6,7^. The evidence on the early pulse history witnessed by the attested roots in diverse Eurasian proto-languages remains insufficiently clarified and its potential for supporting archaeobotanical findings is still non-assessed. Here we show that the paleolinguistic research may contribute to archaeobotany in understanding the role traditional Eurasian pulse crops had in the everyday life of ancient Europeans. It was found that the Proto-Indo-European language^8,9^ had the largest number of roots directly related to pulses, such as *arnk(')- (a leguminous plant), *bhabh- (field bean), *erəgw[h]- (a kernel of leguminous plant; pea), *ghArs- (a leguminous plant), *kek-, *k'ik'- (pea) and *lent- (lentil)^10,11,12^, numerous words subsequently related to pulses^13,14^ and borrowings from one branch to another^15^, confirming their essential place in the nutrition of Proto-Indo-Europeans^16,17,18^. It was also determined that pea was the most important among Proto-Uralic people^19,20,21^, while pea and lentil were the most significant in the agriculture of Proto-Altaic people^22,23,24^. Pea and bean were most common among Caucasians^25,26^, Basques^27,28^ and their hypothetical common forefathers^29^ and bean and lentil among the Afro-Asiatic ancestors of modern Maltese^30^. Our results demonstrate that pulses were common among the ancestors of present European nations and that paleolinguistics and its lexicological and etymological analysis may be useful in better understanding the earliest days of traditional Eurasian crops. We believe our results could be a basis for advanced multidisciplinary approach to the pulse crop domestication, involving plant scientists, archaeobotanists and linguists, and for reconstructing even earlier periods of pulse history

    Low-dose adenosine stress echocardiography: Detection of myocardial viability

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic potential of low-dose adenosine stress echocardiography in detection of myocardial viability. BACKGROUND: Vasodilation through low dose dipyridamole infusion may recruit contractile reserve by increasing coronary flow or by increasing levels of endogenous adenosine. METHODS: Forty-three patients with resting dyssynergy, due to previous myocardial infarction, underwent low-dose adenosine (80, 100, 110 mcg/kg/min in 3 minutes intervals) echocardiography test. Gold standard for myocardial viability was improvement in systolic thickening of dyssinergic segments of ≥ 1 grade at follow-up. Coronary angiography was done in 41 pts. Twenty-seven patients were revascularized and 16 were medically treated. Echocardiographic follow up data (12 ± 2 months) were available in 24 revascularized patients. RESULTS: Wall motion score index improved from rest 1.55 ± 0.30 to 1.33 ± 0.26 at low-dose adenosine (p < 0.001). Of the 257 segments with baseline dyssynergy, adenosine echocardiography identified 122 segments as positive for viability, and 135 as necrotic since no improvement of systolic thickening was observed. Follow-up wall motion score index was 1.31 ± 0.30 (p < 0.001 vs. rest). The sensitivity of adenosine echo test for identification of viable segments was 87%, while specificity was 95%, and diagnostic accuracy 90%. Positive and negative predictive values were 97% and 80%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Low-dose adenosine stress echocardiography test has high diagnostic potential for detection of myocardial viability in the group of patients with left ventricle dysfunction due to previous myocardial infarction. Low dose adenosine stress echocardiography may be adequate alternative to low-dose dobutamine test for evaluation of myocardial viability

    Comparison of exercise, dobutamine-atropine and dipyridamole-atropine stress echocardiography in detecting coronary artery disease

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    BACKGROUND: Dipyridamole and dobutamine stress echocardiography testing are most widely utilized, but their sensitivity remained suboptimal in comparison to routine exercise stress echocardiography. The aim of our study is to compare, head-to-head, exercise, dobutamine and dipyridamole stress echocardiography tests, performed with state-of-the-art protocols in a large scale prospective group of patients. METHODS: Dipyridamole-atropine (Dipatro: 0.84 mg/kg over 10 min i.v. dipyridamole with addition of up to 1 mg of atropine), dobutamine-atropine (Dobatro: up to 40 mcg/kg/min i.v. dobutamine with addition of up to 1 mg of atropine) and exercise (Ex, Bruce) were performed in 166 pts. Of them, 117 pts without resting wall motion abnormalities were enrolled in study (91 male; mean age 54 ± 10 years; previous non-transmural myocardial infarction in 32 pts, angina pectoris in 69 pts and atypical chest pain in 16 pts). Tests were performed in random sequence, in 3 different days, within 5 day period under identical therapy. All patients underwent coronary angiography. RESULTS: Significant coronary artery disease (CAD; ≥50% diameter stenosis) was present in 69 pts (57 pts 1-vessel CAD, 12 multivessel CAD) and absent in 48 pts. Sensitivity (Sn) was 96%, 93% and 90%, whereas specificity (Sp) was 92%, 92% and 87% for Dobatro, Dipatro and Ex, respectively (p = ns). Concomitant beta blocker therapy did not influence peak rate-pressure product and Sn of Dobatro and Dipatro (p = ns). CONCLUSION: When state-of-the-art protocols are used, dipyridamole and dobutamine stress echocardiography have comparable and high diagnostic accuracy, similar to maximal post-exercise treadmill stress echocardiography

    Electrical characteristics of Er doped BaTiO3 ceramics

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    In this study, the electrical resistivity (ρ) and PTC effect of Er doped BaTiO3 ceramics are investigated. The concentrations of Er2O3 in the doped samples vary from 0.01 to 1.0 at% Er. The samples are prepared by the conventional solid state reaction, and sintered at 1320° and 1350°C in air atmosphere for 4 hours. The SEM analysis shows that all of measured samples are characterized by polygonal grains. The uniform and homogeneous microstructure with grain sizes from 20 to 45μm is the main characteristic of the low doped samples (0.01 and 0.1 at% Er). For the samples doped with the higher dopant concentration (0.5 and 1.0 at%) the average grains sizes have been ranged from 5 to 10 μm. The electrical resistivity is measured in the temperature range from 25°C to 170°C, at frequencies 1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz. The electrical resistivity values, measured at frequency of 1 kHz and room temperature, have been ranged from 1.62•104 Ωcm to 4.24∙104 Ωcm, for samples sintered at 1320°C and from 1.43•104 Ωcm to 1.94∙104 Ωcm, for samples sintered at 1350°C. A nearly flat and stable electrical resistivity-temperature response is characteristic for all samples at the temperature range from 25°C to 120°C. Above this temperature, the electrical resistivity increases rapidly. At 170°C the value of electrical resistivity is ranged 9.84•104 Ωcm -1.62•105 Ωcm, for Tsin=1320°C, and 6.11•104 Ωcm 1.32•105 Ωcm, for Tsin=1350°C. The electrical resistivity decreases with concentration increment up to 0.5 at%, while above 0.5 at% it increases. Also, with increasing frequency, ρ decreases for a few orders of magnitude. [172057: Directed synthesis, structure and properties of multifunctional materials

    Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve Using Dobutamine Test for Noninvasive Functional Assessment of Myocardial Bridging

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    Background: It has been shown that coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) measurement by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTDE) during dobutamine (DOB) provocation provides a more accurate functional evaluation of myocardial bridging (MB) compared to adenosine. However; the cut-off value of CFVR during DOB for identification of MB associated with myocardial ischemia has not been fully clarified. Purpose: This prospective study aimed to determine the cut-off value of TTDE-CFVR during DOB in patients with isolated-MB, as compared with stress-induced wall motion abnormalities (VMA) during exercise stress-echocardiography (SE) as reference. Methods: Eighty-one symptomatic patients (55 males [68%], mean age 56 &plusmn; 10 years; range: 27&ndash;74 years) with the existence of isolated-MB on the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and systolic MB-compression &ge;50% diameter stenosis (DS) were eligible to participate in the study. Each patient underwent treadmill exercise-SE, invasive coronary angiography, and TTDE-CFVR measurements in the distal segment of LAD during DOB infusion (DOB: 10&ndash;40 &mu;g/kg/min). Using quantitative coronary angiography, both minimal luminal diameter (MLD) and percent DS at MB-site at end-systole and end-diastole were determined. Results: Stress-induced myocardial ischemia with the occurrence of WMA was found in 23 patients (28%). CFVR during peak DOB was significantly lower in the SE-positive group compared with the SE-negative group (1.94 &plusmn; 0.16 vs. 2.78 &plusmn; 0.53; p &lt; 0.001). ROC analyses identified the optimal CFVR cut-off value &le; 2.1 obtained during high-dose dobutamine (&gt;20 &micro;g/kg/min) for the identification of MB associated with stress-induced WMA, with a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of 96%, 95%, 88%, and 98%, respectively (AUC 0.986; 95% CI: 0.967&ndash;1.000; p &lt; 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that MLD and percent DS, both at end-diastole, were the only independent predictors of ischemic CFVR values &le;2.1 (OR: 0.023; 95% CI: 0.001&ndash;0.534; p = 0.019; OR: 1.147; 95% CI: 1.042&ndash;1.263; p = 0.005; respectively). Conclusions: Noninvasive CFVR during dobutamine provocation appears to be an additional and important noninvasive tool to determine the functional severity of isolated-MB. A transthoracic CFVR cut-off &le;2.1 measured at a high-dobutamine dose may be adequate for detecting myocardial ischemia in patients with isolated-MB

    Hemodynamic Heterogeneity of Reduced Cardiac Reserve Unmasked by Volumetric Exercise Echocardiography

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    Background: Two-dimensional volumetric exercise stress echocardiography (ESE) provides an integrated view of left ventricular (LV) preload reserve through end-diastolic volume (EDV) and LV contractile reserve (LVCR) through end-systolic volume (ESV) changes. Purpose: To assess the dependence of cardiac reserve upon LVCR, EDV, and heart rate (HR) during ESE. Methods: We prospectively performed semi-supine bicycle or treadmill ESE in 1344 patients (age 59.8 ± 11.4 years; ejection fraction = 63 ± 8%) referred for known or suspected coronary artery disease. All patients had negative ESE by wall motion criteria. EDV and ESV were measured by biplane Simpson rule with 2-dimensional echocardiography. Cardiac index reserve was identified by peak-rest value. LVCR was the stress-rest ratio of force (systolic blood pressure by cuff sphygmomanometer/ESV, abnormal values ≤2.0). Preload reserve was defined by an increase in EDV. Cardiac index was calculated as stroke volume index * HR (by EKG). HR reserve (stress/rest ratio) <1.85 identified chronotropic incompetence. Results: Of the 1344 patients, 448 were in the lowest tertile of cardiac index reserve with stress. Of them, 303 (67.6%) achieved HR reserve <1.85; 252 (56.3%) had an abnormal LVCR and 341 (76.1%) a reduction of preload reserve, with 446 patients (99.6%) showing ≥1 abnormality. At binary logistic regression analysis, reduced preload reserve (odds ratio [OR]: 5.610; 95% confidence intervals [CI]: 4.025 to 7.821), chronotropic incompetence (OR: 3.923, 95% CI: 2.915 to 5.279), and abnormal LVCR (OR: 1.579; 95% CI: 1.105 to 2.259) were independently associated with lowest tertile of cardiac index reserve at peak stress. Conclusions: Heart rate assessment and volumetric echocardiography during ESE identify the heterogeneity of hemodynamic phenotypes of impaired chronotropic, preload or LVCR underlying a reduced cardiac reserve

    Management of coronary disease in patients with advanced kidney disease

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    BACKGROUND Clinical trials that have assessed the effect of revascularization in patients with stable coronary disease have routinely excluded those with advanced chronic kidney disease. METHODS We randomly assigned 777 patients with advanced kidney disease and moderate or severe ischemia on stress testing to be treated with an initial invasive strategy consisting of coronary angiography and revascularization (if appropriate) added to medical therapy or an initial conservative strategy consisting of medical therapy alone and angiography reserved for those in whom medical therapy had failed. The primary outcome was a composite of death or nonfatal myocardial infarction. A key secondary outcome was a composite of death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or hospitalization for unstable angina, heart failure, or resuscitated cardiac arrest. RESULTS At a median follow-up of 2.2 years, a primary outcome event had occurred in 123 patients in the invasive-strategy group and in 129 patients in the conservative-strategy group (estimated 3-year event rate, 36.4% vs. 36.7%; adjusted hazard ratio, 1.01; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.79 to 1.29; P=0.95). Results for the key secondary outcome were similar (38.5% vs. 39.7%; hazard ratio, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.79 to 1.29). The invasive strategy was associated with a higher incidence of stroke than the conservative strategy (hazard ratio, 3.76; 95% CI, 1.52 to 9.32; P=0.004) and with a higher incidence of death or initiation of dialysis (hazard ratio, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.04 to 2.11; P=0.03). CONCLUSIONS Among patients with stable coronary disease, advanced chronic kidney disease, and moderate or severe ischemia, we did not find evidence that an initial invasive strategy, as compared with an initial conservative strategy, reduced the risk of death or nonfatal myocardial infarction