29 research outputs found


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    Dana Investasi Real Estate (DIRE) sekarang sudah diatur cukup jelas dalamperaturan POJK Nomor 64/POJK.04/2017, namun investasi dengan menggunakaninstrument Dana Investasi Real Estate ini masih belum banyak diterapkan oleh PengusahaProperti di Indonesia, dikarenakan masih banyaknya kelemahan-kelemahan sepertinaiknya tingkat suku bunga bahkan kurangnya investor asing yang masuk ke Indonesia.Maka Penulis tertarik untuk melakukan penulisan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui:1) bagaimana efektivitas pemberlakuan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 64/POJK.04/2017 tentang Dana Investasi Real Estat Berbentuk Kontrak Investasi Kolektifdi Indonesia, 2) Bagaimana tata cara perusahaan properti menerbitkan Dana InvestasiReal Estate di Indonesia, dan 3) Bagaimana cara agar Instrument Dana Investasi RealEstate berkembang di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisanadalah normatif-empiris. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penulisan ini adalah bahwapenerapan atau penerbitan DIRE di Indonesia masih terbilang sangat rendah karenapemintat atau investor untuk melakukan intrusment ini sangat kecil meskipun pemerintahsudah menghapus pajak berganda dan menurunkan tarif Pajak Penghasilan menjadi0,5% (nol koma lima persen) dari jumlah bruto nilai pengalihan Real Estate. Perlunyapertimbangan untuk menurunkan tarif pajak yang dikenakan dalam menggunakaninstrument DIRE selain Pajak Penghasilan yaitu tarif Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah danBangunan (BPHTB) yang dikenakan sebesar 5% (lima persen) agar dilakukan penurunanyang sebenarnya menjadi wewenang dari Pemerintah Daerah agar instrument DIRE inidapat menjadi alternatif investasi oleh masyarakat atau investor


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      This study of natural resource management under the Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution is more motivated by economic justice where the management of natural resource always ignores the environmental aspects as such that the state fails to protect the community. The state should significantly increase the prosperity and welfare of the people. Environmental aspects become the last criteria in promulgating economic policies and production processes at macro and micro scale in the mining sector. The existence of PETI is generated by internal and external triggering factors. Community believes that mining commodities in the surrounding area can stimulate prosperity while the quality of human resources is generally low and financial capacity is limited. This eventually triggered the emergence of illegal people's mining practices. Technical requirements for granting IPR mentioned in the  Article 48 Paragraph 2 letter b of Governmental Regulation  No. 23, 2010 is difficult to meet by community miners. Under Article 9 Paragraph (3) jis Article 11 Paragraph (1), Article 13 Paragraph (3) letter (e) of Law No. 23, 2014 regarding Regional Government, energy and mineral resource issues is included in concurrent Administration affairs. Central Government, in passing its policy should consider local wisdom while paying attention to national interests. Keyword : Mining, People, Policy.  Kajian terhadap penglolaan sumber daya alam menurut Pasal 33 UUD 1945 lebih bermotif keadilan ekonomi dan selalu mengesampingkan aspek lingkungan sehingga negara gagal dalam melindungi masyarakat. Seharusnya negara secara nyata meningkatkan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Aspek lingkungan menjadi kriteria terakhir dalam penentuan kebijakan ekonomi dan proses produksi dalam skala makro dan mikro dalam sektor pertambangan.  Eksistensi PETI disebabkan oleh faktor pemicu baik internal maupun eksternal. Masyarakat menilai komoditas tambang di sekitar wilayahnya dapat diusahakan guna memberikan kesejahteraan bagi meraka, sementara kualitas sumber daya manusia secara umum terbilang rendah dan kemampuan finansial terbatas. Hal tersebut pada akhirnya menjadi pemicu munculnya praktek-praktek pertambangan rakyat illegal. Syarat-syarat teknis pemberian IPR pada Pasal 48 Ayat 2 huruf b  PP No. 23 Tahun 2010 sulit dipenuhi oleh penambang rakyat. Menurut ketentuan pasal Pasal 9 Ayat (3) jis Pasal 11 Ayat (1), Pasal 13 Ayat (3) huruf (e), UU Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, persoalan energi dan sumber daya mineral termasuk urusan Pemerintahan konkuren.Pemerintah Pusat dalam membentuk kebijakan harus memperhatikan kearifan lokal dan sebaliknya Daerah ketika membentuk kebijakan Daerah baik dalam bentuk Perda maupun kebijakan lainnya hendaknya juga memperhatikan kepentingan nasional. Kata Kunci : Kebijakan, Pertambangan, Rakyat


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    Ketentuan Pasal 14 Ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah telah mereduksi pesan moral dan mengakibatkan inkonsistensi kaidah hukum secara vertikal terhadap Pasal 33 ayat 3, Pasal 18, dan Pasal 18A Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 juga menganulir kewenangan Pemda Tingkat II di bidang pertambangan berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Minerba meningkatkan konsekuensi kerusakan lingkungan dan berdampak pada terpinggirkannya perlindungan hukum bagi rakyat kecil yang karena keterbatasan melakukan usaha pertambangan tanpa izin yang diancam sanksi pidana sesuai Pasal 158. Artikel ini didasarkan metode penelitian hukum empiris sosiologis untuk mendapatkan data primer melalui observasi dan wawancara di 6 desa berbeda kecamatan yang ditetapkan secara purposive. Penegakan hukum pertambangan tanpa izin di Kabupaten Kuningan lebih bersifat persuasif kompromis, belum berdampak secara signifikan terhadap fungsi lingkungan karena berkurangnya tekanan penduduk. Perlu dilakukan pemberdayaan hukum kepada mereka agar dapat menggeser mata pencahariannya ke sektor pariwisata & kuliner

    Perlindungan Konsumen Terhadap Transaksi Pembayaran Tertunda Melalui Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS)

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    Penggunaan QRIS sebagai metode pembayaran non tunai digitalisasi, banyak ditemukan kendala, yakni saat melakukan pembayaran menggunakan QRIS status pada pembayaran QRIS oleh konsumen ‘’terpending’’, tetapi saldo pada rekening maupun e-wallet lainnya sebagai sumber pendanaan telah terpotong. Selain itu terdapat pula kasus, pembayaran QRIS dengan status pembayaran ‘’Berhasil’’, saldo sebagai sumber pendanaan telah terpotong, tetapi saldo pembayaran tersebut belum masuk ke pihak merchant. Konsumen yang mengalami kerugian melakukan pembayaran menggunakan QRIS, dapat mengupayakan perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen yang menggunakan QRIS sebagai transaksi pembayaran dapat menempuh jalur Pengadilan Negeri (PN) atau melalui nonlitigasi ke Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK)


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    The invention of airlines as a mode of transportation has made transnational mobility much more efficient than ever. The super high speed technically imperative for air travel without any pivot attached to the grounds makes the vehicle control a difficulty, especially when factoring in various determinants for example, technical failure, bad weather, errors or lack of experience on the part of the pilot. The amount of casualties and the risk of financial loss posed by a single doomed flight, although with number of occurrence lower than road traffic accidents, render it one of the unforeseen events worthy of coverage by travel insurance i.e., to ease the burden of air carriers’ liability in an eventual disaster. In the past, unfortunately, there have been cases where (the heirs of) disaster victims tried and filed compensation claims to several parties they considered capable of being held responsible and milked for indemnities, among others, airlines and travel insurance providers, as well as aircraft manufacturers. Therefore, with the recent disaster involving Sriwijaya Air SJ-182, this study was conducted to analyze the rights due to the legacy of victims of aviation disasters in Indonesia. The results showed that they were eligible to receive compensation from airlines, in addition to cash benefits from PT. Jasa Raharja, and other benefits and/or insurance packages obtained by disaster victims, if any.                  &nbsp


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the criminal liability that must be borne by PT. Agtika Dwisejahter as a result of conducting mining activities without the appropriate permit, which has led to environmental damage. This research also examines the impacts on the environmental and economic sectors arising from the unauthorized mining activities carried out by PT. Agtika Dwisejahter. The normative legal research method is used to analyze various legal regulations related to criminal liability in this case, including environmental protection laws and mining laws. Additionally, this research utilizes literature studies to gather relevant information and data regarding the environmental and economic impacts of illegal mining activities. The research findings indicate that PT. Agtika Dwisejahter is criminally responsible for conducting mining activities without the necessary permit, resulting in environmental damage. The study identifies various criminal sanctions that can be imposed on the company, including fines, revocation of permits, or criminal prosecution against individuals responsible within the company. Furthermore, the research reveals the negative impacts caused by PT. Agtika Dwisejahter's illegal mining activities on the environmental and economic sectors. These impacts include ecosystem destruction, land degradation, and the loss of livelihoods for local communities. Such consequences have a detrimental effect on the environmental and economic sectors, leading to a decline in the quality of natural resources and a decrease in economic development potential in the affected area. This research contributes to understanding the importance of criminal accountability for illegal mining actors in efforts to protect the environment and prevent negative impacts on the environmental and economic sectors. The resulting recommendations include stricter law enforcement against illegal mining violations, strengthening monitoring and enforcement of mining permits, as well as active participation from the community in environmental protection and monitoring of mining company activities

    Upaya Badan Pertanahan Nasional Sebagai Pelaksana Administrasi dari Putusan Pengadilan yang Sudah Berkekuatan Hukum

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    In Indonesia, a rule-of-law state, the relationship between the government and citizens is governed by Administrative Law, ensuring the effectiveness, legitimacy, and legality of state administration. The National Land Agency, established to supervise and nurture land administration, plays a crucial role in implementing the Basic Agrarian Law and managing land registration in accordance with prevailing regulations. Literature studies reveal that the National Land Agency is responsible for providing legal certainty and protecting rights, particularly regarding land ownership. This responsibility includes data management, dispute resolution, and ensuring compliance with legal provisions in court proceedings. The conclusion underscores the importance of the National Land Agency's role in upholding law and safeguarding landholder rights

    Permasalahan dari Adanya Ketidaksesuaian Harga yang Tertera Pada Transaksi Akta Jual Beli (AJB) dengan Harga Transaksi Sesungguhnya

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    In transferring rights to land and buildings by way of sale and purchase, the requirements for the formation of an agreement are sufficient based on the agreement between the parties and an agreement. Article 1320 of the Civil Code explains the conditions for the validity of an agreement. In the process, the transfer of land rights is carried out by prioritizing the principles of light and cash, if an agreement has a defect in the subject, the agreement can be canceled, while there is a defect in the object, it is null and void. PPAT plays an important role as an authorized official in making a Sale and Purchase Deed, in this case PPAT is responsible for the product it has made and its making must be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If a PPAT commits an act that is not in accordance with the applicable regulations, there are legal consequences that will become a problem in the future. The type of research used is normative. To support this research, the author uses a literature study type of research, which examines several documents related to this research. The method in this research is a normative method with a statutory approach. The research data shows how the problem of the price discrepancy in the Sale and Purchase Deed with the actual price

    Akibat Hukum dari Perjanjian yang Dibuat dengan Tanggal Mundur (Back Date)

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    Back date agreement is an agreement made to accommodate past legal actions. The back date agreement is basically made based on the agreement of the parties so that it generally does not cause harm to the parties. Problems arise if this back date agreement is made in the form of an authentic deed, this is because Article 16 paragraph (1) letter m of Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Positions states that: In carrying out his position, the Notary is obliged to: read the deed before an appearance in the presence of at least 2 (two) witnesses, or 4 (four) witnesses specifically for the making of an underhand will, and signed at the same time by the appearer, witness, and Notary." The results of this study indicate that agreements made on a back date, both in the form of oral agreements, underhand deeds, and authentic deeds, basically have fulfilled the legal requirements of the agreement as referred to in Article 1320 of the Civil Code, so that it has legal