Koncentracija Сa,P i Mg u krvnom serumu jagnjadi hranjenih smešama sa različitim dodatkom preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita


This work has an aim to explore the effects of the product based on the natural zeolit during the fattening of the lambs and also the effects on contents of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in blood serum. The experiment lasted 15 days in the closed area of the Agricultural school in Kraljevo, and the lambs were divided into three groups of 15 lambs ( Control group –C, Experimental group E1 and E2). They were fed with sheep’s milk, concentrate for lambs’ fattening and meadow hay. The lambs in the experimental groups, in contrast to Control group, were fed with the different concentration of the preparation based on the natural zeolit (O1=1%, O2=1.5%), so that the manifested differences would be treated as the resault of the different concentration of the zeolit that was added to the lambs’ food.At the end of the experiment the differences in the parameters of the lambs’ blood serum were distinguished and especially in the concentration of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.Istraživanja u ovom radu postavljena su sa ciljem da se ispitaju efekti korišćenja preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita u ishrani jagnjadi u tovu kao i utvrđivanje efekata na sadržaj kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma u krvnom serumu. Ogled je izveden u trajanju od 90 dana, u zatvorenom objektu Poljoprivredne škole u Kraljevu, a eksperimentalne životinje su podeljene u tri grupe po 15. jagnjadi (Kontrolna-K i Ogledne-O1 i O2). Obrok se sastojao od ovčjeg mleka, koncentrata za tov jagnjadi i livadskog sena. Jagnjad oglednih grupa, za razliku od kontrolne, dobijala su različite koncentracije preparata na bazi prorodnog zeolita (O1=1%, O2=1.5%), kako bi se na taj način ispoljene razlike tretirale kao posledica sadržaja različite količine dodatog zeolita u hrani. Na kraju ogleda su utvrđene razlike u ispitivanim parametrima iz krvnog seruma jagnjadi i to u koncentraciji kalcijuma , fosfora i magnezijuma

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