115 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of chicken meat produced in extensive indoor and free range rearing systems

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    The present study involves the analysis of the chemical composition of white meat (breast muscles) and dark meat (leg muscles) of broilers in extensive indoor and free range systems. The length of fattening period was 56 days. At 56 days of age, 6 male and 6 female broilers were randomly selected from each rearing system and slaughtered. Cooled carcasses were dissected into primal cuts. Breast and leg muscle (thigh and drumstick) samples were used for chemical analyses. The obtained resultssuggested that free range rearing system was more favourable than extensive indoor system, as it resulted in a significantly higher protein content and a lower fat content of white and dark chicken meat. Female broilers produced a higher fat content and a somewhat lower protein content as compared to males.Keywords: Chemical composition, chicken meat, rearing system, se

    Influence of Blood and Milk Selenium Concentration on Somatic Cell Count in Early and Mid Lactation

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of selenium concentration in blood and milk in early lactation on somatic cell count. The average selenium concentration in the blood serum was 0.62 ± 0.11 μmol/l and in the milk serum 0.61 ± 0.07 μmol/l. Optimal blood selenium concentrations were found in 19 cows and suboptimal concentrations in 11 cows. Optimal milk selenium concentration was found in 14 cows and suboptimal in 16 cows. The average milk production per cow was 23.12 ± 3.1 liters / day and the average somatic cell count in the first and sixth months of lactation was 5.34 ± 5 (log transformed) and 5.12 ± 4.9, respectively. Blood selenium concentration correlated negatively with milk somatic cell count in early and mid lactation. The classification of cows based on blood selenium concentration gave results which suggested that selenium-deficient cows had a significantly higher somatic cell count in early lactation (the first month) and mid lactation (the sixth month). Blood selenium is an important predictor of milk somatic cell count. Somatic cell count in milk is not dependent upon selenium concentration in milk or interaction blood×milk selenium. Selenium concentration is not in connection with milk production

    Congenital Malformations of the Female Genital Tract: a Review of Available Classification Systems

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    Congenital malformations of the female genital tract are being diagnosed more frequently due to advances in imaging techniques. A broad international consensus on their classification is still lacking. This paper aimed to comparatively summarize the most frequently and widely used, as well as the most recently developed classification systems of congenital female genital malformations. A non-systematic review was done through a search on major databases with the medical subject heading (MeSH) term ‘‘congenital abnormalities” in combination with ‘‘classification” and ‘‘female genitalia”. All available systems, including, among others, the American Fertility Society Classification (1988), the Acien and Acien classification (1992, 2004), the VCUAM system (2005), the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology - European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy classification (2013), the Congenital Uterine Malformation Experts (CUME) group recommendations, and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Classification (2021) possess the advantages and disadvantages listed in this article. Regarding the most common situations, the criteria for differentiating physiologic arcuate and discrete partial septate uteri vary widely between classifications, while difficulties also persist with the rarer complex abnormalities that cannot be easily classified, contributing to a gap in clinical and research protocols. The main factor compromising any attempt to reach an ideal classification system is the lack of evidence-based data, justifying the need for comparative multicenter international randomized control trials in this field. Pending new research data and a broad international consensus, it seems essential for adequate patient orientation to describe each detected malformation in detail and to correlate it with the clinical presentation, regardless the type of classification used.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relationship Between Endocrine Profile, Energy Balance and Milk Yield in Dairy Cows During Lactation

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate relationship between endocrine profile with energy balance (EB) and milk yield (MY) in Simmental dairy cows during lactation. Fifteen late pregnant cows, 15 early lactation cows and 15 mid lactation cows were chosen for the analysis. Blood samples were collected to measure growth hormone (GH), insulin, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Early lactation cows were found to have higher blood serum concentrations of GH (p0.05), T3 (p0.05) compared to dry and mid lactation cows. Insulin and thyroid hormones were in positive correlation with EB (p<0.05), and in negative correlation with MY (nonsignificant). GH was in positive correlation with MY (p<0.05), but in negative correlation with EB (nonsignificant). Relationship between hormones showed significant positive correlation between insulin and thyroid hormones. These relations are not principaly determinated by EB or MY. Negative correlations between insulin or thyroid hormones with GH were observed. These relations are principaly determinated by EB or MY

    Conservative Management of Asymptomatic Adnexal Masses Classified as Benign by the IOTA ADNEX Model: a Prospective Multicenter Portuguese Study

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    This prospective multicentric study aiming to determine the incidence of complications (malignant transformation, torsion or rupture) during conservative management of adnexal masses was performed in two Portuguese tertiary referral hospitals. It included ≥18-year-old, non-pregnant patients with asymptomatic adnexal masses (associated IOTA ADNEX risk of malignancy < 10%) sonographically diagnosed between January 2016 and December 2020. Conservative patient management consisted of serial clinical and ultrasound assessment up to 60 months of follow-up, spontaneous resolution of the formation or surgical excision (median follow-up: 17.8; range 9-48 months). From the 573 masses monitored (328 premenopausal and 245 postmenopausal adnexal masses), no complications were observed in 99.5%. The annual lesion growth rates and increases in morphological complexity were similar in the premenopausal and postmenopausal patients. Spontaneous resolution, evidenced in 16.4% of the patients, was more common in the premenopausal group (p < 0.05). Surgical intervention was performed in 18.4% of the cases; one borderline and one invasive FIGO IA stage cancer were diagnosed. There was an isolated case of ovary torsion (0.17%). These data support conservative management as a safe option for sonographically benign, stable and asymptomatic adnexal masses before and after menopause and highlight the need for expedite treatment of symptomatic or increased-morphological-complexity lesions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Koncentracija Сa,P i Mg u krvnom serumu jagnjadi hranjenih smešama sa različitim dodatkom preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita

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    This work has an aim to explore the effects of the product based on the natural zeolit during the fattening of the lambs and also the effects on contents of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in blood serum. The experiment lasted 15 days in the closed area of the Agricultural school in Kraljevo, and the lambs were divided into three groups of 15 lambs ( Control group –C, Experimental group E1 and E2). They were fed with sheep’s milk, concentrate for lambs’ fattening and meadow hay. The lambs in the experimental groups, in contrast to Control group, were fed with the different concentration of the preparation based on the natural zeolit (O1=1%, O2=1.5%), so that the manifested differences would be treated as the resault of the different concentration of the zeolit that was added to the lambs’ food.At the end of the experiment the differences in the parameters of the lambs’ blood serum were distinguished and especially in the concentration of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.Istraživanja u ovom radu postavljena su sa ciljem da se ispitaju efekti korišćenja preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita u ishrani jagnjadi u tovu kao i utvrđivanje efekata na sadržaj kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma u krvnom serumu. Ogled je izveden u trajanju od 90 dana, u zatvorenom objektu Poljoprivredne škole u Kraljevu, a eksperimentalne životinje su podeljene u tri grupe po 15. jagnjadi (Kontrolna-K i Ogledne-O1 i O2). Obrok se sastojao od ovčjeg mleka, koncentrata za tov jagnjadi i livadskog sena. Jagnjad oglednih grupa, za razliku od kontrolne, dobijala su različite koncentracije preparata na bazi prorodnog zeolita (O1=1%, O2=1.5%), kako bi se na taj način ispoljene razlike tretirale kao posledica sadržaja različite količine dodatog zeolita u hrani. Na kraju ogleda su utvrđene razlike u ispitivanim parametrima iz krvnog seruma jagnjadi i to u koncentraciji kalcijuma , fosfora i magnezijuma

    Uticaj minazela plus na proizvodne rezultate i ekonomicnost tova junica

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    This paper presents the effects of the Minazel Plus zeolite product on the production performance – body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion, and economic performance of heifers in a fattening trial. The trial involved 22 female domestic spotted Simmental calves allocated to two groups (control C - ration without zeolite, and experimental E-I – ration with 0.2% Minazel Plus), each containing 11 calves with an average body weight of 139.09 kg at the beginning of the trial. The length of the trial period was 283 days. Ration included meadow hay and complete feed. Minazel Plus supplementation was provided through the feed concentrate. The trial involved measurement of body weights of heifers and feed consumption across groups at 31, 61, 91, 121, 151 and 283 days of the trial. Results showed that, at the end of the trial, control heifers had an average body weight of 432.73 kg/calf and concentrate feed conversion of 5.234 kg/kg weight gain, whereas the respective values in E-I heifers were 435.91 kg/calf and 5.179 kg/kg weight gain. The cost of the weight gain produced was higher by 0.33% (0.31 RSD/kg) in C calves than in E-I heifers, whereas the economic performance of the experimental animals receiving diet with Minazel Plus (0.2%) was higher by 0.29%.U radu su prikazani efekti zeolitskog preparata Minazel Plus na proizvodne rezultate –telesnu masu, konzumaciju i konverziju hrane i ekonomičnost tova ženske junadi u tovu. U ogledu je bilo 22 ženske teladi domaće šarene rase u tipu simentalca, podeljih u dve grupe (K grupa, obrok bez zeolitskog preparata i O-I grupa hranjena obrokom sa 0,2% Minazela Plus) sa po 11 grla u grupi, prosečne telesne mase na početku ogleda 139,09kg. Ogled je trajao 283 dana. Obrok je bio sastavljen od livadskog sena i potpune smeše, a Minazel Plus je dodavan preko koncentrovanog dela obroka. U toku ogleda merene su telesne mase junica i konzumacija hrane po grupama 31-og, 61-og, 91-og, 121-og, 150-og i na kraju ogleda - 283 dana. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su junice iz kontrolne grupe na kraju ogleda imale prosečnu masu 432,73 kg/grlu i konverziju koncentrovane hrane 5,234 kg/kg prirasta, a grla iz O-I grupe prosečnu masu 435,91 kg/grlu i konverziju koncentrovane hrane 5,179 kg/kg prirasta. Cena koštanja proizvedenog prirasta bila je veća za 0,33% (0,31din/kg) kod K grupe u odnosu na O-I grupu, a u pogledu ekonomičnosti proizvodnje, ogledna grupa koja je obrokom dobijala Minazel-Plus (0,2%) imala je ekonomičniju proizvodnju za 0,29%

    Baryonic Generating Functions

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    We show how it is possible to use the plethystic program in order to compute baryonic generating functions that count BPS operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on the world volume of D branes probing a non compact CY manifold. Special attention is given to the conifold theory and the orbifold C^2/Z_2 times C, where exact expressions for generating functions are given in detail. This paper solves a long standing problem for the combinatorics of quiver gauge theories with baryonic moduli spaces. It opens the way to a statistical analysis of quiver theories on baryonic branches. Surprisingly, the baryonic charge turns out to be the quantized Kahler modulus of the geometry.Comment: 44 pages, 7 figures; fonts change

    Creating university spin-offs: A science-based design perspective

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    Academic entrepreneurship by means of university spin-offs commercializes technological breakthroughs, which may otherwise remain unexploited. However, many universities face difficulties in creating spin-offs. This article adopts a science-based design approach to connect scholarly research with the pragmatics of effectively creating university spin-offs. This approach serves to link the practice of university spin-off creation, via design principles, to the scholarly knowledge in this area. As such, science-based design promotes the interplay between emergent and deliberate design processes. This framework is used to develop a set of design principles that are practice based as well as grounded in the existing body of research on university spin-offs. A case-study of spin-off creation at a Dutch university illustrates the interplay between initial processes characterized by emergent design and the subsequent process that was more deliberate in nature. This case study also suggests there are two fundamentally different phases in building capacity for university spin-off creation. First, an infrastructure for spin-off creation (including a collaborative network of investors, managers and advisors) is developed that then enables support activities to individual spin-off ventures. This study concludes that to build and increase capacity for creating spin-offs, universities should do the following: (1) create university-wide awareness of entrepreneurship opportunities, stimulate the development of entrepreneurial ideas, and subsequently screen entrepreneurs and ideas by programs targeted at students and academic staff; (2) support start-up teams in composing and learning the right mix of venturing skills and knowledge by providing access to advice, coaching, and training; (3) help starters in obtaining access to resources and developing their social capital by creating a collaborative network organization of investors, managers, and advisors; (4) set clear and supportive rules and procedures that regulate the university spin-off process, enhance fair treatment of involved parties, and separate spin-off processes from academic research and teaching; and (5) shape a university culture that reinforces academic entrepreneurship by creating norms and exemplars that motivate entrepreneurial behavior. These and other results of this study illustrate how science-based design can connect scholarly research to the pragmatics of actually creating spin-offs in academic institutions