134 research outputs found

    Pengaruh penurunan salinitas air terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup udang windu (Penaeus monodon Fabricius)=The Effect of Decreasing in Water Salinity on the Growth and Survival Rate of the Tiger Prawn (Pen

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    ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of decreasing in water salinity on the growth and survival rate of the tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius). The growth and survival rate were very much influenced by the quality of environtmental factors and the prawn\u27s ability to adapt on water salinity changes. The experiment was conducted by using glass aquaria, complete with aeration. The water salinity was decreased every three weeks, at a 5 ppt concentration interval. The water salinity in the four control aquaria remained constant during the experiment. Observation on the rale of weight growth, length of prawn and water quality were conducted each week Randomized Completed Design of 5 treatment and 4 replication were used in this experiment. The results of the experiment shown that the decreasing in water salinity affected the absolute weight growth and daily weight growth rate and significantly differed between treatments. But there was no significant difference in the total growth rale and carapac length_ The growth rate the standard length was significantly different between treatments. The effect of decreasing in water salinity to water quality showed that unionized ammonium concentration (NH3), ion nitrit (NO2), free carbon dioxide (CO2), dissolved oxygen and water temperature were not significantly different between all the treatments. Key words: salinity - Penaeus monadon Fabricius - water sanilit


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi praktek Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (PPB) di Pondok Pesantren. Setting penelitian: Pondok Pesantren Modern Selamat Kendal yang sudah ada motivasi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan fisik dan biologis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif naturalistik yang mengedepankan adanya interaksi dan observasi partisipatif dengan subjek yang diteliti, dan melakukan observasi, dan wawancara dengan komunitas pondok pesantren. Pemilihan sampel secara purposive, accidental, dan snow-ball sampling. Kondisi lingkungan dan proses pembelajaran PPB diobservasi secara mendalam. Hasil wawancara ditranskrip, kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif. Data penelitian kualitatif berupa naratif, deskriptif, dokumen pribadi, catatan lapangan, dokumen pondok pesantren, foto, video-tapes, dan hasil rekaman CCTV. Guna memperoleh validitas data, komponen analisis data yang dilakukan adalah pengelompokan data, refleksi, dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan 5 dimensi PPB yakni dimensi lingkungan, ekonomi, sosial-budaya, edukasional dan spiritual yang telah diimplementasikan dengan baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari oleh seluruh komunitas pondok. Implementasi ini terutama didukung oleh faktor kurukulum, proses pembelajaran pengetahuan umum dan agama, serta aktivitas spiritual komunitas pesantren dan Pendirinya. Kata Kunci: PPB, pondok pesantre


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    Turgo is the closest village to Mount Merapi and a disaster-prone area. This research aims to study the social, economic, and cultural characteristics of Turgo society and understand the rules and values prevailing in the usage of natural resources and the environment. The research was conducted in Turgo, Purwobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, DIY (Yogyakarta Special Province). The research was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively, data retrieval was done by in-depth interviews and identifying the diversity of cultivated plants and husbandry animals. Respondents included village officials, community leaders and the society that were determined by random sampling as many as 20 families. Data were analysed descriptively, and the analysis of the biological environment quality used Soerjani’s criteria in Fandeli, et al. (2006). The results of the analysis of the biological environment quality show that the diversity of flora and beneficial flora in Turgo are excellent. Farming is done on the basis of the local environment wisdom by combining woody plants, crops and livestock with traditional agro-forestry system (Thaman in Sarjono, 2003). Turgo society lives in harmony, applies the subsistence agriculture, upholds traditions, spiritual and cultural life, conserves biodiversity and preserves the environment, so that these keep the balance among ecological, socio-economic and cultural spiritual aspects that is the characteristics of eco-village by Arifin, et al. (2009)

    Pengelolaan Penilaian Autentik Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Matematika Di SMA

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ada tiga. (1) Mendeskripsikan penyusunan instrument penilaianautentik mata pelajaran matematika. (2) Mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan penilaianautentik mata pelajaran matematika. (3) Mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan hasil penilaian autentik mata pelajaran matematika. Jenis penelitian kualitatif menggunakan desain etnografi. Tempat penelitian di SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo. Waktu penelitian dari bulan februari 2016 sampai dengan bulan agustus 2016. Subjek penelitian wakil kepala sekolah bagian kurikulum, guru matematika dan siswa kelas XI Ipa. Teknik analisis data dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Validasi data dengan triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Analisis data dengan teknik interaktif dengan proses reduksi data, analisis data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ada tiga. (1) Penyusunan instrumen penilaian dilakukan dengan menetapkan aspek yang diteliti, merumuskan tujuan, merumuskan indicator berdasarkan kompetensi dasar, dan membuat kriteria ketuntasan minimal. (2) Pelaksanaan penilaian aspek sikap menggunakan teknik observasi dan jurnal. Pelaksanaan aspek pengetahuan dilakukan dengan tes lisan, tes tertulis dan penugasan. Tes lisan sebagai pendukung tes tertulis. Penugasan dilakukan dengan berkelompok maupun individu. Pelaksanaan aspek keterampilan dilakukan dengan teknik unjuk kerja menggunakan skala penilaian yang disertai rubrik. (3) Pemanfatan hasil penilaian untuk membentuk sikap positif siswa, menyeragamkan kemampuan berfikir siswa, memberikan informasi kepada orangtua, dan perbaikan dalam rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran


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    ABSTRACT Urban reforestation which emphasized the regreening of the non-building block open space is aimed at reducing air temperature, accelerating air-flow, absorbing solar radiation, absorbing air pollutant, increasing air moisture, and providing comfort, coolness and freshness for urban environment. This research which was conducted over the Urban Evergreen Open Space (Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kota) of Kudus Plaza Parking Garden and Tugu Identitas Garden areas, was aimed at studying the difference in microclimate condition and discomfort index based on canopy coverage and tree density, and to find out the capability of trees (vegetation) in reducing air temperature and increasing air moisture. The parameters measured in this study were: air temperature, air moisture, wind velocity, solar radiation, canopy coverage, tree density, tree height, and (three) density. An experimental method was applied for this research, where the sample of study was taken random by using a transect method. Variances analysis with a Completely Randomized Design followed with multiple and partial regressions. From the analysis result of a Completely Randomized Design, significant difference from microclimate elements (temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and solar radiation) and comfort level (implemented in discomfort index) was shown in both studies. The regression analysis showed significant effects of canopy thickness and coverage on air temperature and moisture. Whereas, the effect of tree height was not significant. Based on the results of study, it was concluded that the differences in tree densities and canopy coverage percentage would exert some effect on the condition of microclimate elements. In addition, the canopy thickness and coverage factors also influenced temperature change and air moisture. Keywords: urban evergreen open space, microclimate, discomfort inde

    Sikap Pengguna Terhadap Jasa Layanan Sirkulasi Pada Kantor Arsip Dan Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Manado

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    The role of libraries is great because in addition to acting as one of the places of learning, he also acts as a source of information in the process of learning the general population of children to adults.Aim to find out how user attitudes toward circulation services at Library and Archive Office of Manado City. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method.Utilization of services in the circulation of Library and Archive Office of Manado City is still relatively low. This is evidenced by the attitude expressed through the answers to the questionnaire that was completed by 25 respondents were included in this study. The attitude of the registration of members of the library service users showed 17 people or (68%) of all respondents replied that these services are less well masi. As for the book loan service to be positive where the number of respondents who answered either there are 17 people or 68%. Returns the book there are 17 people or (68%) who say the same thing and 6 or (24%) expressed very well only one person who answered the less good and not good

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Bantuan Logistik Bencana Banjir Di Jawa Tengah Berdasarkan Proses Hierarki Analitik

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    Bencana banjir merupakan bencana yang paling sering terjadi setiap tahun di Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) sebagai instansi yang terkait kebencanaan bertanggung jawab menyediakan kebutuhan logistik. Penyediaan tersebut membutuhkan data kejadian bencana terbaru dari tim khusus BPBD di tempat kejadian. Tim tersebut bernama Tim Reaksi Cepat (TRC). TRC mengirimkan data terbaru melalui email ke BPBD untuk kemudian dianalisis secara manual. Tugas Akhir ini membangun sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) untuk suplai logistik bencana banjir di Jawa Tengah. Sistem dibangun dengan metode Proses Hierarki Analitik (PHA) dan berbasis web. Metode PHA menguraikan masalah pemberian bantuan logistik yang kompleks menjadi bagian-bagian yang sederhana berbentuk hierarki sehingga permasalahan menjadi lebih terstruktur dan sistematis. Sistem ini menggunakan lima kriteria pertimbangan yaitu, jumlah kematian, jumlah luka dan pengungsi, kerugian harta benda, kerusakan infrastruktur, dan daerah banjir. Hasil dari sistem adalah bahan pendukung yang dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan pemberian bantuan logistik

    Beberapa effek samping serta penentuan toxisitas pestisida di dalam lingkungan

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    Keyword : effek samping penentuan toxisitas, pestisid


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    Incorporation of rice straw into soil is a common practice to improve soil productivity and increase inorganic fertilizer availability. However, this practice could contribute to methane (CH4) emission; one of the greenhouse gases that causes global warming. Nitrification inhibitors such as neem cake and carbofuran may reduce methane emission following application of rice straw. The study aimed to evaluate the application of rice straw and nitrification inhibitor to methane emission in rainfed lowland rice system. A factorial randomized block design was used with three replications. The first factor was rice straw incorporation (5 t ha-1 fresh straw, 5 t ha-1 composted straw), and the second factor was nitrification inhibitor application (20 kg ha-1 neem cake, 20 kg ha-1 carbofuran). The experiment was conducted at rainfed lowland in Pati, Central Java, during 2009/2010 wet season. Ciherang variety was planted as direct seeded rice with spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm in each plot of 4 m x 5 m. The rice straw was treated together with soil tillage, whereas nitrification inhibitor was applied together with urea application. Parameters observed were methane flux, plant height, plant biomass, grain yield, organic C content, and bacterial population in soil. The methane flux and soil organic C were measured at 25, 45, 60, 75, and 95 days after emergence. The results showed that composted rice straw incorporation significantly emitted methane lower (73.2 ± 6.6 kg CH4 ha-1 season-1) compared to the fresh rice straw (93.5 ± 4.0 CH4 ha-1 season-1). Application of nitrification inhibitors neem cake and carbofuran reduced methane emission as much as 20.7 and 15.4 kg CH4 ha-1 season-1, respectively. Under direct seeded rice system, methane flux level correlated with plant biomass as shown by linear regression of Y = 0.0015 X + 0.0575 (R2 = 0.2305, n = 27). This means that higher plant biomass produced more methane flux. The study indicates that application of nitrification inhibitors such as neem cake is prospective in decreasing methane emission from direct seeded rice cropping.
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