16 research outputs found

    Caractéristiques biochimiques et microbiologiques de moutardes africaines produites à base de graines fermentées de Parkia biglobosa et de Glycine max, vendues en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Cette étude a été menée pour déterminer les compositions biochimiques et microbiologiques de moutardes africaines (soumbara) à base de graines de néré et de soja vendues sur les marchés locaux. Pour la composition chimique, les teneurs moyennes en eau se situent entre 15,35±3,28 et 29,53±2,33%, les teneurs moyennes en cendres entre 2,81±0,06 et 4,93±0,08%, les teneurs moyennes en protéines brutes entre 28,47±3,1 et 30,90±2,16% et les teneurs moyennes en lipides entre 18,42±0,86 et 37,13±2,69%. Il a été noté que les soumbara des différentes villes diffèrent significativement par leurs teneurs en eau, en cendres et en lipides. La charge microbiologique et la composition chimique des soumbara ont été déterminées par les méthodes classiques. Pour les caractéristiques microbiologiques, la qualité évaluée selon la directive 2005/2073/CE relatives aux critères microbiologiques applicables aux denrées alimentaires a été jugée acceptable. En outre, ces travaux ont montré que la microflore associée à la fermentation des graines de Parkia biglobosa et de Glycine max, était essentiellement constituée de Bacillus, de Staphyloccocus, de streptocoques du groupe D et C, ainsi que de levures et de moisissures. Trois Bacillus ont été impliquées dans la production du soumbara à base des graines fermentées de Parkia biglobosa. Deux Bacillus ont été impliquées dans la production du soumbara à base de graines de Glycine max. La présente étude constitue une première pour l’élaboration des normes de conformités applicables aux moutardes africaines en vue d’une standardisation de leurs caractéristiques de qualité.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Parkia biglobosa, Glycine max, valeur nutritive, fermentation, microflore, protéines, Côte d’IvoireEnglish Title:  Biochemical and microbiological characteristics of African mustards produced from fermented Parkia biglobosa seeds and fermented Glycine max, sold in Côte d’IvoireEnglish AbstractThis study was conducted to evaluate "the African mustard» produced from fermented Parkia biglobosa seeds and fermented Glycine max, in order to determine their nutritional and microbial qualities. Overall composition of these local condiments was determined. Results indicted that the water content ranged from 15.35 ± 3.28 to 29.53 ± 2.33%, ash content ranged from 2.81 ± 0.06 to 4.93 ± 0 08%, protein content ranged from 28 47 ± 3.1 to 30.90 ± 2.16% and lipid content were 18.42 ± 0.86 to 37.13 ± 2.69%. It should be noted that mustards sampling in different cities were significantly different in their water, ash and fat content. For microbial, bacterial and fungal counts were observed. Food security and quality were assessed according to EC 2005/2073 recommendation. This observation indicated microbiological safety to all samples of mustards. Study shown that, fermentative bacteria of Parkia biglobosa and Glycine max seed were Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus C and D, as well as yeasts and molds. Three Bacillus are commonly involved in Nere mustard fermentation. Two Bacillus are involved in soy mustard fermentation.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Parkia biglobosa, Glycine max, nutritive value, fermentation, proteins, Côte d’Ivoir

    Impact des Évolutions Climatiques sur les Ressources en eau des Petits Bassins en Afrique Sub-Saharienne: Application au Bassin Versant du Bandama à Tortiya (Nord Côte d’Ivoire)

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    The objective of this study is to show the effect of climate change on water resources in the Bandama Basin in Tortiya. To achieve this objective, various data (rainfall, flow rates, temperatures) from different sources and methods (NICHOLSON indices, Hanning order 2 low pass filter, PETTIT test) were used. The application of Nicholson indices associated with the Hanning Filter to the rainfall and hydrological series revealed a climatic variability characterized by an alternation of wet, normal and dry phases. The statistical method of PETTIT indicates a rainfall rupture at the Dikodougou and Sirasso stations, which occurred in 1970 and 1971, respectively. These ruptures mark a modification of rainfall and hydrological regimes. They are accompanied by a decrease in rainfall of 9% in Sirasso and 10% in Dikodougou. The drop in rainfall has resulted in a decrease in the inflow of water that passes through the watercourses in the basin as well as the groundwater reserves with a hydrological deficit of 66.5% of flows from Bandama to Tortiya. The average assessment of recharge in the Bandama Basin in Tortiya calculated by the Thornthwaite method on the Sirasso and Dikodougou stations is 197.5 mm of infiltrated water, ie an average volume of water of 691,250,000 m3. Thus, the water supply of the aquifers of the Bandama sub-basin in Tortiya is not very well assured because of the weak rains since the 70's.L’objectif de cette étude est de montrer l’effet de l’évolution climatique sur les ressources en eau dans le bassin du Bandama à Tortiya. Pour atteindre cet objectif, diverses données (pluies, débits et températures) de sources différentes et méthodes (indices de NICHOLSON, filtre passe-bas d’ordre 2 de Hanning, test de PETTIT) ont été utilisées. L'application des indices de Nicholson associée au Filtre de Hanning aux séries pluviométriques et hydrologiques a mis en évidence une variabilité climatique caractérisée par une alternance de phases humides, normales et sèches. La méthode statistique de PETTIT indique une rupture pluviométrique à la station de Dikodougou et de Sirasso, intervenue respectivement en 1970 et en 1971. Ces ruptures marquent une modification des régimes pluviométriques et hydrologiques. Elles s’accompagnent d’une diminution de la pluviométrie de 9% à Sirasso et de 10% à Dikodougou. La baisse de la pluviométrie a eu pour effet une diminution des apports d’eau qui transitent dans les cours d’eau dans le bassin ainsi que les réserves en eau souterraines avec un déficit hydrologique de 66,5% des débits du fleuve Bandama à Tortiya. L’évaluation moyenne (1901-2016) de la recharge dans le bassin de Bandama à Tortiya calculée par la méthode de Thornthwaite sur les stations de Sirasso et de Dikodougou est de 197,5 mm d’eau infiltré soit un volume d’eau moyen annuel de 691 250 000 m3 . Ainsi, L’alimentation en eau des aquifères du bassin versant du Bandama à Tortiya n’est pas très bien assurée à cause de la faiblesse des pluies depuis les années 70

    Influence de la Consommation Alimentaire sur les Personnes Vivant Avec le VIH/Sida à l’Hôpital Militaire d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) Avant et Pendant la Prise des Antirétroviraux

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    The success of HAART has increased the life expectancy of people living with HIV. In order to determine the influence of food consumption on PLWHIV / AIDS, a cohort study was conducted at the Abidjan Military Hospital (HMA) From January 2006 to December 2009, starchy foods, cereals and protein and mineral sources were mostly consumed by patients from different ethnic groups living with HIV before and during ARVs according to their dietary habits. Starchy foods such as plantain, cassava and yam were the most commonly consumed by the Akan ethnic group with respective rates of 88.1%, 83.8% and 79.9% before and 88.7%, 83.7% and 80.3% while taking ARVs. In contrast, sweet potato was the most consumed by non-Ivorians before and during ARVs. Food fortification has also been supplemented by cereals such as rice, maize and millet consumed mainly by the Mandé ethnic group during the taking of the said molecular combinations. In terms of protein sources and mineral salts, fish, meat and eggs were the most consumed by the Akan ethnic group while taking these ARVs. These foods rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins have been reinforced and healthy, varied and balanced consumption has been recommended to them in order to allow their body to better support the various side effects of these molecules and curbing opportunistic diseases. Taking antiretrovirals does not change the diet of people living with HIV / AIDS studied at the Abidjan Military Hospital.Le succès de la multithérapie antirétrovirale a augmenté l’espérance de vie des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH (PVVIH). En vue de déterminer l’influence de la consommation alimentaire sur les PVVIH/sida, une étude de cohorte a été menée à l’Hôpital Militaire d’Abidjan (HMA). De janvier 2006 à décembre 2009, des féculents, céréales, sources protéiques et sels minéraux ont été majoritairement consommés par des patients de différents groupes ethniques avant et pendant la prise des ARV selon leur habitude alimentaire. Les féculents: banane plantain, manioc et igname ont été les plus consommées par le groupe ethnique Akan avec des taux respectifs (88,1 ; 83,8 et 79,9 %) avant et (88,7 ; 83,7 et 80,3 %) pendant la prise des ARV. En revanche, la patate douce a été la plus consommée par les non ivoiriens avant et pendant la prise ARV. Par ailleurs, Le renforcement de l’alimentation a été aussi complété par les céréales telles que : riz, maïs et mil consommés majoritairement par le groupe ethnique Mandé. Au niveau des sources protéiques et sels minéraux : poisson, viande et œuf ont été les plus consommés par le groupe ethnique Akan. Ces aliments ont été renforcés et des consommations, saines, variés et équilibrés ont été conseillées à ceux-ci en vue de permettre à leur organisme de supporter au mieux les effets secondaires et freiner les maladies opportunistes. La prise des antirétroviraux ne changent pratiquement pas le régime alimentaire des PVVIH/sida étudié à l’HMA

    Analyse de la variabilité climatique et de ses influences sur les régimes pluviométriques saisonniers en Afrique de l’Ouest : cas du bassin versant du N’zi (Bandama) en Côte d’Ivoire

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    The climate variability was generally studied in West Africa and particularly in Ivory Coast. The rainfall variability was specifically analysed. Therefore, rainfall variables such as rainy days frequency and rainfall seasonal duration are little studied. The main purpose of the following work is to show the climate influence on seasonal rainfall regimes on the N’zi (Bandama) watershed. We have documented two main aspects of climate variability. In the first part, the climate variability was characterised by the analysis of air temperature, air humidity, rainfall index, rainfall days frequency and seasonal rainfall duration. In the second step, we compared the standard monthly rainfall for 1951-2000 period so as to analyse the behaviour of seasonal rainfall regimes in the climate variability context. An analysis in normalized principal components (ANPC) allowed the analysis of the impact of the climatic factors on the seasonal rainfall regimes. The climate variability was manifested by a decline of the spatial and temporal annual rainfall, a decrease of rainfall days frequency particularly those which are superiors to 10 mm and a reduction of rainfall seasonal duration (30 to 35 days) since 1970. In this study, the most important result of our investigations is the lack of change in the monthly rainfall regimes on the N’zi (Bandama) watershed. The analysis in normalized principal components (ANPC) based on fourteen (14) variables, made it possible to highlight the impact of climate variability on the seasonal rainfall regimes. The first and main component (F1) is associated with the factors defining the atmospheric conditions. The second and third components (F2 and F3) are associated with the variables related to precipitations. As for the factors which influence the temporal variability of the seasonal pluviometric regimes, it appeared that the six rainfall variables are influenced by air temperature as well as the relative humidity of the air. It was thus concluded that air temperature and the relative humidity of the air are factors of the temporal variability of the seasonal rainfall regimes on the N’zi (Bandama) watershed

    Environmental vulnerability index : application to the white bandama bassin in the northern CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    The White Bandama Basin (WBB) faces multiple changes that could undermine it. In order to analyze its sensitivity to those changes, the environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI), developed by the South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC), as a global composite index that quantifies the vulnerability of an area’s environment, was applied to the basin. The results revealed that the major vulnerability issues are from anthropogenic sources, country-characteristics and climate changes. The most important climate risk factor for the basin is drought. The overall risk factor in the basin is higher than the means of resistance, making it moderately sensitive to changes

    Effect of Harvest Date on Technological Yield and Evolution of Hydrocyanic Acid Loss Rate after Transformation of Cassava Root (Manihot Esculenta CRANTZ) from Yacé Variety by Placali and Attiéké Consumed in Côte d'Ivoire

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    In order to contribute to their better utilization and valorization, tuberous roots of cassava (Manihot esculenta CRANTZ) of the yace variety consumed in Côte d’Ivoire have drawn our attention. Four different harvest periods of these tuberous roots were used in the study. Cassava tubers were harvested at 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th months after planting. The hydrocyanic acid loss rate and technological yield after the transformation of cassava roots (harvested at the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th months after planting) into placali and attiéké were investigated. The results showed that the products obtained with the 11 th month of harvest had the greatest losses. Peeling (29.59 % for attiéké and 36.68 % for placali) and pressing (33.32 % for attiéké and 34.56 % for placali) are the stages causing the most significant losses during the transformation of cassava roots into placali and attiéké. The technological yield increases with the harvest period and falls after the twelfth month. The maximum corresponding to the 12th month of harvest is 81.65 % for attiéké and 70.83 % for placali. Regarding the rate of loss of hydrocyanic acid, it was moreimportant at the eleventh month of harvest for placali and attiéké with respective values of 95.85 % and 94.11 %. Cassava tubers harvested at the 12th month after planting are therefore ideal for the production of attiéké and placali

    Observed Changes in Rainfall and Characteristics of Extreme Events in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa)

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    International audienceThis study evaluates how the characteristics of daily rainfall and extreme events in Côte d’Ivoire changed during 1961–2015 using the rain gauge observation network of the National Meteorological Service (SODEXAM). The results indicate that the northern and southern parts of Cote d’Ivoire experienced a change from a wet to a dry period, with cut-offs in 1982 and 1983, respectively. In the northern part, this dry period was marked by a decrease in rainfall intensity, the length of wet spells, and the contribution of heavy and extreme rainfall, as well as an increase in the number of rainy days and a decrease in the length of dry spells. Over the southern part, this dry period was marked by an increase in the maximum length of dry spells associated with an increase in the maximum 1-day and 5-day precipitation events. The western part of Côte d’Ivoire experienced a late cut-off from the wet to dry period in 2000; the dry period was associated with a decrease in the number of rainy days, rainfall intensities, and maximum length of wet spells. Changes in the central part of Cote d’Ivoire presented high variability, and trends were less marked, even though a cut-off from a wet to dry period was detected in 1991. This study shows that Côte d’Ivoire, which is located in a subhumid and humid region and has an economy dependent on agriculture (especially cash crops, which comprise 60% of the GDP), is experiencing dry spells that are increasing in frequency and length. Combined with deforestation to increase production, this situation could lead to desertification and compromise the sustainable development goals of the country. The contribution of heavy rainfall was found to increase during the last 15 years, increasing the overall risk of floods, especially in urban areas where city authorities and populations are not prepared, thereby threatening infrastructure and human security


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    International audienceWith its large industrial plantations, the current climate change is strongly weakening the agroecological systems of Côte d'Ivoire. The study is based on daily and hourly rainfall observations at the Abidjan station. In particular, it seeks to identify how dry or rainy sequences have evolved with current climate change. The first results of this study clearly show a decrease in dry spells. However, on a monthly time resolution, this decrease of durations must be qualified according to the season. These trends, which are globally decreasing, contradict the agricultural practices of these regions, which imply being able to keep sufficiently long periods without soil humidity.Avec ses grandes plantations industrielles, le changement climatique actuel fragilise fortement les systèmes agro-écologiques de la Côte d’Ivoire. L’étude s’appuie sur des observations pluviométriques relevées à la station d’Abidjan, au pas de temps journalier et horaire. Elle cherche tout particulièrement à cerner comment les séquences sèches, ou pluvieuses, ont évolué sous la contrainte du changement climatique actuel. Les premiers résultats de ce travail montrent clairement une diminution des séquences sèches. A l’échelle mensuelle, il faut cependant nuancer cette érosion des durées selon les moments de l’année. Ces tendances, globalement à la baisse, viennent contrarier les pratiques culturales de ces régions, qui impliquent de pouvoir conserver une partie du temps des moments suffisamment longs dépourvus d’humidité