48 research outputs found

    Boko Haram,une situation de pauvreté des populations déplacées : Cas des sites de la Commune urbaine de Diffa

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    Quel est la place des déplacés victimes de Boko Haram dans la société de Diffa ? Cette question de recherche est secondée par l’hypothèse selon laquelle le conflit engendré par Boko Haram stimule la pauvreté dans la région de Diffa. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de démontrer le niveau de l’assistance maintenue par les humanitaires auprès des déplacés. L’étude a été réalisée suite à une enquête de terrain dans les sites d’hébergement des victimes du conflit. Les résultats de l’étude révèlent que le conflit a entrainé les déplacés dans une situation d’urgence et qui nécessite la participation de tous

    Effet de l’irradiation gamma des semences de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) sur la résistance au NaCl et l’accumulation de la proline dans les feuilles

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    L’objectif de cette expérience est de sélectionner des variétés de tomates (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) résistantes au NaCl grâce à l’irradiation gamma. Son but est d'évaluer l'effet de l’irradiation des graines de tomate sur leur résistance au NaCl et de confirmer celle-ci par l’évaluation de la concentration en proline contenue dans les feuilles des plantes régénérées. Des traitements gamma au cobalt 60 (60Co) ont été  appliqués sur des semences de tomate à la température ambiante. Quatre doses d’irradiation ont été appliquées sur les graines à savoir : 0 (témoins) ; 100 ; 150 ; et 200 gray (Gy) à une fréquence de 20 rad.min-1. Les graines ont ensuite été semées sur le milieu MS additionné de différentes concentrations de NaCl. Les résultats ont montré que la germination des graines a été affectée par l'addition du NaCl dans le milieu de culture. Avec l’ajout de 60 mM de sel dans le milieu de culture, une réduction de 50% du taux de germination chez les graines irradiées et non irradiées a été observée. A des concentrations en sel plus élevées (100 mM), seul quelques génotypes parmi les graines irradiées sont capables de germer mais avec un pourcentage de germination trop faible. La durée de germination est plus longue pour les graines irradiées que pour les témoins. 50% et 100% de jours supplémentaires sont nécessaires respectivement pour des concentrations de 60 et 100 mM de NaCl dans le milieu comparativement aux graines non irradiées. La concentration de proline contenue dans les feuilles des plantes régénérées a été  déterminée. Les doses d’irradiation appliquées sur les semences ont un effet sur l’accumulation de la proline dans les feuilles de tomate. En effet, le taux de proline augmente avec l’augmentation des doses de radiation.Mots clés: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, irradiation gamma, NaCl, proline

    Improving resilience to climate impacts in West Africa through improved availability, access and use of climate information: dialog with users

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    The stakeholder workshop on “Improving Resilience to Climate Impacts in West Africa Through Improved Availability, Access and Use of Climate Information: Dialogue With Users” was convened by the Centre Regional de Formation et d'Application en Agrométéorologie et Hydrologie Opérationnelle (AGRHYMET) in collaboration with the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) with funding and technical support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Stakeholders from six Permanent Inter-state Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) countries were invited, in addition to representatives of five river basin organizations and the African Center of Meteorological Application for Development (ACMAD). The three-day meeting in Niamey, Niger (January 21-23, 2014) was attended by 40 participants and facilitators. It consisted of five components: • Introduction to AGRHYMET’s latest climate data, tools, and information products; • Training on the use of the tools for data analysis and visualization; • Engagement on the concept of climate risk management in the different sectors; • Soliciting feedback and needs from participants, to assess the value of the available tools and products to users, and inform improvements that are most relevant to stakeholders; and • Exploration of an Advisory Group for improving Climate Services provided by the AGRHYMET Center. The workshop introduced and solicited feedback on data, products and decision-support tools launched to support improved resilience to climate impacts, across sectors, initially targeting the agriculture, water and disaster risk management communities

    Field evaluation of two rapid diagnostic tests for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A during the 2006 outbreak in Niger.

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    The Pastorex((R)) (BioRad) rapid agglutination test is one of the main rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for meningococcal disease currently in use in the "meningitis belt". Earlier evaluations, performed after heating and centrifugation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples, under good laboratory conditions, showed high sensitivity and specificity. However, during an epidemic, the test may be used without prior sample preparation. Recently a new, easy-to-use dipstick RDT for meningococcal disease detection on CSF was developed by the Centre de Recherche Médicale et Sanitaire in Niger and the Pasteur Institute in France. We estimate diagnostic accuracy in the field during the 2006 outbreak of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A in Maradi, Niger, for the dipstick RDT and Pastorex((R)) on unprepared CSF, (a) by comparing each test's sensitivity and specificity with previously reported values; and (b) by comparing results for each test on paired samples, using McNemar's test. We also (c) estimate diagnostic accuracy of the dipstick RDT on diluted whole blood. We tested unprepared CSF and diluted whole blood from 126 patients with suspected meningococcal disease presenting at four health posts. (a) Pastorex((R)) sensitivity (69%; 95%CI 57-79) was significantly lower than found previously for prepared CSF samples [87% (81-91); or 88% (85-91)], as was specificity [81% (95%CI 68-91) vs 93% (90-95); or 93% (87-96)]. Sensitivity of the dipstick RDT [89% (95%CI 80-95)] was similar to previously reported values for ideal laboratory conditions [89% (84-93) and 94% (90-96)]. Specificity, at 62% (95%CI 48-75), was significantly lower than found previously [94% (92-96) and 97% (94-99)]. (b) McNemar's test for the dipstick RDT vs Pastorex((R)) was statistically significant (p<0.001). (c) The dipstick RDT did not perform satisfactorily on diluted whole blood (sensitivity 73%; specificity 57%).Sensitivity and specificity of Pastorex((R)) without prior CSF preparation were poorer than previously reported results from prepared samples; therefore we caution against using this test during an epidemic if sample preparation is not possible. For the dipstick RDT, sensitivity was similar to, while specificity was not as high as previously reported during a more stable context. Further studies are needed to evaluate its field performance, especially for different populations and other serogroups

    Dermatomyosite avec atteinte cardiaque : A propos d’un cas observe au Senegal

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    Introduction : La dermatomyosite est une myopathie inflammatoire chronique caractérisée essentiellement par une faiblesse musculaire associée à des lésions cutanées caractéristiques.Cas clinique : Nous rapportons l‘observation d‘une patiente de 20 ans qui a présenté 6 mois auparavant une faiblesse musculaire d‘installation progressive associée à des troubles de la déglutition. L‘examen clinique retrouvait un déficit moteur des 4 membres à 1/5 en proximal et 3/5 en distal avec des lésions dermatologiques érythématosquameuses, et une tachyarythmie à l‘auscultation cardiaque. L‘électroneuromyogramme a montré des potentiels d‘unités motrices polyphasiques, d‘amplitude et de durée limitée, avec des vitesses de&nbsp; conduction nerveuse motrice et sensitive normales. L‘écho-Doppler cardiaque a montré une fraction d‘éjection systolique à 40%. Le dosage des enzymes musculaires révélait une élévation des CPK à 1200 UI/L, LDH à 1284 UI/L et des aldolases à 35 UI/L. Le diagnostic de dermatomyosite associée à une atteinte cardiaque a été&nbsp; retenu. La patiente a été traitée par corticothérapie avec une bonne évolution clinique.Conclusion : Notre observation souligne l‘intérêt de rechercher systématiquement une atteinte cardiaque chez les patients présentant un tableau de dermatomyosite. English title: Introduction : Dermatomyositis associated with cardiac involvement: A case observed in Senegal Background: Dermatomyositis is a chronic inflammatory myopathy characterized by muscle weakness associated with characteristic skin lesions.Case report: We report the case of a 20-year-old woman who presented 6 months before muscle weakness and swallowing disorders. Clinical examination showed a motor deficit of four limbs (1/5 proximal and 3/5 distal)&nbsp; with dermatological lesions and tachyarrhythmia in cardiac auscultation. Electromyography showed multiphase motor unit potentials, with decreased amplitude and duration, and normal motor and sensory nerve&nbsp;&nbsp; conduction velocities. Echocardiography showed a reduced left ventricular ejection of 40%. The dosage of the muscle enzymes revealed a high rate of Creatine Phosphokinase at 1200 IU/L, LDH at 1284 UI/L and aldolase at 35 UI/L. Diagnosis of dermatomyositis associated with cardiac involvement was retained. The patient was&nbsp;&nbsp; treated with steroids with a good clinical response.Conclusion: Our observation underlines the value of systematically looking at cardiac involvement in patients with dermatomyositis

    Meningitis Dipstick Rapid Test: Evaluating Diagnostic Performance during an Urban Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup A Outbreak, Burkina Faso, 2007

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    Meningococcal meningitis outbreaks occur every year during the dry season in the “meningitis belt” of sub-Saharan Africa. Identification of the causative strain is crucial before launching mass vaccination campaigns, to assure use of the correct vaccine. Rapid agglutination (latex) tests are most commonly available in district-level laboratories at the beginning of the epidemic season; limitations include a short shelf-life and the need for refrigeration and good technical skills. Recently, a new dipstick rapid diagnostic test (RDT) was developed to identify and differentiate disease caused by meningococcal serogroups A, W135, C and Y. We evaluated the diagnostic performance of this dipstick RDT during an urban outbreak of meningitis caused by N. meningitidis serogroup A in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; first against an in-country reference standard of culture and/or multiplex PCR; and second against culture and/or a highly sensitive nested PCR technique performed in Oslo, Norway. We included 267 patients with suspected acute bacterial meningitis. Using the in-country reference standard, 50 samples (19%) were positive. Dipstick RDT sensitivity (N = 265) was 70% (95%CI 55–82) and specificity 97% (95%CI 93–99). Using culture and/or nested PCR, 126/259 (49%) samples were positive; dipstick RDT sensitivity (N = 257) was 32% (95%CI 24–41), and specificity was 99% (95%CI 95–100). We found dipstick RDT sensitivity lower than values reported from (i) assessments under ideal laboratory conditions (>90%), and (ii) a prior field evaluation in Niger [89% (95%CI 80–95)]. Specificity, however, was similar to (i), and higher than (ii) [62% (95%CI 48–75)]. At this stage in development, therefore, other tests (e.g., latex) might be preferred for use in peripheral health centres. We highlight the value of field evaluations for new diagnostic tests, and note relatively low sensitivity of a reference standard using multiplex vs. nested PCR. Although the former is the current standard for bacterial meningitis surveillance in the meningitis belt, nested PCR performed in a certified laboratory should be used as an absolute reference when evaluating new diagnostic tests

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H5N1 in Africa: A Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis and Molecular Characterization of Isolates

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/H5N1 was first officially reported in Africa in early 2006. Since the first outbreak in Nigeria, this virus spread rapidly to other African countries. From its emergence to early 2008, 11 African countries experienced A/H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and human cases were also reported in three of these countries. At present, little is known of the epidemiology and molecular evolution of A/H5N1 viruses in Africa. We have generated 494 full gene sequences from 67 African isolates and applied molecular analysis tools to a total of 1,152 A/H5N1 sequences obtained from viruses isolated in Africa, Europe and the Middle East between 2006 and early 2008. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of the 8 gene viral segments confirmed that 3 distinct sublineages were introduced, which have persisted and spread across the continent over this 2-year period. Additionally, our molecular epidemiological studies highlighted the association between genetic clustering and area of origin in a majority of cases. Molecular signatures unique to strains isolated in selected areas also gave us a clearer picture of the spread of A/H5N1 viruses across the continent. Mutations described as typical of human influenza viruses in the genes coding for internal proteins or associated with host adaptation and increased resistance to antiviral drugs have also been detected in the genes coding for transmembrane proteins. These findings raise concern for the possible human health risk presented by viruses with these genetic properties and highlight the need for increased efforts to monitor the evolution of A/H5N1 viruses across the African continent. They further stress how imperative it is to implement sustainable control strategies to improve animal and public health at a global level

    Epidemiology, Molecular Characterization and Antibiotic Resistance of Neisseria meningitidis from Patients ≤15 Years in Manhiça, Rural Mozambique

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    BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of meningococcal disease in Mozambique and other African countries located outside the "meningitis belt" remains widely unknown. With the event of upcoming vaccines microbiological and epidemiological information is urgently needed. METHODS: Prospective surveillance for invasive bacterial infections was conducted at the Manhiça District hospital (rural Mozambique) among hospitalized children below 15 years of age. Available Neisseria meningitidis isolates were serogrouped and characterized by Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST). Antibiotic resistance was also determined. RESULTS: Between 1998 and 2008, sixty-three cases of confirmed meningococcal disease (36 meningitis, 26 sepsis and 1 conjunctivitis) were identified among hospitalized children. The average incidence rate of meningococcal disease was 11.6/100,000 (8/100,000 for meningitis and 3.7/100,000 for meningococcemia, respectively). There was a significant rise on the number of meningococcal disease cases in 2005-2006 that was sustained till the end of the surveillance period. Serogroup was determined for 43 of the 63 meningococcal disease cases: 38 serogroup W-135, 3 serogroup A and 2 serogroup Y. ST-11 was the most predominant sequence type and strongly associated with serogroup W-135. Two of the three serogroup A isolates were ST-1, and both serogroup Y isolates were ST-175. N. meningitidis remained highly susceptible to all antibiotics used for treatment in the country, although the presence of isolates presenting intermediate resistance to penicillin advocates for continued surveillance. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show a high rate of meningococcal disease in Manhiça, Mozambique, mainly caused by serogroup W-135 ST-11 strains, and advocates for the implementation of a vaccination strategy covering serogroup W-135 meningococci in the country

    A rapid screening tool for psychological distress in children 3--6years old: results of a validation study.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The mental health needs of young children in humanitarian contexts often remain unaddressed. The lack of a validated, rapid and simple tool for screening combined with few mental health professionals able to accurately diagnose and provide appropriate care mean that young children remain without care. Here, we present the results of the principle cross-cultural validation of the "Psychological Screening for Young Children aged 3 to 6" (PSYCAa3-6). The PSYCa 3--6 is a simple scale for children 3 to 6 years old administered by non-specialists, to screen young children in crises and thereby refer them to care if needed. METHODS: This study was conducted in Maradi, Niger. The scale was translated into Hausa, using corroboration of independent translations. A cross-cultural validation was implemented using quantitative and qualitative methods. A random sample of 580 mothers or caregivers of children 3 to 6 years old were included. The tool was psychometrically examined and diagnostic properties were assessed comparing the PSYCa 3--6 against a clinical interview as the gold standard. RESULTS: The PSYCa 3--6 Hausa version demonstrated good concurrent validity, as scores correlated with the gold standard and the Clinical Global Impression Severity Scale (CGI-S) [rho = 0.41, p-value = 0.00]. A reduction procedure was used to reduce the scale from 40 to 22 items. The test-retest reliability of the PSYCa 3--6 was found to be high (ICC 0.81, CI95% [0.68; 0.89]). In our sample, although not the purpose of this study, approximately 54 of 580 children required subsequent follow-up with a psychologist. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first validation of a screening scale for children 3 to 6 years old with a cross-cultural validation component, for use in humanitarian contexts. The Hausa version of the PSYCa 3--6 is a reliable and a valuable screening tool for psychological distress. Further studies to replicate our findings and additional validations of the PSYCa 3--6 in other populations may help improve the delivery of mental health care to children